All about that pace.

Boston Marathon

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Member Since:

Dec 19, 2008



Goal Type:

Boston Qualifier

Running Accomplishments:

  • 5k
    Resolution Run 5k:
    1/1/09 20:46 (6:42)
    1/1/10 19:33 (6:18)
    1/1/11 19:23 (6:15)
    1/1/12 19:33 (6:18)
    FSRC Turkey Trot:
    11/20/11 18:50 (6:04)
  • 10k
    Resolution Run 10k:
    1/24/09 42:40 (6:53)
    1/23/10 40:48 (6:35)
    1/22/11 39:40 (6:24)
  • 15k
    Resolution Run 15k:
    2/21/09 1:05:59 (7:06)
    2/20/10 1:04:15 (6:55)
    2/26/11 1:03:46 (6:51)
    2/25/12 1:02:26 (6:42)
  • 20k
    Resolution Run 20k:
    3/21/09 1:27:16 (7:01)
    3/20/10 1:26:46 (6:59)
    3/26/11 1:24:37 (6:49)
    3/24/12 1:25:27 (6:52)
  • 1/2 Marathon
    Grand Columbian 1/2 Iron Relay
    2007 1:58:29 (8:59)
    2010 1:39:07 (7:34)
  • Marathon
    2005 Portland: 3:52:21 (8:52)
    2007 Tacoma: 3:47:17 (8:40)
    2010 Eugene: 3:16:21 (7:30)
    2011 Boston: 3:25:28 (7:51)
    2011 Tunnel: 3:06:30 (7:07)
    2012 Boston: 3:53:56 (8:56)
    2012 Big Sur: 3:23:06 (7:45)
    2013 Tacoma: 3:41:25 (8:27)
    2013 Tunnel Lite: 3:07:33 (7:09)
    2014 Boston: 3:40:35 (8:20)
  • Ultra Marathon
    2013 Defiance 50k: 4:49:12 (9:18)
    2013 Steilacoom 50k: 4:44:06 (9:09)
    2014 R2R 51.9mi: 9:51:40 (11:24)

Short-Term Running Goals:


Upcoming races: Just pacing and volunteering this year. PRs coming in 2016?

St Paddy's Day 1/2 1:50 Pacer 3/12/16

Whidbey Island 1/2 1:45 Pacer 4/?/16

Tacoma City Marathon 3:55 Pacer 5/1/16



No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful. Later on, however, it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it.
Heb 12:11


Favorite Quotes:

"Go out and preach the Gospel, and if you have to, use words."  - St. Francis of Assisi

"Life is short; running makes it seem longer." - Baron Hansen

"If you have to ask, you wouldn't understand." HD?

"Rule #1. Cardio - Zombies lead a very active lifestyle, so should you." - Columbus (Zombieland)

"A one that is not cold is scarcely a one at all." - Strongbad

"Running without hills is like motorcycling without corners" -me


Favorite Blog Posts:

Puke and pass

My epic Beatles for Burt blogpost

Vodka at an aid station?


Hot tips for winter running:

Poor man's cleats. this works a LOT better than you would think! Very quick and easy.

Are you cheap like me? Put those little hotties in a ziplock bag and use them again tomorrow!

Kickstart your dead Garmin
Hold down the reset/lap button and the mode button together to get your 205/305/310xt to restart if it won't turn on or if it freezes up.

Favorite Blogs:

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Miles:This week: 0.00 Month: 0.00 Year: 0.00
Brooks Adrenaline GT13-3 Lifetime Miles: 964.63
Shopping Cart Lifetime Miles: 9.60
Race: Boston Marathon (26.2 Miles) 03:53:56
Total Distance


