| Location: Tucson,AZ,USA Member Since: Aug 30, 2007 Gender: Female Goal Type: Age Division Winner Running Accomplishments: PR's
5K: 21:26 (2005)
4 mile: 28:10 (2005)
10K: 43:33 (2010)
10 mile: 1:13:35 (2009) (1:12:15 split in 1/2 marathon, 2011)
1/2 marathon: 1:34:31 (2011)
marathon: 3:19:15 (2013)
Short-Term Running Goals: 3:20 marathon - Eugene Marathon, April 28, 2013 (can I say I really want a sub 3:20? but I will be happy with 3:20-3:23) -- whoohoo!
Some good intermediate races 15K - 1/2 marathon, to gauge my fitness level (done this, hit a 1:34:35 1/2 marathon in March 2013, on a hilly course)
Going after my 10 mile PR in Fall 2013 Maybe some good 10K races after the infernal Arizona summer is over!
Long-Term Running Goals: I want to be one of those runners who is still running in their 80s (or 90s?). You know the ones, who look all grisley and fit? That is what I would like! Until then, I just want to work hard and be as fast as I can, for as long as I can.
Personal: 50 year old, trying to defy gravity and time Used to be faculty at the University of Arizona (biostatistics). Currently manager of the statistics and data management group for companion diagnostics (biomarkers) at Ventana Medical Systems, Inc. (Roche diagnostics). We evaluate protein biomarkers that can be used to direct drug therapy that would be most effective based on individual characteristics (personalized medicine). Favorite Blogs: |
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Miles: | This week: | 0.00 |
Month: | 0.00 |
Year: | 0.00 |
| Easy Miles | Threshold Miles | Marathon Pace Miles | Track speed mileage | Hill mileage | Total | 261.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 261.00 |
| Easy Miles | Threshold Miles | Marathon Pace Miles | Track speed mileage | Hill mileage | Total | 7.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 7.00 |
| 1:04:34. Ran to see Dover (and bring him carrots!). Wanted to run more, but Dean convinced me to lay a little low this week -- and I agreed when I explained that if I did I would try to run for 90 mins on Sunday (my reward for taking it easy for a few more days!). Busy grading -- finals this week, so one more big session of grading after this one and then "schools out for summer!!" YEA! | Add Comment |
| Easy Miles | Threshold Miles | Marathon Pace Miles | Track speed mileage | Hill mileage | Total | 7.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 7.00 |
| Nice hilly run this morning! It is almost summer here ... so I am relishing my 80F runs -- by 12 noon it is in the mid-90s. Last day of classes today - I have been really busy trying to finish up the last quiz and analysis paper grading (50 students - the quizzes took me about 5 hours and the papers took me about 12 hours!!). Luckily, no grants due this week! | Add Comment |
| Easy Miles | Threshold Miles | Marathon Pace Miles | Track speed mileage | Hill mileage | Total | 8.50 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 8.50 |
1:18:13 ... maybe a little longer than 8.5. Today was the first day I have actually run a honest pace. I double sport-bra'd and let it go. It felt pretty good! So ... I have not updated you on my final surgical results because things are pretty complicated. My surgeon asked for a closer look at my pathology because he wasn't sure that the original results were consistent with the biopsy, MRI, ultrasound and mammogram results. In the meantime, I also called a friend and colleague from Vanderbilt University (where Dean I were before we were at U of Utah) - she is a breast pathologist and agreed to do a second opinion on the pathology. The lab here called yesterday and said they sent the biopsy slides from March but couldn't send the surgical slides because they had already sent them out the Mayo Clinic for a second opinion. Apparently there were some sections on the margin that showed atypical cells, but they weren't sure they were cancer, or just pre-cancer. That means that even within the same darn lab they can't get consistent results!!! My pathologist friend said that it means they probably did not take a sufficient enough number of sections from the final lump of tissue they took out (5.8cm x 4cm x 1.3cm -- obviously they can't look at 1,000s of slices, so there is quite a bit of possible variation in which parts they look at under the microscope). I don't think I will need a second surgery at this time -- meaning that I don't think the margins are "dirty" - but this is not completely clear. I have my follow-up appointment with my radiation oncologist this coming Tuesday, pretty sure she is going to recommend radiation ... I am about 90% I am not going to do it. It means I will have 20% chance of recurrence over the next 10 years (1:5) -- but I have done a lot of research and, to me, it is a risk I think I can live with. But, I will listen to what she has to say. Unfortunately, there really is no evidence that original tumor size has anything to do with recurrence risk ... they haven't yet found the definitive marker for which people are more likely to recur -- although, statistically, because I am young, I have (hopefully) many more years of follow-up which (of course) increases the chance of more ... This whole thing is exhausting. But, I am lucky, it could be much worse. I