Today was a PR day! Slow marathon PR that is! Ran with Kimi and Alan Nybo on a gorgeous day in Boston, albeit a bit warm for running. Between being sick all week and an ornery knee Kim was in some serious pain around 15 or 16 miles and it turned into a jog/walk after that. She begged me to run on ahead but with what happened last year and running together then but being stopped a half mile from the finish I REALLY wanted to cross the finish line together. So it was an easy decision for me to stick with her and just enjoy the day, the race, and the absolutely amazing Boston spectators. Wow what a rush to be at this event on this special year. We had already fallen in love with the city and it's residents after last year and all the kindness they showed us but I think we even feel more connected after this year's race. And seeing Meb win the Men's race was another bonus.
Also enjoyed a few days to do a lot of walking around the city, mingling with other runner's and making new friends, visiting some museums, eating too much good stuff, and just generally enjoying ourselves. And I can now honestly say that I went to Harvard AND MIT!
Fun, fun stuff!