| Location: Fairfax,VA, Member Since: May 31, 2012 Gender: Male Goal Type: Local Elite Running Accomplishments: Post High School Road PRs
Mile 4:30 (2016)
5K 15:24 (2017)
10K 31:48 (2018)
10M 52:23 (2017)
Half 1:09:14 (2018)
Mar. 2:29:41 (2015) Short-Term Running Goals: Stay injury free, consistently train, and enjoy running
PR in the 5K,10K,10M, half marathon
Long-Term Running Goals: 2019 Race Schedule
1/1 New Years Day 5k (1st, 16:08)
2/3 For The Love 10k
3/16 Shamrock Half Marathon
4/7 Cherry Blossom 10 Mile
4/28 NJ Marathon ?
9/29 Berlin Marathon
Personal: Live near DC in Fairfax, VA. Hoping to train tough and see what I've got before time and other responsibilities catch up to me.
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Saucony Mirage 3 Miles: 22.00 | Saucony Triumph 10 Miles: 53.00 | Saucony Fastwitch 5 Miles: 49.00 | New Balance 890v.4 (2) Miles: 79.00 |
| | 4 miles easy
Saucony Mirage 3 Miles: 4.00 |
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| Race: |
Crime Solvers 5K (3.107 Miles) 00:16:07, Place overall: 2, Place in age division: 2 | | Our club puts on a race every year and most of our runners run it. I decided to run it but I wasn't looking for a PR or a fast time. In fact I had already put plenty of mileage in this week (my highest week ever!) and my legs were a little tired for this one. The course was hilly too and unlike last weekend's race, not designed for a PR. I was looking for a solid effort and that's what I gave.
I noticed an Ethiopian warming up but when I started the race he wasn't there. Another guy gunned it and was a good 30-40 meters ahead through 1.5 miles. I opened with a 5:13. The Ethiopian quickly came by me and eased up with the other guy. Just past the two mile (10:22) I caught both of the guys but the Ethiopian gunned it again to stay ahead. I caught him once more but he just threw in another surge. The guy wasn't even breathing and it was like he was out for a Sunday morning stroll looking for a win and an easy gift-card. Found out it was this guy after talking to him after the race. He said he is just starting to run again.
I put in a great effort and ran the race correctly (5:13, 5:11, 5:08, xx). Won a $75 gift card to Dicks Sporting goods and a $25 gift card to a local restaurant--not a bad day at all. This is my last race until 9/14 and the half marathon. Long and happy training weeks ahead!
PM: 5 miles easy
Saucony Triumph 10 Miles: 5.00 | Saucony Mirage 3 Miles: 4.00 |
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| | AM: 14 miles easy-easy/moderate. Ran solo on the Custis and W & OD. Legs are very tired now and they ache a bit due to the Mirage's. They are too stiff and haven't loosened up yet. My 890s were too soft and wore out too easily but the Mirage's are on the other end of the spectrum. I've ordered another pair of 890s with my gift card from yesterday and will alternate them with the mirages.
Saucony Mirage 3 Miles: 14.00 |
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| | AM: 7 miles + standard core routine
PM: 5 miles
Saucony Triumph 10 Miles: 12.00 |
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| | AM: 2 WU 2x (1200, 800, 400) with 1/2 rep recovery. 3 CD
I don't remember most of the splits but the pace was done at about 5 flat pace for the reps.
PM: 1 hr. pool run
Saucony Fastwitch 5 Miles: 10.00 |
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| | AM: 7 easy + standard core routine
PM: 5 easy
Saucony Triumph 10 Miles: 12.00 |
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| | AM: Off
PM: 2 WU 8K tempo run 28:02 (1600 splits: 5:36, 5:35, 5:36, 5:40, 5:32) 3.5 CD
Started a tempo on the track nice and easy. I began to speed up on the fourth 1600 but was put in place by my pace group buddy and it felt strong but manageable as a pace. Finished feeling refreshed and strong. If left to my own devices no doubt I would have dropped 5:30 low and 5:2x for the last two but that would probably defeat the purpose of the workout in the first place and leave me tired tomorrow.
Saucony Fastwitch 5 Miles: 10.00 |
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| | AM: 7 easy/slow
PM: 4 slow
New Balance 890v.4 (2) Miles: 11.00 |
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| | 16 miles progression. Started at 8:52 and ended in the low 5:40s
Tired now. First time in the 80s and my highest mileage week ever. When I told coach he couldn't believe I've never run this high before. Hopefully once I fully adapt to the higher mileage, my times come down. I don't see how some can manage 100+ per week working full time but that's what I said about 60, then 70, now 80 and it really isn't that hard with run commutes.
