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South Jordan,UT,United States

Member Since:

Feb 04, 2008



Goal Type:

Local Elite

Running Accomplishments:

2010 Ogden Half Marathon 1st overall

2010 Bryce Canyon Half 2nd overall 1:12

2010 St. George Marathon 10th overall

2011 American Fork Half marathon 1st overall New PR 1:10:37

2012-Mt. Nebo Half 1:08:00





 2009 St. George Marathon 11th overall 2:31:43

2009 Ogden Marathon 4th place overall

2008 St. George Marathon 2:40:46 18th overall

2008 Tou Half 1:14:35 7th overall

2008 Bear Lake Half marathon 1st place Win. Set Course record.

2008 Provo river Half  PR 1:13:28

2008 Boston Marathon 2:49--Beat Lance Armstrong by 2 minutes.

2008 Ogden Marathon 10th overall.

Ragnar Relay Del Sol 2008--1st Place Team Overall. Set new course record! 17 hours 4 minutes 5.38 average pace per mile!

Ragnar Relay Wasatch Back 2008--2nd Place Team overall. 17 hours 54 minutes.

2007 Top of Utah 1/2 Marathon 1:14 4th overall

2007 Wasatch Back Relay 3rd team overall---Very Fun!

Boston, Rock & Roll Arizona, Carlsbad are my favorite marathons.

2007 St. George Marathon 2:40 with puking!39th overall





Short-Term Running Goals:

My short term goals are to stick to a good regime.

To bring my marathon pr down in mid 2:30's

World Championship Maters Marathon July 17, 2011

USATFLDR Competition Series: Stiders Half, Salt Lake Half, Hobblecreek Half, Heart of Holiday 5k, Running with Leopards 5k, Draper Days 5k, Minuteman 5k, Top of Utah Half.

Great Potato Half marathon--Boise

Running with Ed 41 mile relay. Team Probar

St. George Marathon 2011

Get Sponsors and make money in Masters.

Sponsors so far:

Probar, St. George Running Center



Long-Term Running Goals:

My long term goals are to beat sasha.

To get my marathon time to 2:20's



I have three girls-Sarah, Brooke, and Bailey and a baby boy born in Jan. 2010 named Boston. I own a Concrete Construction company called Quality Footings and Foundations. If any of my fellow bloggers are in need of concrete work just drop me a line or call 801-381-7089 I'll give you the friendly runner discount. Its hard work thats why between work and running I maintain my girlish figure! I own the American Flyers Race Pacers which is on Facebook to join. www.americanflyersracepacers.com 

Favorite Blogs:

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Miles:This week: 0.00 Month: 0.00 Year: 0.00
Race: Top of Utah half (13.1 Miles) 01:14:38, Place overall: 7, Place in age division: 2
Running MilesSwimming YardsBike Miles

