AM - 11 miles on mural, 6:07 pace. basically a carbon copy of the morning run yesterday(the 10th mile was even a 5:54 split again), but i ran the first 4 miles a little slower and the last 7 a bit faster.
PM - off. a couple of weeks ago i mentioned how i wore old pegs to work and felt like they were straining my legs, well wore them to work today and ended up spraining my ankle. nothing major, but the tempo run tomorrow is probably off. i'll play it by ear but two strong aerobic 11-milers over the weekend isn't a bad way to get in shape either. i'm planning on running a 10k as a tuneup race(yes, really) in 10 weeks so this is about the point where i have to be hitting every mile and repeat i need to though. maybe i can move the tempo to tuesday if i'm lucky. or i could be absurdly lucky and wake up in the morning like it never happened. fingers crossed for the latter.