miss you guys, I miss running. I am healing really well. If you stared at my chest enough you could tell that I have had surgery -- but, I am pretty good at "faking" it anyway (since I am pretty small ;-) ). All and all I am pretty happy with the results. I have a pretty gnarly scar (about 2.5 inches long) - the stitches are all on the inside, and the outside was super-glued with some heavy plastic covering that is sort-of coming off. The funniest thing about the visit with the surgeon was he looked at the scar and then said, "you know, you can put neosporin on that". HMMMM? I thought, "what do you mean, do I need to put neosporin on it?" is it infected? Surgeons are pretty funny. He then said, ok, see you in 3 months. I guess he doesn't really have anything else to say about treatment -- his work is to cut, and then follow-up after my mammograms. I have a mammogram in July (???) and then an MRI in October. Sounds like whether I have radiation or not, I can't get away from these doctors ;-)
On another note ... you know how I talk about the River Trail? Well, here is some interesting history that is potentially interesting to some of you on the blog, apparently, one of the earliest settlement communities along the river were LDS ... I will think reverently about this the next time I run by!! Happy Thursday bloggers!
| Comments(4) |
| Easy Miles | Threshold Miles | Marathon Pace Miles | Track speed mileage | Hill mileage | Total | 7.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 7.00 |
| Nice and easy. My 8.5 miles yesterday, along with my first 60 hour workweek post surgery, has made my muscles and mind tired ;-) Happiest of 28th birthdays to Jake K!! | Add Comment |
| Easy Miles | Threshold Miles | Marathon Pace Miles | Track speed mileage | Hill mileage | Total | 8.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 8.00 |
| Tough run ... not sure why. I guess 45 miles + first week back to work + allergies/cold = dragging Bonnie. Good news. The first weekend I have not had to work (not including 2 weeks ago when I was zonked out on pain meds) in 5 months -- yippee. I think I will take a nap, in honor of Andrea and Jake and their amazingly fast runs ;-). Happy Saturday bloggers! | Comments(4) |
| Easy Miles | Threshold Miles | Marathon Pace Miles | Track speed mileage | Hill mileage | Total | 11.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 11.00 |
| 1:39:45. Met up with some friends this morning at the Cinco de Mayo 10K and 2 mile run. It is a very tough course, basically 3.1 miles uphill (2450 to 2660) and then downhill. Ran 4 miles with them and then headed out on my own. Ran up Tumamoc Hill (about the same level of difficulty as City Creek Canyon - but at 2400 ft) for a while and then ran over to the trails near Pima Community College -- very nice trails there, and safe(r) from the snakes as the trails are wide and there are no ledges to get stuck on ;-). Very happy to have been able to run so long today -- next weekend? Back to normal!! | Comments(5) |
| Easy Miles | Threshold Miles | Marathon Pace Miles | Track speed mileage | Hill mileage | Total | 12.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 12.00 |
| AM: (8 + miles, 1:08:44). I was so happy to see some ~8:30 pace miles in there this morning! PM: easy 4 bad news. I start radiation on the 21st. My second opinion came in, worse than the first pathology. In a couple of days I will tell you more details, but apparently, I was the only one who thought that skipping radiation was an option, apparently, my radiation oncologist never thought I was a candidate. Yesterday I went in for my post-op check-up with her, armed with my papers and justification for my decision to skip radiation. I left with tattoos that will help line up the machine, a ct scan that they use to figure out how to direct the radiation, and a "cubby" with my name on it, where I will be storing my clothes every day for 5 weeks. Sort of depressed right now ... so I won't talk about it any more. GOOD NEWS: Dean and I are going up to Flagstaff next week for Greg McMillans running camp! Greg invited us because we had attended other camps that Greg had 5-6 years ago!! It will be FUN! and a much deserved break for poor Dean. It has been very stressful for him the past few months. OTHER GOOD NEWS: We got our Track and Field News yesterday! This is an exciting issue: "Entire line-up for NCAAs" -- some good reading tonight! Yea!!! | Comments(7) |
| Easy Miles | Threshold Miles | Marathon Pace Miles | Track speed mileage | Hill mileage | Total | 7.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 7.00 |
| Beautiful morning -- 79F and overcast! | Comments(1) |
| Easy Miles | Threshold Miles | Marathon Pace Miles | Track speed mileage | Hill mileage | Total | 14.50 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 14.50 |
1:33:45. Ran over to the trails near Pima College (aka the awesome track). I really wanted some trails - but the snakes have taken over the "real" trails. The trails by Pima are wider - with no rocky ledges for one to fall off when surprising a snake - or the snake surprising you ;-). Such good therapy -- it was awesome! It felt great! It helped that it was a beautiful 80F!! Very content today!! Skipping the second run because I have a late meeting today.
