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Snow Canyon Half Marathon

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Saint George,Ut,usa

Member Since:

Apr 26, 2008



Goal Type:

Boston Qualifier

Running Accomplishments:

  •  PR'S
  • 5k 19:37 (6:18)
  • 8k 34:16 (6:53)
  • 10k 39:46 (6:23)
  • 1/2 1:27:39 (6:41)
  • Full 3:19:41 (7:36)


Short-Term Running Goals:



5K under 20:00- DONE 2013

10K under 40:00  DONE 2013

1/2 marathon under 1:30 DONE 2013

Marathon under 3:25 DONE 2013

5k under 19:00

10k under 39:00

1/2 marathon under 1:29:00

marathon under 3:15:00


I have been married for 31 years. I have two daughters, 25 & 23 and a son 20.


Favorite Blogs:

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Miles:This week: 0.00 Month: 0.00 Year: 0.00
Torin-9 Lifetime Miles: 259.25
Torin-10 Lifetime Miles: 115.85
Torin-11 Lifetime Miles: 108.55
Altra One-1 Lifetime Miles: 153.05
Altra- Torin- Yellow Lifetime Miles: 28.00
Altra One-2 Lifetime Miles: 263.65
Altra One-3 Lifetime Miles: 326.25
Altra One-4 Lifetime Miles: 521.60
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I am spent. I started off with plans as laid out yesterday. Once I got running I just wasn't feeling it. I ended up running the 3 miles to the west canyon dirt road then instead of continuing downhill I ran up the west canyon dirt road 1 1/2 miles and then back down. I then decided to run back up to the top of Snow Canyon....that I did not enjoy other than the beautiful views. Once I made it to ythe top I ran about 1 1/4 miles down towards Winchester Hills then turned around back to the car. 11.00 miles total at 8:45 pace. 1:36:30

Next week I need to run 1 minute faster pace per mile to meet my goal of 1:40 for the Half Marathon. Overall I am feeling like it is possible. If I adjust the 3 miles of uphill(steep 11:15 average) to gradual downhill miles (7:15 pace) that would cut off 12 minutes and if I can hold 7:22 pace for the final 2.1 I would be right there.

I am hoping that I can get the legs feeling fresh for next saturday and have a great run!

By the way it was beautiful out there today, nice temps with thin cloud cover....and it is Nov 1st!

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Went out and voted then took a 3.50 mile run in the neighborhood. Nothing special other than I was planning on doing some sprints and just couldn't get my legs moving like I wanted. I decided to take a break for a few hours and try it again this afternoon. (8:13 pace)

Afternoon run: easy 1/4 mile @8:10 then 1/4 mile @ 4:36 then finished of the run with 2 3/4 miles @ 8:03 pace. This run felt much better than this morning. I have decided that I need to go find some fun trail runs around 8-15 miles and take as much time as I want to...speed hike. It is time to enjoy the running rather than training all the time. I really admire you guys that run so diligently, training for the next run. This is so new to me. I am glad that I have found the sport of running, now I need to make sure I can continue to have fun with it!

I am hoping the the run Saturday, the Snow Canyon Half Marathon, is an enjoyable and fast run for me. I am plotting things out for a 1:40.

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My upper hip has been sore since my saturday run and I aggrivated it more yesterday with my sprint and hill run. I took the day off and it started feeling somewhat better. I went out this evening to loosen it up. It was tight to start with and felt better after about a block and then made a climb up a hill. The hip feels good now. I think the cool weather really helped. I have not run in the dark since before the marathon over 5 weeks ago. I really enjoyed it this evening. I just may go out again this evening for another short run.......

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Waited til 9 to run this morning---lazy!

