I ran out towards GU corner but stopped about a half of a mile short and then turned and headed for home. My foot felt okay but it is still sore but not quite as sore as it was before I had the cortisone shot! I ran easy for the most part and my legs felt okay but they seemed to get more tired towards the end, I still must be feeling the effects of the marathon. My hip felt pretty good and I hope I am on the mend there too, but who knows only time will tell on that! I ran into Michelle and she seemed to be doing well we chatted for just a minute and then we both had to get going, I wish her the best in her training.
My average pace was 8:36 and total time was 1:00:32, I didn't have my heart rate monitor on this morning so I have no information on that.
See ya on Monday.
Asic 2130 Blue (61) |