You might not guess that I thought I would die of heat exhaustion during this race by looking at my finish pic. The heat totally kicked my butt during this race! I thought I was taking it fairly easy during the first several miles, yet at each split I would see that I still needed to back off more. It's so hard to keep the brakes on during those first few downhill miles. The heat really took it's toll on the first couple inclines during miles 8 and 10. Now I was nauseous and way too hot and it wasn't long before I had to make a pop stop. At this point I knew I wasn't going to see any more 7s if I wanted to finish the race. I started walking through the water stops and took advantage of the shade where it was available. The next bit of excitement was a blue otterpop that went down soooo nice and then quickly came back up like a scene from the exorcist, luckily not much of it came out my nose and it didn't hit anybody. Note to self, never ever try anything new during a race, yeah I already knew that. I finally caught up to Preston somewhere after the half and felt the need to turn around and pass him running backwards, not because I was feeling good or anything, just because we had joked about it earlier. In hindsight I feel pretty lucky that I didn't fall and hurt myself as I was definitely not 100% at the time :) During the climb up the Newton hills Derunzo let out the loudest and most enthusiastic cheer I heard all day. That charged me up for a little while, but not long after that Dan and JG both passed me like I was standing still; actually I may have been. I was so hot and dizzy I could barely string a few words together to say hello and wish them luck as they left me behind. Part of me wanted to man-up and try to turn out a decent time and the other more sensible part of me wanted to finish without the need for a stretcher or an IV. I continued to run at a comfortable pace (simlar to a zombie shuffle) and went a few more miles before I got another slap on the shoulder by someone I knew from some local races at home. He said "COME ON! we're almost there", and I immediately picked up the pace to catch him or I tried to anyway, because within about 3 steps my calves cramped up so bad I almost fell down. When I backed off they calmed down a little bit and I was able to continue at a very slow pace until I hit Boylston Street and tried to pull myself together for the final stretch.

Aside from a little agony on raceday I had an excellent weekend with my friend Preston. Sorry I didn't meet up wth any FRBers after the race. Preston and I decided to do all the race related stuff on Monday, post race massage, open house at Fenway, and the after party at House of Blues. Then a tour of the Sam Adams brewery on Tuesday before heading to the airport. I did get to meet Jake and Andrea on the plane from Chicago. They were both very nice and it was so cool to see somebody I know kick some butt in Boston! Congrats to both of you if you're reading this :)

Asics 2150 2E Miles: 26.54
From Steam8 on Thu, Apr 19, 2012 at 08:07:14 from

Now that I can see your face close up....I know I saw you at Boston. I remember seeing your red hair, but didn't know you had a goatee! Dang! I would have loved to chat with you for a bit!

The heat was unbearable. I felt like I was going to puke from 8 on. I am glad you slowed down so that you could make it to the finish line. I think because we have trained in such cool just did us in! Congratulations on finishing a tough marathon!

From rAtTLeTrAp on Thu, Apr 19, 2012 at 08:19:24 from

Thanks Amy. I was so happy for you when I saw the final text where you crossed the finish line and got your medal. This was the toughest and slowest marathon ever for me. I hope it's raining and so cold that I have to wear gloves at Big Sur 10 days from now :)

From Steam8 on Thu, Apr 19, 2012 at 08:37:21 from

10 days! I hope you recover fast! I'm actually feeling a little better today and it isn't hurting to walk as much. yay!!!!

I remember where I saw you....I was walking to the tent and wave 1 was walking to get in line and I was looking for you and others. I saw you and didn't realize you had a goatee. Close up, you look different than what I had imagined in my mind! ha!

From rAtTLeTrAp on Thu, Apr 19, 2012 at 08:44:37 from

Recover? I didn't run fast enough to really need recovery. My quads are a little sore, but I did 10@7:07 after work last night without too much trouble. It helped that it was only 49 degrees outside :)

From I Just Run on Thu, Apr 19, 2012 at 08:48:27 from

Hey Rattle...I'm not sure if I should say congradulations or I'm sorry... I know it was really tough out there. I've been reading all of the race blog reports and there's only a couple of people who ran a sucessful race (time wise). I thing those people were more ultra-marathoners who were used to the heat! All I can say is you'll have something to talk about for the rest of your life, you'll remember this race much more than if you'd have run a PR in good weather conditions. I hope you're not discouraged and will go back next year because I want to be there and up my speed so I can run with you!!!! Yeah!!

From derhammer on Thu, Apr 19, 2012 at 08:53:30 from

Hey man, you survived. I had a very similar experience. I just saw my finishing picture and there was one guy behind me with a 2000 bib number and the guy next to me had a 1000 bib number. Many, many of the 3 hour marathoners finished in around 4. When I finished there were as many runners going through the wave 1 chute as there were going through wave 2. They will be talking about this race for years to come. You can say you were in it!

From rAtTLeTrAp on Thu, Apr 19, 2012 at 09:20:18 from

IJR - I'm not disappointed at all. I had a great weekend with a good friend and got to run the Boston Marathon a second time. I think I would have preferred a PR over a PW, but I didn't really have anything to prove other than I could finish what I started, and everybody that finished this one beat last year's champ :)

derhammer - I noticed just the opposite; lots of higher numbers than mine around me. I think anyone that trained in a hot climate had a huge advantage this year and that is awesome for them. The last 5 miles were littered with runners getting medical attention and I was glad to be amongst the vertical. I'm really happy for everyone that finished this race regardless of time.

