pm--6.5 Harts warm and cool followed by 4 x 1000 @ 3:35 average pace w/ 3:00 recovery. It felt tough as I tried to help some of the girls keep a steady pace.
pm--8.5 Ran a backwards loop around Santa Clara via Rachel Dr. It was nice out this afternoon, and the Frees feel pretty good. I kept a pretty good pace. It usually ends up that way when I'm on my own.
am--5.5 Trail run @ Chuckawalla w/ Tom & Perk out to the Entrada overlook. There were many people out today. I love that people use Thanksgiving to be more active.
am--12 Run into the dawn from home to the Sugarloaf. Man, the climbs are killer. Relaxed pace, but I could tell that this was longer than I've run in a while.