I'm retired from racing. Really.

Striders Winter Racing Circuit 5k

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Member Since:

Feb 24, 2007



Goal Type:


Running Accomplishments:

I also maintain a blogspot running blog. Check it out. 

5k- 16:01, 1/2 marathon- 1:11:37, marathon- 2:34:16, 50k- 3:58, 100 mile- 15:19

Former World Record holder in 100 x 5k relay 

Ultra history:

8-100 mile, 1-100k, 9-50 mile, 2-40 mile, 14-50k-ish

12 wins, 5 CR's, plus four 2nd, five 3rd, 4th, 4th, 5th, 5th, 9th, 16th, 20th, 28th, 38th, and 62nd place, with 1 DNF 

Short-Term Running Goals:


Enjoy running, stay fit (and maybe lose a few pounds). Play ultimate frisbee.

4 year coach of Langston Middle School- love it

Long-Term Running Goals:

Unretire at some point

Run a sub-6 hr 50 miler

Win a 100 mile ultramarathon


I have five cute kids. And I have some rockin short green racing shorts- I wear them mainly because it embarrasses my wife so much. I like ultimate frisbee, trail running, reading, and cheering for the Denver Broncos!   And I have the absolute best wife in the world.  And I used to run for the now-disbanded national Team Pearl Izumi- Ultra!

Favorite Blogs:

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Miles:This week: 0.00 Month: 6.00 Year: 77.00
Fastwitch Lifetime Miles: 82.50
Trail M2 Lime/black Lifetime Miles: 299.00
Road N2 Purple 2 Lifetime Miles: 222.50
Road N2 4 Grey Lifetime Miles: 109.00
Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles
NB 767 Miles: 26.00Adrenaline Miles: 280.50NB 768 Miles: 157.00Adrenaline 2 Miles: 468.50Tangent 2 Miles: 63.00Tangent 3 Miles: 115.50NB 769 Miles: 508.50XT Wings Miles: 209.50Double Jogger 2009 Miles: 110.00Progrid Guide TR Miles: 134.50Omni 7 Miles: 501.00NB 800 Miles: 102.50NB 769 2 Miles: 320.00Pace Miles: 230.50Progrid Guide Miles: 118.00
Weight: 0.00
Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

I figure it is a good time for an end of year review.  For my goals, I did a pretty good job meeting them.  I stayed relatively injury free, met my mileage goal of 2500-3000 miles (I would have been pushing the upper end if it weren't for my slacking plus a number of sicknesses in Nov/Dec).  I did set new highs for weekly, monthly, and yearly mileage.

I placed top 3 at Striders, Logan Peak, and MMM, and barely missed my goal by placing 4th at Jupiter Steeplechase.  I crushed my 1/2 marathon goal by almost a minute and a half, though I completely missed my St. George goal. 

I would say the highlights of the year included the first 3 striders races, particularly the 10 mile- I really enjoyed the challenges of the hills.  I got sick before the 1/2 marathon, which threw me off for the 1/2, 30k, and Ogden marathon.  WBR was ok, but I don't think I'm going to do any more overnight relays- I've done 5 and the fun is gone for me.  I really, really enjoyed doing my first 3 trail races- Logan Peak was a very fun, challenging course where I learned a lot about trail racing while managing to win and set a course record.  Jupiter Steeplechase was just plain fun and I want to do better in 2009.  The high point of the year was the 2 week period where I crushed my 1/2 marathon PR by 2.5 minutes at the TOU 1/2, and then won the MMM and almost set a course record.  Fun times.  That was quickly followed by the low point and my only bad race of the season at St. George.  I had really been looking forward to that race and knew I was in sub-2:30 shape.  However, I think I had not fully recovered from my previous races, though I still would have run a PR except for the weather.  I can't complain about only having one bad race all year, though it is disappointing when it was the one I had been focusing on and building towards.  I planned to take a little time off and then train the rest of the year, but a very busy schedule combined with a number of illnesses have resulted in a end of year slowdown, with only 27 miles in Dec.

Now for next year- the first think I need to do is get in shape again for the Striders series.  I am really looking forward this these races.  Assuming I can do the training, I want to aim for 2:35 at Ogden.  If I can get that, I plan to run very few road marathons in the future.  I am definitely running Wahsatch Steeplechase in June, something I have always wanted to do.  Things are a bit fuzzy after that, though there will be an emphasis on trail races and ultras- potential races include the Blacksmith Fork Freedom Run 15k, Wasatch Speedgoat 50k, Jupiter and MMM, TOU 1/2, maybe pace someone at the Bear 100, run the Ogden Valley 50 miler, and maybe run NYC marathon in Nov.  Who knows.  First I have to get over this darn cold and get in shape.  I want to run 3000+ miles and stay injury free.  That is the plan for the year- should be a fun one!  I'm tentatively planning on a 100 mile ultra in 2010, so I better get ready for that!

Happy New Years, everyone!

Weight: 0.00
From artichoke on Thu, Jan 01, 2009 at 18:30:45

Congratulations on a fantastic year. I hope you have another great one in 2009!

From JimF on Thu, Jan 01, 2009 at 19:02:44

You had an awesome year of running and I hope you can get the sickness behind so you can hit those goals in 2009!

From jtshad on Mon, Jan 05, 2009 at 11:58:20

Great year for you Jon, and not just running! Hope to get a chance to run with you some more this year.

From redrooster on Mon, Jan 05, 2009 at 20:41:19

when do I get to be added to your favorites list? I need to be on SOMEBODYS favorites list...

From Jeff (LAD) on Tue, Jan 13, 2009 at 09:01:55

Sounds like you had a successful year Jon. Hopefully 09 will be even better. A 100 miler is quite a goal to shoot for in 2010 too. Thanks for all the support you always offer me. Keep on keepin on!

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

The roads were pure ice, covered with 2 inches of new, dry, very slick snow.  In other words, the absolute worst running conditions possible.  So I went to Planet Fitness and was greeted with my first every Pizza Night!  All you can eat Pier 49 pizza!  Needless to say, I was determined to get my membership's worth.  I ate one big piece immediately, ran 3 miles, ate another piece (yup, I still have my stomach of steel), ran 3 more miles, then finished with 2 more pieces.  Yummy.

NB 767 Miles: 6.00
Weight: 0.00
From Scott Zincone on Mon, Jan 05, 2009 at 22:21:52

Not sure why, but your comment on the conditions reminded me of a scene from the movie Armageddon:

Oscar: Ok, Mr. Truman, let's say that we actually do land on this. What's it gonna be like up there?

Truman: 200 degrees in the sunlight, minus 200 in the shade, canyons of razor-sharp rock, unpredictable gravitational conditions, unexpected eruptions, things like that.

Oscar: Okay, so the scariest environment imaginable. Thanks. That's all you gotta say, scariest environment imaginable.

Hard to believe that came out in 1998.

From marci on Tue, Jan 06, 2009 at 00:25:26

Wow babe! way to eat that pizza..I guess i don't have to cook on monday nights from now on. yeah! thanks for your awesome comment on my post..i will totally beat him next time, just for you!

From Dustin on Wed, Jan 07, 2009 at 23:46:43

Free pizza, sounds like my kind of place.

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles


Adrenaline Miles: 6.00
Weight: 0.00
From Adam RW on Tue, Jan 06, 2009 at 22:11:45

Hey wordy. You have to slow down there. If you type that much up your fingers will fall off. Two more weeks and the grants will be behind me, then I can get back to running again...

From dave holt on Wed, Jan 07, 2009 at 15:43:27

Deep... Deep!

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles


NB 767 Miles: 8.00
Weight: 0.00
From JD on Wed, Jan 07, 2009 at 22:59:38

Lately, I find your blogs inspirational and witty!

From Jon on Thu, Jan 08, 2009 at 00:16:16

I bet no one thought I could make my entry shorter than yesterday's. But I did- I omitted the period today!

Thanks, JD. Glad to inspire you! :)

From marci on Thu, Jan 08, 2009 at 00:45:11

you make me laugh..deep down inside..very deep down...somewhere in there.

From Adam RW on Thu, Jan 08, 2009 at 01:29:29

Marci, I think you are the one who makes us laugh. Jon, I think you've found the secret to getting comments. I think you've gotten more with the smaller your entry gets.

From jtshad on Thu, Jan 08, 2009 at 08:10:29

Adam, we are just glad he is finally not saying so much so we can get a word in edgewise!

Marci, have you been watching "Hitch" lately, 'cause that line sounds eeriely familiar?

From Jon on Thu, Jan 08, 2009 at 13:15:45

Shorter entry = more comments. Interesting. Maybe if I just don't put anything I could get myself on the Hot Discussions board.

From RivertonPaul on Wed, Feb 18, 2009 at 11:38:06

Here is a bump toward your hot discussion goal.

From RivertonPaul on Wed, Feb 18, 2009 at 11:38:26

And I hope you feel better soon.

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles


NB 768 Miles: 7.00
Weight: 0.00
From Scott Zincone on Thu, Jan 08, 2009 at 22:23:50

Too funny ! Perhaps future entries can be in different languages. Sign language ? Or a pic of you holding up your fingers with the miles you ran.

From Ruthie on Fri, Jan 09, 2009 at 15:10:34

Anything planned for this weekend? I'm up for anything between 11-16. Let me know what's going on so I can see if I want to join you hoodlums. :)

From James on Sat, Jan 10, 2009 at 13:36:51

Man, your entries have been even better than mine lately!

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

Goose Egg, which is too bad cause I really wanted to run every day this week.  But when you first step foot in your house at 9:30 pm, it makes it real hard to run that day.  12 miles tomorrow with Paul.

Weight: 0.00
Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

Long run- it was my longest run since Nov 15 and my first run of more than 10 miles in a month.  Paul and I did the Youngward loop with a bit added on so I could get 40 miles this week.  Normal amount of chattiness for he and I, though I was breathing hard.  My legs were pretty tired by the end, as expected.  But I made it- it's nice to have enough fitness that I can take 2 months off and then just get up and run a half marathon distance (run, not race).

I got 3 running related Christmas gifts this year from my lovely wife, and I used 2 of them for the first time today- fleece headband/earwarmer, and a Garmin 205!  What a great wife!  I'm sure I will enjoy the Garmin.  Unfortunately, I somehow stopped it mid run today so cut out 3 miles.  But per Paul's garmin, we did 13 miles at 7:30 pace.  I have to comment on how most of my runs this week on a treadmill feel harder at 7:30 or even 8:00 pace for 6-8 miles than it does to run 7:30 pace for 13 miles on the roads.  I really struggle to run fast on treadmills.

Now it is off to an adult's pinewood derby, then watch NFL football!

NB 768 Miles: 13.00
Weight: 0.00
From Jon on Sat, Jan 10, 2009 at 18:17:01

In case anyone cares, I didn't put the amazon link for the garmin 205. Sasha must have auto-programmed that into the blog as a self-promotion.

From logan on Sat, Jan 10, 2009 at 18:33:15

I don't believe it. Jon has a Garmin. Miracles do happen!

From wheakory on Sun, Jan 11, 2009 at 01:20:48

Great run Jon. Your fitness is great. Your a marathoner and an ultra-marathoner.

I've though also about running the NY Marathon this year its been one of my goals for a while before I stop racing. Well, when I run marathons I consider it a personal run not a race. Good luck on the goals in 2009.

From marci on Mon, Jan 12, 2009 at 01:03:53

wow your wife IS great...oh and beautiful & talented & amazing & it just goes on....

From Chad on Mon, Jan 12, 2009 at 10:43:13

I wonder, Jon, whether having the Garmin will lead you to recording your mileage to the hundredth of a mile, rather than rounding. I look forward to seeing many entries like "9.785" etc.

From Jon on Mon, Jan 12, 2009 at 13:18:56

Chad- except for races, you will never see me put anything more than quarter miles, and probably half miles.

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

7.  My left foot started hurting at the end of the run, so I will retire them one run earlier than planned.  So long, shoes!  They were good ones.

NB 767 Miles: 7.00
Weight: 0.00
From Adam RW on Tue, Jan 13, 2009 at 23:02:45

You can't give them 4 more miles to make the 500 club :)...

From Jon on Wed, Jan 14, 2009 at 00:18:06

Maybe I'll do a soft grass run just to push them over...

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

It was my first run with Cody since Nov 15.  We did a Planet Walk/Providence loop.  I only planned on 7-8, but we ended up doing 10.  10 miles, 1:15:30.

Adrenaline Miles: 10.00
Weight: 0.00
From Harris on Wed, Jan 14, 2009 at 10:18:36

Can you fill me in on what the Planet Walk is? I have heard it mentioned several times.

From Jon on Wed, Jan 14, 2009 at 13:08:40

That is a secret. Only people lucky enough to run on Planet Walk with Paul, Cody, or myself may know the reason. I will say this- we had 2 trails that ran along the Logan river and struggled to differentiate between them in our blog posts. About a year ago, something changed such that one irrevocably became the Logan River trail, and the other became Planet Walk. But I can't tell you where the name "Planet Walk" came from- I would have to kill you if I did. :) If you ever come to Logan and want to run it, I can show you the reason.

From Harris on Wed, Jan 14, 2009 at 15:21:36

Wow! I might have to make the trip sometime. I am definitely intrigued now. However, I do remember Logan or someone else making fun of the Planet Walk awhile back. It might be a big let down after you have built it up so big.

From Harris on Wed, Jan 14, 2009 at 15:23:16

I almost forgot, are you planning on running St. george this year? I saw your goals as a sub 2:35 marathon. I am planning on making a big 2:29 push, so I expect you to be there with me.

From Jon on Wed, Jan 14, 2009 at 15:35:21

Let down? LET DOWN??? No way! And don't let Logan spoil it for you.

I'm aiming for 2:35 at Ogden. Less than 50% odds that I run St. George- I'm planning to run some trail marathons around that time instead. If I do St. George, though, I will definitely push for sub 2:30.

From marci on Wed, Jan 14, 2009 at 19:36:57

Whatever you are doing St. George marathon..i thought we talked about "another Marathon" you know which one i am talking about!!

From marci on Wed, Jan 14, 2009 at 19:37:56

oh and i see that the Bear 100 on your schedule!!!

From Jon on Wed, Jan 14, 2009 at 20:10:24

Yeah, my schedule shows the Bear with a question mark and NYC with a question mark. Isn't that what we discussed?

From paul on Wed, Jan 14, 2009 at 20:18:02

Logan doesn't know what he's talking about. He's got that Dixie fever or something, it's messing with his head.

From marci on Thu, Jan 15, 2009 at 17:38:55

nope that is NOT what we discussed...keep thinking.

From Jon on Thu, Jan 15, 2009 at 18:22:00

Ummm... remind me.

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

Almost 15 hours at work = no run.  I'll try to get up for a 4:30 am run tomorrow, but will likely be working 14 hour days every day till next Wednesday.  Fun.

Weight: 0.00
From wheakory on Thu, Jan 15, 2009 at 14:42:31

Why the long work hours? Plus don't you commute too? Have a nice day Jon.

From Jon on Thu, Jan 15, 2009 at 16:27:11

Super crunch time over here- long days, working weekends. Yeah, I have a one hour commute each way.

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

Another 14 hour work day, leaving the house at 6 am.  I knew if I went home I would not get out the door to go running, so I took my clothes and went straight to the gym after work.  I did 6 miles at 7:30 pace, 2.5 miles at 6:30 pace, then .5 mile at 6:00 pace, then 1 mile at 8:00 pace to cool down.  Got home after 9 pm, just in time to say good night to my girls, shower, and now go to sleep.  Ah, life.  But it was good to get a run in, and my first run with faster miles.  Another long day tomorrow.

Adrenaline Miles: 10.00
Weight: 0.00
From JimF on Fri, Jan 16, 2009 at 12:00:38

Nice run! Hope you can get a break from the long days soon. Those are tough!

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

13 hours at work, then straight to the gym (if I step in my house, I won't get out again).  8 easy miles.  My left foot is really starting to hurt under the arch, which isn't surprising given my 0 miles to 40 miles in one week.  Ice, rub, and hope it gets better.  PF? 

Not sure if I will get a run in tomorrow- I will be at work all day (and on Sunday, too).

NB 768 Miles: 8.00
Weight: 0.00
From cody on Sat, Jan 17, 2009 at 20:56:21

Still hurting huh? Maybe its bruised... ha ha just kidding. Bummer about the work schedule too.

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

A lovely 12 hours at work.  After, I went straight to the gym and had just enough time for 6 miles before they closed and kicked me out.  Foot bugged me all day, the first time I have felt anything when I wasn't running.  A full day of work again tomorrow.

Adrenaline Miles: 6.00
Weight: 0.00
Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

14 hours at work yesterday, and Marci went running when I got home. By the time she got back, I was way too tired to run. So I got up this morning and left for the gym before 5 am, in hopes of doing a double today (assuming I can stomach another run at 8 pm).  The place was surprisingly busy- I saw Paul and Mark Jorgenson.  I did 1 mile at 7:30 pace, 3 at 7:00 pace, 1.5 at 6:30 pace, 1 at 6:00, then one cooldown.  Hopefully I can get more tomorrow.

Adrenaline Miles: 7.00
Weight: 0.00
Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

What I dubbed my "Hell week" is finally over.  I intended to run after work yesterday, but ended up working from 6 am until almost 10:30 pm, so it was well after 11 when I got home.  In the past 8 days, I worked 96 hours with no days off.  If you account for my 2 hours commuting each day, it averages out to 112 hours (14 hours per day) away from my family due to work.  I know in some professions it is common to work 80-100 hours per week, and all I can say is I would quit if that were me.  This week almost killed me- I went days without seeing my kids, and all I did was work and sleep.  Fortunately, I am taking tomorrow off work so should be able to do a double to make up some of the miles I missed.  It is definitely easier to run 100 mile weeks and work my normal hours than it is to work as much as I did this week- I have no idea how MichelleL runs so much during her busy tax season.  I travel to Florida next week for business, so getting my runs in will not be easy.  I have just been so busy this month that getting in a good running routine has been difficult.

Weight: 0.00
From jtshad on Thu, Jan 22, 2009 at 10:30:06

Glad that work is slowing down, I hate it when it interferes with the rest of your life so much. Hang in there and be well in Florida. We almost went over to Kennedy last week but just couldn't fit it in.

Hope you can get back in balance soon.

From cody on Thu, Jan 22, 2009 at 10:34:47

Glad you are done with your hell week. We missed you. Now, quit whining and get to work...

From wheakory on Thu, Jan 22, 2009 at 13:34:59

Tough work week. I have to put in several of these weeks a year do to my computer profession. It's hard on your body.

From paul on Thu, Jan 22, 2009 at 16:50:38

Yeah, that work schedule makes me mad just thinking about it...and it doesn't even affect me. But it's unjust. Obama should fix it.

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

AM- 8.

NB 768 Miles: 8.00
Weight: 0.00
Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

AM- 6

PM- 7.  I planned on 10, but had to cut the run short due to foot pain.  I have had a pain under my arch for a few weeks that has annoyed me and caused a bit of pain.  I haven't done anything, and it hasn't gotten worse or better.  During today's run, it became painful enough that I started to limp a bit, then it became almost excruciating.  Hmm, better do something now.

Adrenaline Miles: 13.00
Weight: 0.00
From redrooster on Fri, Jan 23, 2009 at 22:19:12

do you have high arches?

I ran bear lake again and feel like I am going to throw up with a nasty headache. Does the extra 1400 feet cause that or am I just beat?

From Jon on Fri, Jan 23, 2009 at 22:28:46

No, low arches.

1400 feet would not cause elevation sickness like that. It would take several thousand more feet than that. I would chalk it up to being beat.

From redrooster on Fri, Jan 23, 2009 at 23:04:24

Now I am afraid my vertigo problems, which can get very severe, are kicking in as these are the early signs (nausea, headache)- related to my hearing loss/autoimmune imbalance in my ears... usually from too much training, too much stress, not enough sleep- all of which I have right now. Hope it will smooth out...

take care of that arch!

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

After 3 days rest, I was hoping my foot would feel better.  It hurt for the first 1/2 mile, then started warming up a bit.  I ran for a few miles, then did elliptical with Paul while talking to him about PF, then ran another bit.  It hurt during the last part- dang it.  I'll have to really start treating this.  6 miles total.  Now it's off to Florida.

NB 768 Miles: 6.00
Weight: 0.00
Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

Very nice, warm run on a 65 deg evening at 10:30 on the beach in Cocoa Beach, Florida.  No moon, so it was very dark, allowing me to see the cruise boats steaming out to sea.  I practically had the beach to myself and really enjoyed it.  The high was 10 deg in Logan today, so this was a nice change.  I wandered into the water at the very end, so I am hoping my shoes dry fast enough for a morning run tomorrow.  Now I will shower and sleep.  Tomorrow I will spend all day presenting my engineering drawing of the Ares Rocket to NASA that I have spent the past 6 months on at work.  Hope it goes well.

Adrenaline Miles: 6.00
Weight: 0.00
From redrooster on Wed, Jan 28, 2009 at 00:09:54

man, that is not fair, it is just too cold here, but in three weeks I get to go to San Diego for a few days. I see I finally made your favorites list, right on!

hope the arch is healing. good luck with the rocket presentation

From Ruthie on Wed, Jan 28, 2009 at 00:47:09

I am so JEALOUS!!!

From JimF on Wed, Jan 28, 2009 at 10:44:41

Running on the beach sounds really nice since I am looking at the window at 10" of snow right now. I hope your presentation went well! Sounds like a fun project.

From jtshad on Thu, Jan 29, 2009 at 15:17:17

Have fun in Florida!