From DLTheo on Thu, Apr 19, 2012 at 10:07:25 from

Hey Mike, you did a great job. Of all the people I was following on the web you seemed to be dealing with the heat the best overall. On the bright side, you may be set for a PR at Big Sur now, since Boston was so slow.

From rAtTLeTrAp on Thu, Apr 19, 2012 at 10:12:47 from

Scott - I don't know about a PR. Have you seen the Big Sur elevation chart?! Even with the hills, I'm still confident I can beat this year's and maybe even last year's Boston time. Before Monday I was a little worried about the cold, but now I welcome it.

From DLTheo on Thu, Apr 19, 2012 at 11:00:45 from

Maybe not, but you'll be able to give a solid performance, and I bet you can beat last year's Boston time.

From flatlander on Thu, Apr 19, 2012 at 12:31:50 from

Great report, glad you were able to finish. Thanks for the pic. From everything I could see, the average finish in this race was anywhere from 45 minutes to an hour over PR. The guy who won my age group was from Texas -- we don't have a lot of fast runners here and something like that doesn't happen very often. One can get better at running in the heat, but why?

From Jake K on Thu, Apr 19, 2012 at 14:26:10 from

Nice run man! It was great to meet you on the plane ride out there.

I think you'll end up being able to run pretty well at Big Sur... assuming another heat wave doesn't roll through - you are DUE some good marathon weather karma now! :-)

From rAtTLeTrAp on Thu, Apr 19, 2012 at 14:38:49 from

Thanks Jake, After this race I feel a bit like a pilot saying "any landing I walk away from is a good one" :) Hopefully I can redeem myself 10 days from now. I'm not too worried about the weather at Big Sur, and my legs should be near 100% in another day or two. It will be more of a mental challenge for me after being beat down so badly in Boston. It was great meeting you and Andrea. Congrats again to both of you!

From DLTheo on Thu, Apr 19, 2012 at 14:51:13 from

It's going to end up being a really good thing you decided to do the back to back challenge. After your tough race it'll be good to get right back out there and do another one.

From rAtTLeTrAp on Thu, Apr 19, 2012 at 15:07:27 from

Scott - I just wish it was on a more forgiving course. The elevation profile for Big Sur is pretty intimidating.

Do you know if they do text updates for Eugene? I don't want to wait to see how you and IJR do in your races. OKC has an android app to track runners.

From DLTheo on Thu, Apr 19, 2012 at 15:20:18 from

I think there is an FB and Twitter option. I don't know about text updates.

From I Just Run on Thu, Apr 19, 2012 at 15:23:35 from

I looked at Big Sur elevation chart...10, 11, 12 look tough but after that you should be flying :-)

From Teena Marie on Thu, Apr 19, 2012 at 16:03:39 from

I love your pics!!

10 at 7:07 already? WOW!!!

From Kelli on Thu, Apr 19, 2012 at 16:40:10 from

Hey, I think the heat may have been a blessing. It kept you ultra conservative in Boston and left it all in the tank for Big Sur. AND I totally know you can run hills because I read your blog!!!!

From rAtTLeTrAp on Thu, Apr 19, 2012 at 16:57:54 from

Scott - Did you sign up for the FB updates?

IJR - I doubt I'll be flying after climbing Hurricane Point unless I fall off a cliff :)

Teena - I had to show my quads who's boss and they didn't go down without a fight.

Kelli - Running without hills is like...

From JD on Thu, Apr 19, 2012 at 17:07:48 from

way to make the most of what sounds like a pretty brutal day on the course. no doubt you'll be well primed for Big Sur.

Oatmeal Stout is one of my favorite Sam Adams concoctions :-()

From Dan on Thu, Apr 19, 2012 at 18:04:40 from

Hey way to tough it out! Next time I wont run up on you and say "Mike?" - Now that it has passed, I can say the look on your face was kinda funny. I agree that we beat last years winner and you are already primed for your next big one.

From Carl on Thu, Apr 19, 2012 at 23:39:36 from

Nice job racing in those conditions Mike! Be sure to tell me when you and Scott are getting that pizza and beer; I want to come too!

From JimF on Fri, Apr 20, 2012 at 07:45:45 from

Glad that you had a good Boston experience even with the heat. Sorry that the weather didn't cooperate. Hopefully you will get to go back again under more normal conditions.

From april27 on Tue, May 08, 2012 at 19:53:41 from

Love the swag!

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