PM: easy 4. I got out of my meeting earlier than I had expected - and decided more therapy was in order ;-) Even though I feel like I am just as busy as before the end of the semester, I am not, I have been getting into work late. I feel like I used up all my "emotional sprinting" to get to the last day of classes and now I am depressed and lazy ;-). That will change tomorrow when I have 50 finals to grade!! I hope you are all having a wonderful week!!
| Comments(4) |
| Easy Miles | Threshold Miles | Marathon Pace Miles | Track speed mileage | Hill mileage | Total | 7.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 7.00 |
| Nice hilly run. One of my students graduated today with a MS in biostatistics! I took him, and his family, out to lunch. It was fun. His Dad is a retired academic (in something), and his Mom is a programmer who works for IBM. They were very interesting -- and from NY, so there was no silence ;-). Funniest thing was that Josh (my student) got a phone number (of our server) - after she flirted with him more than once, and yet, I had to point out that she wanted him to ask her out? for a 26 year old, he was pretty clueless about women ;-). Tonight we are going out to dinner with some people from the lab I work with ... this is more socializing than I have done in months, and all in one day. I hope you are all doing well!! | Add Comment |
| Easy Miles | Threshold Miles | Marathon Pace Miles | Track speed mileage | Hill mileage | Total | 12.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 12.00 |
AM: (8 miles, 1:04:32). Yes, it was slow, but it was my first 90F run of the summer ... plus, I want to run for 2 hours tomorrow - on my famously hilly mountain run - so I wanted to take it easy. Plus, truth be told, I stayed out too late and drank a couple glasses of wine last night, so ... I was a bit tired ;-).
PM: easy 4. NCAA regionals this weekend!! Arizona (Go CATS) has 4-5 people who have a shot at winning nationals (in the 5 and 10K men - Lawi Lalang and Steven Sambu, and the 10K women - Jen Bergsma) -- so it is exciting -- though not as exciting as last year when I got to watch them live here!! Happy weekend! I have to go in and start grading my final exams, and clean my office! | Comments(1) |
| Easy Miles | Threshold Miles | Marathon Pace Miles | Track speed mileage | Hill mileage | Total | 15.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 15.00 |
| 2:09:43. Wow, somehow I ran this much faster than the last time I ran it, and it was 95.2F when I finished the run (and sunny). I guess I am "in training" for running camp ;-). Happy Mother's Day to you all.
It is a sad week for me, as it is the first Mother's day without my Mom, and it was just about a year ago this coming week when she was diagnosed with stage IV lung cancer. It is a part of the life cycle, but knowing that doesn't really make it any easier. But, I am thankful for my run, thankful for my health (such that it is right now ;-) ), and for my family and friends.
