615am- Well this morning Nick wasnt feeling like doing a morning run so I had to get a run from my father. We did 30 minutes out past arctic circle and today nobody even showed up only like me, Cam, Preston, and Andrew and thats about it.
3pm- Today was round 2 of decatholon events. We warmed up to DI and my hair was blowing in the wind wierd and it bugged the frick out of me like I was freakin out. Anyways we did more laps on the track reverse indian run and people kept getting but hurt that I wasnt staying in line and then they harrassed me so I punched some guys. I wore my skin tight tank today to minimize wind resistance in the 300m hurdles and it definitly helped. In my heat it was pretty much just me and Jake battling it out for 1st. It was a pretty intense sprint to the finish but then I rolled my ankle right before the second to last hurdle and I ran straight through it and I hit my shins pretty hard on that poor hurdle. Jake took the W but next time its all me. I totally would have won if it wasnt for that. After that dissapointing event (in which I got a time of 52.37) we did javelin and thats always fun cuz it makes me feel like a spartan warrior. My form needs some work but I threw a decent 74' 6''. I feel like Im in decent shape to place well in this decathalon.
This track season I am planning on blogging alot more and being more dedicated to my writing so from now on I am going to be doing good blog entrys I think.