How did the presentation go? 6 months well spent?

From Jon on Thu, Jan 29, 2009 at 16:08:48

Thanks everyone. The presentation went well- I was speaking for a full 8 hours. That sure is tiring.

From cody on Fri, Jan 30, 2009 at 10:08:38

You have never had a problem talking for that long before... I can picture it right now. Jon entertaining rocket scientists with his sweet jokes....

From Walter on Fri, Jan 30, 2009 at 10:15:37

Oh you freakin' dog! You better try and soak up every last minute of warm weather you can! No slouching! haha

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

10 at 7:30 pace.

Adrenaline 2 Miles: 10.00
Weight: 0.00
Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

14.2 miles at just under 7:30 pace.  3 deg windchill when we started with plenty of icicles on eye lashes, clothes, and Paul's beard.  Cody and I did about 9 together, then we did about 5 more with Paul.  They even dragged me up the hill to Cliffside- man, I am not in good shape right now.  Foot hurt the whole time, but not overly so.  Longest run since SGM.

NB 768 Miles: 14.00
Weight: 0.00
From Adam RW on Sun, Feb 01, 2009 at 23:46:48

Are you taking any NSAIDs for the foot pain. And I'm sure you've commented on this before but have you tried the orthotics route? That worked for my foot pain back in 2000...

From jtshad on Mon, Feb 02, 2009 at 15:06:05

Welcome back to the cold!

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

Pizza day at Planet Fitness!  I ran a few miles, ate a piece of pizza, ran a few more miles, ate pizza... you get it.  10 miles in all at about 7:30 pace, a bit slower at the end when I was weighed down.  I figure it's good practice for fueling during an ultramarathon.  Foot hurt a lot less than last week.

Adrenaline 2 Miles: 10.00
Weight: 0.00
Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles


Adrenaline Miles: 8.00
Weight: 0.00
Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles


NB 768 Miles: 7.00
Weight: 0.00
Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles


Adrenaline 2 Miles: 6.00
Weight: 0.00
Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

Just seeing if anyone is still watching the mileage board.

NB 768 Miles: 6.00
Weight: 0.00
From paul on Fri, Feb 06, 2009 at 09:25:08

You need a better hobby.

From dave holt on Fri, Feb 06, 2009 at 09:29:44

Yeah! And I am supposed to be on top! And it matters A LOT to me... SO BACK OFF!

Just for that I will tell you that it was over 50 before 6AM this morning - and we were loving it!

Enjoy the snow this weekend.

From paul on Fri, Feb 06, 2009 at 09:44:20

Dave - meh. It was 44 degrees here in Logan at 5AM. According to the weather report, St. George was only 4 degrees warmer. Thus, I will conclude that we have a very similar climate.

From Jon on Fri, Feb 06, 2009 at 10:05:35

And it was raining in Logan... not snow, rain.

From paul on Fri, Feb 06, 2009 at 10:18:00

That was rain? I had forgot what that was like. I thought it was just PM2.5 precipitating out of the "air".

From mattrow on Fri, Feb 06, 2009 at 11:09:54

Now we know how he is able to log all his miles. He logs all the miles traveled to work, in a car. They are easy miles.

From Jon on Fri, Feb 06, 2009 at 11:13:33

I'd be at the top of the mileage board every week if I did that! 500 commute miles!

From air darkhorse on Fri, Feb 06, 2009 at 13:04:25

Good pseudo scientific analysis there Paul! LOl!!

From dave holt on Fri, Feb 06, 2009 at 13:13:21


that rational sounds eerily similar to that used by my high school students when complaining about all their laundry list of issues.

So thus I conclude that you must still be in high school - and if so, would you like to transfer down to Pine View!

From paul on Fri, Feb 06, 2009 at 13:29:38

Thanks. I think my psuedo-science is as good as anyone's. I also believe the earth is flat and it orbited by the sun. It's the same logic that people use against global warming. "It's cold out today. Therefore global climate change is a liberal hoax." Weather is not equal to climate.

From redrooster on Fri, Feb 06, 2009 at 16:42:21

my careful analysis indicates you are CHEATING- anyway I just passed Cody by 11 miles the honest way, ha ha ha, you guys better be getting worried, I am looking to teach you some lessons in our next race.

From Jon on Fri, Feb 06, 2009 at 16:51:55

What are your next races, Rooster?

From redrooster on Fri, Feb 06, 2009 at 17:21:04

hmmm.... good question.... I tend not to think too far in advance, though I have signed up for the Ogden marathon. And I have a free entry to the SLC 1/2 on April 18 if I want it. But that kind of interferes with the running schedule I am following- do you think I can accomodate it, it is 4 weeks before Ogden- can I shuffle my long runs around for a half marathon four weeks before Ogden? Also, the Providence panda fun run is April 25, that is a must, you guys should join me for that.

From Jon on Fri, Feb 06, 2009 at 20:42:46

Yes, you can definitely do a 1/2 4 weeks before- in fact, I try to schedule a half either 3 or 4 weeks before, sometimes even 2. Just do a 3-4 mile warm up and cooldown and you have a nice 20 miler.

From redrooster on Fri, Feb 06, 2009 at 21:48:19

OK, I will do it, are you interested in? and be sure and put the providence panda fun run on your calendar and spread the word. Last year there were only about 6 or 7 entries in the 10K. It was really lonely.

From Jon on Fri, Feb 06, 2009 at 22:13:32

That is the same day as the Striders 30k, so I am a no go. But Cody and Paul may be able to do it.

Race: Striders Winter Racing Circuit 5k (3.1 Miles) 00:18:26, Place overall: 7, Place in age division: 1
Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

Time for the first Striders race of the year- the 5k.  I knew I would not be as fast as last year- I am about 4 weeks behind in my training as compared to 2008, which means about 50 miles less in the past month.  The course if very hilly, with 350 feet of climbing in the first 1.5 miles.  Ben VanBeekum and Chad from last year were not there, but Tim Wight, Nate Pollard, Walter, Cody, Jeff MacArthur, and a mystery man (who ended up being Trever Ball and kicking all our trash) all came ready to race.  The temp was about 30 deg- most people wore tights and/or long shirts.  I was the only person (dumb enough) to wear just shorts and a singlet.  It wasn't too cold, though, and it's only 3 miles.

Last year I ran a 17:57, with splits of 5:59, 6:00, and 5:24.  This year definitely started faster, with a first mile of 5:49.  I was in 7th place by this point.  Second mile was a painful 6:29- you can't fake a lack of base miles when racing uphill.  Cody absolutely pulled away from everyone at this point (except Trever, who was far ahead) and laid down the hammer the last half of the race.  Third mile was 5:33, and the last .1 was 33 seconds.  I had someone right behind me who pushed me the last 1.5 miles but never caught me, though he came close on a few of the icy turns when I slowed down out of caution.  I pushed the whole way, with breathing bordering anaerobic even on the downhills, and ended up in 7th and 1st in my age group (though I would have been 4th in the 35-39 age group).  My time was 29 seconds slower than last year, which is about what I expected.  I still want to place top 3 in the series, which means I really have my work cut out for me the next few months.  My foot is mostly better, though, so I plan to resume regular training.  Congrats to everyone, especially Cody and Walter.  Add in a few miles warm up and cool down with Cody, Walter, and a few others.

PM- Added a solid hour of snowshoeing while carrying McKinley, wandering up and down the mountains with the family.  Tiring.  We'll count it 2 miles crosstraining.

Tangent 2 Miles: 3.00Adrenaline 2 Miles: 5.00
Weight: 0.00
From paul on Sat, Feb 07, 2009 at 13:08:37

Nice job. You'll have fun getting faster and staging your late-circuit comeback.

From jtshad on Sat, Feb 07, 2009 at 13:27:36

Good job, you will only get stronger and faster as the seaon progresses!

Were you at least wearing the green shorts?

From James on Sat, Feb 07, 2009 at 13:29:02

Good run for an out of shape 30 year old!

From cody draper on Sat, Feb 07, 2009 at 15:05:47

You ran well considering your age (like James said) and your "winter training". I predict a win in the 10 miler (and maybe others) for you this year.

From Jon on Sat, Feb 07, 2009 at 17:57:00

Only cause you won't be there, Cody...

Yes, Jeff, unlike last year I did wear my green shorts and singlet today, and nothing else (other than stretchy gloves and ear warmers). It was cold, but bearable.

From Burt on Sat, Feb 07, 2009 at 18:01:26

Wow. You beat that guy by less than a second. Way to hold him off!

From superfly on Sat, Feb 07, 2009 at 21:08:30

Good race Jon. Thats a great time for the middle of the winter. I think your going to have a great year because last years fitness will start to carry over.

From Dustin on Sat, Feb 07, 2009 at 21:14:25

Good job, I understand how you feel being a little out of shape right now, but I'm sure it won't take long before your back to beating everyone.

From twinkies on Sat, Feb 07, 2009 at 23:30:18

Great race, especially for the first race of the year. I noticed that you and I have similar racing schedules this year. You won't have to worry about me taking away your victories, I'm a bit slower. I will have to say hi to you at the next race.

From redrooster on Tue, Feb 10, 2009 at 16:05:36

well done, it's stellar performances like this that result in your quantcast numbers decimating mine. nobody cares about some old loser guy like the rooster. OK- I am going to enjoy some running in the warmth and sun for a couple days. Have fun in the slush and snow.

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

8 miles, though it felt a lot longer than that.  One of those days.

Adrenaline Miles: 8.00
Weight: 0.00
Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

AM- Bagel morning at Planet Fitness.  I arrived at 4:35 and watched them set up the bagel table as I ran.  However, there were no bagels yet.  I ran 6.5 miles and felt much better than yesterday- I even threw in a few miles at 6:30-6:45 pace.  The whole time I eyed the table- no bagels yet.  I took my shower and left at 5:40- still no bagels!  Grrr.  Paul says they arrived about 10 minutes after I left.  I was hungry and looking forward to them.  Oh well- I'll just have to make sure I eat extra pizza on pizza Mondays as retribution.

PM- 6.5 more.  My 767 shoes finally kicked over 500 miles and are officially retired.  I think I will use them to replace the 765's which have been my everyday shoes for the past 5 years, since they are really wearing out in the sole.

NB 767 Miles: 5.00NB 768 Miles: 6.00
Weight: 0.00
From cody on Tue, Feb 10, 2009 at 11:00:20

I am running at ~5:20 today if you are interested in a double.

From Jon on Tue, Feb 10, 2009 at 13:13:49

I'm doing a double, but have do be done by 5:45 or so. I'm doing it right at 4:45. Sorry.

From cody on Tue, Feb 10, 2009 at 13:51:57


From Harris on Tue, Feb 10, 2009 at 14:51:04

I was disappointed that you did not run on the Planet Walk this morning. I thought the snow and 0 degree temps make that route even more special.

From Jon on Tue, Feb 10, 2009 at 15:21:33

Did Logan tell you what the Planet Walk is?

From RivertonPaul on Tue, Feb 10, 2009 at 18:49:05

At least you had warm water.

From redrooster on Tue, Feb 10, 2009 at 22:41:35

I am about to switch back to new balance for my distance shoe. Been disappointed with the asics nimbus and saucony triumph, they seem to wear out fast. So I bought 3 pairs of cushioned NB 1063s on clearance. I need all that cushioning with my nasty high rigid supinating arches. what am I rambling about anyway??? gotta go pack for san diego. ha ha getting even for florida, let it snow!!!

From Dustin on Wed, Feb 11, 2009 at 11:31:20

4:45 in the morning, you're pretty dedicated. Too bad the bagel boy didn't show up in time.

From Harris on Wed, Feb 11, 2009 at 12:26:37

No I still do not know what the Planet Walk is. I like to pretend that I am cool like that though.

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

PM- 8 miles.  5 at about 7:30 pace, but I wanted to get a bit of a workout in the middle.  I did two miles at 6:15 pace and one at 6:00 pace, followed by one mile cooldown.  Felt fine.  I am giving blood tomorrow, so will only get one run, plus a very easy run Fri.

NB 768 Miles: 8.00
Weight: 0.00
From RivertonPaul on Wed, Feb 11, 2009 at 20:37:06

Ogden is sold out. Were you planning on running it?

From Jon on Wed, Feb 11, 2009 at 21:18:12

No, I decided it didn't fit into my schedule with the Wahsatch Steeplechase a month later.

From redrooster on Wed, Feb 11, 2009 at 21:58:28

I see they are still offering "VIP registrations" for only 300 dollars. with VIP toilets, VIP coach, VIP breakfast....

From Jon on Thu, Feb 12, 2009 at 10:39:14

I already think $70 is too much for a marathon. No way am I paying $300. No way.

From RivertonPaul on Thu, Feb 12, 2009 at 10:40:24


From redrooster on Thu, Feb 12, 2009 at 14:21:56

do those porta potties have gold fixtures and attendants with warm towels? great picture, did you make that?

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

Sick, fever, no run today.  But I'm skipping work tomorrow, so if I feel better I can easily do a double to make it up.  If I'm still sick... well.

Weight: 0.00
From redrooster on Fri, Feb 13, 2009 at 11:44:25

did you still donate blood???

From paul on Fri, Feb 13, 2009 at 11:49:58

You must have caught it from me. Somehow.

From Jon on Fri, Feb 13, 2009 at 18:30:13

Can't donate blood if you have a fever.

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

Still very sick. No work, and I can barely even stand up. Ugh.

I have been trying to figure out why I get sick so much over the past 6-8 months.  I have always been very healthy, maybe catching a flu or cold a couple time a year, but nothing else.  But I have been very sick a lot recently.  I know I have never gotten enough sleep, which I think is the biggest player.  Add to that a new kid 8 months ago and a new, very stressful job (with sometimes long hours, like when I worked 14 hours yesterday), and I think it has pushed me over the edge.  Solution?  Not sure- ideally, more sleep, but that is easier said than done.

What do all of you think?  Causes and solutions?

Weight: 0.00
From paul on Fri, Feb 13, 2009 at 18:59:17

It's probably from moving to the west side of Logan.

From JimF on Fri, Feb 13, 2009 at 22:33:56

I vote on sleep. I think it makes a huge difference especially when you train hard. A lot of articles out there on the benefits of getting a good nights sleep. Hope you get it figured out and get to feeling better consistently!

From redrooster on Sat, Feb 14, 2009 at 00:03:54

Jon, the reason you are sick a lot is because of the age of your kids. when my first two kids were 2-5 (tey are now 18 and 15)I got sick all the time. The kids give you everything, they are infectious agents, and you just have to build your immunity naturally. There are lots of variants of the cold and flu bugs and you just have to build the immunity up. Once you hit 40 or so you only get one cold a year on average. I hardly ever get sick anymore, even with my 7 year old twins getting sick but when I was a postdoc in Oregon and asst prof in the early 90s it seems I was sick all the time.

But with all the hacking and coughing on the plane coming back from SD, I imagine I am about to get my yearly humdinger of a cold-planes are the repositories of the exotic bugs from around the world

. hang in there!!

From azdesertmonsoon on Sat, Feb 14, 2009 at 00:32:08

I have the opposite theory. You get sick when your kids start going to school, because they bring all the germs from everyone else home. When they don't go places with lots of other people and stay home most of the time, they aren't exposed to as many germs. They probably wash their hand much better when they have a parent around as well.

From redrooster on Sat, Feb 14, 2009 at 13:09:01

yeah, you are right about school, kids have to be exposed to other kids to get the germs of course, and school is indeed a nasty place for that exposure, also depends on how much contact the younger kids have with other ones (play groups, day care, church, nursery school etc).

A recent study did link sleep time and prevalence/severity of colds.


and stress has been linked to. and I obviously had less sleep early in my career although I think I now have more stress. So it sounds like Jon needs to get more sleep, and less stress, and wash his hands more. For that sage advice, he owes me and azdesertmonsoon the cost of two doctor visits. Or some bagels at planet fitness.

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

I've lost 6 pounds in 3 days.

Weight: 0.00
From redrooster on Sun, Feb 15, 2009 at 12:31:41

is that good or bad...... who needs to run when you can lose weight by being sick??

From Jon on Sun, Feb 15, 2009 at 13:49:27


From Adam RW on Sun, Feb 15, 2009 at 22:04:03

I found them! But at least they got to me in a different form than how they were probably leaving you.

In all seriousness. I agree with your assessment yesterday. All of it. Meaning it is the combination of no sleep, stress at work, and kids. When Kaitlyn started school this fall I had cold everytime. I'm sure yours can be bringing stuff home from Sunday school as well. Solution, nothing easy there. More sleep is often not possible. I find hydration helps me some as that is also something that I forget when the stress level picks up. My mom swore by garlic pills. But they can make you stinky. Good luck and I hope that you are healthy for the new week.

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

I ran 23 miles this morning to make up for lost time.

No, just kidding.  I'm actually home again from work, still sick.  But I am seeing a doctor later this morning.

Weight: 0.00
From redrooster on Mon, Feb 16, 2009 at 23:06:24

let me guess... the doctor said get more rest, drink lots of fluids, take two aspirin and call me in the morning??

From cody on Tue, Feb 17, 2009 at 09:55:50

Any news? Are you dying? Is it contagious?

From Jeff on Tue, Feb 17, 2009 at 11:12:00

Get better dude so you can keep pounding away the miles! I hope all is well with you, I've been quite remiss as of late keeping up with my favorite blogs!

From Jon on Tue, Feb 17, 2009 at 12:04:13

Yeah, I'm dying and it's very contagious. And I get to spend yet another day at home (Tuesday). I'm just hoping to be healthy enough to slog thru the 10k on Saturday. And I'm in worse shape than I was for the 5k.

From jtshad on Tue, Feb 17, 2009 at 12:24:36

Sick again? Man this winter has not been kind to you. Get well soon and don't push it this weekend if you aren't feeling well.

From Jon on Tue, Feb 17, 2009 at 13:46:40

I know, Jeff, it hasn't been kind at all. This new position at work I took last summer seems to be my running downfall.

From paul on Tue, Feb 17, 2009 at 19:17:34

I will support your inability to run by not running either. Solidarity!

From Jon on Tue, Feb 17, 2009 at 19:19:48

Thanks for your show of support, Paul. We must stick together thru this.

From James on Tue, Feb 17, 2009 at 20:18:23

I died last year twice, every time I went to a new school.

From Predog on Wed, Feb 18, 2009 at 13:00:25

that sucks that you are sick. I have decided that, from a running standpoint, I HATE winter in Logan. You always get sick and it's hard to get out. Good luck and don't push it too hard. Hope you get better soon.

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

PM- 6 miles.  Felt about how you would expect for the first run in a week after being sick.  But it was good to be back on my feet.

Adrenaline 2 Miles: 6.00
Weight: 0.00
From redrooster on Thu, Feb 19, 2009 at 10:33:48

welcome back!! glad to see you are up and running again.

From jtshad on Thu, Feb 19, 2009 at 10:35:40

Good to hear you are feeling a little better. Hope this weekend goes ok for you.

From wheakory on Thu, Feb 19, 2009 at 14:25:23

Get your strength back and keep the runs easy. Glad to see your happy running again.

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

9 uneventful miles.  I'm gonna get my butt kicked this weekend.

Adrenaline Miles: 9.00
Weight: 0.00
From redrooster on Thu, Feb 19, 2009 at 22:13:49

you are the man. go kick some butt on saturday. do it for the rooster.

From wheakory on Thu, Feb 19, 2009 at 23:40:52

If you go into it to just have fun then you'll do great. Don't have any expectations just have fun. Take care.

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

5 miles on the Willow park/Planet Walk loop.  Dark and icy.

Adrenaline 2 Miles: 5.00
Weight: 0.00
Race: Striders Winter Racing Circuit 10k (6.2 Miles) 00:39:28, Place overall: 13, Place in age division: 2
Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

Sheesh, that was pathetic, far more so than expected.  I had nothing in me today.  Almost 3 minutes slower than last year and 11 places worse.  And I got chicked for the first time in a long time, at least the first in my 2 years on the blog.  Huh.

Splits 5:51, 5:27 (big downhill), 6:01, 6:26, 7:08 (big uphill), 7:09, 1:24.

To top off the day, I even got lost on my 6 mile cooldown with Fiddy, Cody, and Walter and ended up adding an extra mile. Congrats to Fiddy, Cody, Walter, and everyone else who ran a great race!

Tangent 2 Miles: 15.00
Weight: 0.00
From Burt on Sat, Feb 21, 2009 at 18:53:21

Must've been some serious fast girl then.

From wheakory on Sat, Feb 21, 2009 at 21:33:54

Jon - You were sick and didn't have time to heal. You have a big excuse. Just think of the other great races you've had, and what you would have accomplished if you could have trained the same way as last year. Sometimes were hard on ourselves but you really have to look at the circumstances going into this race.

Your an awesome runner and can blow by me and you have plenty of wonderful races ahead.

From paul on Sun, Feb 22, 2009 at 16:36:34

Just put in more time at Planet Fitness and you'll be fine.

From redrooster on Sun, Feb 22, 2009 at 20:42:27

yeah but make sure you get the bagels next time. grrr.

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles


NB 768 Miles: 9.00
Weight: 0.00
Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

12 miles, with 3 at 6:30 pace and 2 at 6:00 pace.  Good run.  I only planned on 10, but had a little extra time so kept going.  Besides, I needed to make up a few miles from yesterday, when I decided to watch the Presidential address instead of taking a late night run.  I think it was a good decision.

Adrenaline 2 Miles: 12.00
Weight: 0.00
From Adam RW on Wed, Feb 25, 2009 at 22:46:22 from

Nice to see some fast miles. Glancing around the blog it seems like a lot of people are finally on the mend.

