AM - 3 mile w/u, 6 x .75 mile on the treadmill in 3:45(12.0 mph) w/ 2:30 jogging recovery, c/d for 12. core, hips, and upper body routine after.
always nice to burn 2000 calories before 6am. means i get to feast today with no repercussions. honestly workout wasn't that hard, it being on a treadmill is a caveat but i did set it at an incline(as i always do) so i'll take it at face value. first one was a shock to the system, next 4 were surprisingly easy, and the last one had me thinking i could add another repeat or two until the last quarter-mile where my form started to break ever so slightly, so called it there. happy with it.
PM - 5 in the new pegs on mural, 6:15 pace. felt good.