Am: easy 3 and no plyos!!
pm: harts warm and then 2x800's and 2x300's. This could've been one of my worst workouts, it was not good. Started with a 2:34 and then jumped clear to a 2:50. Then my 2 300's were a 56 and a 52. I felt terrible! I don't know, After my first 800 my breathing was shallow and my chest hurt and I couldn't see anything. I might've just been super dehydrated but I don't know. I think one of the reasons is I've been doing really good at hydrating myself lately and then since yesterday was fast Sunday I didn't drink anything til 5:00 so my body wasnt used to being so dried out. But that's just a theory I really have no clue why my body was so beat today. But I finished my workout so that counts for something I guess. 1.5 mile cool down around the school with Mia Mia