AM - 11 on hilton, 6:31 pace. one of the most miserable runs i've had in a long time; the fact that i finished before 7am and it was still over 85F out when factoring humidity in is a sick joke. shoes were drenched by 100m in. the appeal of running to me is that if you work hard you come back every day a little stronger, but this weather spits on that concept by putting a hard cap where if you go past a certain effort you just die to the heat. i'm so got damn sick of it
PM - off. it started raining heavy before i got off work and i already had one pair of pegs soaked to the brim, didn't want my others turned to wet sponges too. gonna do a workout on the treadmill tomorrow morning, might just do all AM runs for the next few weeks on the treadmill tbh, at least i could do aerobic pace without it doubling as a suicide attempt. i really can't put into words how badly this morning run broke me emotionally