So, cool Mother's Day News? We have a birds nest under the eaves of our house, I think it is a house finch nest. Anyway - I have been watching it for signs of hatching for a couple of weeks now. Today- I see a little tiny head peeking out of the nest!!! The baby hatched on Mother's Day, how cool is that?
| Comments(3) |
| Easy Miles | Threshold Miles | Marathon Pace Miles | Track speed mileage | Hill mileage | Total | 13.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 13.00 |
AM: (9 miles, 1:21:07, 41:21/39:46). Doesn't look like much, but I was very pleased. I ran to the trails again, it was a very hilly run, but more importantly, the last 2.5 miles are uphill ... so it is obvious I was feeling good!! Oh yes, it is also in the 90s -- we hit 100 yesterday. Phoenix is supposed to be in the 108 or so range today - and it is MAY!! PM: easy 4. So, after two years the thing than many runners fear happened, my daily running show was "upgraded" -- oh no!!! Well, I am happy to say my luck must be turning -- the DS Trainer 17 is a pretty nice shoe, I dare say I might even like it more than the 16!! yippee. I had my radiation simulation yesterday -- it was pretty weird. Basically they use these laser lights and this huge machine and line up the tattoos to measure the field that they are going to radiate (it is a much larger area than I thought) I can see how they can't help but hit the lungs with such a large area -- and it goes all the way to the side (one of the areas that is likely to feel uncomfortable by week 2-3). Now a "dosimetrician" calculates the appropriate dose for the field and body composition (a polite way to discuss both breast and body size). When I go in it will take about 5 minutes to position me, and then they push a button and leave me alone while the huge machine moves around and shoots me from a bunch of angles. I should be in and out every day in about 25 mins. So the drive will be longer than the treatment! Off to grade papers, and then tomorrow -- off to camp!! yea!!
| Comments(3) |
| Easy Miles | Threshold Miles | Marathon Pace Miles | Track speed mileage | Hill mileage | Total | 7.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 7.00 |
| Today was a hard run - especially for an easy run ... maybe the heat, maybe just tired. BUT -- today we leave for Flagstaff and running camp - yipee! Have a good week, I will tell you ALL about it either this weekend or next week! | Comments(5) |
| Easy Miles | Threshold Miles | Marathon Pace Miles | Track speed mileage | Hill mileage | Total | 11.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 11.00 |
AM: (~7 miles, 60 mins). Ran on the Flagstaff Urban Trail by myself, at about 9AM. I kind of wanted to run more, but since it my first day at 7000ft, and I had to run a hilly run at Buffalo Park in the PM with the running camp group, I decided to take it easy. About 3 miles into it I saw three familiar forms running toward me -- it was Greg (McMillan), Stephanie Rothstein, and Megan Herrick (nee Dunwell) of McMillan Elite! Greg said, "Sneak training??" -- I laughed and said, "you bet"! PM: (4 miles) met all of the "running camp" folks! I ended running with Greg and a woman named Mary, from Toronto ... Greg ran one loop with us (2 miles) and then it was Mary and I and another guy, Doug (from LA). Happily, we were the second group (Dean, Ben Rosario -- formerly of the Hansons/Brooks team and now marketing director for McMillan Running, and woman named Becky were in the first group) -- I relaxed then, knowing I wouldn't be running the rest of the week all by myself ... despite the hills and altitude we ran ~ 8:30 pace the whole time. In the evening we went to dinner and then Greg gave a talk that described three different types of runners: speedsters, combo runners, and endurance monsters. The McMillan running calculator is going to be updated soon (June?) with these groups in mind, to allow for a little more range and sensitivity -- and there will be a book coming out soon (also June?) that will describe them. It was cool!
| Comments(2) |
| Easy Miles | Threshold Miles | Marathon Pace Miles | Track speed mileage | Hill mileage | Total | 7.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 7.00 |
AM: met up and did a group run on the Urban Trail - basically the same run I had done myself the day before - albeit I ran it ~ 1 min faster, because I had company ;-). I ran with a woman from Tucson, I knew who she was from race results, but we had never actually met (or raced together - I am/have been slightly faster than her in the past, but in a couple of months we will be in different age groups as I move up to the 50-54 year olds and she stays in the 45-49). It was nice. Ben Rosario talked to us about running smart and also about shoes/footwear. Greg walked us through the use of his calculator (I had seen this talk before, but was still interesting). In the evening Dean and I went out to dinner, I was feeling pretty tired and really did not feel like a big night out. The weather had been AMAZING! after the 103F days that we left, the 75F felt like heaven!