From jtshad on Thu, Feb 26, 2009 at 15:17:14 from

Listening to Obama versus running is a good idea? You can read the speech on the web, dude!

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles


Adrenaline Miles: 6.00
Weight: 0.00
Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

AM- my alarm went off 3 days this week at 4 am but I was always too tired to get up.  I finally dragged myself out of bed today and got in 6 miles while watching the latest NFL free agency news on ESPN.  I have another run planned later tonight.

PM- 9 more.

Adrenaline Miles: 15.00
Weight: 0.00
Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

Long run with Paul and Cody.  Cody and I started at the end of hollow road and ran 2.5 miles to the junction near Blacksmith Fork canyon.  The temp was 11 deg, and there was a very strong and cold headwind (windchill was probably below zero!), so Paul had the great idea of driving to the top and running down rather than freezing and fighting the wind.  We drove to the Hyrum hydro park, ran up a bit, then ran all the way down to Cody's car.  We averaged about 7:00 pace down the canyon.  At the bottom, the tail wind was so strong that my back got cold!  Once we got to the bottom, we drove back to Paul's car.  Cody and I finished off with a few more miles- a bit stiff and sore after sitting in the car, but it went fast.  Overall run of 16 miles at 7:14 average pace.  Cody bought us danish's on the way home- yummy.

Today was my longest run since St. George.  It was also a new weekly high mileage since SGM, 10 miles higher than my previous high.  Plans for next week are 60 miles with 2 hard workouts and an 18 mile run.

Adrenaline Miles: 16.00
Weight: 0.00
From dave holt on Sat, Feb 28, 2009 at 13:27:48 from

Congrats on the big week Jon.

From Jon on Sat, Feb 28, 2009 at 15:59:59 from

Thanks. Though it pales in comparison to your 100+ miles.

From JimF on Sat, Feb 28, 2009 at 16:35:27 from

Nice run and good week! Sounds like it was a rough day. Hopefully Spring will be here soon.

From redrooster on Sat, Feb 28, 2009 at 20:16:36 from

Did Paul have warm bagels ready for you in the car? grrr... I mean brrr.....

From Jon on Sat, Feb 28, 2009 at 20:40:04 from

No bagels. No water, either. Yup, it was pretty cold, but much better running down than it would have been if we had actually run up.

From jtshad on Sun, Mar 01, 2009 at 09:53:28 from

Nice run, good to see that you are feeling better.

Mmmm, danish...

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

AM- Today is Marci's birthday, so I took the day off work to celebrate.  Early morning 6 mile run before I made her breakfast in bed.  Easy miles, except threw in .5 mile fast to get ready for an afternoon workout.

Adrenaline Miles: 6.00
Weight: 0.00
From jtshad on Mon, Mar 02, 2009 at 15:09:35 from

Wish Marci Happy Birthday from Kami and I. Have a great day off (what a nice husband you are!).

From cody on Tue, Mar 03, 2009 at 17:48:17 from

So, did you get out later?

From Jon on Tue, Mar 03, 2009 at 18:56:06 from

Um, no, birthday plans ended up trumping. But that's the beauty of only 60 mpw- I only need 1 double to get my mileage, which I will do tomorrow.

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

PM- workout day.  Nice weather- about 45 deg and a bit breezy, but I wore shorts and a long sleeve shirt.  I ran the Providence hills loop and wanted to do 4-5 miles at a moderate tempo pace, though I wasn't sure what pace that would be since I'm not in great shape and since the whole run is very hilly.  Almost 3 miles warmup at about 7:30 pace, then started the tempo at the bottom of the Providence hill.  Tempo miles were 7:29 (very uphill), 6:24 (1/3 mile uphill, 2/3 down), 5:59 (mainly downhill), 6:12 (pretty flat), 6:07.  Cooled down till I hit 9 miles.  The tempo felt ok- the first big uphill was painful (I saw my pace as slow as 11 min/mile), the downhill was fast.  I really could have used someone to run with the last 2 miles- my pace was decent, but I could have gone faster.  I kept falling off pace and had to consciously push my speed back up.  6:10 pace is pretty good, but I could have done better.  I'll do another hill workout on Thursday- maybe repeats.  9 miles in 1:02:30.

Adrenaline Miles: 9.00
Weight: 0.00
From cody on Wed, Mar 04, 2009 at 10:04:09 from

Good workout. 7:30 is a solid first mile up that hill.

From mattrow on Wed, Mar 04, 2009 at 21:02:24 from

When you talk about your pace with so much detail, you sound like you have a Garmin. Have you crossed over?

From Jon on Wed, Mar 04, 2009 at 22:06:15 from

Well, I do know a lot of routes well enough to know where the miles are. But, my lovely wife did buy me a Garmin 205 for Christmas, which I was wearing on this run. Yes, I crossed over.

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

AM- 6.5

PM- 8.5 more.  Saw Drew Michener running- he looks like he's doing fine.

Adrenaline 2 Miles: 15.00
Weight: 0.00
From Adam RW on Thu, Mar 05, 2009 at 10:07:16 from

The week looks like it is shaping up for you. Nice speed yesterday.

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

My Saturday post-long run donut run has scientific backing.  If it works for the USA Olympic cross country ski team, it works for me:  http://www.usatoday.com/news/health/2009-02-11-protein-recovery_N.htm

PM- Small workout today.  I planned to do hill repeats, .5 mile each.  I didn't want to run downhill, so I did it on the treadmill.  I did 2 miles warmup, then started the repeats- .5 mile at 6:58 pace on a 5% incline, then .5 mile recovery.  I only planned on 4 but felt good so I ended up doing 6 repeats.  9 miles total, and a good workout for the Striders 10 mile next week.  I'm counting the repeats as MP- I was working pretty hard.


NB 768 Miles: 9.00
Weight: 0.00
From wheakory on Thu, Mar 05, 2009 at 13:51:57 from

Donuts! I love that carb idea. They released it in this article that it's okay so now everyone can justify having donuts. I'm all for it!. It's good to see that your training is picking up.

Thank you for your encouragement in my blog it's helped. I've been keeping my faith up, but it also feels frustrating not to run. I feel like once I'm better I want to train hard again. I need to lose the weight I've gained. Must have been all those donuts! :-) You take care.

From David on Sat, Mar 07, 2009 at 13:48:11 from

THAT'S what I'm talking about! Where's the Donuts indeed!

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

AM- Easy 6, but I felt good and had time so made it 7. 

Today is our 5 year anniversary, so Marci and I are going to the Melting Pot in SLC for dinner- no evening run.  But I don't need it- my planned 60 mile week will already end up closer to 65... plus it should be a good dinner.

Adrenaline Miles: 7.00
Weight: 0.00
From jtshad on Fri, Mar 06, 2009 at 09:13:09 from

Happy Anniversary! Enjoy the day together you old married couple, you!

From wheakory on Fri, Mar 06, 2009 at 13:10:12 from

Congratulations! Enjoy your time with the love of your life. Nice week Jon.

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

Wow, quite the adventure run today.  Paul and Cody were out of town, so I was on my own.  I slept in and finally started my run at nap time- 3:30 pm (with a barely-eaten PBJ and Mac and cheese digesting in my stomach).  It looked gorgeous and sunny out, though it was only 35 deg.  I wore shorts and a long sleeve tech shirt, with stretchy gloves.  As soon as I started, I discovered a brisk breeze was blowing that made it quite cool- I turned around 3 minutes into the run to trade my shirt for a fleece top, and to get my ear warmers.  I was very glad I did that, but I was still an absolute popsicle for 2/3 of my run - brrrrrr!!!  But at least having frozen legs and hands helps distract from how tired I was.  Wind chill was 25 deg when I finished, and I was in my shorts and thin gloves for all 140 minutes.

I ran to the canal and up into Logan canyon.  I took the mostly-snowpacked, sometimes rough, and occasionally very icy river trail almost to the end of the singletrack.  My average pace on the roads was about 7:30, and was about 8:15 on the snowy trail, though the last mile of very rough singletrack yielded a whopping 10:23 mile!  Wow, smoking!  And let me tell you, it was as hard as a 6 min mile on the roads.  I was glad to turn around, but discovered I now had a strong headwind that really chilled me even more.  I ran back along the canal and through River Heights and Providence to my old house, then to the church where I picked up my car.  The return miles on the road were 7:30-8:00 pace, and my legs were rather tired by the end.  Of course, I kept my donut streak alive by stopping by Macey's for a danish, even though it was 6:30 pm.  18 miles, 2:20:38 (7:48 avg- pretty darn good supposing I had 5 miles on snow and ice).

My left hamstring is very tight at the bottom and has been for a while.  I had to stop 3 or 4 times to try stretching it- it really slowed my down on the downhills.  I'll have to work on it. 

Last week I did 58 miles with a 16 mile long run, both of which were my longest since SGM.  So that means I broke both records again this week with 64 miles and 18 mile long run.  Next week will be ~65 miles and will include the Striders 10 mile race.

Adrenaline 2 Miles: 18.00
Weight: 0.00
From Superfly on Sat, Mar 07, 2009 at 22:34:00 from

Nice job Jon. Be careful with those hammys they will sneak up and bite your for a long time if your not.

From Adam RW on Sat, Mar 07, 2009 at 22:47:25 from

Great week! Glad to see you moving in the right direction (toward donuts).

From Dave S on Sat, Mar 07, 2009 at 23:01:24 from

Nice run and nice week. That chilly breeze this afternoon made it feel colder at 35 deg than it felt this morning at 17 deg when it was calm and sunny.

From jtshad on Sun, Mar 08, 2009 at 15:55:26 from

Nice long run, though doing it in shorts...

Hope the hammy loosens up so you can have a good week leading up to and running the 10K.

I am thinking of coming down for the half on April 4 for a good MP race as a warm up for Boston. Maybe I will see you there!

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

AM- Scrubbed my morning run because A) I couldn't fall asleep until midnight due to daylight savings and a Sunday nap, and B) I knew I would need extra time to get to work due to 6-8" of snow that fell last night.  It took over 1.5 hours to get to work- fun times.  I guess I'll get just one run in this afternoon.

PM- 18" of snow in 18 hours at my house, and it's still coming down.  But my lovely wife shoveled all the snow!  I planned to do a speed workout but my hamstring is still very tight and twingy, so I didn't want to aggravate it.  Ended up doing 10.5 easy miles.  And I scheduled a massage for Wed to get my leg worked out.

Adrenaline 2 Miles: 10.50
Weight: 0.00
From wheakory on Mon, Mar 09, 2009 at 12:48:36 from

Nice long run yesterday Jon. Great job on the trail and keeping your donut streak alive. We had 3 inches of snow yesterday which made it real icy this morning.

From Adam RW on Tue, Mar 10, 2009 at 10:20:02 from

I don't know what gives about the snow difference. I think they had 30in near Park City. Have fun tomorrow (Wed)... I haven't had a scheduled massage for going on two years now. I still think Sasha has to get a blog sponsored masseuse.

From Jon on Tue, Mar 10, 2009 at 10:49:55 from

Adam- I became a big convert last year. I probably got 4-6 during the season- it's a life saver on the muscles when you are running 80-90 mile weeks. I found that my upper body actually needed it more than my legs, especially my back and neck.

From Adam RW on Tue, Mar 10, 2009 at 11:03:25 from

Jon-I agree entirely. It is just tough justifying it on the budget :(

From Jon on Tue, Mar 10, 2009 at 12:09:50 from

True that. I get a small personal amount in our budget, and it all goes towards shoes, entry fees, and massage. Nothing left over.

From Predog on Tue, Mar 10, 2009 at 21:49:40 from

man that's the biggest snowstorm all year! ouch. and right during when it is supposed to warm up too! Dang. Guess my hopes of it being melted by the time I get back are gone. :(

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

PM- 9.5 easy.  And that's all I have to say about that.

NB 768 Miles: 9.00
Weight: 0.00
Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

AM- 6 medium.  And that's all I have to say about that.

PM- 10 medium, followed by my one hour massage.  The masseuse said she had never felt a hamstring as tight as mine in 10 year of massage.  Both legs actually had quite a number of tight spots.  Hopefully my legs will feel better- I'll find out Saturday on the big downhills.

Adrenaline Miles: 16.00
Weight: 0.00
From jtshad on Wed, Mar 11, 2009 at 09:32:12 from

Ok, Forest!

From wheakory on Wed, Mar 11, 2009 at 13:40:08 from

Ditto repeat. Nice work.

From paul on Fri, Mar 13, 2009 at 09:14:20 from

Have fun out there on Saturday.

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

AM- 7.  With my 4:10 am wake up these past few days, I have only been getting about 5-5.5 hours of sleep a night and am really starting to drag.  I need to get to bed earlier for the next few days.

Adrenaline 2 Miles: 7.00
Weight: 0.00
Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

AM- It's been cold all week in Logan, with morning temps in the single digits.  This morning was 2 deg, windchill of -6.  Brrr.  6 easy miles.

Both my girls have been sick this week with fevers, coughs, and runny noses.  I woke up yesterday with a sore throat and it is worse today.  If I get sick again I will be very put off!

NB 768 Miles: 6.00
Weight: 0.00
From Adam RW on Fri, Mar 13, 2009 at 10:19:29 from

You have to love our little in house incubators. All I can say is lots of water and any sleep you can get. Good luck.

From Jon on Fri, Mar 13, 2009 at 10:38:56 from

Adam- I hear it gets even better once the kids are in preschool/elementary school. Lots of colds, etc.

From cgbooth23 on Fri, Mar 13, 2009 at 13:09:20 from

I feel your pain with the cold, just over the mtn. in Eden 0 yesterday and 2 degrees today, I am impressed you get out and run in it. if it is below 15 degrees I can't do it, tooo cold!

From wheakory on Fri, Mar 13, 2009 at 14:07:00 from

Great run in such cold temps. I hope the sick bug stays away from you. I had the sore throat as well all week except it's gone today.

Your going to have a great year, because your training when your healthy and not being careless like me and running when you shouldn't be. Keep up the consistent running and you will blow by your previous times.

I noticed you wanted to run the NY marathon this year. That originally was one of my goals this year as well. But not sure now.

Take care Jon, and I hope your kids get better.

From Jon on Fri, Mar 13, 2009 at 14:15:22 from

Kory- I have toyed with NYC marathon. I found out recently that it costs $217 to register, though, so I am now doubtful. I oppose paying that much.

From RivertonPaul on Fri, Mar 13, 2009 at 14:24:17 from

BRR. And $217, that's like 200 pairs of your green shorts.

From Jon on Fri, Mar 13, 2009 at 14:38:33 from

Nah, they were free! But wait, are you saying they look cheap?!?

From paul on Fri, Mar 13, 2009 at 14:48:16 from

Too cold old for me. I've been angry the last few days about the weather. Angry at the world. It should not be this cold right now. I'M TICKED!! I'm just waiting for Obama to do something about it.

Bummer about everyone being sick. Seth has yet to get the first illness of his young life, and I figure I'm on borrowed time.

From Jon on Fri, Mar 13, 2009 at 15:38:54 from

Paul, I can tell you have been in California- you've gotten soft about cold weather and you complain. We need to frolick outside naked to get you re-adjusted. But Obama is trying to stop global warming, so you should want him to not do anything. Global warming will make Logan warmer, right?

Bring him over to our house and my daughters can help him out in that area. Better to get a bunch of small colds when young then not have immunity when old.

From wheakory on Fri, Mar 13, 2009 at 16:40:20 from

Ya NY Marathon is expensive too. That was my concern as well. I'm wondering if you run for a charity if you get a discount.

Were you planning on going by yourself?

Jon I think when your done with those green shorts you should frame them. :-)

What do you think about the situation with the new Denver Broncos coach and Culter? I think Cutler is going to be traded before the start of the year?

From Jon on Fri, Mar 13, 2009 at 22:03:04 from

I hope Cutler doesn't get traded.

Race: Striders Winter Racing Circuit 10 mile (10 Miles) 01:02:28, Place overall: 6, Place in age division: 1
Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

Race day.  Last year the Striders 10 mile was one of my 3 great races of the year (2nd place, 59:53).  With my reduced training and being sick a few weeks ago, I knew I wouldn't be near that time.  I was 2:38 slower in the 10k a few weeks ago then last year, so I figured reducing that gap would be a good goal for this race.  It is a very hilly course (931 feet climbing!), which would help me on the downs but my lack of training would reveal itself on the ups.  See Walter's blog for a great description on the difficulty of the course.

At the start I saw Fiddy, Walter, Trever Ball (who was running easy), Tim, Jeff, and Paul Pilkington.  Temp was about 25-30 deg, with no ice on the roads.  Here are my splits:

Mile 1 and 2- 11:37 (no mile 1 split)- running easy.  Walter, James, Paul, and Tim take off.  I am in a good group with Jeff and Trever for most of the race.

Mile 3- 5:58- rolling downhill

Mile 4- 6:14- rolling uphill

Mile 5- 6:50- big uphill- 12 seconds ahead of my 10k time from 3 weeks ago

Mile 6- 6:50

Mile 7- 7:26- finally the end of uphill.  Last year I ran a 6:58 on this mile.

Mile 8- 5:18- downhill.  Last year was 5:02.

Mile 9- 5:57- at the start of this mile, my chest really tightened up for some reason and I really had trouble breathing.  After slowing down a hair and relaxing for a few minutes, it loosened up.

Mile 10- 6:13- the last uphill on this mile is painful.

Trever pulled away on the uphill at mile 5.  Jeff pulled away on the ups and I passed him on the downs, up until my chest tightened when he caught me.  We were even at mile 9, but he pulled away and beat me by about 15 seconds.  But it was very nice being able to run near/with him for most the race.  I finished in 7th place overall (and didn't get chicked).  My time was 2:35 slower than last year, so I did close the gap by 3 seconds like I wanted, and on a longer course.  I am ok with this race, but it is hard knowing I was in so much better shape last year.  However, I got sick before the 1/2 marathon last year, so it will even out. 

Tim Wight took 2 wrong turns (his brain tumor has reduced his visual ability) but still beat me by a bit.  Trever is planning to do the whole series, as are Walter and Jeff.  They are all 3-7 minutes ahead of me, so my top 3 goal for the series will be very difficult.  But I will keep working hard and see what happens- 31 miles of racing left.

Good job to everyone today!

2 miles warmup and 4 miles cooldown with Walter, James, Twinkie (Matt) and others.  And in some good news, my hamstring didn't hurt.  Finally.  Now I get to spend the day painting my house.

Tangent 3 Miles: 16.00
Weight: 0.00
From walter on Sat, Mar 14, 2009 at 14:03:09 from

Nicely done Jon! Always good to run with you! Its still early in the season. Keep pumping out those miles. I am amazed at you once your feet leave the pavement. You have good balance and strength. I would be frustrated in a race if I had to post hole run in snow! ugg! Have fun painting and dont miss any spots!

From MarcieJ on Sat, Mar 14, 2009 at 14:04:24 from

Great job! and good placing in your age group!

From wheakory on Sat, Mar 14, 2009 at 14:14:58 from

Nice Race considering the training from this year to last year. Sometimes it's hard to swallow when you know you could be in better shape but circumstances prevent that. I'm there with you and feel your frustration. Although, you've got confidence in your abilities and your going to find that strength and turn out some great races this year.

From paul on Sat, Mar 14, 2009 at 14:36:17 from

It's a step forward. Nice job.

From josse on Sat, Mar 14, 2009 at 15:18:57 from

Great job Man sounds like a tough one.

From twinkies on Sat, Mar 14, 2009 at 22:49:24 from

Nice job today. You can make up a lot of ground in 31 miles. it was fun running with you guys.

From cody on Sun, Mar 15, 2009 at 12:05:10 from

Nicely done. Plenty of racing left. I have my work cut out to stay near you in the half. I thought about you saturday morning and was glad and sad at that same time that I wasn't racing...

From jtshad on Sun, Mar 15, 2009 at 12:23:13 from

Great race coming off all you sickness. Keep it up!

From Chad on Sun, Mar 15, 2009 at 17:56:19 from

Nice, race Jon!

From james on Sun, Mar 15, 2009 at 20:17:39 from

Good Job, Jon. Hopefully you'll be feeling good again in time for the half. Great improvement from 3 weeks ago.

From marci on Tue, Mar 17, 2009 at 19:25:04 from

painting the house??? i could have sworn that was you sleeping through the WHOLE thing??

From Walter on Wed, Mar 18, 2009 at 00:42:33 from

Sorry Jon, didnt want to rat you out with your wife! haha I think our wives share the same qualities. What the heck? lol

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

PM- I had considered doing a little workout, but just a few steps into my run knew that my legs were still tired and a bit sore in the quads, so will wait for some speed tomorrow.  Instead I just pounded out 12 miles.

Adrenaline 2 Miles: 12.00
Weight: 0.00
From JimF on Mon, Mar 16, 2009 at 22:13:01 from

Probably a good idea to wait until your legs are ready so you can get the most out it.

From Adam RW on Mon, Mar 16, 2009 at 23:00:20 from

Nice race Saturday. Closing the gap 3 sec on a longer course is great. Wish I was there with you. Maybe buy the summer...

From wheakory on Tue, Mar 17, 2009 at 01:04:49 from

Great workout. Getting the endurance in your legs is just as good as doing speed. I hope your work week is not too busy for you.

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

AM- It's a new morning run record!  I squeezed in 7.5 full miles before I had to jump in the shower at 5:30 am in order to catch my 5:45 vanpool to work.  4 medium miles, followed by 3.5 miles at 6:00-6:45 pace in order to get in all 7.5 miles.  Of course, now I just want breakfast and a nap...

