Lower mileage today to give myself more time to recover from Saturday. I’m just a tiny bit sore. Just want to be cautious because I’m nervous now after having pushed through a stress reaction last track season, I don’t want a repeat. What triggered that was getting too excited after 4 days of speed and running 13 miles in Salt Lake and jumping up in mileage a ton, then running through pain when I suspected what it was from the start and thought I was just paranoid. So I won’t be doing that again, I’m going to be staying in the 45-50 miles a week range. And I think I know my body well enough to know what I can and can’t run through. My low back/hip is slightly bugging, it’s probably from my screwy hips which I’ve been doing my best to roll out and realign myself, it’s a lot more difficult when I’m not sure which direction they’re tilted or how far off they are, can’t really measure that myself. But I’m doing what I can to imitate what Drew had me do and will keep doing rehab. It could also be my extremely tight piriformis. Maybe I’ll have Hattie elbow it out for me. I’m catching Tessa’s cold, which is awesome. The twins are little contagions I swear haha, it seems like every time I come home I get sick with whatever they’ve got. Haha but I love them to death. Pounding the Vitamin C and taking Zinc too to help boost my immune system.
7:15 average