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St. George Marathon

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South Jordan,UT,United States

Member Since:

Feb 04, 2008



Goal Type:

Local Elite

Running Accomplishments:

2010 Ogden Half Marathon 1st overall

2010 Bryce Canyon Half 2nd overall 1:12

2010 St. George Marathon 10th overall

2011 American Fork Half marathon 1st overall New PR 1:10:37

2012-Mt. Nebo Half 1:08:00





 2009 St. George Marathon 11th overall 2:31:43

2009 Ogden Marathon 4th place overall

2008 St. George Marathon 2:40:46 18th overall

2008 Tou Half 1:14:35 7th overall

2008 Bear Lake Half marathon 1st place Win. Set Course record.

2008 Provo river Half  PR 1:13:28

2008 Boston Marathon 2:49--Beat Lance Armstrong by 2 minutes.

2008 Ogden Marathon 10th overall.

Ragnar Relay Del Sol 2008--1st Place Team Overall. Set new course record! 17 hours 4 minutes 5.38 average pace per mile!

Ragnar Relay Wasatch Back 2008--2nd Place Team overall. 17 hours 54 minutes.

2007 Top of Utah 1/2 Marathon 1:14 4th overall

2007 Wasatch Back Relay 3rd team overall---Very Fun!

Boston, Rock & Roll Arizona, Carlsbad are my favorite marathons.

2007 St. George Marathon 2:40 with puking!39th overall





Short-Term Running Goals:

My short term goals are to stick to a good regime.

To bring my marathon pr down in mid 2:30's

World Championship Maters Marathon July 17, 2011

USATFLDR Competition Series: Stiders Half, Salt Lake Half, Hobblecreek Half, Heart of Holiday 5k, Running with Leopards 5k, Draper Days 5k, Minuteman 5k, Top of Utah Half.

Great Potato Half marathon--Boise

Running with Ed 41 mile relay. Team Probar

St. George Marathon 2011

Get Sponsors and make money in Masters.

Sponsors so far:

Probar, St. George Running Center



Long-Term Running Goals:

My long term goals are to beat sasha.

To get my marathon time to 2:20's



I have three girls-Sarah, Brooke, and Bailey and a baby boy born in Jan. 2010 named Boston. I own a Concrete Construction company called Quality Footings and Foundations. If any of my fellow bloggers are in need of concrete work just drop me a line or call 801-381-7089 I'll give you the friendly runner discount. Its hard work thats why between work and running I maintain my girlish figure! I own the American Flyers Race Pacers which is on Facebook to join. www.americanflyersracepacers.com 

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Race: St. George Marathon (26.2 Miles) 02:35:10, Place overall: 10, Place in age division: 1
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I linued up at the start next to all the St. George running center team and we took off. 

1: 5.43 Exactly where  Jeffs pace band told us we should be. The Pack was 9 deep and  they really werent going too fast at the start. It looked like Logan and Clyde were at the front. I was behind the pack with Jeff, Ken Pliska, Ben another guy who was running together with Ben.

2: 5.49 Ken and Jeff started talking together and sort of pulled ahead of us so I was 3 wide with Ben and friend.

3: 5:31  Our first taste of downhill and we pushed the pace a bit. I was a bit worried that I may have took off to hard so I backed off of Ben and his friend.

4: 5:32  Another fast mile but felt comfortable. Jeff and Ken started to increase the gap on us a bit.

5: 5:44  This is the pace I wanted to be at so I felt good here.

6:  5:35 Another fast mile with a bit of downhill.

7:  5:32  I wasnt paying attention to my watch here but I was just behind Ben as we got our first aided bottles that they set out for us. I took a gu and drank my Cytomax. I ran with the bottle all the way to mile 8.

8:  6:32  VEYO! enough said right! Ben and his friend seemed to push it hard and I had no intention of doing that.  This is how I had a great finish last year and was trying to mock my running.

9:  6:18  still going up hill and rolling. I was about 20 feet behind Ben. I was in 16th place at that point.

10:  6:02 I learned from last year not to let the 6's discourage me. I was saving my strength.