PM- Small workout.  8.5 miles with some fast stuff- I did a descending tempo, with 5 min fast, 5 recovery, 4 fast, 4 recovery... down to 1 min.  The first tempo was 5:50 pace, second was 5:45, and I kept going faster on each one till the 1 min was 5:30 pace.  Felt real good although my legs were tired going into the workout.   

Adrenaline Miles: 16.00
Weight: 0.00
From jtshad on Tue, Mar 17, 2009 at 10:16:44 from

Good run you early riser...we were out at the same time, I hope your morning was as nice as mine.

I will probably see you in couple of weeks for the Strider's half marathon (tune up race for Boston).

From MarcieJ on Tue, Mar 17, 2009 at 21:14:47 from

Holy cow thats early to get up! Nice job-hope you get a nap in sometime.

From Jon on Tue, Mar 17, 2009 at 22:10:11 from

I sleep on my van, so that counts for something. Well, as good as you can sleep in a vehicle.

From Adam RW on Tue, Mar 17, 2009 at 22:22:31 from

Sounds like you are practicing for Ragnar, sleeping on the van...

From sam on Wed, Mar 18, 2009 at 06:09:13 from

Wowser thats early, wouldnt see me about for a few hours later, not a good early riser! good on you for doing training so early.

From Jon on Wed, Mar 18, 2009 at 08:54:44 from

Trust me, I would much prefer to sleep in. But given my schedule, it is the only way to get the miles in, although it is a sacrifice of sleep for miles. Shadley is the same way.

From Walter on Wed, Mar 18, 2009 at 09:33:55 from

Nice running Tex! Hope you guys get some warm weather.

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

PM- easy run.  Ran with both kids and Marci to Willow Park, dropped off Marci and McKinley to play, and continued with Aspen to the end of Planet Walk and back.  Ran home as a family.  Nice day- sunny, 55 deg, with a slight breeze.  6 miles at a whopping 9:26 avg pace.

NB 768 Miles: 6.00
Weight: 0.00
From wheakory on Thu, Mar 19, 2009 at 17:30:41 from

Nice to just enjoy a run with the family and not worry about the pace. What a great family activity.

From Adam RW on Thu, Mar 19, 2009 at 23:15:19 from

Glad to see that the weather is finally behaving for you.

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

PM- I was supposed to do a nice Big Workout with Cody today, but work interfered and I got home rather late.  I finally got out for a run at 9 pm, so just wanted to get in a few miles.  It stinks I missed the workout- maybe I'll try to add a few fast miles during my long run Sat.  6 miles.  My missed workout also means I'll have to run tomorrow morning and night- grr, I was hoping to sleep in till 5 am tomorrow, rather than my 4 am running wake up.

Adrenaline Miles: 6.00
Weight: 0.00
From redrooster on Fri, Mar 20, 2009 at 01:26:24 from

grr... things could be worse... like you could be old and broken down like me. grrr.....

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

AM- 6.5 uneventful miles.

PM- Willow Park-Planet Walk with family (in the future, I will abbreviate this as WPPWWF). 4.5 miles.

NB 768 Miles: 6.00Adrenaline Miles: 4.00
Weight: 0.00
From RivertonPaul on Fri, Mar 20, 2009 at 10:16:46 from

Did you manage to sleep in until 5:00?

From Jon on Fri, Mar 20, 2009 at 10:20:33 from


From cody on Fri, Mar 20, 2009 at 10:27:00 from

the hulk is down 4 points to me so far too!

From wheakory on Sat, Mar 21, 2009 at 01:32:09 from

The abbreviation sounds like a new wrestling league. Nice mileage today.

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

AM- Long run. Cody and I did planet walk, then picked up Paul and did the Hyde Park loop. Nice loop, though there is one rather long hill that definitely increases in steepness. Good temperature, 35-40 deg- shorts, long sleeve shirt, gloves. Dropped Paul off and ran home. 20 miles on the nose, 7:22 avg (2:27:13), with 3 miles under 7:00 (fastest of 6:42). My legs have been sore all week and were very sore for the first half of the run, but started feeling a lot better by the end. Kind of strange. I felt pretty good considering this is my longest run by 2 miles and my highest mileage week by 6 miles.  Finished off with a huge, delicious brownie courtesy of the Drapers.

Next week I plan to be 70-72 miles with another 20 mile long run, followed by a 60 mile week with a mini-taper leading into the Strider's 1/2.

Adrenaline 2 Miles: 20.00
Weight: 0.00
From allie on Sat, Mar 21, 2009 at 12:43:08 from

nice run today. and i like the big brownie finish. hahaha.

From wheakory on Sat, Mar 21, 2009 at 12:47:08 from

Nice workout. It's not strange that your body is sore in the beginning. Sometimes it takes getting warmed up with the blood flowing in the muscles to relax them.

Great week for you and more to come. It's nice to see you stretch your training and see it starting to come together. Oh I bet that brownie was good.

From josse on Sat, Mar 21, 2009 at 12:58:31 from

looks like things are coming back nicely:)

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

PM- 10

Adrenaline Miles: 10.00
Weight: 0.00
From redrooster on Tue, Mar 24, 2009 at 16:32:41 from

I got in 0.5 miles today- well on my way to catching you and Cody again. Won't be long....

From Jon on Tue, Mar 24, 2009 at 17:04:33 from

We'll watch our backs.

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

PM- Medium workout.  Ran to the Aquatic center and met Paul- my legs were very sluggish right from the start, which was not a good sign.  We ran Young Ward loop.  We decided to do a tinman tempo- I wanted 5-6 miles, he wanted 8, so we settled on 6.  I wanted 6:15 pace, he wanted faster but talkative, so we did 6:15 and talkative.  3 mile warmup at 7:00 pace, then 6 mile tempo.  Tempo miles were 6:06, 6:15, 6:13, 6:11, 6:16, 6:13.  It was lightly snowing when we started but was coming down rather hard by the end.  We were rather chatty the whole tempo, which I'm sure hurt me a bit the last few miles.  The first 4 miles felt good but I was definitely working.  Mile 5 was harder, and mile 6 was much more difficult than it should have been. 

I definitely don't have my speed yet- I am naturally an endurance guy, not a speed guy, so really have to work on my speed once I have a base.  I am trying to build both right now, though my emphasis is on base.  Cool down took me to 13.5 miles in 1:31:45, 6:52 avg for the run.  Ok workout, but Thursday's will be better.

Adrenaline Miles: 13.00
Weight: 0.00
From Adam RW on Tue, Mar 24, 2009 at 22:19:09 from

Way to keep looking forward.

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

AM- 6, with 1 at 6:45 pace to get all 6 in before I had to go to work.

PM- 4 more.

NB 768 Miles: 4.00Adrenaline Miles: 6.00
Weight: 0.00
From Adam RW on Wed, Mar 25, 2009 at 15:14:17 from

It it gets you moving.

I love the challenge off to the left. Whenever I see the word "undefeated" it makes my mouth water... I just hope I'll be able to take you up on it one of these days. It seems like Jeff will give you a go first though.

From Jon on Wed, Mar 25, 2009 at 15:18:59 from

Which race is Jeff running? The Wahsatch Steeplechase doesn't count, cause it isn't 26+ miles...

I would love for some challenge from the FRB-ers on that! I have been openly petitioning to get more running trail races for a while.

From Adam RW on Wed, Mar 25, 2009 at 15:26:26 from

I might have misread one of the previous posts then. I was really tempted last year. I'm just a wimp. However, you do make them sound fun and it would be nice to mix up the way I challenge myself.

From rivertonpaul on Wed, Mar 25, 2009 at 15:39:28 from

Work, work, work.

From Jon on Wed, Mar 25, 2009 at 17:01:06 from

You should do it. Jeff was asking me about one, I don't remember which.

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

I had a workout with Paul planned, but had to cancel.  I have been feeling a bit under the weather all week, and today I started getting real achy and a bit of a fever.  I figured it would be better to take a day or two off to hopefully nip this in the bud rather than fight through it.  I haven't had injuries this season, but sickness has definitely been my bane.

Weight: 0.00
From Adam RW on Fri, Mar 27, 2009 at 21:57:51 from

It is going around down here. We've had three people out at work. My wife had it Wed and our daughter had it yesterday. In each of there cases it was only about a day so I hope things clear up for you for the weekend.

From jtshad on Mon, Mar 30, 2009 at 10:09:11 from

Hope you are feeling better...

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

PM- 12 miles at about 7:40 pace- 1 with the jogging stroller, most with Cody, some with Paul.  It was sunny but just above freezing with a breeze- in other words, still rather cold, despite looking nice.  Felt tired and sluggish, which isn't a surprise supposing I haven't run since last Wed.  I did get some awesome farmer blows, though, and could breath thru my nose for the first time in 3 days.  Here is my route- I don't think anyone other than Cody and Paul can figure it out:  PW, PH, LH, CH, PW, MH.  I did the last 4 miles alone- it always seems much harder to finish off a run by yourself after running with people for the first part, esp. when you are cold and tired.

Adrenaline Miles: 12.00
Weight: 0.00
From cody on Tue, Mar 31, 2009 at 10:09:57 from

Planet Walk, Paul's house, Logan High, Cody's house, Planet walk, my house.

From Jon on Tue, Mar 31, 2009 at 11:59:53 from

Yup. But I don't think anyone else can get it.

From cody on Tue, Mar 31, 2009 at 12:05:56 from

glad you are still at work...

From Jon on Tue, Mar 31, 2009 at 12:07:10 from

Yeah, only one guy in my dept got cut. Not me. Fortunately.

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

AM- I got in bed by 10 last night, but tossed and turned for over 3 hours, finally falling asleep sometime after 1. Annoying. Nevertheless, I got up at 4 this morning for my run. I think I am going to be tired today. Plus my company is laying off 300 people today- hopefully I am not one of them. 6.5 miles.

PM- I did not get laid off, but it is not fun at all to watch your friends and coworkers leave.  Just sad.  For my workout, Paul and I were going to do a tempo on the First Dam 10k course.  The weather was rather cold, with some intermittent wind and snow.  After 3 miles warm up, we were off.  My legs again felt sluggish during the entire run, just like the previous 2 weeks- not sure why, but I hope it goes away.  The goal was about 6:00 pace for the run.  I cannot say I ran with Paul during the workout- I just watched him progressively get further away.  My first mile was 6:29, then 6:49, then 7:04.  I had nothing.  Nothing.  The rest of the workout I struggled to hold 7:30 pace, plus had to stop for a bathroom break.  Paul finished his workout, ran home, showered, ate dinner, watched a few episodes of the Simpsons, got back into his running clothes and ran back to the park... and he still got there before I finished my workout.  2.5 mile slog home.

So I can declare today was one of the 5 worst workouts of my life.  Crap.  I either have to write it off, or else I will get so depressed about my current fitness that I would quit running, eat lots of candy, get huge, and have to go on "The Biggest Loser" in a few years just so I could walk around the block in less than an hour.  [Commentator]- "He used to be a 2:40 marathoner.  Now he just wants to lose 240 pounds.  Please welcome, Jon!"

Adrenaline 2 Miles: 18.00
Weight: 0.00
From Adam RW on Tue, Mar 31, 2009 at 09:40:30 from

I can see why you would be tossing and turning. I hope today is good to you.

From walter on Tue, Mar 31, 2009 at 09:47:22 from

It is a sad time right now Jon! Good luck to you and hopefully everything works out. I got laid off last week and now my wife told me her job may lay her off. Its viscious out there! Im Self employed and dont have work so Ive laid all my guys off and have had to do anything to make my bills. Its rough.

From jtshad on Tue, Mar 31, 2009 at 10:51:39 from

Jon, prayers are with you today.

Walter, sorry to hear about the job issues for you and your wife (as well as your workers). My prayers are with you too!

From dave holt on Wed, Apr 01, 2009 at 09:57:33 from

Same thoughts as Jeff - we'll all be thinking of you. Keep positive.

From Adam RW on Wed, Apr 01, 2009 at 10:31:26 from

Jon, I think between the sleepless night and the stress during the day you can very easily write-off the workout. I hope that last night was more restful and I'm happy that you kept your job.

From jtshad on Wed, Apr 01, 2009 at 11:55:43 from

Jon, glad to hear about your job, sorry to hear you had co-workers who didn't make it through. I agree with Adam that the added stress at work and sleep just led to one of those workouts. Right it off and just get mentally prepped for Saturday.

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

AM- 6. As tired as I am right now, I'm really debating the whole run vs. sleep benefit. Sleep might win tomorrow.

Thinking of yesterday's terrible workout, I think part of the problem was due to the stress of the day and the layoffs. A lot of my coworkers said this morning that they got home last night and felt like a truck had run over them. Just a bad, stressful day. So hopefully that was the problem.

NB 768 Miles: 6.00
Weight: 0.00
From Adam RW on Wed, Apr 01, 2009 at 10:34:43 from

Agreed. It will probably take a few days. It continues to amaze me no matter how many examples I see and experience the total impact that stress can have on your physical being. Looking at the changes in your body alone it is amazing what chemical and biological changes take place. In fact just two parents arguing in front of a child can change the child’s brain chemistry so the concern of losing your job and the conflict of the joy that you didn't with the guilt that your friends did has to wreck havic on your mind and body.

From wheakory on Wed, Apr 01, 2009 at 17:02:43 from

I could definitely understand a different chemical balance in the body with what stress you've had to endure.

Your talking about your career and supporting your family. I'm glad your job's okay. Good luck on the rest of the week.

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

PM- 7.5 easy.  My legs are starting to feel better- hopefully another easy day tomorrow will have me ready.

Adrenaline 2 Miles: 7.00
Weight: 0.00
From redrooster on Fri, Apr 03, 2009 at 20:15:04 from

you runnin this race tomorrow with Cody? Cuz I have a hundred bucks ridin on you to beat him!!! really!! Eat lots of bagels and good luck if you are racing!!

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

PM- 5.5 easy miles.  Now it's race time- hopefully it won't be windy like last year.  Although the weather predictions right now call for snow and wind.  I figure that will just keep people away and earn me a higher place, more food, and less people in the port-o-potties.

NB 768 Miles: 3.00
Weight: 0.00
From redrooster on Fri, Apr 03, 2009 at 20:26:56 from

eat lots of bagels ahead of time to stay warm!!!

From Jon on Fri, Apr 03, 2009 at 20:32:29 from

Maybe I'll stuff the bagels down my shirt for insulation...

Race: Striders WRC 1/2 marathon (13.1 Miles) 01:21:39, Place overall: 10, Place in age division: 1
Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

Striders 1/2 marathon. Cold and snowy at the start, occasional blustery wind thru mile 9, then the mother of all headwinds to the finish. I had been fighting a cold all week and had a bummer of a Tuesday workout, but felt I could do ok.  Splits were 5:39, 5:52, 5:56, 5:58, 5:56, 6:05, 6:05, 6:17, 6:27, 6:20, 6:50, 6:47, 6:44, .1 in :38.

The first mile was a bit quick but felt ok.  I ran with Jeff MacArthur thru mile 5, then he made a huge move, had a great race, and caught 2 people, beating my by 2.5 minutes.  I ran alone the rest of the way, with the closest guys 2 min ahead and 1 min behind.  I did ok till about mile 8 then started tiring.  The huge, strong, steady headwind from mile 9 to the finish absolutely sapped any remaining strength, making it a slow, slow slog to the finish.  I think the wind in the last 4 miles was stronger than last year's, which is amazing- it was so strong it was literally knocking my upwind leg into my other leg mid-stride... never had that happen before.  The sad part is my time this year is 45 seconds slower than last year, even though we had a headwind the entire race last year and I had practically been on my deathbed the week before with an illness (although I did have someone to work with last year to conquer the wind).  Pretty lousy race- the highlight was food and hot cocoa at the finish, followed by about 45 minutes warming up in Paul's car- we were shivering popsicles at the finish.

I just have to believe that if I keep putting in the miles and working hard, eventually things will improve.  Oh yeah, and quit getting sick, which has happened about 2-3 times/month since December.  Not kidding.  It's getting really old by now.

Lots of good food at the finish, and ran 3 miles cooldown with Paul and Cody.  10 min pace.  To add some adventure, the parking lot was a muddy field, so we helped push 3 or 4 cars out before heading home.  So of course we were covered in mud and spread it to Paul's car.  Sorry. 

I have been getting headaches this week and started getting one after the race.  During the drive home, it became incredibly, incredibly painful- by far the most excruciating headache of my life.  By the time we got home, I could hardly stand or open my eyes, and almost threw up.  Excruciating pain.  But I felt better a few hours later after drugs and a nap.  I truly empathize for anyone who gets regular migraines- I can't imagine what it would be like to experience that every day.

For the record, the weather at Striders 1/2 stinks- strong headwind 2 out of 2 years.

Tangent 2 Miles: 17.00
Weight: 0.00
From paul on Sat, Apr 04, 2009 at 18:40:48 from

Glad you are feeling better.

That sure was one tough cooldown, definitely the slowest I've ever done.

From redrooster on Sat, Apr 04, 2009 at 18:53:11 from

I would have loved to have been there to commiserate with you. next year! hey- you won your age group, so did Cody, enjoy life and keep things in perspective. As your kids get older you will stop getting sick as much, you are just revisiting childhood illnesses you lost immunity to, and they hit you alot harder when you are older than when you are younger, especially with your work and exercise load. Like I said before, first kid between 1-3 is when you get the sickest. Next winter you will be illness free. Trust me! Now take a couple days off from running and eat some bagels.

From James on Sat, Apr 04, 2009 at 19:00:22 from

You would think you were the school teacher with how often you are sick!

I noticed that I am no longer on your favorite blog list, so those headaches serve you right!

I hope you get feeling better. Hey, I am up to running three times a week so you guys better watch out!:)

From Jon on Sat, Apr 04, 2009 at 19:13:47 from

Yeah, I decided my list was too long, so I took quite a few names off it- it now is pretty much people who live nearby. It serves you right for not commenting on my blog for like 6 months!

Are you doing any races soon?

From Twinkies on Sat, Apr 04, 2009 at 21:23:47 from

Good race today. I hope you get feeling better. Warmer weather should help.

From superfly on Sat, Apr 04, 2009 at 23:44:38 from

Sounds like a mutha. As you said on my blog a week ago about the STG marathon "I won't set foot on that course again". Well I think I'm the same about that Striders race...

Anyways good job in crap-o-la conditions.

From wheakory on Sun, Apr 05, 2009 at 01:09:42 from

Get some rest Jon. Getting better is more important than what you got out of today's race. You haven't had much training so whatever you got out of this race find what was positive.

I hope you feel better. Your a great runner and it will show.

From jtshad on Sun, Apr 05, 2009 at 09:31:09 from

Hope the headache calms down.

Way to run hard in tough conditions.

From Adam RW on Sun, Apr 05, 2009 at 11:43:42 from

Sounds like a migraine. Sorry about that. Just keep hanging in there. You're racing and though it isn't what you would like you are pushing through some hard stuff right now and it will make you that much better come summer and fall.

From jimf on Sun, Apr 05, 2009 at 15:54:11 from

Good job hanging in there in very tough race conditions. Hope you get to feeling better. Once you get rid of the sickness cycle your training will fall into place and I'm sure we will see the same kind of results that you put up last year!

From cody on Sun, Apr 05, 2009 at 21:19:18 from

Just wait until those trail races come around...you will be on top before long. Have fun in the 30K and enjoy your last road race of the year...

From Burt on Mon, Apr 06, 2009 at 01:10:26 from

Good job on the race. Good thing someone else was driving for the trip home.

From Jon on Mon, Apr 06, 2009 at 09:15:55 from

Thanks for the support, everyone. Burt, if I was driving I would have been forced to pull over. Hopefully these things go away.

From Dave S on Mon, Apr 06, 2009 at 15:00:45 from

Nice run in some tough conditions. Like Cody said You'll be kicken some butt when those trail races come. Hope your through the worst on that whole getting sick thing.

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

PM- Today was ultramarathon training.  How, you ask?  The trails are still snowy.  True, but a key component of ultramarathons is being able to refuel mid-run.  Seeing as today was Pizza Monday at Planet Fitness, the training program fell into place.  I showed up, ate 2 pieces of yummy Pier 49 sourdough pizza, ran a few miles, ate more pizza, ran, etc.  By the time I was done, I had run 10 miles and eaten almost 5 pieces of pizza.  My stomach didn't feel great, but I wasn't close to puking or anything like that.  Training was a success.

NB 768 Miles: 10.00
Weight: 0.00
From allie on Mon, Apr 06, 2009 at 21:51:14 from

haha. that is quite a feat! nice job.

From redrooster on Mon, Apr 06, 2009 at 22:44:05 from

hey what happened to joe the runner- is he still doing ogden?

and thanks for keeping me on your favorites list even though you ditched poor James- ha ha serves him right for moving south. if you take me off it will destroy my morale so keep that in mind. we shall run together soon!!

From Jon on Mon, Apr 06, 2009 at 22:55:17 from

Yeah, I've still never even met you, Scott! I think you owe me some bagels, too.

I haven't heard from Joe in a while- don't know his plans.

From redrooster on Mon, Apr 06, 2009 at 23:02:58 from

bagels on me at the smithfield health days 10K, May 9:


If not sooner, we can count that as a run together, though it will just be for about 5 seconds as you guys pull away from me.

Hey- funny thing is I have run with James even though he doesn't live here.