| Comments(4) |
| Easy Miles | Threshold Miles | Marathon Pace Miles | Track speed mileage | Hill mileage | Total | 9.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 9.00 |
AM: Met up at 7AM at the Northern Arizona University track. We did a mile warm-up, and then learned some cool drills (some A-skips, side skips, etc.) - Andrew Lemmoncello (2008 olympian in the steeple for Great Britain and coached by Greg) showed us how to do these - ha, I looked nothing like him. At one point, we were doing these sideways things with some arm movement and Andrew said, "yikes Bonnie" (I really have some shoulder issues right now ;-) ). Then we did some quicker strides, and then did 8 straights-and-curves (sprint the straights, jog the curves). These were a little different though because Greg and Ben were filming our stride. They shot us front, back and side in sprint, and then also side view running easy... so we had to go in groups of 2 or 3, and sometimes we ended stopping and lining up while the group in front finished. Then, Ben Rosario, Becky (woman from Houston who runs faster than me in training, but our races are pretty equivalent, I think my 1/2 marathon PR is faster than her) ran another couple of miles. We went back to the hotel and we analyzed our form -- it was pretty cool. My right shoulder is much higher than my left and it is throwing off my stride - this is because of the surgery, I have had severe shoulder/neck/scapular pain since the surgery (it is very common after breast surgery) and it is apparent I am favoring that side; good news is it is easily treated -- by doing some simple stretches and yoga/pilates moves. It is obvious that my orthotics are working because I am not shuffling, it was really surprising. Dean has spectacular form, as did Mary (my new friend from Toronto). Dean and I met up with Stephanie R. for lunch -- talked about her soon to be husband (Ben Bruce) who is hoping to make the Steeple final at the Olympic Trials, her wedding, and saw pictures of their house that is being built. So good to see her, and see how happy she is! In the afternoon Greg talked to us about making a training plan. All of the information is on his website, so I already knew this stuff, but it was interesting hearing him describe it in person -- plus, he has some new information that he is including in his book. PM: Ben, Becky and I went for an easy 4 mile run. Dean and I went over to Greg and Tracy's house for dinner - it was super nice. We sat outside and enjoyed the beautiful Flagstaff evening.
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| Easy Miles | Threshold Miles | Marathon Pace Miles | Track speed mileage | Hill mileage | Total | 10.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 10.00 |
| 1:31:02. Relatively (in Flagstaff terms) flatish run up A1 mountain -- it is pretty gradual uphill out (about Jeremy Ranch Road level, maybe a tiny bit more steep in places) and then a nice downhill back. I ran with Greg, Dean, and Becky for a while - and then I had to make a little 'stop' and then ran to catch up with some other runners, David (just finished his first 100 miler a couple months ago), and Ann (from near Lake Superior in Michigan), and Mary. Most people turned around after 30 mins or so, only David, Doug, and I, ran 10. It was a blast talking to David about ultrarunning. He told me not to slow down for him, but I really really didn't mind. Today was all about being in the beautiful mountains, being cool ;-), and enjoying the run. We all went to brunch afterward, shared emails, phone numbers and took pictures together, with Greg, Ben and Andrew and just had an awesome day. SOOOO Lucky! | Comments(4) |
| Easy Miles | Threshold Miles | Marathon Pace Miles | Track speed mileage | Hill mileage | Total | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 |
| Long Run Picture Dean is on the far left, I am the short-haired person, 4th from the left. I am old, give me a break ;-). My new friend Becky is to the left of me (she is trying to run a 3:15 at Chicago) and to my right is Mary (she has natural talent and I would not be at all surprised to see her near the 3:00 mark this year or next -- at 45!). Ben Rosario is the first guy on the back row -- super nice guy and coaches for McMillan Running now. First radiation treatment down, 24 more to go. It is pretty weird, but not painful. Two techs "line you up" and then leave the room. A huge machine comes down and then you hear what sounds like a regular x-ray sound, but I counted to 25, then these little teeth inside the machine move (I suspect it is "focusing" a little more) and I counted to 5. Then it moves completely to the other side, and the same thing happens on the other side - counted to 25 and 5 again. Whole thing takes ~ 5mins. It would be pretty interesting, if it weren't me -- or anyone I knew personally ;-). Happy Monday bloggers! | Comments(7) |
| Easy Miles | Threshold Miles | Marathon Pace Miles | Track speed mileage | Hill mileage | Total | 12.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 12.00 |
AM: 8 miles. Had my radiation appt at 7AM, was out by 7:15. Ran on the river trail and then headed up to lab meeting -- there is a great shower near the lab, why haven't I done this before? It got up to 106F today ... yuck. seriously, yuck. PM: easy 4. I know it is too early for radiation induced fatigue, so it must just be the early (for me) mornings -- but I am exhausted. Tomorrow I am taking my first meditation class, I am hoping that I can get my stress (and therefore cortisol levels) down, and maybe sleep better - and have a little more energy. Last week I made an appointment with my PCP to get some blood drawn to check my vitamin B and ferritin levels. Thanks to Andrea for posting the foodadvisor website! It also showed that I might be vitamin B deficient (based on my current diet ... we'll see. It is probably not good to go into radiation already tired! I hope you are all doing well!!
