AM: nice easy AC run. That's it
PM: Ran over at the region course. I've never run on it before, and it is not as easy as I would have hoped. But that is good! We had 2x2 mile tempos. The first one felt pretty good. It prolly felt more challenging for me then I would have liked though. My knee really started bugging me so I just jogged around and didn't do the second one. But its not where it's been hurting in weeks prior, its on the side, and it tugs at my knee cap like its pulling it. It just kinda freaked me out cuz it wasn't just tightness. So my sister and my dad have had lots of knee problems with dislocations and stuff like that, so they have exercises I can do to strengthen my legs to keep my knees in place. So I'll start doing those. Hopefully that will help