From Dustin on Mon, Apr 06, 2009 at 23:06:47 from

Jon, this is my type of training, minus the running part. I could really get into the pizza thing.

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

AM-6.5 easy.  Disappointed last night wasn't a more exciting game.

PM- 10 miles from the start of the canal to a little ways up the singletrack on the River Trail.  Felt good, though my shoes are worn out resulting in some ankle/achilles pain.  Something strange happened, though... I got passed on my run.  By a girl.  Wearing an iPod.  And she didn't look like a USU track star or anything- she was wearing some mid-calf length exercise pants.  That has never happened before- I rarely get passed during a workout, esp. by a girl (I'm not bragging or being judgmental, just saying how it is).  She blew by me at the start of the canal trail and put a good 30 meters on me in less than a minute.  I was curious and figured this was one of three things: A) She was doing some fast repeat (very unlikely), B) she was just starting her run and sprints out of the blocks, or C) she really was that fast.  I kept her in sight and after about 3 minutes she was definitely not getting further away.  Then she rapidly started coming back to me (I was doing ~7:15 miles).  Within a half mile of when she passed me, I passed her back and she was definitely huffing and puffing.  Apparently B was correct.  It was an enjoyable run, though, and I must mention to the Rooster that there is still a lot of snow/slush on the river trail.  Passable, but wet.

Adrenaline Miles: 17.00
Weight: 0.00
From jtshad on Wed, Apr 08, 2009 at 06:31:14 from

Jon was chicked...nah, nah, nah! ;-)

From redrooster on Wed, Apr 08, 2009 at 12:47:46 from

thanks for the heads up on the snow/slush- but it was several hours too late as I slogged through the same mess earlier in the day. blech. hope it melts soon.

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

AM- 5.5 easy.  Tired this morning.  New shoes.  I have had two pairs of 765's, two 766's, one 767, one 768, and now a 769.  Definitely my favorite line of shoes.

PM- 5 more.  I banged my knee today and it is kind of sore.

NB 769 Miles: 8.00
Weight: 0.00
From redrooster on Wed, Apr 08, 2009 at 12:40:31 from

I'm tired too. and I got alot of sleep last night. lecturing about high spin and low spin vitamin B12 complexes at 8:30 wears you out. going water running today. I wish I had a bagel or two to eat before. hey- is there a good way to train for both the ogden half (May 16) and bolder boulder 10K (May 25) simultaneously? I have never "trained" for a half before. I guess I should just look in Daniels or pfitzingers books under the "tired old slow codger" section.

From Jon on Wed, Apr 08, 2009 at 13:11:12 from

Train for the half and the 10k will take care of itself.

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

Funny story of the day- yesterday, Marci went running with the kids in the jogging stroller.  Midway through her run, our 2.5 year old looked up at her and said, "Mommy, run fast like Daddy!"  Kids say the darndest things :)

PM- Medium workout.  I figured I needed to do some hills, so I drove to Providence canyon.  I ran Deer Fence to Dry Canyon, up Dry a bit, back to Prov canyon, and down to Millville Canyon.  I had planned to do a few more miles towards BSF but found the trail closed "To protect wintering wildlife."  A handwritten note said it would open the second Saturday in April- that's in 2 days!  So instead I headed up the surprisingly steep and rocky Millville canyon- rather challenging.  Between that climb and the return climb to Providence, I was pooped.  The weather was a bit chilly and windy, with intermittent rain and even hail, but not too bad.  I saw 3 deer and only 1 person.  I am sure I will do this quite often to get me in shape for my trail runs, since it is hilly but snow-free (though muddy).  SportTracks says I did 2000 ft climbing, Garmin says 3200 ft.  It was a lot either way.  Fun but tiring run.  1:45:18 for 12 miles, which puts me at 8:50 pace.

I have to say, my XT Wings are awesome shoes- I can barrel my way thru anything and can run right over all rocks (short of ankle-twisting ones).  Great shoes.

XT Wings Miles: 12.00
Weight: 0.00
From Adam RW on Wed, Apr 08, 2009 at 21:37:13 from

That's good.

From Jeff on Thu, Apr 09, 2009 at 14:33:00 from

How's the training coming? Any races coming up?

From Jon on Thu, Apr 09, 2009 at 15:03:17 from

Jeff- my training is ok, though I have been fighting various sicknesses on and off (colds, flu). I have a 30k in a few weeks, then start my trail races in June.

From redrooster on Thu, Apr 09, 2009 at 22:58:54 from

Jon, I have no idea how you can run on that stuff, 100 feet on the deer fence and I would sprain my ankle for sure. And Millville canyon is insane. But it does sound fun, I wish I had the ankle strength (and endurance) for trail running.

From paul on Fri, Apr 10, 2009 at 10:04:01 from

Funny thing about that Deerfence trail is that even when the Millville-BSF segment is "open", the gate is still shut, so you have to climb over it. Makes me feel like a fugitive every time. But that segment is always in really bad shape anyway, because nobody goes on it except for cattle. Most of the time there is free-range cattle out there, which always makes me nervous for some reason (not wanting to get gored by a bull).

From Jon on Fri, Apr 10, 2009 at 10:12:16 from

Yeah, I've climbed the fence too. In fact, I had visions of being trampled by an angry bull yesterday and wondered how long it would take to find my mangled carcass (since no one knew I was out there). But if you run in the grass rather than the trail, the footing is sometimes better. Plus it would have been much easier than the very steep Millville canyon which I ended up walking up some.

Rooster, you could do it! No one gets hurt with me on trail runs... just ask Cody and Walter ;) Plus trails are funner!

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

PM- 6 easy, 2xPW with both kids in the jogger.  I'm gonna take Paul's idea and track stroller miles- I'm curious how many miles I do with it this year.

The 768's are officially retired.  They were good, good shoes and will be missed.

NB 768 Miles: 6.00Double Jogger 2009 Miles: 6.00
Weight: 0.00
From Adam RW on Sat, Apr 11, 2009 at 13:03:55 from

Can you go back and figure out how many jogger miles you already have to add in?

From Jon on Sat, Apr 11, 2009 at 15:18:32 from

I bought the double jogger late last year, so I can easily include those miles. For the single jogger, we have had it for 2.5 years and I have worn out the tires- I don't plan to add those miles up.

From Adam RW on Sat, Apr 11, 2009 at 15:37:13 from

I meant more for just the year.

Impressive that you've worn through a pair of tires. I just had two flats but not because the treads are gone, just because of some very large and nasty thorns.

From Jon on Sat, Apr 11, 2009 at 20:15:39 from

Those miles above are all the miles for the year- I don't take my kids out unless it is ~55 deg or warmer, and, being Cache Valley, we have only had a few days.

I put slime in my tires almost immediately after buying them- one day with 7 thorns convinced me of that.

From redrooster on Sat, Apr 11, 2009 at 20:23:07 from

I thought I was the only one that had blown out jogger tires with thorns... I never thought of the slime idea, but they probably didn't have it back then, along with flush toilets and indoor plumbing.

Know anyone who wants to buy a nice second hand Burley trailer/jogger sitting in my shed?

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

PM- Cody is injured, so I was on my own for my long run today.  I slept in so finally got around to my run around 3 pm.  Unlike most of my previous Sat afternoon runs, I actually was well hydrated and fed (though I could have done without the bean burritos last night).  Pretty mundane run, most at 7:30-7:45 pace.  Felt crappy till about mile 12, then started feeling incrementally better.  I felt good enough to run my last two half miles at 7:00 and 6:00 pace- and the 6 min pace felt easier than most of my slower miles.  Huh. 

Highest weekly mileage for the year.

NB 769 Miles: 20.00
Weight: 0.00
From cody on Sat, Apr 11, 2009 at 21:41:24 from

Good week for you! Did yo go anywhere fun for the long run? Like Lagoon?

From wheakory on Sat, Apr 11, 2009 at 22:51:18 from

Nice Run. I'm glad you started kicking it in gear and come out with a good feeling. Sometimes we never know how our long runs will turn out. That's the beast of marathon training.

I hope your family and you have a good Easter.

From Jon on Sat, Apr 11, 2009 at 23:34:42 from

Saturday afternoon runs are always harder than Sat morning. Especially when you are solo. Lagoon? I wish.

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

AM- 6.5 easy. Doctor appt after work, so we'll see if I get in another run.

Adrenaline Miles: 6.00
Weight: 0.00
From mattrow on Mon, Apr 13, 2009 at 09:02:54 from

Just don't tell us you are injured also.

From Jon on Mon, Apr 13, 2009 at 10:59:47 from

Annual eye doctor.

From wheakory on Mon, Apr 13, 2009 at 13:15:09 from

I've got an eye appointment as well today. Nice run this morning. Do you feel you have your strength back?

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

PM- Big Workout.  Due to the 38 deg temp, steady rain, and breeze, I ran on the treadmill.  4 miles warmup (at which point Paul showed up and ran next to me for an hour), then 4 miles at 6:15 pace.  Then the fun started- I raised the incline to 10% and did 1 mile at 10:00 pace.  Then another mile at 8% incline, then another at 10%.  One last mile at 8% but at 9:00 pace- 8% at 9 min pace is definitely easier than 10% at 10 min pace.  2 mile cooldown.  Today was definitely my best workout in a long, long time.  I felt moderately tired at the end (and my shirt was absolutely drenched), but was still running strong.  My previous workouts have been complete duds, so it felt good to run hard but not strain and not run out of juice.  14 miles, about 1:50:00.  I will definitely do more hill climbs like that to prepare for my trail races.

Adrenaline 2 Miles: 14.00
Weight: 0.00
From Adam RW on Wed, Apr 15, 2009 at 08:21:42 from

No if I could only get ahead of you on speed too :)... Right now I would take 1 mile at MP much less 8!!! Great workout.

From jimf on Thu, Apr 16, 2009 at 14:35:26 from

Great workout! Don't know how you run that kind of pace on such steep inclines.

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

AM- Got in a full 7 miles this morning. Supposed to snow 18-36 inches in the mountains over the next few days- it may be a while before I can run most of my trails.

PM- 7.5 more.  It's snowing.

Adrenaline Miles: 8.00NB 769 Miles: 7.00
Weight: 0.00
From Adam RW on Wed, Apr 15, 2009 at 18:54:20 from

You little stinker. Now I'm going to go out and run 0.6 miles :)...

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

PM- Big Workout.  Figured I would be alone, but Cody surprised me by saying he was going to run in the afternoon.  Weather was about 38 deg, slight breeze, slight drizzle the whole time- just enough so we didn't get too cold or wet- pretty good, actually.  We did the North Logan hill loop.  5 mile warmup at 7 min pace, then 7 mile tinman tempo (goal of 6:15 pace). 

Mile 1 is downhill, 2 is up, 3 is all gradual uphill, 4 is rolling, 5 is slight down, 6 and 7 are fairly downhill.  Splits were 5:59, 6:29, 6:24, 6:12, 6:11, 5:54, 5:53.  I didn't feel great the first 3 miles and pretty much ran 2-5 meters behind Cody (though the same pace).  Felt better mile 4, then stopped for a potty break.  I felt very good mile 5-7- didn't really feel too tired by the end.  I wasn't watching the splits as we ran, but am pleased, especially with mile 6 (I never would have guessed it was that fast).  6:09 avg for the workout, faster than planned.  Felt good, esp. the second half of the workout and esp. given my hard workout Tuesday.  This is the first good week I have had this year in terms of workouts.  If the long run on Saturday is decent, this will easily be the best week of the year so far.  2 miles cooldown- 14 miles, 1:33:35, 6:41 avg for the run. 

Adrenaline 2 Miles: 14.00
Weight: 0.00
From superfly on Thu, Apr 16, 2009 at 21:38:54 from

Great workout Jon!

From Adam RW on Thu, Apr 16, 2009 at 21:39:27 from

Congrats. I'm happy things are moving in the right direction for you and that you are even exceeding your goals.

From Dave S on Fri, Apr 17, 2009 at 13:46:33 from

Nice workout! Looks like this rain and snow is finally going to leave us for a while.

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

PM- WPPWWF.  5. 

There is reason for much celebration and rejoicing in Cache Valley... the Planet Walk bathrooms are now open for the season!

Adrenaline Miles: 5.00Double Jogger 2009 Miles: 2.00
Weight: 0.00
From Adam RW on Fri, Apr 17, 2009 at 21:55:58 from

Now I'm not going to be able to sleep until I figure out the code.

From Jon on Fri, Apr 17, 2009 at 23:04:07 from

The code is found in a March entry.

From Adam RW on Sat, Apr 18, 2009 at 08:21:48 from

Got it. I'm guilty of making up abbreviations. But using different ones different times. I need a pulldown menu or something.

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

PM- Long run with Cody.  We drove to Hollow road and ran up Blacksmith Fork canyon.  2 pm, sunny, about 60 deg.  We chugged up 11 miles in 1:19:19, stopping briefly for water at mile 9 courtesy of the hydro park.  It was rather warm and I was dripping sweat.  We could feel a wind coming up the canyon, which was not a good sign.  Sure enough, as soon as we turned around we battled a rather brisk, sometimes downright mean, headwind the whole way down.  I didn't really plan water/fuel for the run (silly me), and Cody mentioned on the way up that he wanted to bonk to prepare himself for the marathon.  At mile 15, he told me "mission accomplished".  Within a few miles, I started hurting pretty badly, too.  From there, it was just a slog to the finish, fighting the wind and tired legs.  We did a pretty good job staying about 7 min pace on the way down (some 6:40's), but slowed to 7:20-7:40 after mile 18.  We did pick it up the last one with a 6:52 mile.  Very, very tired by the end- not a run to remember.  2:36:51 for the run, 7:08 pace (1:47 negative split).  80 miles next week.

NB 769 Miles: 22.00
Weight: 0.00
From Adam RW on Sun, Apr 19, 2009 at 09:25:03 from

Another good run. Nice to see your mileage building up again. Anything special planned this week with the race on Saturday?

From Jon on Sun, Apr 19, 2009 at 09:45:17 from

No, not really- front load the week, only 1 workout, then mini-taper Wed-Fri.

From walter on Sun, Apr 19, 2009 at 10:02:06 from

Jon, nice running and great miles.

From Adam RW on Sun, Apr 19, 2009 at 11:24:00 from

Sounds like a good plan to me. Looking forward to the results.

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

Mildly bad news- I hope. After steadily increasing my mileage and running lots of hills last week, my right achilles started to bug me last Wed, though it wasn't bad and I just ignored it all week. I can certainly run through it, but it is now painful enough that I noticed it every step I took yesterday. Since I don't have any meaningful races till June, I'm canning my 80-mile week this week and will rest it. I'm guessing at least 2 days, maybe more- whatever it takes. I've never had any achilles problems before- anyone know any good treatments outside the traditional ice, rest, and stretching?

Weight: 0.00
From cody on Mon, Apr 20, 2009 at 10:35:29 from

Ice cream

From paul on Mon, Apr 20, 2009 at 10:50:29 from


From wheakory on Mon, Apr 20, 2009 at 15:06:04 from

Kinesi tape I heard works wonders. I was going to use it but my achillies seemed to get better all of a sudden. After I took a break from running and applied ice and heat for the week that seemed to work for me.

Kinesi Tape web site


From Jon on Tue, Apr 21, 2009 at 09:15:03 from

Thanks, Kory, I'll look into that. And Paul and Cody... um, yeah, thanks to you, too.

From RivertonPaul on Tue, Apr 21, 2009 at 12:24:55 from

Jon, in case you were too lazy to follow Paul's advice, here's a link: http://www.lolbait.com/

From Adam RW on Tue, Apr 21, 2009 at 22:23:39 from

Jon, Check with Phoenix (Eric) on the blog he is a fellow post-doc at The U and has been dealing on and off with Achilles problems. Also, he is a good exercise physiologist and understands the deep down and dirty aspects of the injury.

From redrooster on Tue, Apr 21, 2009 at 23:11:37 from

I am starting to convert to the Sasha Pachev view on running shoes, found in this timely article:


When I get my stupid foot back to normal I am going to buy a pair of those cool vibram five fingers and try them out on some short runs.

From redrooster on Tue, Apr 21, 2009 at 23:31:22 from

I have rethought this- I want you to get some of that cool kinesio tape in multicolors and tape yourself over your entire body like the guy on their web page. then take a picture of yourself and post it as your new profile picture. your quantcast numbers and blog popularity will soar through the roof!!

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

Last day off. My achilles is still a bit sensitive, but tons better than last Sunday. I will start easy (6 tomorrow? 10-15 Sat), then jump back into my mileage next week but with minimal speedwork and hills. Keep icing and stretching, and then resume normal runs the week after, assuming no setbacks. I really think my killer treadmill hill workout is what caused this, since I hadn't done much hill work and my achilles was sore the next day. I need hills, but guess I better ease into it a bit.

Weight: 0.00
From mattrow on Thu, Apr 23, 2009 at 09:25:29 from

Does this mean you will not be running the last Striders racing series race.

From RivertonPaul on Thu, Apr 23, 2009 at 10:05:51 from

Get better. I enjoy living vicariously through you much more when you are healthy.

From Jon on Thu, Apr 23, 2009 at 11:38:53 from

Matt- I don't think I will. Nothing to gain, really, versus injury risk. We'll see.

From jtshad on Fri, Apr 24, 2009 at 16:54:47 from

Hope the achilles starts feeling better soon.

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

PM- After 5 full days off, 4 PW miles at 7:10 pace.  Hopefully my achilles doesn't hurt tomorrow.

NB 769 Miles: 4.00
Weight: 0.00
From Adam RW on Sat, Apr 25, 2009 at 10:07:49 from

I hope it did the trick.

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

Striders 30k today. However, due to concerns of my achilles, there was no way I was going to race today. Plus, I'm not in a money position, the weather isn't great (how come the weather is great mid-week and crappy for the races?), and I didn't want to spend 7-8 hours away from home. So, I slept in a bit and ran with Cody at 7 am. We ran to the canal and up the Logan river trail to the start of the single track- 8 miles exactly each way. Up in 56:28 (7:03 pace- pretty fast for the up). We ran the 2 miles down the trail fast into a small headwind- 6:05 and 5:50, then relaxed the rest of the way home. 1:50:38 for the run (6:54 pace), 54:10 return (6:46 pace). Felt pretty good- achilles was tight the whole way, but not painful. We'll see how it is tomorrow. Cody's foot started hurting by the end. It was 40 deg and pretty nice the whole run- it started raining hard just as we got home, and quickly turned to a hard snow. Good timing.

Adrenaline 2 Miles: 16.00
Weight: 0.00
From redrooster on Sat, Apr 25, 2009 at 16:27:43 from

I was wondering where you were. I went all the way to Ogden to cheer you on, but couldn't find you. I also had this huge bag of bagels with me.

Achilles.. feet.. this is all bad. hope

From RE on Sat, Apr 25, 2009 at 16:29:43 from

hope your legs are better soon. that is what I meant to finish typing before my computer whacked out. do lots of calf stretches. but you know that

From paul on Sat, Apr 25, 2009 at 20:42:58 from

Ha ha, you only race for money, don't you?

From Adam RW on Mon, Apr 27, 2009 at 22:18:16 from

So are you back on rest?

From Jon on Mon, Apr 27, 2009 at 23:29:48 from

No. Evening run.

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

PM- 9 miles.  Nothing to see here, folks.  Just move along... move along...

NB 769 Miles: 9.00
Weight: 0.00
Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

AM- 6.5 miles.  No need to gawk, folks, just move along...

PM- 9.5 miles on the Logan River trail.  Slow but nice to be running on trails.  My achilles is still tight, esp. running uphill.  The week off helped a bit, but not near as much as I was hoping.  So, I will keep running normal mileage, ice, and monitor- hopefully it will slowly get better, or at least not get worse.

XT Wings Miles: 9.00Adrenaline Miles: 6.50
Weight: 0.00
From Superfly on Tue, Apr 28, 2009 at 12:56:30 from

There is always something to stop and see.

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

AM- 7

PM- 5.  Had to hurry home to watch 4 kids.

NB 769 Miles: 12.00
Weight: 0.00
From Amber on Wed, Apr 29, 2009 at 16:41:39 from

Hey Jon,

Thanks for catching my mileage "oops" ! And for the tips so I can reach my "throw up" goal!!! If I get desperate, , I may have to try the chinese food one.

You are FAST!!!! Whew!

From Adam RW on Wed, Apr 29, 2009 at 21:35:59 from

Jon, 4 kids? Are they dividing and multiplying?

From Jon on Wed, Apr 29, 2009 at 22:17:18 from

Babysitting swap with another family in our neighborhood. And my wife was gone.

From Nic on Thu, Apr 30, 2009 at 02:06:33 from

I wish I could get up early enough to run in the mornings like you but I love sleep too much. If I don't get my 8.5 hours then there are problems.

From Jon on Thu, Apr 30, 2009 at 08:53:32 from

Nic- I'll admit I'm dead tired right now. I have only been getting 5 hours per night this week. For me to get 8.5, I would have to go to bed at 7:30 pm.

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

AM- 6.5. Shoes are retired.  Actually, maybe I'll give them one more easy 4-miler just to hit the 500 mark.

PM- Let's see if Cody can figure this one out: ALP-MOP-C-FD-C-ALP.  7:30-7:45 pace on the 5 miles out, 7:00-7:15 pace on the 4.5 miles back.  9.5 miles in 1:10:06.

This makes 3 days in a row that I have gotten up at 4 am to run. It must be the high-mileage time of the year. Unfortunately, I am not getting to bed until 10:30-11:30 pm. Yes, I am dead tired right now.  Dead Tired.  But for some reason, I still woke up about 5 times last night, which is very rare for me.