| Comments(2) |
| Easy Miles | Threshold Miles | Marathon Pace Miles | Track speed mileage | Hill mileage | Total | 7.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 7.00 |
| 1:00:45. Again, in and out in 15 mins, running by 7:25! It was already 90 when I finished the run ... but, good news (from the radio this morning): "cooling trend towards the weekend, highs only in the 90's" ;-). sorry, even after 4 years, I don't feel 90F is "cool"! Nothing more to note, other than I get to go see John-of-the-ART today! so glad! Not only can he help with my hamstring that is just chronically hurt, but I am hoping he can help with my shoulder too! I am also going to be taking a "gentle" yoga class once/week starting next week!! This class focuses on stretching and a little relaxation -- both things are helpful, I think. I hope you are all having a wonderful week -- and looking forward to a fun Memorial Day weekend!! | Comments(6) |
| Easy Miles | Threshold Miles | Marathon Pace Miles | Track speed mileage | Hill mileage | Total | 12.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 12.00 |
AM: 8 miles. Good to be out (even though it was hot). My goal was to run at least 60 miles this week and next - before the fatigue sets in ... and then after that a simple goal of *at least* 4 miles/day (is that too much to ask?). However, I am already not sure if I will be able to do this. I am t.i.r.e.d. Like bone tired. As runners we know how to push through fatigue and pain, but I am not sure that this is the optimal strategy right now ... I am worn down. I am still going to try to make my goal, but I am modifying to run every day I would normally run, but not push through the fatigue. Bummer, but probably a better strategy. So ... I won't preblog miles for tonight, but I might try to run if I can.
PM: easy 4. I was able to run this evening -- I don't know why, but I am usually a little better in the PM (I think it is because I have a lawn chair in my office and can take a little nap - even though I don't feel like I am sleeping, a little rest seems to go a long way). one more day and the first week is done!! only 4 more + day to go! On a good note, John helped with my frozen shoulder yesterday -- it really hurts today, but I can move my neck again, so it is improving!! And, I can do some exercises now, so that it won't freeze up any more (radiation makes it worse for many people). I hope you all have a wonderful day!! sorry to be a bummer, I am sure I will be better after I watch some awesome NCAA track and field this weekend!!
| Comments(1) |
| Easy Miles | Threshold Miles | Marathon Pace Miles | Track speed mileage | Hill mileage | Total | 7.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 7.00 |
Ahhh ... what a difference a day - and 10 degrees - makes. Feel much better today, maybe it is just knowing I don't have to drive to radiation treatment for 3 whole days, but I don't care, I feel better! Plus, the "cooling trend" is here! highs in the low 90s this weekend - yippee, bring out the parka's!! Double Plus, my dog Keiko is going to survive for a little longer. I really thought this was going to be her last week on earth, but when I took her off one of her meds, she made a tremendous improvement. She is old (in doggy years - 14 in human years, and 100 lbs) and has had some sort of serious lung problem. We put her on medicine for Valley Fever (her titer was equivocal) and she lost function of her back legs (for a 100 lb dog, and someone who has limited use of one her arms at the moment, me, it was quite a challenge to help her up) - so I took her off the medicine and she improved right away -- weird, and rare, side effect? Poor thing, she is already on thyroid medicine and arthritis medicine - I have to get one of those daily pill keepers just to keep track of her meds ;-). Anyway, we are giving her steriods instead, and at the very least, she seems happier and is eating again. Whew, seriously, I did not really want to lose her right now -- selfishly, I just need her around for a few more months. I hope you all have a wonderful weekend!
