MCT 8 mile loop—TT: 1:15:32 AP: 8:59
3 mile warm up
3 mile tempo @8:00-8:10 (8:17, 8:14, 7:38)
5 minute RI
3x1:30 hard/1:30easy (7:49, 7:48, 7:52)
Cool down till hit 8 miles
Wowzer...that was hard! I was definitely in barf zone. :/. During those few moments of “this sucks”, I reminded myself that I am running and I’m not injured. Gratitude goes a long ways.
Physically (injury-wise), I felt great!
The tube on my bladder froze, so no water.
Pre-run nutrition: banana and 1/2 bottle Nanohydr8
Squat with overhead press
Single leg squat to lunge on bosu
Overhead press
Monster walk
Trx lunge
Trx dead lift
Trx squat
Trx crunch
Fire hydrant
Side lunge
Hammie roll outs