Adrenaline Miles: 6.00Adrenaline 2 Miles: 9.00
Weight: 0.00
From jtshad on Thu, Apr 30, 2009 at 10:59:41 from

I hear you, hope you can catch up on sleep soon.

From wheakory on Thu, Apr 30, 2009 at 12:16:00 from

Jon - hows the achillies? I have a sample of kinesio tape I could send you if you think your willing to try it.

Anyone who gets up that early in the morning to run has a strong desire to want to prove himself. Good luck the rest of the day.

From Jon on Thu, Apr 30, 2009 at 22:56:33 from

Kory- Achilles is ok, not as good as I would like. Still tight, esp. when running uphill. I'm icing a lot to see if it slowly gets better. If there isn't improvement in a week or two, I may ask for that tape. Thanks for the offer.

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

PM- 7 easy.  Merlin Olsen park to the canal to almost the start of the river trail.  Not many people out despite the nice weather- I can tell that USU just finished.

Now these shoes are officially retired.

Adrenaline Miles: 7.00
Weight: 0.00
From wheakory on Sat, May 02, 2009 at 00:37:08 from

Hows the achillies doing. Nice run.

From marci on Sat, May 02, 2009 at 13:21:02 from

so i just read how you have "the best wife in the world" YOu are right!!! jk..but you did just get LOTS of brownie points.

From Jon on Sat, May 02, 2009 at 15:02:03 from

Not just "the best wife in the world"- the "Absolute best wife in the world!"

From marci on Sat, May 02, 2009 at 16:12:03 from

even more Brownie points. and you may even get more depending on the Mothers day gift i recieve. :)

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

I'm going to admit that ever since St. George marathon last year, I hate running in the rain- at least anything more than a sprinkle. So when it was 45 deg and a continuous downpour today, I went to the gym. It is actually my 2nd 20-miler on the treadmill in a month. I am trying to build up a tolerance so that my training for ultras next winter won't be so bad. And today was much, much easier than any other long treadmill run. I didn't do any hard workouts this week while resting my achilles, but I wanted to challenge myself today with a 10 mile tempo.

I did 9 miles warmup at 7:30 pace, then picked it up to 6:30 pace. I increased the pace each 1.25 miles until I was doing 6:00 pace at mile 17.75. With .5 mile to go in my tempo, I increased to 5:30 pace, then 5:00 pace with .25 mile to go. I was working hard but still felt good, though sweat was flying off me in voluminous amounts.  1 mile cooldown, giving me 20 miles total in 2:17.  I felt strong at the end, much different than my last long runs where I bonked at mile 16.  Good workout.

First 80 mile week of the year.  I'm going to be cautious with my achilles mainly by avoiding big uphills, but I think I am improving.

NB 769 Miles: 20.00
Weight: 0.00
From allie on Sat, May 02, 2009 at 15:27:05 from

that is one long treadmill run. did you happen to play the treadmill turnover game? i would suspect that 2+ hours would be grounds for at least 200% turnover of other runners before you got off. nice job. and you stayed dry - minus the voluminous amounts of sweat. my shoes are full of water and covered in mud. the treadmill may have been the best choice today.

From superfly on Sat, May 02, 2009 at 15:38:17 from

A big pat on the back for anyone who does 20 on the Beast.

From JimF on Sat, May 02, 2009 at 15:39:36 from

20 miler on the TM really tests you mentally. I did it once but hope I don't have to do it again. Nice week!

From Jon on Sat, May 02, 2009 at 15:46:50 from

I can do rain if it isn't real cold. But 45 deg and strong rain makes for a wet, cold, chafed Jon. No fun.

Well over 200% turnover. I am amazed how many people get on the treadmill to slog out only 1.5 to 3 miles. Just wait till this winter when I do 40-50 mile runs on it... I'll be there for 6 hours or more.

From James on Sun, May 03, 2009 at 22:07:57 from

80 miles in a week! I got 95 last month. 20 miles on a treadmill! Wow! I would rather get passed by a girl that mocks my slow pace than do that. You are either a lot tougher or crazier that I am.

From Jon on Sun, May 03, 2009 at 22:17:05 from

You did get passed by a girl! Plus, when you are on a treadmill, no one passes you!

From James on Sun, May 03, 2009 at 22:20:06 from

No I didn't get passed by a girl! I said I would rather get passed by a girl.

From JOn on Mon, May 04, 2009 at 09:38:18 from

I read your blog! Maybe she didn't pass you, but she was running with you ;)

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

AM- 7.  I changed vans to work effective today.  The new van leaves 40 minutes later which means A) I can extend my morning range to 11-12 miles, B) I can sleep in a few minutes and still get my 6-7 miles, or (my personal favorite) C) I can sleep in till 5:50 am and not run!  Yeah- more sleep is good.  Although I imagine doing C will make getting up at 4:05 to do option A that much harder...

PM- Wanted to run some trails.  Ran 8 miles on Green Canyon.  No snow for the first 1.5 miles, then just a few patches till 2.5 miles.  The rest of the way to the top was slow going with lots of snow.  It was packed enough that I didn't sink past my ankle, but sometimes what appeared to be snow was just slush over a stream- always a good foot-wetting experience.  Up at 8:30-11:00 pace (yes, running uphill in the snow is very slow), down at 7:40-6:00 pace (yes, much faster).  Then, I dropped by Planet Fitness for pizza night!!!  Ate 2 pieces of pizza, ran 2 miles, ate another piece (while running), 2 more miles, then 2 more pieces.  Yummy.  I get some funny looks since I am running the fastest of anyone there AND am eating pizza at the same time.  It's a talent, I guess.

XT Wings Miles: 7.00Adrenaline 2 Miles: 11.00
Weight: 0.00
From redrooster on Mon, May 04, 2009 at 16:37:16 from

hey I dont log in for a week or so and they change the colors on the blog.

Getting up at 4AM is insane. but with the heat coming on it may be the best time to run.

Hey- they drained the stupid USU pool. So now what do I do??

From Jon on Mon, May 04, 2009 at 16:40:07 from

Sleep in.

Actually, I do most of my running at 5 pm. AKA, the hottest time of the day. Yup, I'm not too bright, plus I don't have a choice.

From jtshad on Tue, May 05, 2009 at 10:05:08 from

You of the iron stomach!

Great running the last 2 days, getting those morning runs in...good job.

Hopefully the new van arrangement will work out better. Does this mean you get home later as well now?

From Jon on Tue, May 05, 2009 at 10:38:11 from

Yes, I get home around 5 pm. So I leave 45 minutes later in the morning and get home 25 minutes later- plus it's a newer and nice van, and is cheaper. I think it was a good move.

From JimF on Tue, May 05, 2009 at 21:39:42 from

So I guess that proves that pizza is really fast food. I know really bad joke.

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

AM- 9.5 miles, with 3.5 at 6:30 pace and 1 at 6:00 pace.

NB 769 Miles: 9.50
Weight: 0.00
From cody on Tue, May 05, 2009 at 10:30:27 from

Mileage junkie!

From Jon on Tue, May 05, 2009 at 10:36:32 from

This coming from the guy who was on top of the mileage board on Sunday...

From wheakory on Tue, May 05, 2009 at 12:51:23 from

Hey! I thought we were all mileage junkie's! Nice run Jon and great pickups during the run.

From Mike Warren on Tue, May 05, 2009 at 21:53:11 from

Nice work Jon!

From redrooster on Wed, May 06, 2009 at 02:32:20 from

you guys running smithfield health days saturday? I wish I was, it is one my favorite races of the year, great course up the canyon in the spring and only 10 bucks.

online reg:


or the form:


Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

AM- 11

Adrenaline 2 Miles: 11.00
Weight: 0.00
From RivertonPaul on Wed, May 06, 2009 at 11:36:09 from

Happy birthday to . . . Cody.

From josse on Wed, May 06, 2009 at 15:23:27 from

I love the Wahsatch steeplechase, maybe I will come do it this year.

From Jon on Wed, May 06, 2009 at 15:50:25 from

Josse, have you done it before?

From josse on Wed, May 06, 2009 at 20:28:48 from

Ya several years ago. It was tough! But I loved it. I love the trails. I have also done Jupiter too.

From wheakory on Thu, May 07, 2009 at 13:20:45 from

Nice run. I'm sure it was early, but your getting the miles in.

I'm buying new wheels for my truck please cast your vote on my blog which wheels you like best. I'd appreciate it.

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

PM- Big Workout.  I had a hard time motivating myself to start and felt sluggish on my warmup, though the cloudy sky and 55 deg temp was perfect.  Ran tempo repeats on the canal- started at the bridge, so the first leg was 2/3 mile, then did 5 legs of 1.33 miles, then the last leg of 2/3 mile.  Goal was about 6:10 pace (which is pretty good for this time of year and given the poor footing on the trail which slows me down ~10 sec/lap versus a track).  Times were 4:16 (6:24 pace- slow at first), 8:24 (6:21), 8:13 (6:13), 8:10 (6:13), 8:07 (6:06), 8:04 (6:06), 3:47 (5:47).  Felt good- working fairly hard but not strained, and didn't notice my breathing until the last two.  I was glad I sped up the whole way.  14.5 miles in all in 100 minutes (6:55 pace).

NB 769 Miles: 14.50
Weight: 0.00
From Adam RW on Fri, May 08, 2009 at 00:16:08 from

Always nice to negative split a workout.

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

AM- 7.  My weight has finally dropped below 140.  It was 138 this morning.  My SGM weight last year was 133-134, then I got up to 145-148 over the winter.

Adrenaline 2 Miles: 7.00
Weight: 0.00
From wheakory on Fri, May 08, 2009 at 10:45:47 from

Nice run. My weight is around 137 as well. I've been trying to watch what I eat. I stay away from sweets, but not coffee or diet pop. (bad bad for me).

From redrooster on Fri, May 08, 2009 at 15:30:36 from

geez how tall are you guys to weigh thtat little? no wonder you are so fast. dont get an eating disorder or something- eat some more donuts and bagels.

From Jon on Fri, May 08, 2009 at 15:49:19 from

And I'm the heaviest one out of me, Paul, Cody, and Joe.

From marci on Fri, May 08, 2009 at 15:56:52 from

wow you fatty. :) your wife needs to stop cooking such dang good food, that you can't resist. right? it's good. right?

From Jon on Fri, May 08, 2009 at 16:16:41 from

Yes, dear, it is delicious!

From Dustin on Fri, May 08, 2009 at 16:22:23 from

Nice job, I'm working on getting my weight down. I was 162 right after Christmas, but last week after the Hurricane Half I weighed myself at 145. Still a short guy like me needs to get his weight to under 140. I figure with a good summer of training here in St. George I should be able to lose a few more pounds.

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

AM- Long run with Paul.  Slept in a bit (till 6:30, I think) which was glorious.  Ran to Paul's, then we ran a leisurely pace to the canal and up the canyon to just short of Guinavah Malibu.  Weather was very nice, and I really liked my new arm warmers and handheld water bottle from SGRC- thanks, Steve!  We blabbed at each other the whole time, mainly running related with a few random topics thrown in the mix.  After a few faster long runs, it was nice to be a bit easier on this one- 7:54/mi to the turnaround, 7:42 avg on the way back (though we did a few sub-7 on the downhill before slowing as we tired out).  22 miles, 2:51:37 total.

NB 769 Miles: 22.00
Weight: 0.00
From Superfly on Sat, May 09, 2009 at 13:29:26 from

So when you say handheald is it the kind that straps to you hand and is around a 16 oz size. I've got to find something I like for Squaw. So far I really don't like anything. The Nathen pack works really good but I still don't feel racey at all when wearing it. I may go get one of those Nathen belts that carry one bottle of around 20 oz. This is much harder than just packing two gu's and maybe some shades.

From Jon on Sat, May 09, 2009 at 16:26:12 from

Yes, a handheld 20 oz with strap. Amphipod, from the Running Center. I have a waist pack but don't like it for long distances cause it starts upsetting my intestines. I have 2 camelbacks, but they are too big for a race. I think I'll do 1-2 handhelds for my long races.

From Adam RW on Sat, May 09, 2009 at 22:41:35 from

I love the 6:30 sleeping in...

From redrooster on Sun, May 10, 2009 at 01:17:38 from

eat more food little grasshopper.

From redrooster on Sun, May 10, 2009 at 01:46:09 from

Hey Jon, did you know I ran the 2007 freedom run with you and Cody?


So I was a few minutes behind you guys, and you never actually saw me back there- but I did the math- and with my age and weight handicap I beat you both handily!

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

AM- 12.  Good start to the week.  Planning on ~87 this week with only 16 on Sat.

PM- 10, ran the whole Logan River trail while Marci pushed both kids in the jogging stroller.  Ran in my brand new Saucony Progrid Guide TR shoes, from the St. George Running Center.  Good shoes.  Nice day for a run.  McKinley loved throwing rocks into the river afterwards.  1:14:46.

Adrenaline 2 Miles: 12.00Progrid Guide TR Miles: 10.00
Weight: 0.00
From Mike Warren on Mon, May 11, 2009 at 10:13:02 from

Great start to the week!

From superfly on Mon, May 11, 2009 at 10:41:10 from

I love how you guys shoot for the exact number. 87 then 91. I'm way more scatter brained. I'll do like 57 one week 89 then next. Then 109 then back to 94. No real plan just shooting or running from the hip.

From Jon on Mon, May 11, 2009 at 11:01:35 from

Clyde- I have to carefully allot my time and coordinate with my wife. I get home from work at 5 pm, so if my wife needs me back from a run at 6:30, I know exactly how many miles I can run. And when 6 vs 10 miles in the morning means getting up at 4:40 am vs 4:10 am, you better believe I am going to sleep in every minute I can and leave only enough time for the miles I need that week. Nothing left up to chance.

From jtshad on Mon, May 11, 2009 at 11:03:53 from

Just face it Jon, you are just a geeky engineer who loves numbers! ;-)

From Jon on Mon, May 11, 2009 at 11:08:31 from

Maybe. But I also love sleep and family time!

From jtshad on Mon, May 11, 2009 at 11:09:32 from

Amen, thus the early morning runnning!

From Jon on Mon, May 11, 2009 at 11:42:07 from

Well, the early morning running cuts into the sleep, but gives more family time.

One of these days I'll figure out how to consistently get more than 5.5 hours of sleep a night...

From dave holt on Mon, May 11, 2009 at 13:10:26 from

I hear you Jon. It is about the toughest balance in the world!

From Jon on Mon, May 11, 2009 at 13:37:20 from

And you're running twice my mileage, Dave! I have no idea how you do it.

From wheakory on Mon, May 11, 2009 at 13:38:03 from

Jon - with the the lack of sleep do you fine it hard the days you do big workouts. I know a good warm-up helps but lack of sleep probably makes it hard.

How far do you have to commute to work?

From Jon on Mon, May 11, 2009 at 14:58:07 from

Kory- my big workouts are in the afternoon, so I am already awake. But little sleep makes it real hard to get up for my morning runs.

100 mile round trip commute.

From dave holt on Mon, May 11, 2009 at 15:31:11 from

100 miles! - that is how I am able to get in a little more.

From Jon on Mon, May 11, 2009 at 15:40:50 from

Yup- leave for work at 5:40 am, get home at 4:30 pm.

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

AM- 6 miles.  I had to do the last 3 at ~6:15 pace in order to have time to eat bagels.  Because, for the first time ever, I was able to participate in Bagel Tuesday at the gym!  After working out, I at a nice Einstein's bagel- blueberry with blueberry cream cheese.  Then, after my shower, I figured I should eat one for Paul, so I had a cherry with almond cream cheese.  On my way out the door, I decided to eat one for Cody, as well, so had a cinnamon sugar bagel with strawberry cream cheese.  Supposing I only pay $8/month for my gym membership, they didn't make any money from me this month.  And that doesn't even count what I ate on Pizza Monday.  Of course, I don't think I lost any weight with my 3 bagels, either.

PM- Thought about a big workout but my legs immediately said "no".  Ran around Logan for 10 miles.  Wanted 14, but ran out of time before I had to go home with the kids, and I'm too tired to go out again.  I can easily make up the miles tomorrow and Fri.

NB 769 Miles: 10.00Omni 7 Miles: 6.00
Weight: 0.00
From cody on Tue, May 12, 2009 at 09:44:44 from

Thanks for eating one for me! I will ask for it later...

From Jon on Tue, May 12, 2009 at 09:52:59 from

Knowing me, you could get it during the afternoon run.

From wheakory on Tue, May 12, 2009 at 12:57:50 from

I eat a Bagel pretty much everyday for lunch. I love them. I'm glad you didn't eat mine. :-) Great complex carb food so you will be fueled back up. Have a good day.

From redrooster on Tue, May 12, 2009 at 13:28:27 from

keep eating big guy, just keep eating. double cream cheese next time

From Adam RW on Tue, May 12, 2009 at 22:29:02 from


Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

AM- 7.  I was dead tired when I got in bed last night at 10 pm, but then could not fall asleep for 2 hours.  I hate it when that happens!  So now I am very, very tired today. 

PM- Marci was hosting a baby shower, so the kids and I were banished to the outdoors. I ran an easy 6.5 miles at 9 min pace with the kids, and included a 45 minute stop at McD for food and playplace. It was my first time getting more than ice cream at McDonalds in probably 5 years. I still prefer Wendy's.

Adrenaline 2 Miles: 7.00Double Jogger 2009 Miles: 6.50Omni 7 Miles: 6.50
Weight: 0.00
From wheakory on Wed, May 13, 2009 at 15:43:03 from

Sometimes your body so tire it's hard to relax. Hopefully a better night for you tonight.

From redrooster on Wed, May 13, 2009 at 22:32:51 from

McD is good for you. keep eating, next time get the double quarter pounder with cheese, and don't forget to supersize it.

From Jon on Wed, May 13, 2009 at 22:40:09 from

I'm sensing a recurring theme here, Scott.

From redrooster on Wed, May 13, 2009 at 22:43:15 from

hey, you're the guy talkin bout food all the time, I'm just helping you out. when are you going to pace me at 6:15 on my sauerkraut course?

From Jon on Wed, May 13, 2009 at 22:46:38 from

6:15 am? Too late for me.

From Adam RW on Wed, May 13, 2009 at 22:50:12 from

All this food talk this week. You're making me hungry (as I sit here eating a dessert pop...).

From Jon on Wed, May 13, 2009 at 22:52:16 from

Just this week? I always talk about food. Or at least I always think about it.

From redrooster on Wed, May 13, 2009 at 22:57:01 from

no, I am working on establishing a 6:15 tempo pace on my 5K course, not 6:15 AM. It is part of my new "FIRST" training program I am trying out.

Geez, its my daughters birthday and i cant pry her from american idol. that has to be the stupidest show on the planet. right now they are showing these idiots being worshipped by their hometown crowds. why are idiot lip syncers with tattoos and dyed hair idolized when we scientists and engineers are treated like pariahs? would fans idolize us like this for curing cancer or solving the nuclear fusion containment problem? what a disgrace. yours a grumpy old guy.

From Jon on Thu, May 14, 2009 at 00:02:36 from

Let me know when you want the tempo, and I can do it.

From marci on Thu, May 14, 2009 at 01:46:19 from

wow Jon your friend is bashing your favorite show. :) I won't tell him how you Tivo it and how many times you voted. :)

From Jon on Thu, May 14, 2009 at 09:29:28 from

Yeah, Scott, watch what you say... if you want me to pace you, you better not trash talk Idol. I'm just glad Kris made it to the final.

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

I just noticed I am at exactly 1000 miles for the year right now.  Cool. 

PM- BTW (big trail workout)- started .8 miles into the Logan River trail, ran to Guinavah Malibu, then did a hard hill climb up to the Wind Caves- 1200 ft climb in 1.75 miles.  Then ran down 1.4 miles, back up 1 hard mile with 700 ft climb, then all the way down and back to the car.  14.5 miles in 2:07:47 (yup, a whopping 8:48 pace).  About 3000 ft climb on the whole run, and my legs were pretty tired by the end.  We'll count the 2.5 miles as MP, even though it was about 11:00 pace.

Reason #492 that I love trail running:  About 1/4 mile up the wind caves trail, a spring had burst from the ground and washed out the trail on the side of a steep hill/ravine.  The stream is big enough that you can't jump across and has no dry rocks, and it caused the hillside above it to sluff off such that it is very steep (maybe 60-70 deg angle) and curved (like the bobsled turn from he%@), bare, loose dirt with no plants other than one overhanging tree branch.  It took me about a minute on my way up to carefully climb up, across, and back down and was rather difficult with lots of slipping.  On my way back down, I came tearing down the mountain with a head of steam to find a big group of college students trying to cross.  The guys were all linking arms while the girls were shrieking and slowly climbing over the guys, trying not to fall or get wet.  Well, without losing my momentum, I simply ran straight up the side of the loose dirt, angled around, turned straight down the mountain (sliding and almost falling, but just barely, barely hanging on), ducked under one very low branch, and flew on down the trail.  The whole thing took me maybe 3-4 seconds and (in hindsight) was rather dangerous- if I had slipped, I would have fallen about 8 feet down and landed right on them.  As I kept going without looking back, I heard some unprintable mutterings from the group that essentially amounted to, "That guys is *bleeping* nuts.  Completely insane.  Suicidal."  It was great!  I'm sure they now think all trail runners are crazy.  Which we may be...