1: 5.35 8: 5.36

2: 5.29 9: 5.49

3: 5.23 10: 5.41

4: 5.29 11: 6.38

5: 5.21 12: 6.09

6: 5.18 13: 5.39

7: 5.25 .1: .57

Ok I got to the buses early and was waiting for Trick, my wife and her sister and bro in law were all there and were too anxious to wait for me so they jumped on the bus without me and I waited a few minutes and then met up with Trick. We headed up and regrouped at the top. My leg was hurting so I decided to run 1 mile as a warm up. The race started and I felt pretty good. I had some pain but only when it got steeper. I pretty much ignored it and tried concentrating on the race. I ran with Cody, Jon, and Paul and our first mile was a bit slow but Sasha and Josh were running pretty conservatively so it didnt bug me. Our pace sped up a bit more and more every mile as you can see. Thats thanks to Jon. He was in Kick mode. I had a rock stuck to the bottom of my shoe and it stayed there most the race. I was talking to paul and tried kicking my sole and just about ate it. Paul assured me that he would have laughed his head off and used that as a great story in the blog. Thanks Paul! Every mile Jon started to get a bit of a gap on me and Paul until we hit the bottom and thats when my stomach turned upside down on me. It was painful but I pushed on and looked for a porta jon from mile 8 or so and there wasnt one there! I hit the ten mile mark and still nothing. I held on as long as I could and didnt want to finish the race like Kellis picture of the guy with diarreah down his leg. So I had to do a Sashas specialty and luckily I found a canal so I could hide myself. I was down there making colors in the brush that sherman williams couldnt even match! I felt a million bucks better even though I couldnt match Sasha 5 second record. I ended up being down there for at least 45 seconds and I thought I might have been passed by someone, but nobody did. I had a slight hill for mile 11 and 12 and then the last mile was gradual downhill. I tried to make a goal of beating my first mile time so I picked it up as much as my stomach would allow. I finished well behind Jon and Paul who I had in my sights for trying to make a rally finish but not today. I immediately went straight to the bathroom and finished my tour of TOU out! Jon and Cody and Paul did a cool down which I was afraid to run anymore (sorry guys no offense) I watched Trick and then my nephew, and bro in law and his wife and then misty and her sister come in. I won a pair of walkie talkies for my boat and took second in my age which got the neat trophies they do, similar to St. George's which is a red rock with a kokapelli looking runner on it. The winning time was 1:06 by Teran Jameson. Nice run everyone! Congrats to Josh also, great running buddy! And I cant forget his wife Meagan Call who won the womens overall!! Nicely done Meagan if your reading this you got your picture in the Logan herald twice in color! Ive never got a color shot before! I kept a copy for you so Ill get it too you. I guess Im not so much of a Veteran marathoner up there anymore, everyone from SLC were erased from the final standings thanks to Teran's little tiff he had at the finish line when they wouldnt give his prize money to him. Awkward! They have never given out money on that race ever. Only the full marathon. When the press found out about it they were a little disturbed by the "Salt Lake runners" attitude. I guess these fast city boys expect their money for running. lol

Night Sleep Time: 5.00Nap Time: 0.00Total Sleep Time: 5.00
From Jody on Mon, Aug 25, 2008 at 00:38:29

Congrats on a great race and even greater running stories! Sounds like your leg survived. Great job, you non veteran marathon SLC runner!

From walter on Mon, Aug 25, 2008 at 01:04:16

I know, Jody, I had a chat with the race director and told her that not all of us were that way. She actually had a list of the top 10 SLC runners on a pad of paper and I told her to take them off. I dont know what she would've done with them, maybe not let us run again. Who knows, Im friends with her and had to explain the rules of the USATF LDR (U. S. Track and Field Long Distance Running) to her, where they are obligated to pay the top 3 finishers and masters categories. They claimed that in the paper work it asked if they paid money out and they checked no on it. So The pres. of the USATF LDR needs to make it more understandable. Now the SLC runners look like greedy money hungry jerks and I had to help settle it.

From Andy on Mon, Aug 25, 2008 at 06:40:17

Very colorful report. Sounds like you had a good race despite some of the challenges.

From Lucia on Mon, Aug 25, 2008 at 07:09:22

We did a great job, Wall-e, I'm very proud of us. Now, why didn't you listen to me when I told you to use the porta potty beforehand? As always, thank you for that unnecessarily detailed report on your bathroom urges :)

LOL! GREAT JOB MAN!!! Now give that leg a bit of a rest!!!

From walter on Mon, Aug 25, 2008 at 08:52:18

Hey Andy, I wanted to run a race like Sasha and I got it!lol

Hey rocket, we did do a great job but what the heck did we eat the night before? I did use the Porta jon before hand. Im telling you we felt great and then it all went downhill from there.

From Jon on Mon, Aug 25, 2008 at 08:59:52

Man, between the rock in the shoe near-biff (both seeing it and reading about it) and the shermin williams poop, I was laughing my head off reading this. You had a good race- it's too bad that some stomach problems came between our rivalry. I was eyeing the apple tree as I ran by it, thinking of you.

See you at SGM!

From walter on Mon, Aug 25, 2008 at 09:19:52

Dont worry about the apple tree! I saw it also and the only way I could land one on your starbird side was with a bungy sling! I couldnt make a push on that stretch like last year.

From jill on Mon, Aug 25, 2008 at 10:08:10

Tour TOU? Try Tour TMI (too much info... I bet your daughters already taught you that!)!!!! Great work, Walzo, what a great race report!

time to boot up the leg to get it ready for the next run. Congrats- i can not imagine jumping back in after your stomach felt so badly! Congrats to the rest of your family too- how cool that you have a whole family of runners!