11: 6:23  Last of the hill and SUN! lots of sun and it got warm quick. I think Ben and I started to see Jeff at this point and could see that Ken had taken off from him.  This was another Table Aid station that I put Cytomax at again.

12: 6:05  Flat and rolling a bit. Im starting to get my speed back I could tell.

13: 5:51  A bit of down and caught up with Ben and his buddy here.

13.1:  1:17:15  This was a bit fast than last year by only a few seconds.

14:  5:52 This is where the hill started to give us some umph and I could see Jeff Blast down it. 

15: 5:26 I think it was here that I was ready to go and started my push to catch Jeff. I got another gu with my water bottle aid station here with Cytomax. I swear this stuff is liquid dope for runners!

16:  5:32  Last year I passed Sasha here with a 5:15 split. I was about 16 seconds slower but tried not to think about it. I was about 50 feet ahead of Ben at this point and starting to close on Jeff who was about 100 feet at this point.

17:  5:36  I love the downhill parts in this race but it was looking short lived as I could see the dreaded mile 18 ahead. I was feeling my toe pretty bad here and tried to concentrate on it rather then ayny other pain my body gave.

 18:  5:36  I was amazed at Jeffs strength going up this stretch and still had a bit to catch him. I think he was aobut 50 feet at this point. 

19: 6:08  The hill took a bit out of my sails and I tried to think about the downhill from here on out. I got another bottle of Cytomax and gu again here and was glad for it. I needed it.

20:  5:55  I had caught Jeff now and was planning on staying with him but couldnt get in sink with his pace so I let my body go on the hill.  I had no idea where I was in the race and someone told me I was number 8.  I saw Clyde on this mile also and new he was in trouble. He was walking and so I had wondered if I was really 7th then or not. It kind of kept my spirits up and I kept telling myself 10k to go 10k to go!

21:  5:29  I couldnt hear Jeff at all anymore and wondered where or how far back him and Ben where behind me.

22:  6:01  The last little hoopla of rollers before the final drop! Yeah! 4 to go

23:  6:11 I got my aided bottle here and had passed the water when I took the gu. I washed it down with Cytomax which my body didnt want at this point. I was mad that I didnt get a water but knew I needed it so I stopped and walked and drank as much as I could and Jeff caught me.  I was gagging that damn gu down still and the cytomax now so I desperately needed water.  There was an ambulance so I went over to it to see of  they had water. Nope! a bystander gave me his water bottle graciously so I ran and gulped it down. It was good. I needed it but it gave Jeff about a 100' lead back on me.  I pushed down the last part of the hill and when It went flat I was not able to get my legs moving. So at this point I thought I was either 8th or 9th. I made it to mile 24 and was passed by a kid in a blue shirt. Shoot! I cannot let anybody pass me now because I was either 9th or 10 now.  I made it to mile 25.2 and Ben passed me.  My spirits were low now and I hoped that I was only 10th.  On the last turn I looked back and there was a guy coming on me fast! Shoot! I had to pour it on now. I gave it all I had but my leg turnover was crap! I was extremely dizzy and couldnt focus! Come on .25 to go! I could hear the crowd yelling louder as he got closer to me. Can I try and sprint? No my legs are at max.  I got into the shoot and prayed I could get the strength to hold him off. I crossed the finish and was caught by a couple of handsome guards that helped me get my finishers medal. They gave me a pass that said 10th overall! Sweet! I did it! Finally got it, it wasnt a great finish like last year but a better placement! by 1.  I got 2 -150 dollar gift certificates for Hotel and Lodging for next year, 100 dollar for travel,100 bucks to St. George Running Center,some chocolates, 2 bags, a garbage can with the logo, and a rock clock. Plus the free comp into next years race.  It was a hot day which my body is not fond of at all.  I am a downhill 60 degree runner!  Its funny because I told my wife I wasnt running this next year so we could go do Marine Corps Marathon a few weeks later. Now Ill run both. lol

Night Sleep Time: 0.00Nap Time: 0.00Total Sleep Time: 0.00
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Rode my bike to work. It was extremely dark in the morning. And cold. But warm in the afternoon.