NB 769 Miles: 14.50
Weight: 0.00
From Mike Warren on Thu, May 14, 2009 at 01:27:25 from


From cody on Thu, May 14, 2009 at 10:15:45 from

Not bad, but Holt is still double your miles! Crazy!

From Jon on Thu, May 14, 2009 at 10:23:48 from

I know- very crazy!

From RivertonPaul on Thu, May 14, 2009 at 10:29:27 from


From jtshad on Fri, May 15, 2009 at 10:49:15 from

The crazy redhead is out on and on the loose! Send that little tid bit to the mountain running teams to demonstrate your trail running skills!

From superfly on Fri, May 15, 2009 at 11:33:27 from

Nice Jon. Just be careful you don't turn into a Legend. You know the one that use to be around.

I wish you were doing Squaw with us. Maybe if I like it I'll come run Mid mountain with you or one of the others.

From Dustin on Fri, May 15, 2009 at 11:51:01 from

Great story and great job on the miles so far this year.

From Jon on Fri, May 15, 2009 at 12:07:40 from

Clyde- I've thought a few times how fun it would be to do Squaw with you guys. If I lived in Provo, maybe I'd come pace some of it. I think I'll do it next year. We need to get a FRB-Trail team going.

From Adam RW on Sat, May 16, 2009 at 12:50:07 from

Sounds like fun to me. But now I want to see the published list of the other 491 reasons. :')

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

PM- WPPWWF easy 5.

Double Jogger 2009 Miles: 5.00Omni 7 Miles: 5.00
Weight: 0.00
Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

AM- Medium run with Cody- 16 miles from the start of the canal to First Dam to BST to most of the way up Green Canyon.  Temps were about 35 deg with a headwind till we got sunlight just before GC, where we shed all our clothes.  We neglected to think that it would be shady, windy, and below freezing up the canyon... so we were rather cold in just t-shirts and shorts.  I heard all about Cody's marathon, we talked about my 100 miler, and our summer racing plans.  Good, easy run- very glad I wasn't aiming for 20 miles today, especially since my quads still were sore from Thursday's workout.  8:48 pace up, 7:23 pace back, 2:09:38 for 16 miles. Finished with 2 cinnamon rolls- yummy.

Progrid Guide TR Miles: 16.00
Weight: 0.00
Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

AM- 10 around Logan, most of them with Cody.  We would have gotten more miles except I had four (!) pit stops.  Bleh- I think that is a non-long run record for most stops.  Very nice to have someone to run with in the morning- thanks, Cody.  Don't have my watch so I have no idea how long it took, except I know we were pushing the pace a bit (some sub-7 miles).

PM- Ouch ouch ouch. I was supposed to do about 12 miles, but my achilles was painful. This was the first time it was very painful, not just tight. I hobbled through 1 mile before deciding it wasn't going to loosen up and hurt too much. Walked back to the car. Nuts. I think I'll rest tomorrow morning and re-evaluate tomorrow night. It seems that 1 hilly run per week is ok, but doing a second with only one day in between seems to set this off.

Adrenaline 2 Miles: 10.00NB 769 Miles: 1.00
Weight: 0.00
From RivertonPaul on Mon, May 18, 2009 at 12:11:50 from

Wow -- what did you eat? :)

Thanks for your encouragement.

From jtshad on Mon, May 18, 2009 at 16:36:36 from

Jon, looks like we are camping this weekend, leaving Friday afternoon and returning on Sunday. We can plan a run Thursday at lunch time and maybe some more on Friday morning.

Hope to see you in a few days!

From Jon on Mon, May 18, 2009 at 17:58:41 from

Thursday and Friday sound good. I would be avaiable for a Mon morning run, too. I'll give you a call Wed evening.

From Brent on Tue, May 19, 2009 at 14:03:45 from

Jon - just looked at the web site for Rocky Racoon in Texas, looks like a bush wacking course? Good luck in your training. It seems that it will be darn tough to get ready with the Utah trails this winter before Rocky?

Stay Kool, B of BS Rools out

From Nic on Wed, May 20, 2009 at 00:48:52 from

Have you heard of that ultra runner guy Dean Karnazes? I heard about him recently because he is hosting the Kauai Marathon this year. Anyways he has the world record for longest run on a treadmill without stopping and road running w/o stopping. I have always wondered how he handled the "pit stops". Did he stop and count that as not stopping? Or did he......? Your entry about all the pit stops got me thinking about him again. I'm not sure you could go for the new world record unless you cut out those pit stops.

From Jon on Wed, May 20, 2009 at 09:33:27 from

Yeah, I'm not sure of the pit stops. Maybe he goes on the go...

From paul on Wed, May 20, 2009 at 11:21:56 from

I think Dean has guys to do that for him.

From RivertonPaul on Wed, May 20, 2009 at 11:27:57 from

Hilarious Paul. :) Perhaps this is something Dean can use for his next self-promotion.

From rye on Wed, May 20, 2009 at 15:40:36 from

Hey have you caught up on 24? I see that you are from Logan. That is God's country. Both my parents are from Logan. Providence and Nibley. Good luck with your running. Jack Bauer rocks!!!

From Jon on Wed, May 20, 2009 at 15:45:14 from

No, still 4 episodes back. Probably watch it next weekend. Yeah, I live in Logan- it's a nice town.

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

AM- After 2 days of lots of ice, plus using the trigger point massage and ultrasound that Paul was kind enough to lend me, I'm back.  I couldn't walk up stairs on Monday, but am almost pain free today (and hopefully will be tomorrow, after this run).  Ran around Idaho Falls, from Marci's parent's house to the greenbelt to the far side of Fremont park, with some loops.  13.5 miles, 1:39:05, 7:21 avg.  Felt pretty good, tired by the end.

Omni 7 Miles: 13.50
Weight: 0.00
From jtshad on Thu, May 21, 2009 at 15:25:06 from

Great day for a run...I must have missed you out on the greenbelt, I was out there running at about 11:15 (I tried calling just to check on your run and you were out running!). Catch up with you tomorrow morning...I will call you tonight with a time.

From Jon on Thu, May 21, 2009 at 15:30:15 from

Sounds good- I heard you called. I started my run just before 10 and was home at 11:40, so you have been just behind me on the trail.

From cody on Thu, May 21, 2009 at 16:23:28 from

13.5? Nothing like easing back into it, huh? Glad you are back at it...

From Jon on Thu, May 21, 2009 at 16:36:14 from

Cody, I figure I can't let you use this week to pull further ahead on the mileage board... so I'll be going out again later today.

From paul on Thu, May 21, 2009 at 16:41:29 from

So do you think the ultra sound thingy helped?

From Jon on Thu, May 21, 2009 at 16:56:15 from

Don't know. It sure tingled a bit. I figure it didn't hurt. What's your opinion on it?

I know the trigger point helped- really loosened it up, though it also made it really swell up.

From paul on Thu, May 21, 2009 at 19:43:21 from

I was never sure if the ultrasound was doing anything. But I've felt the same way about it when I got ultrasound from a "real" unit at physical therapy sessions. Not very overwhelming, but I guess that doesn't mean that it doesn't work.

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

AM- 20 miles with Jeff Shadley around Idaho Falls.  Had some stomach issues, and my legs felt tired the whole time- 1 hr into the run they felt like the end of a long run.  But, they didn't get worse, so that was good.  Had a good conversation with Jeff the whole time.  We started at 8:30, so it was hot by the end.  Finished with 3 laps around Community Park and then pushed hard the last half mile to make my legs work a bit.  Not sure how many miles I will do tomorrow. 20 miles, 2:25:01.

NB 769 Miles: 20.00
Weight: 0.00
From jtshad on Fri, May 22, 2009 at 16:00:05 from

Thanks for the company on the run, it was great talking with you. I like it when you are in town...let's plan for a long one on Monday morning.

From Jon on Fri, May 22, 2009 at 16:36:27 from

Sounds good, have a fun camping trip.

From Adam RW on Sat, May 23, 2009 at 12:32:52 from

Always good to go on those long runs with someone you can talk to.

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

AM- 8.5 easy recovery miles, most of it on grass.

Omni 7 Miles: 8.50
Weight: 0.00
From wheakory on Sat, May 23, 2009 at 17:01:39 from

Nice way to bounce back the last few days. I hope the achillies is feeling better for your upcoming race.

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

AM- 17.5 miles, most with Jeff and Lynette around Idaho Falls greenbelt.  Nice weather, decent pace, nice scenery, lots of good conversation.  Great way to start out a holiday.  And we started early enough that I got home before anyone was awake (admittedly, my in-laws are all night owls and like to sleep in), which means no one even knew I was gone.  Thanks for letting me join you for the good runs and discussion, Jeff and Lynette.

PM- Less than 5 hours after getting home from the first run, Marci and I did a 1 PM run.  Ran to Community Park together, then I did 3.5 miles while she did about 2, then home.  5.5 miles.

NB 769 Miles: 5.50Omni 7 Miles: 17.50
Weight: 0.00
From allie on Mon, May 25, 2009 at 11:17:53 from

great mileage to start off the week. looks like you are ready to put some hurt on wahsatch!

From Superfly on Mon, May 25, 2009 at 13:14:54 from

Nice to get things done early. But your use to that.

From jtshad on Mon, May 25, 2009 at 13:31:21 from

Great running with you too Jon! Once again a fun time talking during our run, covering lots of topics.

Have a safe trip home later today! See you again on the 4th of July!

From Adam RW on Mon, May 25, 2009 at 14:30:16 from

I love the "sneaking" back into the house after a run. It makes the rest of the day seem so much more complete.

From rye on Fri, May 29, 2009 at 13:59:57 from

Hey, I see that you know your way around IF. Ya 2 to 3 days a week I have to be to work at 4:00am so with a graduating senior and a middle school child and a elementary student, life gets crazy. I coach a little league team so I am looking forward to the end of the season so things are so hectic.

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

AM- 7

PM- Had the mow the jungle known as my lawn when I got home from work- very, very long.  However, the most awesome neighbor in the world (Cody) brought over his mower and helped, so it went rather quickly.  Then we went running together, both of us pushing two kids.  Ran 4 miles with Cody, then ran 3 more miles with just my kids.  We had to run to Planet Fitness to get the water bottle I left there.  I think we just barely snuck under 9 min pace for the run- smoking!

Adrenaline 2 Miles: 4.00NB 769 Miles: 7.00Double Jogger 2009 Miles: 7.00
Weight: 0.00
From redrooster on Tue, May 26, 2009 at 19:16:18 from

you are next in line for the book.

hey- enlighten me. the race repots-- a three star race, four star race etc- very confusing- are you counting number ones and twos? or just two? or just ones? huh??

From Jon on Tue, May 26, 2009 at 21:42:52 from

For me, I only count number two's. Too many number one's to count.

From redrooster on Tue, May 26, 2009 at 22:27:34 from

wow, I must need to increase my fiber intake. I can't imagine a five star race based on that criterion. I'm happy with a one star race... whats the secret?

From Jon on Tue, May 26, 2009 at 22:50:28 from

Lots of brocolli. And carrots and apples.

From cody on Tue, May 26, 2009 at 23:02:02 from

Its not a talent he has, its a curse!

From Jon on Tue, May 26, 2009 at 23:31:34 from

Cody, that's the same thought I had, too.

From redrooster on Wed, May 27, 2009 at 14:21:02 from

I did have what I could count as a 30 star day the day I tried a tempo run after a 30 mile bike ride- but believe me you really really don't want to know the details.

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

AM- 6.5, fairly easy.  Legs are tired.  I hope they have enough juice for the BW later today.

PM- Big Trail Workout.  Started at the canal and ran up to Guinavah Malibu.  Did almost 5 miles warmup, then started a tempo at the start of the singletrack, up to GM, and finished .25 mile after the end of the river trail.  Averaged 6:51 for the tempo (pretty good considering the hills and rough singletrack), with a slowest mile of 7:54 and the last two at 6:00 pace.  Finished with 15 miles total, 1:49:43, 7:19 avg.  Legs held out ok through the tempo, though the uphills towards the end were hard.  As soon as I finished, though, they were absolutely pooped and I crawled through my cooldown.  I think the 58 miles is a personal 3-day mileage PR.

Progrid Guide TR Miles: 15.00Omni 7 Miles: 6.50
Weight: 0.00
From redrooster on Wed, May 27, 2009 at 14:23:38 from

geez you guys are driving me nuts. OK what is a BW? and what is a BQ- everyone seems to know but me? Is there some secret running glossary for finding these terms?

From redrooster on Wed, May 27, 2009 at 14:28:21 from

oh- BQ- boston qualifier. duh. got it. but I had to look it up.

From redrooster on Wed, May 27, 2009 at 14:33:47 from

my brain is warming up...let me guess- BW- big workout. legs-juice = energy. I am catching on now. ha ha ha you guys have no secrets left from me!!!

From cody on Thu, May 28, 2009 at 00:15:58 from

Ok smarty pants, what is CV pace and what is a Tinman Tempo? Ha Oh wait, Paul probably already told you. Shoot.

From cody on Thu, May 28, 2009 at 00:16:28 from

Oh yeah, nice run Jon.

From paul on Thu, May 28, 2009 at 13:13:27 from

Why are you running so much? It's making me tired reading about it.

From Jon on Thu, May 28, 2009 at 21:17:16 from

Sorry to make you tired, Paul. How about I'll go real easy the next 2 days just to give you a break.

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

AM- 6 easy.  My legs were kind of tingly (sp?)- it's a good feeling, means they have been pushed.

NB 769 Miles: 6.00
Weight: 0.00
From cody on Thu, May 28, 2009 at 10:07:24 from

Congrats on officially passing me for the year on the mileage board. You should stay ahead now for the duration. I almost made it 6 months though...

From Jon on Thu, May 28, 2009 at 11:05:32 from

I hadn't even looked. I'll have to go revel in my newfound glory, now.

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

Last year on May 29 I did a YTD comparison of 2007 vs 2008, so I decided to do it again this year, counting as though I get all 90 miles this week.





 Miles YTD




 Weeks 50+




 Weeks 60+




 Weeks 70+




 Weeks 80+




 Weeks 90+




So what is the conclusion?  I don't feel like I am in great racing shape yet and have only done 100 more miles than last year.  However, I have a lot more high mileage weeks.  Last year it was Aug 9 before I had 4 weeks of 80+ miles and 1 week of 90+ miles, while I already have that this year.  And my schedule for this year shows 9 weeks above 90 and 3 above 100 miles.  Last year I didn't do any speedwork (other than tempos) until mid-July, while I should be starting those in June this year.  So overall I should be better prepared to race.  My first race is in 2 weeks at Wahsatch Steeplechase- should be fun.

PM- I had to mow the lawn again after work.  I just did it 3 days ago but it still took 2 hours today.  Finally got in my run at 9 pm- 5.5 very easy miles (8:40 pace).

Adrenaline 2 Miles: 5.50
Weight: 0.00
From mattrow on Fri, May 29, 2009 at 09:58:13 from

nice mileage. The real question is are you faster.

From Adam RW on Fri, May 29, 2009 at 10:00:06 from

Looks good to me and at least the numbers are moving in the right direction.

From rivertonpaul on Fri, May 29, 2009 at 12:32:20 from

Nice chartage. Looking good.

From jun on Fri, May 29, 2009 at 13:02:25 from

I'll see you at the steeplechase. I should be wandering into the finish about an hour after you. Feel free to go get some lunch, do some shopping, maybe catch a movie. I'll still be out huffing and puffing.

From Brent on Fri, May 29, 2009 at 19:18:05 from

Jon, have you retired the green shorts? Mileage comparisons are tricky, does the pace and toughness of the runs compare from year to year?

Good luck at the Steeple

From Jon on Fri, May 29, 2009 at 22:22:24 from

No, I still have the green shorts. They will be appearing shortly.

Almost all my miles are general training miles, so the pace and toughness is roughly comparable.

From redrooster on Sat, May 30, 2009 at 00:42:09 from

two hours to mow your lawn? do you live in a mansion?

you need a 15 year old manservant like I have for mowing the lawn.

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

AM- Long run with Cody.  Ran from our house to canal to just past Spring Hollow.  Not real fast but still tired, lots of gabbing.  Ran into Mark, and later into Joe and Scott- it's the first time I've met Scott.  7:46 avg for the run.  Cody had the idea of getting a sub-7 last mile, so we picked it up to 6:30 pace, then up to sub-6 for the last bit.  6:25 last mile.  20 miles in all, 2:35:26.  Legs feel somewhat tired, about as expected for the highest mileage week of the year.

Found an awesome trail running video...

Omni 7 Miles: 20.00
Weight: 0.00
From wheakory on Sat, May 30, 2009 at 12:51:39 from

90 Miles awesome for the week! You rachillies is doing well and everything is clickin. Jon your a very strong runner and have everything together now.

What's your mileage plan for next week since the trail marathon is two weeks away.

From Jon on Sat, May 30, 2009 at 12:56:15 from

90+ miles next week, then a mini 3-4 day taper before the race.

From Bill Mandler on Sat, May 30, 2009 at 13:28:39 from

It sounds like you taper like I do :)

From redrooster on Sat, May 30, 2009 at 13:40:04 from

sorry I couldnt talk to you guys, you know I'm deaf without my cochlear implant! how do you guys run 20 miles with no water? man you are tough!! Joe and I are catching you so watch your back!!

From Jon on Sat, May 30, 2009 at 14:02:14 from

Taper? What's a taper?

Yeah, I noticed my best races last year were with 1-2 day tapers and both came during high mile weeks (90+).

We'll have to talk sometime when you can hear, Scott. But are we tough, or stupid, with no water? Cody and I were glad we were headed home so you couldn't beat us too badly.

From paul on Sat, May 30, 2009 at 15:00:29 from

Hey Jon - I was wondering if you can drop my Trigger Point massage and ultrasound by whenever you're out and about.

From Jon on Sat, May 30, 2009 at 16:13:04 from

Yeah, I can bring it by later today. Let me use the massage one more time, first.

From paul on Sat, May 30, 2009 at 16:37:51 from

If we're not home, just leave it on the porch.

From dave holt on Sat, May 30, 2009 at 17:14:04 from

Cool vid - some of that stuff would scare the ---- out of me! I love the outdoors, but heights are NOT my thing... why am I doing this?

From Adam RW on Sat, May 30, 2009 at 23:07:35 from

Great week Jon.

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

AM- 12 miles finished before 6:10 am- good start to the week and month.  However, the check engine light came on in my car... not so good.  Going to try to squeeze in a workout AND pizza monday at PF today after work.

PM- BW.  Drove to First Dam, ran to the start of the canal, then back to the bridge.  Just over 2.5 miles warmup.  Then it was time for an 8 mile tempo- I wanted to be under 6:10 avg.  I ran the canal to First Dam 2 times, which is just under 4 miles each trip.  Miles were 6:19 (including the hill up to the dam), 5:52 (down), 6:11, 6:08, 6:21 (up), 5:59 (down), 6:10, 5:57.  I will admit that doing a 12 mile run the morning of a BW is not smart and I really felt it.  Miles 4-6 were very hard physically and mentally, but my times weren't terrible.  I even pulled together a strong 5:57 last mile, which was not easy with my fatigue.  6:07 avg for the workout.  I noticed the Garmin doesn't do well with 180 deg turnarounds- on one, it said I was doing 6:00 pace right before the turn, then jumped to 6:25 lap pace after- I had to work hard to get it down.  I think that skews the times slower a bit.  1.5 miles cooldown, 1:21:09 for 12 miles (6:45 avg).  Then I drove to Planet Fitness for the pizza.  Ate 2 pieces, ran 2 miles, more pizza, more running, more pizza.  3 additional miles, giving me 15 total for the run.  Great end to a hard day of running.

Holy crap, I ran 27 miles today.  I'm knickered (as Sam would say).  I left at 4:25 am, home from work and afternoon run at 7:50 pm- that's 15.5 hours away!  Play with the kids for a few minutes, then time for sleep.  But I have almost 1/3 of my weekly miles in and it's only Monday.

Adrenaline 2 Miles: 7.00Omni 7 Miles: 15.00
Weight: 0.00
From redrooster on Mon, Jun 01, 2009 at 11:25:04 from

the check engine light usually just means it is time to change your oil, it's just programmed into the odometer, right? Cody says he will be happy to change your oil. what time is pizza- are guests invited?? :-)

From Jon on Mon, Jun 01, 2009 at 12:00:56 from

No, this isn't service engine light... this is check engine, meaning a warning code.

No guests, sorry, though you can join for only $10/month.

From wheakory on Mon, Jun 01, 2009 at 14:01:38 from

If you got gas recently make sure the gas cap is on tight. This will cause the check engine light to come on. I'm not saying this is the problem, but just something to check.

Nice start of the week Jon.

From redrooster on Tue, Jun 02, 2009 at 00:17:31 from

I am in awe, you are my hero. I can't wait to see how you smoke the wahsatch race. I'm still trying to figure out why they misspell wasatch in it. a typo, or intentional?

From Predog on Tue, Jun 02, 2009 at 01:22:21 from

sometimes if you leave your gas cap off or something stupid like that it will set that light off for several days. however if you can't think of anything like that it's probably a good idea to check it out.

From Jon on Tue, Jun 02, 2009 at 09:38:05 from

I haven't filled my car with gas since mid-April, so that isn't the reason.

Rooster- it is an alternate spelling, and intentional.

From Superfly on Tue, Jun 02, 2009 at 09:49:55 from

Wow Jon. Way to work hard all day yesterday. Great miles and start to the week/ month.

From jtshad on Tue, Jun 02, 2009 at 09:52:18 from

Wow, what a day of running...getting primed for the Steeplechase! Great training, now get back to your real life you pizza eating running fool!