| Comments(2) |
| Easy Miles | Threshold Miles | Marathon Pace Miles | Track speed mileage | Hill mileage | Total | 11.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 11.00 |
AM: (7 miles, 1:03:36) -- again!! nice run. I have started taking sublingual B-vitamins, and I have upped my electrolyte consumption over the past 3 days (sugar free - I don't tolerate gatorade well) - that coupled with "cooler" temps (less than 100F by 4 degrees yesterday) are helping a lot! I still had some blood work done yesterday, just to make sure it wasn't thyroid or iron ... but I am very happy that I can run and not feel completed worn out -- though we will see how it goes this afternoon. I have some work to do today, but I am seriously going to attempt a little nap. Plus, I need to find some NCAA track and field time ;-) PM: easy 4, hopefully. Happy weekend bloggers!! | Comments(2) |
| Easy Miles | Threshold Miles | Marathon Pace Miles | Track speed mileage | Hill mileage | Total | 8.50 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 8.50 |
| 1:13:30. I wanted so much to run at least 10 ... but, I woke up this morning with a super bad hip/lower back problem. It was so painful. I did something I never do - I took an aleve and waited an hour and then ran -- not the smartest thing (because you can injure yourself even more - and I am not supposed to take NSAIDS) -- but, seriously - I wanted to run! It actually hurt more to walk than to run, and I really could have run longer, but I thought it probably would have been dumb(er) to keep running until it hurt. So, I just appreciated what I had and enjoyed the little run I was able to do ... Keiko (our Ridgeback) is not doing well. We are saying good-bye to her this weekend. It is a pretty tough time. This whole year has been tough. Happy Memorial day bloggers, stay safe, enjoy your runs. | Comments(1) |
| Easy Miles | Threshold Miles | Marathon Pace Miles | Track speed mileage | Hill mileage | Total | 12.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 12.00 |
| AM: (8 miles). Nice run, although it is back in the 100F - as long as I get out early it is still pretty nice in the morning (76F or so). PM: easy 4. beautiful afternoon -- once the sun went down it was very pleasant! Nothing exciting to note ... except that Dean is going to Flagstaff for a conference this week, and he bought me a plane ticket to come up Friday afternoon! So, I am going to spend Friday and Saturday night in the tall cool pines. I have been taking vitamin B and upping my electrolytes and I feel much better on my runs (yea!). I do have to back off the pace, and not run as long as I would like (so I can make it through the day without crashing too much) - but I am grateful I can run. I hope you are all doing well!! | Comments(1) |
| Easy Miles | Threshold Miles | Marathon Pace Miles | Track speed mileage | Hill mileage | Total | 7.50 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 7.50 |
| ~65 mins. Dragging a bit today, but still enjoy being out! I hope you are all doing well. I am writing qualifying exam questions for the PhD students ... the only less fun thing would be to be actually taking the exam ;-). | Comments(1) |
| Easy Miles | Threshold Miles | Marathon Pace Miles | Track speed mileage | Hill mileage | Total | 11.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 11.00 |
AM: 7 miles. Yesterday was a good day, today is not as good. very very very tired. PM: easy 4. Happy running bloggers. Again, I am happy to be able to run. I am sure I will be able to jog a little through the bitter end of this treatment, but I am getting more and more tired, and I am not sure if I will be able to run in the PM's for much longer. I am going to try to at least walk in the afternoons, I need to keep the time available -- e.g., not fill it with work which will be hard to let go after I am cured and back to normal again. My skin is doing really well, but I am very sore. Emotionally, it is very difficult to drag my butt out every day to drive to get "poisoned" ;-) - but the alternative pretty much sucks too ... only 3.5 weeks to go (but who's counting). At least this weekend I will be able to be in the cool pines of Flagstaff!! Hope you are all doing well!!
| Comments(5) |
| Easy Miles | Threshold Miles | Marathon Pace Miles | Track speed mileage | Hill mileage | Total | 261.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 261.00 |
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