Workout day, third hardish effort in four days and feeling it.Went to the fieldhouse since there's few options available right now. Did a little jog in the fieldhouse to get sufficiently warmed up, and did plyos then it was into the workout 3 by 2 mile with 800 jog inbetween. First one was 11:05 (5:30, 5:35) second 11:18 (5:35, 5:43) and 11:22 (5:40, 5:42). Saw about the same drop off between miles one and two, and after finishing the second and third intervals felt like I could barely breathe. Most likely a side effect of still getting into the swing of altitude again. Shuffled through the cool down and run home, didn't feel much faster than a walk. I'm happy with the results and will be taking tomorrow eaaasssssyyyyy.