New Balance 890v.4 (2) Miles: 16.00 |
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| | AM: 12 miles easy + 4x100m fast strides with drils between reps.
PM: Standard Core Routine + jack knives, inverse planks, and more standard planks.
I went to the pool this evening to go pool running and apparently it was closed because some kid dropped a deuce in the pool and they had to sanitize it. I was looking forward to my pool run but alas I did some extra core work instead.
Man I love my NB 890s...light, quick, and efficient, they match my stride perfectly. I just wish they were more durable. Say 600 miles on a pair instead of 400. I felt pretty cruddy this mornig since I ate like shit yesterday. A lot of beer and doughnuts and not enough salad. I've considered on my run today giving up alcohol until after the half but that doesn't make much sense either. The key is moderation. 2 or 3 instead of 7 or 8.
New Balance 890v.4 (2) Miles: 12.00 |
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| | AM: 7 easy + standard core routine
PM: 5 easy
Saucony Triumph 10 Miles: 12.00 |
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| | AM: 2 WU 8 x 800m with 400m recoveries. 3 CD.
2:40, 2:35, 2:35, 2:33, 2:33, 2:33, 2:27, 2:25
PM: 1 hr. pool run
generally tired this morning but nothing aches or niggles, just a general feeling of tired but not so exhausted that I can't do the workout. I still feel fast which tells me that I'm doing a lot but not over doing it. I'll be vigiliant about paying close attention to how I am feeling during the next few weeks as I am aiming for 4 quality 85 mpw weeks.
Saucony Fastwitch 5 Miles: 10.00 |
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| | AM: 7 easy + standard core routine
PM: 5 easy
Tired. going to get a good night's sleep tonight.
Saucony Triumph 10 Miles: 12.00 |
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| | AM: off
PM: jogged to the track for the workout only to find it closed. We ran to our spot in the park to do the tempo. I elected to run easy and come to the track tempo tomorrow morning. Tired.
New Balance 890v.4 (2) Miles: 9.00 |
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| | AM: 2 WU 2x3200 cruise intervals (10:55, 10:54) with an 800m recovery in between. 2 CD.
PM: 1 hr. pool run
Legs are pretty heavy. Felt better this morning than I did last night though so waiting a day for the workout was a good idea. Our normal workout of a steady 5 tempo was broken up today since I am doing a 4-3-2-1 workout long run on Sunday. What is that you ask? You'll find out Sunday.
I quit caring about "x many miles this/per week" this week because I need to recover. I really don't care if I hit 80 or not. This weekend will be an "exciting" one of sleeping and running. Planning on a pool run after work, not another run.
Saucony Fastwitch 5 Miles: 9.00 |
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| | AM: 10 miles easy
low humidity, nice out. Ragweed allergies are starting to act up. Legs felt a little less heavy
New Balance 890v.4 (2) Miles: 10.00 |
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| | 2 easy.
4 MP (6:07, 6:00, 5:58, 5:57), 1 easy
3 MP (5:56, 6:00, 6:04) , 1 easy
2 MP (6:03, 6:15), 1 easy
1 MP (6:04), 1 easy
Ran a marathoner's workout with the marathoners this morning. It was a good quality day. I went by feel as to what my marathon pace would be and around 6:00 feels about right. I'm not sure what happened on the second mile of the 2 mile pick-up. At the time I remember fighting the urge to run to the porto-john....I was out last evening and put down a whole plate of Mexican food and a couple Dos Equis. Luckily I made it till after my run for my bathroom break. My legs are freakin rocked tired now. Going to go take a long nap.
New Balance 890v.4 (2) Miles: 16.00 |
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| | "Alberto Salazar has said on more than one occasion that recovery takes confidence. Knowing when to stop running for a day or a week, while the competition hammers away, isn't easy for many runners, but understanding that it will enhance performance in the long term comes with maturity."
I've been really tired and dragging due to new mileage highs combined with some great workouts. It's risky adding mileage and intensity at the same time. You've got to know when to recover some days, or face being injured--an unacceptable prospect to say the least.
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| | 2 WU. 400, 800, 1200, 1600, 1200, 800, 400. 2 CD. 1/2 interval jog. I don't remember all of my splits but they were fast and I felt good after the day off yesterday. However, my calf was strained during the latter 1200....it's been acting up and it felt great after a day off but it hurts now...throwing my fastwitches out....my right calf still isn't ready for them even with heel raises. It was weakend during my achilles injury in that boot and these fast speed days must have strained it. I'm going to RICE it and pool run. I'm not feeling too good about it but I'm considering only pool running the next three days.
