7:10 average. Hip flexor hurt especially towards the end, knee stiffened up and hurt pretty bad a few minutes after I stopped. Game readied it (this thing is so cool btw, haha pun intended)
As I’ve thought more about it, I’m kind of glad I’m in the 800 group this year. I think it’ll be the best for me because, as coach said way back when, it’s just getting me to relearn how to go fast. I can hold a pace for a long time, that’s always been one of my stronger suits. When I’m in good shape and when I’m mentally tough and focused, that is. I just need to build confidence in myself, believe that I’m fast and have the ability to run fast times. When I believe that, that’s when I push myself harder and risk going faster just to test what I can do. Sometimes I blow up and die hard. But sometimes if it’s just right, I end up running pretty quick times, or can even it out more next time knowing that I can run fast if I want to. Anyways, the 800 group will be good because it’ll help me to learn how to push through fast pain and not be scared of dying so much. And it’ll remind me to open up and push harder, faster and not necessarily longer because I’m already good at going long.