Night Sleep Time: 0.00Nap Time: 0.00Total Sleep Time: 0.00
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I went to the park trail and ran with Danielle. There was a creepy guy lurking in the dark that worried me for a bit till we hot past him. I had a blast this morning! Its been a while since ice run with her. We saw several runners sporting the new SGM shirts! I had to run in my new top 10 SGM hoodie because it was nippy! Well, that and for bragging rights of course! Now I'm off to Lagoon for my annual October visit.

Night Sleep Time: 0.00Nap Time: 0.00Total Sleep Time: 0.00
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Rode to work on my bike. Cold it was. It feels good not tongave a marathon around the corner.

Night Sleep Time: 0.00Nap Time: 0.00Total Sleep Time: 0.00
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Went up to daybreak and ran with Danielle Christa and Misty and charity.

Night Sleep Time: 0.00Nap Time: 0.00Total Sleep Time: 0.00
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Night Sleep Time: 0.00Nap Time: 0.00Total Sleep Time: 0.00
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Biked to work and will bike back home. Then hopefully run a bit.

Night Sleep Time: 0.00Nap Time: 0.00Total Sleep Time: 0.00
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Biked home from work. Had a ride from a cute chick that picked me up as it was snowing and took me to work. 

Night Sleep Time: 0.00Nap Time: 0.00Total Sleep Time: 0.00
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Biked to work and had a chat with a guy who works in the Family History place downtown. He has been riding to work for 6 years and was quite the character. We seem to hit the street at the same time so its nice to chat with him. 

Night Sleep Time: 0.00Nap Time: 0.00Total Sleep Time: 0.00
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Ran with Danielle early this morning. It was warmer than I thought itd be. Right hip is still bothering me. Ill decide to how fast I want to run tomorrow. I'd like to push myself but feel like playing around. I biked to work today and will bike home.

Night Sleep Time: 0.00Nap Time: 0.00Total Sleep Time: 0.00
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Race: Provo Halloween Half (13.1 Miles) 01:11:25, Place overall: 8, Place in age division: 1
Running MilesSwimming YardsBike Miles

It was a bit nippy at the top! I put my attire on for my costume as a Prom date. Christa was my date. I decided that I couldnt run with it on so I opted to my singlet and shorts. Sorry Christa. Our date was short lived and I didnt even get a kiss. lol  I saw a lot of crazy costumes and a lot of crazy friends at the starting line. Lily and Mckenzie! So funny! I lined up at the start next to Steve and BJ. We started off and there was a freaking bus in the way we had to run around and it got chaotic but we managed and off we went.  The first 5 are insanely steep! I thought I was the only runner who was slapping my feet as I ran but it turned out everyone was. I ran in the group and they were pretty chipper. I told some that asked what I was doing that I really had no idea and that Id just let the first 5 miles dictate. As we hit mile 5 it felt like I was running a 7 minute pace but when I got to six realized I was staying under 6 so it was ok. I hit mile 11 and thought in my mind I might be able to hit a 1:10 so I did try harder but my legs were spent. I did get real close to BJ by mile 12 but then he poured it on and I didnt have enough in me to respond so I finished right behind him. It was a PR for me so im not complaining. Very  Very fast course. Ill bet I could easily break a 1:10 on it if I didnt have tired legs from St. George and had more miles behind me instead of resting. The medals were awesome and the shirts were bitchin!  I really like this race.  Its a definate blister maker! It was nice to see the Herriman High School XC team out on the aid stations. It really gave me a boost at mile 9 and 11! Thanks you studs and studettes!

1: 5.01, 2: 4.53, 3: 4.53, 4: 4.56, 5: 5.20, 6: 5.50, 7: 5.59, 8: 5.45, 9: 5.43, 10: 5.44, 11: 6.01, 12: 5.58, 13.1: 6.13 

Night Sleep Time: 0.00Nap Time: 0.00Total Sleep Time: 0.00
Running MilesSwimming YardsBike Miles
Night Sleep Time: 0.00Nap Time: 0.00Total Sleep Time: 0.00
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