PM: 1 hr. pool run. Calf is pretty tight and affecting how I walk. Going to ice, ibuprofen, and self massage for the next few days. If it goes away I'll try jogging. If it last for over a week I'll transfer my half marathon bib and focus on healing. Life can really suck sometimes.
Saucony Fastwitch 5 Miles: 10.00 |
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| | nothing. I tried to go to the gym at lunch but of course it was closed for annual maintenance. I attempted to walk to the pool after work but just went home. I was rather depressed about my calf.
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| | AM: 1 hr. pool run
My calf feels 50% better than it did after the workout Thursday. At this rate it should be healed in a few days then aother few days to get the flexibility and strenght back then I can try to run on it. I have not decided whether to transfer my bib for the half marathon. If I am out more than a week I think I will.
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| | Busy day at work. Leg is getting better but I'm still feeling a little down. I went out drinking with some friends instead of the pool.
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| | 1.5 hour pool run then standard core routine + some extra ab work, and a lot of stretching. Calf is feeling very good. I just keep sticking it, icing it, and massaging it. Going to the PT Tuesday. Should be ready to run by the end of next week depending on what they say Tuesday.
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| | 1 hr. 5 minute pool run and standard core routine + some jack knives and leg balances/calf raises. Calf is almost healed.
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| | AM: 1 hr. pool run
Work is insane. I'm still here at 6 and I've been here since 8:15 and I wouldn't dare to take a lunch break to the gym this time of year. Calf feels great. I have a PT appointment tomorrow at Capitol Rehab. Hopefully they do some ART work on my calf since it is still tight as hell.
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| | very busy at work again today. Still being lazy and eating like crap. I had an appointment with the PT doc today. He did some ART, Graston, and hooked my calf up the the stim machine for 20 minutes. I iced and iced. THe good news is that my injury doesn't hurt, and it feels like its heald. The bad news is that it's still tight and the doc doesn't want me to run on it until he does a few treatments. I really think I am fine to run....just did a jog for 30 secs no problem...but I will listen to him for the time being.
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| | AM: 1 hr. pool run
PM: 10 min WU on bike then 2 minute jog. Standard core routine then ab bench, some lifting, calf raises, etc.
My calf is sore not from the graston/ART but that stim machine. It really worked my muscles. Injury feels great though but just tight. I believe the muscle has healed. During my jog it felt perfectly fine, just a little weak and tight.
It's time to get serious again. I've been lazy and also been eating like $hit for the most part. I guess it's good for a week of rest but it's basically forcing an end of my September/October "season" and puting my race goals back into November. I need to get to the pool and the gym and actually attempt to stay in shape and get strong while I am not running so I am going to make the effort to get out there everyday. I feel like I could be running this weekend but I'll listen to my sports doc. Hopefully he will clear me for a little Sunday jog.
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| | AM: 10 min wu on eliptical then standard core routine and lifing/core work. Left my calf alone. The main point was to get warm and stretch a lot and work on core.
PM: 1 hr. pool run. Got after it and was tired afterwards.
I had my second apointment this morning at Capitol Rehab. Doc again hooked me up to the stim for 15 minutes, then the ART and some Graston, then some back cracking (my back feels great after this by the way). He really dug into my calf this time with that little graston tool and said I would probably be sore. My calf is tired after that one. The good news is that there has not been any pain for days and my stretching has improved the tightness. I see no reason why I can't go for an easy run but I'll listen to the doc...at least until after Saturday morning appointment. I'm hoping he clears me to run easy Saturday.
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| | AM: 1 hr. pool run
Went to the pool this morning. Actually tired from yesterday's hard pool run. Looking forward to tomorrow's appointment where I will see a different doctor (one who actually understands runners) to ask him if I can run easy tomorrow. I see no reason why I cannot but I'm not going to do it if he truly thinks I shouldn't.
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| | The doctor did some crazy shit with my femur and re-aligned my hip. Apparently it was out of alignment. My left leg seemed to be so much stronger than my right. It seems that the root cause of my issue was not in my calf, but with my hips being out of whack and causing excessive force on my calf. It was so much better to walk after he did this. My calf and hip were a bit sore so I didn't do anything today (that and I was lazy).
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| | 5 miles easy then standard core routine then 1 hr. pool run
ran 5 miles easy....my form has changed (for the better) after yesterday's re-alignment. I see no reason why I can't resume training. No pain at all. Hot as balls outside today though.
New Balance 890v.4 (2) Miles: 5.00 |
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Saucony Mirage 3 Miles: 22.00 | Saucony Triumph 10 Miles: 53.00 | Saucony Fastwitch 5 Miles: 49.00 | New Balance 890v.4 (2) Miles: 79.00 |
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