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Week starting Jul 22, 2012

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Member Since:

Jun 11, 2010



Goal Type:


Running Accomplishments:

Pre-5th baby races:

2007- Sandy, 4th of July 5k (first race ever)

2008- June-Wasatch Back

2008-Sandy, 4th of July 10k 58:01

2008-August-Provo River Half Marathon. 2:07:46 The only half I've ever run.

2008-Sept-Alta 8k Downhill Dash 39.01

Post-5th baby races:

2009 November Turkey Trot 5k


-10k Freedom Run 56:23 (July)

Wasatch Woman 53:25.4 (Oct)

 -Hobble Creek Half 1:58:19-PR

 -TOU Marathon! 4:28:43.7 (first)


-Dam 2 Dam 10 mile Run 1:29:33.8 (AP 8:57)

-Spectrum 10k- 49:49 (AP 8:01) PR

-Ogden Marathon 4:05:03 (AP 9:21) PR

-Wasatch Back

UV Half -paced my sister

-St. George Marathon 4:29:32


SHAC triathlon-April

AF Half PR 1:57:34-June with Ashley

Salmon Marathon(4th)

2013-Ragnar Relay

Halloween half marathon with Jane


Short-Term Running Goals:

Vigor half with Ashley, May 10, 2014


Married and have 5 daughters. Started running in Feb 2006. I love yoga.

Favorite Blogs:

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Miles:This week: 0.00 Month: 0.00 Year: 0.00
Asics-Kinsei 3 Lifetime Miles: 609.78
Asics Gel-Nimbus 12 Lifetime Miles: 484.26
Brooks Glycerin 8 Lifetime Miles: 448.62
Mizuno Wave Rider 14 Lifetime Miles: 12.00
Blue Brooks Launch Lifetime Miles: 427.43
Glycerin 8 #2 Lifetime Miles: 433.38
Ghost 4 Lifetime Miles: 448.41
Glycerin 10 Dark Gray/PINK! Lifetime Miles: 440.94
Pink Pure Flow 2 Lifetime Miles: 467.25
Orange Saucony Triumph 10 Lifetime Miles: 437.76
White Triumph 10's Lifetime Miles: 430.19
New White Triumph 10's Lifetime Miles: 375.95
PINK Triumph 10 Lifetime Miles: 417.00
Suacony Power Grid Trail Shoes Lifetime Miles: 40.82
Stupid Huaka Hokas Lifetime Miles: 10.32
Glycerin 14! Lifetime Miles: 343.96
Total Distance
Glycerin 10 Dark Gray/PINK! Miles: 39.00
Total Distance

58:31 AP 9:45 Slow flat and up. Fast down and flat.

The sky looked really cool when I went out this morning. There were a bunch of gray clouds covering most of it but over the east mountains it was clear and blue and the clouds were a little pink. There were random rays of sunlight around the valley. The clouds overtook the sky throughout my run and it started raining a little at one point. I would have welcomed more rain. It felt so good. On my way home I got a great view of the city and I could see a ray of sunlight shining into Emigration canyon. I thought of the marathoners and Allie in particular. Hoping she had a great race. I don't even know at this point.

I never seem to get my yoga time in cause of summer and holidays! argh! So I did a bunch of HANDSTANDS this morning. 3 sets of 10 and held each one for about 5 seconds. I should be sore tomorrow but I want to keep these up. I talked to the owner of my daughter's tumbling gym yesterday who has a smok'in hot body and she said she swims, jogs and does handstands. This is very doable for me cause I used to be a gymnast. She told me she can't do pushups cause of rotater cuff injury but can do handstands. Interesting. Of course she eats very healthy too and even makes her own crackers from quinoa and flax seed. Yep.

Glycerin 10 Dark Gray/PINK! Miles: 6.00
Total Distance

Super Slow Seven

Super sore from yesterdays handstands.

BK Power Yoga- 50 minutes

Glycerin 10 Dark Gray/PINK! Miles: 7.00
Total Distance

1:00:11 AP 10:02

Beautiful sunrise! Not much speed work going on in my training for this marathon. I'm just trying to not drop out of training all together. I just try and run fast at the end of each run. Family life is out of control. My 3 oldest want to party all night! Every night! What's up!? I need my sleep! Then my 2 yr old is waking up too early and we're potty training so... I don't know how I'll do 3 20's before this race.

First 4 miles were slow (mostly up) and the last 2 were fast. I ran down around Falcon and then up Falcon all the way to the top by the water tank and back down. 9:12 and 8:47 for down and flat mile at the end.

So...I'm sore from handstands and yoga cause I never get to do it anymore. Handstands this morning were tough also because I actually held them for 5 full seconds this morn. Last time it was more like 2 or 3 seconds. I'm feeling it.

3X10 handstands. Rest in between.

Glycerin 10 Dark Gray/PINK! Miles: 6.00
Total Distance

3:30:28 AP 10:31

Deb picked me up a little after 5am and we drove to 53rd JRP parking lot. We ran 5 miles north and back to car and 5 miles south and back. It was interesting. Deb did awesome for only running 9 miles recently for long run. I lost her the last 5 miles. She struggled and I just wanted to be done and lay in the shade so we were pretty much together until the last 5. I'm pretty sure I saw Teena Marie running with 2 guys. She was heading north when we were coming back to the car to finish our first 10. Then I saw her again with I think a different guy when we were heading south after stopping at the car and she was heading north. At some point during our water break between 10's she passed us. anyway...I think she noticed me and smiled the second time I saw her. The first 5 miles were in the dark and we ate tons of bugs. Yucky. We saw peacocks and ducks and geese and two deer during that first five. Coming back we saw more people out. Miles 10-15 were the hardest. Our first 5 headed south and we had a head wind. We also ran past Gardner Village and the trail got really boring and HOT!!! Coming back we had some wind at out back and I was so ready to be done. I was running out of water. I sped up and the last 5 miles were my fastest. I filled up with water a mile before I got to the car. Finished my whole bottle and then drank an entire cold slushy gatorade I put by the wheel of Deb's car. I'm SO glad I did that cause she was quite a ways behind me. I just laid in the shade and drank and was SO happy to be done!

Came home and changed my shirt real quick before going to the neighborhood breakfast. It was ok. 

I'm going to get me a coke slurpee at the sev today. Deb is getting one and says they are really good so I'm going for it!

Oh and 3X10 handstands today. Holding each for 5 seconds.  Feels good to get off my feet.


Glycerin 10 Dark Gray/PINK! Miles: 20.00
Total Distance
Glycerin 10 Dark Gray/PINK! Miles: 39.00
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