So, I didn't feel like going to the game, so I met Tomy, Bill, Natalie, Chris, and Abigail to go on a run. Long run. It was not one of my best days. The others wanted to go on a 12 miler to get their miles up, but in my head I was thinking more of an 8-10 miler. But I knew a 12 miler wouldn't hurt. It would also help get my miles up higher, and then I wouldn't have to do so much at the end of the week. So we ended up doing our run to the Cottonwood Complex, with a small detour to Bill's old house or something I don't really know. To the Complex, out along kind of what we did a little while ago, then a huge detour back to the same house to pick up Bill's sweatshirt. Then we ran along 11th E. to 9th S. I was behind them, and Just caught them at 9th and was thinking YES I am done....but then I thought I must've taken a wrong turn or something. They had run a little down 9th and back up to make it even. I ran with Bill up the hill and did almost a full lap to make it even. The hill wasn't as bad as I thought. The first 2 or 3 miles I felt sick to my stomach. 3rd and 4th mile were just dandy. Then my legs decide to start hurting. They were so stiff!!! Natalie was complaining about her calves and mine were dying as well. We stopped at that green thing in the Complex and stretched. It felt good. But I wasn't all the way ready when we started. It was certainly nice to stop. 2nd half was hard for me. My legs were just so tired and when I would try to keep up with them I felt like we were going really fast, when really we were going at 7:51 pace. I guess its about time that they start hurting, with all of the intense workouts I've been doing. Like long runs. I did my first 10 miler just a couple weeks ago. Maybe a month. And now I'm doing lots of them. At least 1 a week. Minimum. Ha. I just felt dead. I was on my own all along 11th. And 11th went on forever. I thought it was never going to end. When I thought I was really close, it was actually more like a mile and a half farther. Very discouraging. Good smells and bad smells. Good: food!!!!!! and lots of them!!! Bad: Smokers, dirt, and so on. Maybe tomorrow my legs will feel better. I hope. It's speed I believe. Yippee!! I get to look forward to that! ;) And lots of slugbugs, bingos, bingo houses, bingo fire hydrants, cars, and so forth. You can tell how bored we can get on long runs.