I went to the Podiatrist today to make sure I was correct in my guess of what injury I had. I was correct when pinpointing the tendon that was messed up. I have Peroneal tendonosis. It wasn't tendonitis as suspected, but either way I am sidelined for quite a while. No Wasatch Back Relay for me. I will focus on getting healed as soon as possible and getting back into it. The doctor took x-rays to make sure I didn't have a stress fracture or a bone fragment floating off the fifth metatarsal. No problems like that. The main issue is that it is still pulling on the insertion point whenever I walk or even worse run. So I need to tape the foot to help keep it immobile. The Doc also hooked me up with a portable 'TENS' device. It is a Electrical nerve stimulator. I use it to relieve pain and stimulate the nerves and muscles near the injury to help it heal. I like it. I am using it right now. He recommended that I lay off the biking and focus more on the pool as that will hurt it less. So that is the plan.
30 min on elliptical. I taped my foot and it gave me no issues. Oh, I was going to go pool running but it was raining until I finished up with the elliptical. Nice.