AM: 7 miles. Yesterday was a good day, today is not as good. very very very tired. PM: easy 4. Happy running bloggers. Again, I am happy to be able to run. I am sure I will be able to jog a little through the bitter end of this treatment, but I am getting more and more tired, and I am not sure if I will be able to run in the PM's for much longer. I am going to try to at least walk in the afternoons, I need to keep the time available -- e.g., not fill it with work which will be hard to let go after I am cured and back to normal again. My skin is doing really well, but I am very sore. Emotionally, it is very difficult to drag my butt out every day to drive to get "poisoned" ;-) - but the alternative pretty much sucks too ... only 3.5 weeks to go (but who's counting). At least this weekend I will be able to be in the cool pines of Flagstaff!! Hope you are all doing well!!