From cody on Mon, Aug 25, 2008 at 10:16:39

Man, when I saw you try and get that rock out of your shoe, I thought you would be soon trying to get rocks out of your teeth. So close to eating it.....Way to hold me off, stop and all...

From Jon on Mon, Aug 25, 2008 at 10:19:50

Hey, I've got a rock in my shoe... [**shuffle shuffle- BIFF!**]

From Camille on Mon, Aug 25, 2008 at 11:04:37

Way to run!!! Nice race report too, though I think I lost my breakfast. I'm glad you didn't biff it. :o)

From JD on Mon, Aug 25, 2008 at 11:08:13

Holy crap you guys are fast!!

From Kelli on Mon, Aug 25, 2008 at 11:54:06

I think my picture gave you bad JU-JU, but I am so glad that you made the choice to not let it run down your legs! Good thinking. Better stay away from me, I am all sorts of bad luck. But hey, 45 seconds is not too bad. See, I wait in line quietly at the Honey Buckets, losing close to 3 minutes (and I am not having IBS issues, just too many childbirths and my weak bladder---thank goodness).

You kicked fanny even if you can not check "Beat Sasha" off of your to-do list. Another day, another time, another race.

I would love to run up there with you guys and listen to what you say to each other while you are running faster than the wind can carry me (if my name were MichelleL, I would be there, think I will go change my name). Do you egg each other on or what?

From walter on Mon, Aug 25, 2008 at 21:40:14

K-dawg, send me that pic again on here so everyone can see what could have happened if not for the canal alternative.

From Kelli on Mon, Aug 25, 2008 at 22:55:30

I deleted it---it grossed me out. Scott has it at work, he will send it to me then I will re-send it out. Maybe Jon A has it still???

From Kelli on Mon, Aug 25, 2008 at 23:12:19

Jon had it. I dunno how to post it here---but I sent it to your e-mail again.



(couldn't resist)

From walter on Mon, Aug 25, 2008 at 23:42:03

Jillzo. I will take some quality photos of my boot but in the meantime have fun on your tour of getting the crap outta dodge. (thats a western slang for Lucia)

Cody-you freakin saw that! Paul was already planning his funny moments blog as I was catching my balance. I ran with that rock for at least 6 miles! click, click, click, click(get the picture).

Jon- ha ha ha, who needs an apple when you have the new freshly paved road sticking to the bottom of your shoe. No wonder you toasted me!

Camille, this blog is not for the faint of heart! Im glad you didnt lose your breakfast. Run with us more often and you will! lol

JD- we were all just testing out Sasha's bungy he had. You hook it on the faster guy and hold on. lol

By the way, if I can figure out how to post this photo I got from Kelli, itll show you what could have been!

From Camille on Tue, Aug 26, 2008 at 10:13:37

Thank you for the warning! LOL

From jtshad on Tue, Aug 26, 2008 at 10:19:33

Dand Walter, you are just the blog comedian!

Congrats on the strong race even with the stomach problems.

Sounds like a weird ending to the race with the whole $ thing.

From walter on Tue, Aug 26, 2008 at 10:22:23

Camille, Do you know Lybi on this blog? I stayed with her family when I did Del Sol. There are more and more runners on this from sunnyland down there! Ill have to show you the photo when I can figure out how to post it. I may have to send a private message to send it. Not for a weak stomach!

From Camille on Tue, Aug 26, 2008 at 10:26:55

No, I don't know Lybi. I may have to check out her blog and introduce myself :o)

From jtshad on Tue, Aug 26, 2008 at 10:28:41

Yes, please send the pic as a private message, we don't all really need to see that! ;{

From walter on Tue, Aug 26, 2008 at 10:34:10

Yeah it was awkward to be sitting there watching Teran arguing for money! I thought it was selfish at first but Sasha told me that if your race is on the circuit you are obligated to give out money. The race director told me they would have to up the entrance fees which sucks for a nice local race with 1200 people showing up! I ran it in 2005 and I think there was about 350 people.

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