Don't know what's gotten into me, but did another outside run early this morning. I actually like running early Sundays down the middle of the street (13th West) because other days there are too many cars to do so. 1) 8:21; 2) 7:37; 3) 7:34; 4) 7:22 5) 7:24; 6) 7:22 ; 7)
7:22 ; 8) 7:28; 9) 7:26; 10) 7:46; 11) 7:34; 12) 7:36; 13) 7:39; 14) 7:25; 15) 7:08; 16) 7:30; 17) 8:08; 18) 8:32; 19) 8:24; 20) 8:11; 20.25) 1:30 (6:00 pace
just to finish). Foot is holding up, so I was glad. I wanted to be strong for miles 2 through 17, then had planned to let the pace fall a bit for a cool down. I was glad because there was a bit of slight, but steady uphill but was more glad to stop having to fight the headwind on the way back. By the way, I'm a big fan of So You Think You Can Dance and it is finals week. I fear, however, that I would bust a move more like this:  