| Location: US of A Member Since: May 16, 2015 Gender: Male Goal Type: Other Running Accomplishments: Ran 200 miles in under a week(nov 2019)
Ran 226 miles in under a week twice in 17 days(oct 2023). Ran 250 miles in under a week(mar 2024) Personal: 26. braves fan/canes fanatic/broncos sufferer/spurs fan Favorite Blogs: |
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Fast Miles: 21.17 | Nike Zoom Structure 18 Miles: 58.90 | New Balance MD500v2 Miles: 1.60 | NB Zante(white) Miles: 25.00 | Pegasus 32 Gray Miles: 7.00 | Saucony Type A6 Miles: 29.50 | Nike Elite 8 (Tangerine) Miles: 18.00 |
| | I woke up at 10:15 because my alarm decided to off, without making any noise. Calc started at 10, so I hastily tinkled and ran to class and got my full attendance credit. I think the mile was probably sub 6. After class, I did some HW and did an easy run. That refers to the pace, not how I felt. 80 degrees w/ 20mph winds, and VERY humid. It's okay the first 2 miles or so as a headwind, but when it becomes tailwind you start to overheat very quickly. Halfhearted strides after. No life in the legs today, but I'm not too worried, I had a hard workout 16 hours ago. I gotta start hydrating more.
Fast Miles: 1.00 | Nike Zoom Structure 18 Miles: 5.00 |
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| | 3 mile WU. 2x100 in 13.1, 12.6. 2x300 in 45, 48. Pulled out there. The wind was really bad today. I hit the 200 on the second repeat in 29 and the wind hit me like a wall where it felt like a good effort was just being able to jog through it. I was concerned that my legs were fried from Tuesday, but then I decided to throw in a hard 200m in 25.8, which is my second fastest 200 to date, so that made me think it was just a bad day for Mother Nature. CD for 9
PM wasn't planning on doing anything but it's better than physics w calc. 4x200 on the river walk in 30.8, 28.2, 27.0, 28.1. Felt very good for these, way better than around noon. Good strength and core after!
New Balance MD500v2 Miles: 0.60 | Fast Miles: 1.10 | Nike Zoom Structure 18 Miles: 11.40 |
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| | 7 miles w strides measuring some road k's out for the next workout. Pace was fairly easy mid 6's w/ some strides at the end. Ran in the hour I had between calc and physics w calc(I like calc). Felt pretty fine for four workouts and 3 lifting sessions the past 5 days.
Fast Miles: 0.50 | NB Zante(white) Miles: 7.00 |
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| | AM - just an 8 minute jog. Trying to practice some race stuff, like the shakeout for an afternoon race.
PM - 800m fast, 1000m at tempo, 600m fast. I hit 2:06-7, 3:16, 1:31-2. Legs felt very flat on the warmup, I was SUPER surprised on how the 800 went. Tempo portion felt almost easy, I just had to suck it up on the hills. The 800 going so well and feeling pretty easy was making me think I might be able to go sub 1:30 on the 600, but I didn't take too much rest between repeats and I think I was starting to get some lactic acid buildup. I'm happy with how it went. Did all of these on the loop around the rec, the 800 had a net downhill, the 1000m had a net uphill and the 600 had a net downhill. A good way to end a hard week of training.
Fast Miles: 1.50 | Nike Zoom Structure 18 Miles: 1.00 | NB Zante(white) Miles: 8.00 |
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| | 5 miles. Tired from yesterday!
Managed to snag a pair of new OG Nike Victory spikes for 20 dollars! I've had my other spikes since 2014 and they're hanging by a thread.
Nike Zoom Structure 18 Miles: 5.00 |
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| | Put off running for HW today. When I did run I did it at the rec and it was a real furnace in there. Only got 6 min of tempo. It's hard to keep mentally strong on tempos for me, and treadmills just make it harder. I'm just making excuses though. Will have a better session tomorrow hopefully!
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| | 7 miles w strides in a terrible storm. Felt GREAT!!
Pegasus 32 Gray Miles: 7.00 | Fast Miles: 0.50 |
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| | Shakeout in the morning. Felt good!
2 mile WU. Hilly 800m @1500 pace on the roads in 2:09. Felt really good after that. Ran a mile and a half to the track. Did a 400 and 4x150 w/ 1 min rest going 66, 24, 21, 24, 21. Felt like I was in molasses on those which was super frustrating. I'll blame the lunch I had, which embodied southern food(not healthy). Had dinner with Sean and Ethan after, they're super righteous and probably the two best people I know in a religious sense.
Fast Miles: 1.10 | NB Zante(white) Miles: 10.00 |
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| | Evening run. Felt pretty good, but my hamstrings ached on the hills, they've felt tight for a few days. Did strides after and it felt good to change up my range of motion. OG vic's got here today, and they're pretty great. I'm excited to try them out.
Fast Miles: 0.50 | Nike Zoom Structure 18 Miles: 7.00 |
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| | AM - WU to the track. It rained all night so it was basically impossible to not get soaked in any of the 6 lanes(I've never seen a track like this before(that wasn't a 200m track)). Did 3x400 in 64, 64, 65. 200m rest, which was a little harder than 4 min rest felt. I felt a little tired from 2 days of traveling, but I could have done more. The reason I stopped early was there weren't any unlocked bathrooms and I was starting to feel sick bc of that. OG Vic's felt great. Another note is while rough-housing with my younger cousin on the trampoline yesterday, he landed on my head while I was on the ground and screwed up my neck. I can turn it to the left, but it's pretty hard to turn it the other way.
