AM - 13 on mural, 6:26 pace. it stormed last night, so not only was the course soaked and windy, but also nearly 70 degrees with full humidity by 6:30am. the run should have sucked, and it did, stayed strong though. after like 4 miles the average pace never got slower than 6:27 or faster than 6:26, so i was running good splits even if i felt like i was about to catch on fire.
also, if any southern vets have recommendations on combatting humidity on runs, would love to hear it. jogging 7:30's during the hotter months like i've done in the past is one thing, but aerobic runs like this in warm weather mean getting uncomfortably close to that red line, and i'm not trying to cross it on a run meant for recovery
PM - 5, 6:35 pace. i work this afternoon until late so my only chance to run was around noon. since the recovery time was small plus it's been a solid week of decent mileage, decided to take it easy... after running the first mile in 6:01 :)
sotd: stay fresh - j rocc