BST trudge on a broken calf/shin. I have no idea what is wrong with my leg. My calf is super tight and I have this sharp pain between my shin and calf (not really on the bone) about a third of the way up my leg. It didn't bother me at all during my runs over the weekend, but came on Sunday night and just got worse over the last 2 days with no running. I thought it might loosen up with activity, but my calf got tighter and and shin spot more painful during my trudge ggrrrrrrrr.
I was just saying last week that I have never felt better in my entire life and was actually getting excited for the Bear :( I got taken out by a mountain biker on Saturday, but the tire hit me on the opposite side of the shin, but maybe this is some sort of delayed bike smashing pain and it will go away soon. Or maybe I was doing too much and it was about time my body blew up!
Sad run to bust over the 200,000 feet mark.