Ran the Tonaquint loop. I have run this several times over the past 3 months and today was the best of all of them. I set out to do an easy run to loosen up my hip and just get 6 miles in. splits: 8:31/8:41/7:43/7:53/7:58/7:50/7:24for the last .17 (8:03 average 49:54) I have had it in the back of my mind to run this loop in under 50 minutes, when I got home I looked down and couldn't believe that I had done it. It is fun to look back at the other times and see the change: 7-31 11:06 pace/ 8-6 11:02/ 8-11 10:38/ 8-18 9:54/ 8-27 12:09/ 9-3 8:44/ 9-19 9:02/ 9-22 9:34/ 10-9 8:19

I need to go nurse a small blister and get the hip taken care of. I am looking foward to Saturday now more than ever. I feel real good about this run.

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Took today off to heal. The hip is still sore today. I am doing some stretching and rubbing in the Wintercrest. I am sure that it will be good to go in the morning but I really wanted to put up some fast miles on the steep beginning. I will have to take them mellow.....dang!

Oh well, the weather is supposed to be perfect and I am still hopeful of a 1:40 run.


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Race: Snow Canyon Half Marathon (13.1 Miles) 01:44:32, Place overall: 77, Place in age division: 3
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I ran the Snow Canyon Half Marathon this morning. What a beautiful day! The race started about 25 minutes late...bummer. We stood at the start line for ever. The race went well just a bit harder than I expected for the last 3 miles through Entrada. There was more hills in that area than I expected. The hip acted up for most of the race and keep me thinking about it....I was shooting for a 1:40 but it wasn't there today.

I feel good about my time and it is is my new PR 1:44:32 3rd in age division

splits: 5:46/ 6:18/ 7:44/ 8:56/ 9:30 restroom break..dang/ 7:51/ 8:42/ 7:45/ 8:22/ 8:01/ 8:41 started to get tired/ 8:38/ 8:10 (7:58 pace)

Great job Logan!

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I have been thinking about yesterday's run. Bummed out about the hip...can hardly walk. It seems like forever ago that I ran the Saint George Marathon....really only 5 weeks and I was able to cut 55 seconds off of my marathon pace. I know I am not as prepared as I was for the marathon so I am feeling much better about the time yesterday. I am starting to understand more about getting proper rest between long races. I am planning on running the Painters Half in January...talked myself into it today. I will take it very easy this week and try t get the hip feeling better. Probably get doing some biking to break things up. I do plan on training harder in December and leading up to the run doing some longer runs just as I did for the marathon. The one thng that I was lacking yesterday was being able to feel strong at the end. In September I was feeling much better after much longer runs.

Great race to all that ran!!!

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Today I needed to get out of the house and clear the mind.....but I can't run! I went out walking very slowly trying to stretch out the hip a bit. I was able to gradually speed the walk up to where I built up some sweat. I jogged very slow for about 100 feet is all at the end. Hopefully I can get this worked out fast and be able to do some fun enjoyable runs for the rest of the month before training for the Painter's Half.

Logan just informed me that I took 3rd in my age not 4th. The master's winner was in my group and that bumped me up to 3rd. Yee Haa

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Went out for a very easy walk/run. The hip is feeling a bit better but still sore. I started out walking for about 30 feet then jogged. It felt good to run so I continued at a 10:00 pace just trying to stretch things out. At 1 mile mark I pushed the pace a little more to 8:19 pace for the 2nd mile. The 3rd mile I pulled back a bit to 8:30. I am going to continue to take it easy this week and hope to get back on track for next week.

I decided for sure to run Painter's Half. I am going to train different this time, getting some longer runs in prior to the race. Between the Marathon and the Half I really didn't do much as far as long runs. I feel that I need to get at least 3-4 runs over 15 miles in this time to improve my endurance. The speed is coming along alright I just need to be able to hold it for a longer distance without getting exhausted.

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Today I ran the first half of the Painter's Half course. I am taking things very slow just trying to get the hip feeling strong. After a mile I felt pretty good but there is still pain and stiffness in the hip. I ran about as far as I felt I could push it. ( 8:20 ave pace) I stopped and decided to run another 3-4 miles, started out about a 1/4 mile and that was all the hip needed today. Don't want to push it when I don't need to. Beautiful day today!

I am going to train on this course for the rest of the year getting to know it well so that I can give it a great run in January.

