| Location: Idaho Falls,Id,United States Member Since: Feb 09, 2010 Gender: Male Goal Type: Other Running Accomplishments: PR St George Marathon 2013 3:13:06
PR Just Cuz Half Marathon 2011 1:30:57
PR Firecracker 5k 2011 20:41
PR Bone & Back 40 mile Ultra 2013 6:03:39
PR 5 hour Ultra Run 33.94 miles
PR 100K River of no Return 14:00:20
PR 108K River of no Return 16:15:01
PR 100 miles Buffalo run 100 miles 21:08:50 2015
PR 50K Wilson Creek 50K 6:36:44
37 Marathons and Ultra Marathons
Short-Term Running Goals:
Personal: Married to Mauri Ordway, and we have 4 kids Favorite Blogs: |
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Had a great run with some great friends today, 16.2 miles in 2:19:33 at 8:37 pace. Started out at 8:41 pace for the first 12 miles and then kept ramping up from there to 8:34--8:27--8:20-- and an 8:13 for the last 1.2 miles. I felt good, no soreness or problem areas, nice run to open up 2011.
Now a day of rest and relaxing | Add Comment |
| | 8 miles in 1:08:00, no issues body wise, actually felt real good today after the 16.2 run yesterday. | Add Comment |
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AM 7 mile easy run this morning, 1 mile warm up and 6 miles at an easy 8:57 pace. Hard to get into the run at first but got alittle better as it went on.
PM Well, 7 miles around the Greenbelt-- my first run in outside this afternoon. 4 above and i just needed to get off that TM and get a run in outside and i am so glad it did, yes it was cold as heck but the sun was shinning and it did not feel that cold until mile 6 and the sweat was starting to make me just a little cold. Pace was around 8:40 to 9:15 as some of the path was slick and some wasn't, Had a great time!!!! | Add Comment |
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AM 5 mile tm run, scaled back a few miles this morning and wanted to get alittle more stretching in this morning. Was nice talking to Jeff this morning while running as he is in his taper runs now. Best of luck on RnR Phx. Jeff
PM Speed workout this afternoon, 6.60 miles, 2 mile warm up and a 20 min. tempo run at a pace of 7:41 and HR at 145, and a 2 mile cool down. | Comments(1) |
| | AM Talk about the bad and good in a 1 hour run, the first 3.5 miles was not that easy this morning, started out sluggish and pace was up and down from 8:34 to 8:57 and really had a hard time vetting into it. And just after the 3.5 miles i was things got better and was back into the run and actually set the pace at 8:27 for the next mile and 8:20 for the neext and 8:13 the next and7:56 for the last .13 miles. Glad i just hung in there and didn't throw in the towel. PM
PM 5.50 miles around the greenbelt, made 1 loop and on the 2nd loop i turned and went up to Pickett's Bambino and back and finished up the rest of the 2nd loop. | Comments(1) |
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AM Got to the gym early because i nedded to get to work before 6am, started out at 8:41 pace for 30 min. and 8:27 pace for the last half with an 8 min. pace the last mile.
PM Speed workout this afternoon, 1.50 warm up, 6 x 1/4 mile intervals a 6:54 pace, 1/4 mile recovery and 1.75 mile cool down for total of 5.50 miles.
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16 miles in 2:23:54, 9:00 min. pace. Long slow miles this morning, 30 sec. below my MP and at HR of 139 for 14.5 miles and then went up to 142 for the last 1.5 miles due to i ran out of water and i did not want to stop when i was that close to being done.
I am thinking of changing my work outs around just a little due to not being able to get stretching in the way i need to, and the lack of not getting core workouts in also, along with some weight training. I need to have these things incorportated into my marathon training. | Comments(1) |
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AM 1 hour--6.60 miles @ 0.05% incline--30 sec. below goal MP and at a 138 HR I was a nice and easy aerobic training run as i am starting to work more with HR zones PM Hit the gym this afternoon for weight training and core workouts and stretching, felt so good to get the in this evenning.
