AM: met up and did a group run on the Urban Trail - basically the same run I had done myself the day before - albeit I ran it ~ 1 min faster, because I had company ;-). I ran with a woman from Tucson, I knew who she was from race results, but we had never actually met (or raced together - I am/have been slightly faster than her in the past, but in a couple of months we will be in different age groups as I move up to the 50-54 year olds and she stays in the 45-49). It was nice. Ben Rosario talked to us about running smart and also about shoes/footwear. Greg walked us through the use of his calculator (I had seen this talk before, but was still interesting). In the evening Dean and I went out to dinner, I was feeling pretty tired and really did not feel like a big night out. The weather had been AMAZING! after the 103F days that we left, the 75F felt like heaven!