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I ran the club 7 mile run today. Nothing special. Great day to run! ran 8:20 pace til the last 1 1/2 miles than slowed down up Sunset to the Running Store. 8:45 average

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I took a few days off to let the hip get feeling better. It feels pretty good today. Just a little dore after my run. I ran the first part of the Painter's Half. Felt good today. I ran 6 miles with an average pace of 7:54. When I ran this last week I had an average pace of 8:20.

What a beautiful day....I hopw we have a lot more of these days ahead of us!!!!!

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This morning was another beautiful one. I ran the second half of the Painters course. This portion runs from DC on the path to Bloomington turning right onto Bloomington Drive and making the loop and back to the DC. This portion has more uphill than the first half. My average pace was 8:07 for the run. Combining the 2 runs would give me 1:45. Based on that time I am going to shoot hard to hit under 1:40. This is a good hard goal to keep me going when it gets cold outside.......

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Another great day! I took my run into town by way of the bike path to DC then followed the first 2 miles of the painters course then went up to the office complex by Applebee's. I met a client for awhile then ran down River road and hooked up on the bike path again at Riverside road and then went bact to the DC then on to home. 8:14 average pace. 7:57/ 7:36/ 8:00/ 8:11/ 8:54/ 9:21 up hill/ 7:04/ 7:34/ 8:30/ 8:54/ 8:41/ 8:36

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Didn't feel much like running but did anyway. I am fasting for a friend of mine today that is in surgery for a terrible leg break just below the knee. He had to go to Salt Lake for the surgery because it was so bad and that specialist said this was the worst he had seen. He was told that he ay never bend his leg again...he is a very active outdoors person...that sucks!

I just couldn't get it going at all today...average pace 9:10.

Beautiful day though!!!!!

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I ran from home to the Running Store by way of Dixie Drive and Sunset Blvd then down Bluff to the Dixie Center then home on the bike path. The day I signed up to run the St. George marathon I walked/ran this same course without the additional section to the running store. It took me just under 4 hours. Today I ran it slow and finished in 2:02. Not very fast but it felt good to enjoy the run, not pushing for any time goals and halfing my original time.

Another beautiful day in paradise!!!!!

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I have been bothered by an ingrown toenail...ouch! Still hurts but needed to get out for a run today. Tried to run a consistent pace today, not neccesarily fast. My average was 7:48. splits 7:49/ 8:00/ 7:51/ 7:50/ 7:43 at the end of this mile I saw a women on roller blades ahead of me and pushed it enough to pass her.....felt really good and this pushed me to finish strong for the last 1/2 mile/ 7:12    41:22 total time.

I cannot believe how great the fall has been this year, everyday has been beautiful!

Side note: I had business up in Dammeron Valley yesterday and drove up to see a property in Brookside. I really miss running the marathon course every saturday. I decided that I am going to have to run the marathon course from the beggining to the end in the next few weeks, just for fun!

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Same run as yesterday, different result for the better. Light rain going out and a little heavier coming back----felt good.

7:17 average pace;

7:13/ 7:13/ 7:06/ 7:20/ 7:39/ 7:04   38:38 total time.

Amazing to me because yesterday felt good and I cut 2:44 off of yesterdays run or 31 seconds off of my average......I suppose I like the rain....lol

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ran around the block. Needed to get the legs and butt loosened up. Yesterday's run made me pretty stiff...in a good way.

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Similar run as last saturday. I strapped my pack on, loaded with a computer hard drive that needed to be taken to the computer store. I needed to get it there at 10am so that really messed up my running plans. I ended up running up past sunset blvd, where the computer store is, and ended up going to the Snow Canyon parkway then turned around and went back to the store. Then is was back home for a total of 14.65 (8:54 average). Another beautiful day just a little cool. Had my first nip bleed......they sting...lol

Checked my shoes on sunday and found that I had put some heavy magnetic insoles in my shoes and had forgotten to take them out for this run.......the legs were heavy......I was trying to figure out why the bottoms of my feet hurt so bad, DUH!

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