PM - Awesome workout around 10PM! 2x400 on a net downhill on the roads in 59, 54 +4x200m hills. First 400 I slowed down the last 200, so I told myself "get out fast, and don't relax at all" and, as the time shows(3 sec PR) it went well! Def gonna make hitting 57's and 64's feel that much easier.
Saucony Type A6 Miles: 4.00 | Fast Miles: 2.00 | Nike Zoom Structure 18 Miles: 6.00 |
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| | 4 miles of hills + 4x200m on the roads going up and down a very slight incline. 200's were all under 28, and I started the next one after about 60 seconds because that's when I felt ready to go. Core and stretching after. Starting to get fit again...
Fast Miles: 0.50 | Nike Zoom Structure 18 Miles: 5.00 |
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| | 6 miles around lilburn. I have never seen a more ludicrously hilly place in my life. Made sure to keep a good effort going up the hills. Finished with 3x200m around 3k pace(34).
Fast Miles: 0.50 | Nike Zoom Structure 18 Miles: 6.00 |
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| | AM - 4x1000m w/ 400m recovery. First 3 on the partially muddy soccer fields, last one on the roads. 3:11, 3:09, 3:06, 2:58. very cold and very windy. Warmed up after the first k though so that was good. I've never done 1000m repeats but I have done 1200m repeats before and I usually come through the k in 3:20 so this was pretty good. Felt good to keep the heart rate up for a while. Def gonna take a nap before my PM session. Glad I took yesterday off because my hamstrings felt great! They were tight all yesterday.
No PM speed bc I was busy. HUGE S/O to my good friend Zack for getting his mission call! He's a very righteous and fast dude and I'm glad to call him a friend.
Saucony Type A6 Miles: 8.00 | Fast Miles: 2.50 |
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| | AM - Shakeout before going to the bodies anatomy exhibit. Around 6:00 pace, but for only two miles that's not too impressive.
PM - 5x400. First 3 in 57.2, 57.9, 55.2. Told myself "if you get under 54.5 you can stop at 4". I ran 52.87 but I'm certain I stopped the watch a couple meters short. Still, I'd call it fast enough! Def working that turnover! Gained a few pounds over break, so I'll be even better w/o that weighing me down.
Saucony Type A6 Miles: 5.50 | Fast Miles: 1.00 | Nike Zoom Structure 18 Miles: 2.00 |
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| | Easy recovery + 3 ~300m strides getting some life in the legs. Hilly. Legs aren't sore and nothing really hurts, just tired from yesterday.
Fast Miles: 0.50 | Nike Zoom Structure 18 Miles: 4.50 |
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| | 5 miles shaking out the car ride with strides after. Rolled my ankle on the run. Strides felt GREAT!
Saucony Type A6 Miles: 5.00 | Fast Miles: 0.50 |
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| | AM - up at the crack of dawn for some tempo before classes so I'd have enough recovery for tonight's speed workout. I don't do morning runs, my legs usually take ages to wake up. 800, 1000, 1000, 400 w/ 2-3 min recovery in 2:13, 3:12, 3:11, 71 on the hilly roads. 400 was supposed to be another 1000, but the wind hit hard and I started getting a wicked side stitch.
PM - Speed! 2x(150, 200, 150) w/ 2-3 min rest between repeats, and 5 minutes rest between sets. Times were 19.3, 25.9, 19.0, 19.4, 26.8, 19.8. High 80's out, but I stayed strong! Anything below 19.5 means a 25s 200m if I sustained another 50m(which I could have done on all), so the first 4 I was rolling. Last two I didn't feel too tired, I got a bad blister on my foot for running in new spikes sockless and my feet were burning because of it. Great double!
Lifting, stretching, and core after. Good day to get faster!
Saucony Type A6 Miles: 7.00 | Fast Miles: 3.00 | Nike Elite 8 (Tangerine) Miles: 6.00 |
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| | Baking in the furnace. Felt extremely sore, but after the run and strides, I felt fantastic. Getting to the point where you can feel the heat coming from the asphalt.
Fast Miles: 0.50 | Nike Elite 8 (Tangerine) Miles: 6.00 |
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| | 3x400, 2x400, 1x400 w/ 100m rest between repeats, 4 min between sets. Tired from two workouts and a hard strength session on Monday, and back stretch wind was a wall today. Trying to get faster every set. Ran 64, 65, 65, 62, 64. The 5th one told me I was probably just gonna hurt a lot for another 64, so I stopped at 5. I've read that if you can do three sets of these your average pace is your mile pace. That 100m rest killed. Finished with some 80m starts and a 150m finish.
Fast Miles: 1.50 | Nike Zoom Structure 18 Miles: 6.00 |
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| | 5 miles w strides. Hot out
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| | w/ a 200m in 26 high/27 low. Tomorrow I get to run that and try and survive another 600m.
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| | Grant didn't wake up smh. Stride +3x300 +200 in 44.3, 42.3, 42.0, 28.9. Felt good, but sick to my stomach.
Might end my training for this season here. I've been feeling a bit overwhelmed/stressed lately because of classes and running and lots and lots of physics HW. I could run some PR's, but with only a month of training + no base training I doubt I could hit a low 1:5x or 3:5x So yeah, I might take a couple weeks off and actually relax. It'll be nice to go a few days without constantly thinking about the next workout or splits. Peace!
New Balance MD500v2 Miles: 1.00 | Fast Miles: 0.75 | Nike Elite 8 (Tangerine) Miles: 6.00 |
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Fast Miles: 21.17 | Nike Zoom Structure 18 Miles: 58.90 | New Balance MD500v2 Miles: 1.60 | NB Zante(white) Miles: 25.00 | Pegasus 32 Gray Miles: 7.00 | Saucony Type A6 Miles: 29.50 | Nike Elite 8 (Tangerine) Miles: 18.00 |
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