AM: 12 miles easy + 4x100m fast strides with drils between reps.
PM: Standard Core Routine + jack knives, inverse planks, and more standard planks.
I went to the pool this evening to go pool running and apparently it was closed because some kid dropped a deuce in the pool and they had to sanitize it. I was looking forward to my pool run but alas I did some extra core work instead.
Man I love my NB 890s...light, quick, and efficient, they match my stride perfectly. I just wish they were more durable. Say 600 miles on a pair instead of 400. I felt pretty cruddy this mornig since I ate like shit yesterday. A lot of beer and doughnuts and not enough salad. I've considered on my run today giving up alcohol until after the half but that doesn't make much sense either. The key is moderation. 2 or 3 instead of 7 or 8.