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| | AM Speed workout 6x600 intervals with 200 cooldown. 1:15 min -- 8.83 miles, did a 10 min warmup--8:00 @ 144 HR -- 7:13 @ 154 HR -- 7:13 @ 154 HR -- 7:13 @ 155 HR -- 7:13 @ 156 HR -- 6:53 @ 159 HR and the rest of the miles just below MP at 141-142 HR PM | Comments(3) |
| | Easy run this morning, no incline, and HR at 129 and had enough time to get in 300 setups in this morning. It was a cool run this morning because i was able to run with my wifeand talk to her as we were both doing an easy run. | Comments(1) |
| | 10.05 miles in 1:30, 45 min at an easy 9:13 pace (136), 40 min at MP 8:41 (142), with a 0.05% incline for the whole run. I am thinking of changing my MP to 8:35 or 8:30 pace as my HR indicates that i am able to just alittle, looking for a 145 or 146 HR. 300 setups also | Comments(3) |
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Easy 6.65 miles in 1 hour with a 0.05% incline and HR of 134. Long run Sat. want to run it out side but the weather is not looking like it will be that nice. We will see | Add Comment |
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20.0 mile tm run, ok it was not as bad as as it sounds it was actually not to bad of run, the first 10 miles i had a 0.05% incline (134-135) the next 8.5 miles i was going up and down with the incline (135) and the last 1.5 miles was at MP. My wife should up around mile 10.5 and we kept each other company as she ran 15 miles this morning--good job honey! | Add Comment |
| | 8.55 miles in 1:15 @ a 0.05% incline HR at 137-138. It was a nice run this morning just easy pace. This afternoon will be leg weights and core workouts. | Add Comment |
| | 8.87 miles in 1:15 5 x 800 x 400 cool downs, 10 min warmup first, 7:03 (147) 6:56 (155) 6:56 (157) 6:53 (161) 6:53 (161) and finished the rest of the run at 9:05 pace. Core workoits this afternoon !!! Talked with Jeff about his weekend this morning, what an amazing runner and person!! | Add Comment |
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Got a run in outside this afternoon and it was so nice to get out side again and off the TM, the sun was out and such a nice day alittle cool 29* but not bad at all.
easy run this afternoon, 8.46 miles in 1:15--Avg HR at 138-- and pace of 8:52,
This morning i went to the gym and bid 400 setups, leg weights, and stretched. | Add Comment |
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No run today as Mauri and I are going to Salt Lake City for a VO2 max test tomorrow | Comments(1) |
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We drove down to SLC for a VO2 test at the Treehouse Athletic Club, Very well worth the money and found out alot about my HR range. One thing that i got out of it was that i am able to pick up the pace some and will still be in the mid aerobic zone, and have been running my long at the low end of aerobic zone. | Add Comment |
| | Mauri and I ran in SLC around Liberty Park today, what a very nice park to run in. Didn't have gel or any real fuel or hydration other then H2O so i knew the late miles were going to be harder. Got to the park around 9:30 temp was 41* miles 1-13 held a steady pace of 8:30 to 8:40, 14-16 was alittle slower due to low fuel and hydro. We had a great time and nice to run in some good weather and no snow. | Add Comment |
| | 9 miles in 1:19:20, Had a real good run this afternoon- started out at Igg's and ran up to Broadway and across and back down to Pancheri and around SRL and the park 2 times. It was just an easy run with a pace around 8:30 to 8:45 and HR never got above 136, maybe should have pushed it alittle more but am doing speedwork tomorrow. a little cool out--20* but was not bad. | Add Comment |
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Speed workout this afternoon, 1 mile W/U and then 4 x 1200 w/400 cooldown 6:44 (141), 6:44 (150), 6:40 (157), 6:35 (157), and went into a 50 min. run at an 8:27 pace with HR at (142). This was one of my best runs (workouts) even tho it was on a TM 10.88 miles in 1:30 min | Add Comment |
| | 8.45 miles in 1:16:38, just an easy run around SRL and across to S. Park. Path was clear on the east side and spots on the west side but not to bad at all. Legs were just a little tired from the speed workout yesterday. HR at 134 for the whole run. | Add Comment |
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10.18 miles in 1:30:00, 25 min. w/u - 2.77 miles at a pace of 9:07 (127), 60 min. MP - 6.93 miles at a pace of 8:37 (142), 5 min. cooldown (134). Broadway to Sunnyside loop twice, pathway were clear except on the SRL side and i just ended up running on the road on that part. And then a nice cup of coffee from Starbucks afterwards. | Add Comment |
| | 6 easy miles on the country roads around our house, 54 min | Add Comment |
| | 20 miles around the Snake from Broadway to Sunnyside, about 2 1/2 miles into the run into Jeff F. as i have been wanting to meet him as i know we have crossed paths many times. (It was nice to meet you finally Jeff!!) Started out the run wanting to do 35 to 40 sec. slower then MP, the first two loops were 30 sec. slower and the last two loops were 40 sec slower, i kind of got frustrated the last two loops because i had to slow down some but what do you expect with no taper after doing 8's and 10's all week long. so i am happy with it. Time of 3:04:02 now i am celebrating with two ice bags and a big glass of red wine!!!!!!!! | Comments(4) |
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8.54 miles in 1:15:00 with an incline of 0.05% on the TM at the gym, just didn't want to get all the cold running gear on this afternoon and might be inside for a few days because of the cold conditions this week, high of 7* tomorrow. It was just an easy run with HR of 133 except for the last 0.5 mile at an 8:27 pace then HR went up to 138. | Add Comment |
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