From redrooster on Tue, Jun 02, 2009 at 15:25:49 from

Jon- that car keeps giving you trouble- it might be time to visit Ensign Toyota/Honda for a new vehicle. I'll make sure you get a great deal. Just mention my name. I'll set it up with my cousin. He owns the place.


From James Barnes on Tue, Jun 02, 2009 at 23:26:51 from


From Adam R Wende on Tue, Jun 02, 2009 at 23:53:12 from

I missed this one. Been too MIA on the blog. Great workout Jon!

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

AM- 10 miles planned, but I struggled through the first 5 and couldn't go any further. Hopped on the elliptical for 40 minutes, instead, which is definitely less pounding and uses slightly different muscles.  Even more tuckered out than after my marathon yesterday.

PM- 7 easy on landfill loop with Cody.  Nice to have some company on the run.  7:43 avg.

Hey, I'm on top of the monthly mileage board.

Adrenaline 2 Miles: 7.00NB 769 Miles: 6.00
Weight: 0.00
From jtshad on Tue, Jun 02, 2009 at 09:59:37 from

So which is it, 5M, 6M or 10M? ;-)

From Jon on Tue, Jun 02, 2009 at 10:01:15 from

5 running, 5 equivalent cross train. 10 total. Plus one very needed nap in the van to work :)

From jtshad on Tue, Jun 02, 2009 at 10:02:39 from

Hopefully you weren't the driver!

From wheakory on Tue, Jun 02, 2009 at 16:04:37 from

Rest the legs now. It's time to taper. Your fitness is there so don't beat yourself up too bad.

Your going to do awesome next week.

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

AM- 7 easy with Cody and Paul.  2 runs in a row with some company- that is very nice.  Great morning for a run, esp. since the thunderstorms had finally quit.  Saw some blown down trees, including a ton of little trees they just planted by the park-n-ride where I get my van.  8 min pace.

PM- PW 4 with Marci and the kids.  Then we had to move 7 cu yds of dirt from our driveway- well, we only moved about 4 of it, and Cody and another neighbor were kind enough to come help.  Neighbors are good people.

NB 769 Miles: 4.00Double Jogger 2009 Miles: 4.00Omni 7 Miles: 7.00
Weight: 0.00
From Kory on Wed, Jun 03, 2009 at 18:50:34 from

Motivation is a lot higher early in the morning when you have someone else to run with. Nice job and mileage.

From allie on Thu, Jun 04, 2009 at 00:13:14 from

crazy but impressive mileage this week. wow! keep it up.

From Mattrow on Thu, Jun 04, 2009 at 09:26:12 from

I have some yard work at my house if you and your neighbors are looking for things to do.

You are putting in some nice milage

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

PM- 8 after work, 3xPW.  It was supposed to be a BW, but I had to scrub it due to excessive yard work.  I'm definitely squeezing in my runs where I can between all the yard stuff- that's why I front loaded my week, cause I knew this was coming.  Tomorrow we have 40 trees and bushes being delivered for us to plant.

Adrenaline 2 Miles: 8.00
Weight: 0.00
Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

AM- Met Paul, Cody, and Joe at PW and ran landfill loop.  We kept increasing the pace because I was running late (I ended up making it to my van with 1 minute to spare).  7:38 avg, though one mile was sub-7, which is a decent pace before 6 am.  7.7 miles.

NB 769 Miles: 7.50
Weight: 0.00
Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

AM- 15.5 miles with Paul, from my house to the canal to just past Second Dam and home.  Perfect weather for a run, and there was not even a canyon wind.  1:57:01, 7:33 pace.  My legs were real tired by the end- I'm still adjusting to 90+ mile weeks.  I felt like I was moving super slow (8+ min pace), but was actually still doing 7:15's.

Now time for a full day of yard work, including planting 50 trees/bushes.

Omni 7 Miles: 15.50
Weight: 0.00
From redrooster on Sat, Jun 06, 2009 at 15:18:28 from

40 trees..?? I am going to stop by and see what is going on down there!

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

AM- 11.5 easy, except picked it up on the last 2.  Legs felt a lot better than mid-last week.  Should be ready for Saturday, hopefully.

NB 769 Miles: 11.50
Weight: 0.00
From Cody on Mon, Jun 08, 2009 at 10:39:04 from

Are you doing another 15 this afternoon?

From Jon on Mon, Jun 08, 2009 at 10:57:18 from


From jtshad on Mon, Jun 08, 2009 at 14:32:24 from

Have fun Saturday! When and where does the race start?

From Jon on Mon, Jun 08, 2009 at 14:49:33 from

It's a 6 am start (beat the heat) starting at City Creek Canyon, right by the Utah State capitol.

From Adam RW on Mon, Jun 08, 2009 at 22:29:11 from

You doing any taper or running through this one? Sorry if you already mentioned this, I've obviously not been surfing the blog too much lately...

From Jon on Tue, Jun 09, 2009 at 00:03:56 from

Well, it was going to be a bit of a taper, but I've had to reduce my miles due to all the yard work, so it will end up as a semi-decent 10-day taper.

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

AM- Ran with Cody and Paul for about 5 miles, including 2 tinman tempo miles, then 3 more with Paul, then home. Then I drove to PF for Bagel Tuesday- ate a nice Einstein's bagel, ran 4 miles, then another bagel. 14 miles in all, 1:43:30.  No work today cause I'm staying home to watch the kids while Marci is at girl's camp this week.

Omni 7 Miles: 14.00
Weight: 0.00
From RivertonPaul on Tue, Jun 09, 2009 at 18:21:21 from

Good job Mr. Mom.

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

AM- Cody and Paul were both no-shows, so I ran 7 miles with 6 strides by myself.  Saw sleepyhead Cody heading out just as I was finishing my run.

NB 769 Miles: 7.00
Weight: 0.00
From Mattrow on Wed, Jun 10, 2009 at 13:12:25 from

So you got to sleep tell 5. So what do you do with the girls while you run with marci gone?

From Twinkies on Thu, Jun 11, 2009 at 19:11:01 from

Hey Jon,

For the Steeplechase are you staying somewhere in Salt Lake the night before or driving down early in the morning? I am looking to catch a ride with someone coming from the North.

From Jon on Thu, Jun 11, 2009 at 20:14:34 from

I'm going down Friday afternoon- taking my mom to the airport. Coming home right after the race.

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

PM- 5.5 easy.  My legs and body aren't feeling all cooped up and hyper like I usually do during a pre-race taper.  Hmm.  The funny thing is I already had this many miles last week by Tuesday morning...

Adrenaline 2 Miles: 5.50
Weight: 0.00
From jtshad on Fri, Jun 12, 2009 at 08:44:44 from

Good luck Saturday at the Steeplechase...have fun!

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

AM- 4 easy with both kids.  Threw in a few striders.  Should be fun tomorrow.

NB 769 Miles: 4.00Double Jogger 2009 Miles: 4.00
Weight: 0.00
From Cody on Fri, Jun 12, 2009 at 12:56:29 from

Make me proud!

From Kory on Fri, Jun 12, 2009 at 23:27:38 from

Good luck. Your going to do awesome tomorrow. You've put in some awesome miles and have the fitness to really excel and do well.

From redrooster on Sat, Jun 13, 2009 at 02:03:59 from

good luck, I'll be thinking of you while on the road driving. hope the weather holds out until you are done! be careful and have fun!

Race: Wahsatch Steeplechase (17.5 Miles) 02:34:00, Place overall: 8
Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

Note: For anyone who has never seen the crags, I found a few pictures of me running them here and here, and of some random people climbing down them here and here.

Wahsatch Steeplechase- I almost did this race 4 years ago and ran the uphill as training, but this was my first time racing it, and first time seeing the downhills.  I stayed at Chad's house last night and got caught up with him- thanks for letting me crash there, Chad, and I hope everything works out with all happening in your life.  Only slept about 4 hours, normal pre-race jitters.  At the start I met Fritz and said Hi to Twinkie.  The weather was absolutely perfect- 50 deg, overcast, no rain till after I was finished.  After talking to Chad and after zero hill training for 3 months, my strategy was to go moderate on the ups and downs, saving my energy for the flat 6 miles at the end.

A group of 6 went out very fast, inc. Fritz.  I was in the second group with Karl Jarvis and Dominick Layfield (knew them both from last year).  Moderate pace out with a bit of walking on the steep uphills.  The last mile uphill is a doozy, with 21% avg grade.  Umm, yeah, that's pretty much a slow slog.  It finally ended at mile 8 and we hit the crags- some very rocky, often technical rocks.  I knocked out my two front teeth as a teenager jumping on rocks like this (toe caught as I was jumping 3 feet down- landed headfirst- knocked out cold and buggered up my teeth [and brain, if you ask Marci]), and so am always somewhat cautious on rocks like that.  The crags went for a mile and I probably lost 1-2 minutes on Karl and Dominick.  Never saw them again. 


Then the downhill starts.  You can't really call it a trail for much of the downhill, maybe a faint deer trail.  Some of it was very runnable, but much was far, far too steep, and also very overgrown with bushes.  And mud.  And more bushes.  I call it the suicide downhill.  I was stepping on bush stems which were slick, occasionally falling.  I probably lost another couple minutes here and got passed by 2 more guys who were much more kamikaze than I was.  I barely broke 12 min mile due to the 1250 ft elevation loss and very technical footing- yep, almost walking speed.  They had even strung some rope at a few points for safety, and they certainly were needed.  As Fly noted, "This section is described as '2.5 miles of quad-burning, gut-wrenching, knee-breaking downhill on an overgrown, root-infested single-track trail...' I'd add that it was also wet and slick."  I agree with Fly, except that I seriously question the liberal use of the word "trail".

But then at mile 11 we hit City Creek Canyon and 2 miles of glorious downhill on a road.  I was about 6 min pace, with some portions being 5:30- my quads felt strange at first from the previous down, but quickly firmed up.  I was happy with my pace and figured I would eat up a few runners.  At mile 12 you jump onto a very nice, runnable, smooth singletrack for about 3 miles.  It undulates a bit, with just enough uphill to remind you that your legs are, indeed, very tired.  Finally passed one of the kamikaze downhill guys, which I thought put me back into 10th place.  More down on road and singletrack- I spotted one more runner with only a half mile to go, so really pushed hard and passed him with a few hundred yards to go.  Felt tired but still running strong at the end, which I'm very happy with.

I wanted 2:25-2:35, so my 2:34 is good.  I can definitely improve at least 2-4 minutes just by being familiar with the course, plus can improve my fitness- I am definitely not near peak racing form yet.  I really enjoyed this course and will be back.

Splits (will fill in later):











Easy start





Nice singletrack up















Running in 7th










Big, big uphill- walk the whole mile





The crags- really slowed me down





Suicide downhill.  And that's an understatement





Still steep down





Finally hit runnable downhill on pavement





Still fast





Beautiful rolling singletrack





Still singletrack





And more





Back on the road


 1:58 (5:48 pace)



Push to the finish

XT Wings Miles: 19.00
Weight: 0.00
From josse on Sat, Jun 13, 2009 at 14:05:17 from

Great job, those crags are a killer. I made some guys help me on them cause I was a wuss.

From allie on Sat, Jun 13, 2009 at 15:31:21 from

great job on the race today. it sounds like a tough course, but it's good to hear you had fun. well done.

From crockett on Sat, Jun 13, 2009 at 15:32:28 from

Wow, way to go. Very impressive! That is one tough course. Maybe I'll see you at Logan Peak if Big Horn doesn't kill me next weekend.

From Cody on Sat, Jun 13, 2009 at 18:18:36 from

Very solid race Jon! Glad you didn't bugger up your brain any further. No need to expound on that...

Well done.

From JimF on Sat, Jun 13, 2009 at 19:39:36 from

Great race on what sounds like a very difficult course. Good start to the trail racing season!

From paul on Sat, Jun 13, 2009 at 20:00:57 from

Nice job Jon, glad you had a good experience. Now go enjoy a brurger.

From Holt on Sat, Jun 13, 2009 at 20:27:40 from

Umm... I will probably NEVER come run this with you! I am tired of killer hills (up and down). Awesome job - and glad you kept your teeth!

From jtshad on Sat, Jun 13, 2009 at 20:27:46 from

Wow, what a race! Congrats on the strong finish. I am glad you ran that one, you trail fiend!

From Predog on Sat, Jun 13, 2009 at 20:29:25 from

good job! that race sounds like a lot of fun even if the course is a beast. I guess that's the appeal of it though. Maybe I'll do one of those next year or something.

From redrooster on Sat, Jun 13, 2009 at 20:50:30 from

nice job! Hey, I stopped in at St George Running Center on way to Carlsbad and talked to Steve, told him you were doing the race today. He was impressed. get some rest tonight!

From Mattrow on Sat, Jun 13, 2009 at 22:02:34 from

We need to change your name to mountain goat.

From c h a d on Sat, Jun 13, 2009 at 22:23:27 from

Great race, Jon! It was nice catching up with you. I am glad you had good weather conditions. Knowing the course goes a long way, you'll smoke it next time for sure. This was a great start to another big summer of racing.

From Adam RW on Sat, Jun 13, 2009 at 22:47:15 from

Jon, Very glad to see you met your time goal and that the rain held out until this afternoon. It sounds like there was some stiff competition out there. Great job!

From JD on Sat, Jun 13, 2009 at 23:09:00 from

Good race! That's a fun course. Enjoyed your report.

From jun on Sat, Jun 13, 2009 at 23:27:59 from

Amazing splits. That was a great time you had. Nice job. Congrats on the 8th place.

From Twinkies on Sun, Jun 14, 2009 at 09:46:39 from

Nice race Jon. You ran smart and did great. Your splits the last five miles are awesome after the grind on those hills.

From Dave S on Sun, Jun 14, 2009 at 16:24:28 from

Great race. That sounds like a tough course but it sounds fun. I'm going to have to try some trail racing.

From Jon on Sun, Jun 14, 2009 at 18:26:42 from

Thanks, everyone. I highly recommend the race, plus trail races in general. I'm trying to convert everyone!

From Jason McK on Mon, Jun 15, 2009 at 12:51:59 from

Crags look fun! I don't know about racing them, though.

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

Killer downhill trail run + no downhill training for 3 months = very sore quads.  Ouch.  Can't even touch them.  I'd love to get right back into my training to get some miles in before another tough trail race in 2 weeks (Logan Peak), but will have to balance that with muscle recovery.  I was much better acclimated to tough downhills last year thanks to lots of downhill training, which I had to avoid this year due to my achilles. 

PM- 5 miles crosstraining- arc trainer and bike.  Legs not quite so sore after. 

Weight: 0.00
From Fritz on Mon, Jun 15, 2009 at 13:58:12 from

I know what you mean. I was able to bike but I definitely can't even think about running right now. And it would even be worse if I didn't lay in the creek after the race. Hopefully I can handle grass or a treadmill in a few days.

From jtshad on Mon, Jun 15, 2009 at 18:12:09 from

That's what you guys get for running up and down mountains! ;-)

From Mike Warren on Tue, Jun 16, 2009 at 19:10:04 from

Man, my quads started hurting just reading this!

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

AM- 5.5 cross train miles.  Still sore, but a bit better.

Adrenaline 2 Miles: 5.50
Weight: 0.00
From Kelli on Wed, Jun 17, 2009 at 20:42:36 from

I do not remember if I commented on your race or not, but GREAT JOB!!! In light of all of the discussions going on everywhere, I just want you to know that I think trail runners are amazing! WOW. And it is great that you just keep running for yourself and the satisfaction it gives you!!!!

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

PM- 2 miles running followed by 7 miles cross training.  Legs are getting better- the run was uncomfortable, but not painful.  Quads are sore to the touch in a few locations, but not all over anymore.  Plan is to run tomorrow, no cross training.

Omni 7 Miles: 4.00
Weight: 0.00
Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

AM- 7 miles, all running.  And I could get into and out of my vanpool without feeling like my legs were going to collapse and/or explode.

PM- 8 easy miles around town and the canal to first dam.  I ran by Merlin Olsen park and can confirm that the Ragnar shindig is definitely going to happen tomorrow.  And it looks like Dan and Tanner bought themselves a HUGE tent/canopy- at least 30-40 feet per side.  Bright Orange, of course.  Good luck to everyone running WBR tomorrow.

NB 769 Miles: 15.00
Weight: 0.00
From Mike Warren on Thu, Jun 18, 2009 at 09:54:21 from

Good miles, sounds like your going to survive! No amputation this time.

From Kory on Thu, Jun 18, 2009 at 16:04:23 from

You ran a tough race last Saturday. The legs are going to be jelly for a little bit. My legs are coming from the marathon Saturday. Good luck rest of the week.

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

AM- 7.5 miles in 1 hour, half of it with Paul.  No pain in the quads.

PM- Umm, so I did something that I'm hoping my achilles won't make me regret.  After work, I drove to the start of WBR to cheer for some friends starting at 5 pm.  I changed into my running clothes and planned to do a short run from there.  But, I saw a crowd cheering a girl running up a steep incline on a treadmill.  Ends up NordicTrack is trying to show off their new $1600 incline climber (Incline Trainer X3) by seeing who could climb the highest in 20 min with the machine set at 30 percent minimum grade.  I knew my achilles might hate me, but I signed up.  The men's record for the day was set early in the morning and was 1250 feet elevation climb. 

I started chugging at 30 percent and about 3 mph (with a waterfall of sweat dripping off my chin- sorry, guys) and eventually finished with 1366 feet for a new record.  I even tried running at 4.5 mph towards the end, but that was tough.  I was so light headed when I finished that I had to lay down on the grass to not pass out.  Hard, hard workout with my calves burning- yeah, I'm counting it for 3 MP miles, it was that hard.  I got a nice red tech shirt for participating.  I'll put in my plug that the machine was very, very nice for training uphills- smooth, powerful, a bit of bounce to cushion your legs.  I think the belt is too short for flat running, though. 

After, ran with Marci and the kids to Summerfest and back.  Met a 78-year old there who runs 7 miles every morning at 8:30 pace- now that's impressive.  He seemed very spry and happy.

Adrenaline 2 Miles: 6.00Double Jogger 2009 Miles: 5.00Omni 7 Miles: 7.50
Weight: 0.00
From Nan Kennard on Fri, Jun 19, 2009 at 16:58:46 from


Looks like you have some pretty nice feathers in your hat...1:11 in a Half! Wow.

Thanks for the tip on shooting for a faster time at the Georgtown to Idaho Sps half. I've never done the race but it looks like a nice downhill course. I'll definitely give it my all.

Thanks for saying Hi!

From Jon on Fri, Jun 19, 2009 at 17:14:00 from

Yeah, it's a very nice course. Flat loop thru town the first 2 miles, then almost all downhill. Ease into it for the first 3-4 miles, and you'll have plenty left to cruise through to the end. I ran it in 1:20 in 2002, then got in better shape in 2003 (80 mile weeks, I think) and did TOU 1/2 in 1:17 and TOU in 2:49 (although it was my first marathon and I bonked hard). TOU is slower than Georgetown, so that is why I think you would need at least 1:22 or so to have a shot at 2:55. But they are similar courses (minus the flat at the end of TOU), so good prepartation.

From Anita on Fri, Jun 19, 2009 at 20:12:22 from

Hi Jon,

I just stopped by to thank you so much for your advice on my blog. I really appreciate it. Then I see all your running accomplishments and just have to say "WOW!!". It's so nice of runners, like yourself, to reach out to those of us who haven't quite hit our potential yet. I figure by the time I'm 80 or so I might win my age group :). Seriously, if I EVER qualify for Boston I will be so so happy . . .I went to Wellesley College, and it would just be such a highlight to run past it as a honest to goodness participant.

I see you love trail racing :). I love, love trails the best and hope to do more of that myself. I live right next to a 2500 acre county park, and we have some great trails there. I'm sure not like you have in Utah though. I notice a lot of the members are from Utah . . .I'm jealous. I'm going skiing there in February and CAN'T WAIT!! The minute my husband retires I'm moving West - - Utah, Colorado, or Montana.

At any rate, thanks again for your advice.

From jun on Sat, Jun 20, 2009 at 01:01:33 from

Jon, if your calves haven't taken enough punishment I am running the Grandeur loop tomorrow morning, possible twice, if I have enough time. I should be starting around 6am. Ok, most likely I'll be hiking most of the way up, but you know what I mean.

From JimF on Sat, Jun 20, 2009 at 11:07:57 from

Unbelievable! 20 min at 30%. I agree tough workout.

From Maurine/Tarzan on Sat, Jun 20, 2009 at 11:11:25 from

Wow - awesome treadmill torture!

From ChrisM on Sun, Jun 21, 2009 at 07:18:26 from

Well done on setting a new record 30% is tough! Hope the Achilles wasn't too bad afterwards

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

AM- Drove with Cody to Franklin Basin up the canyon and did the identical run we did with Paul on July 14, 2007- 8 miles up the dirt FB road, 1500 ft climb.  8:30 avg pace up, 6:49 avg down- 2:02:32 for the 16 miles.  Great weather- cool temp, overcast, slight breeze.  We were both using our new Nathan handheld bottles in preparation for Logan Peak next week.

I'm running with Marci later today.  I will end up with 70+ miles this week, which is pretty darn good considering I was at 10 miles mid-day Wednesday.

Progrid Guide TR Miles: 16.00
Weight: 0.00
From Adam RW on Sat, Jun 20, 2009 at 22:14:38 from

That is one great comeback in the mileage department. Have fun next weekend! and happy early Father's Day X 2

From Kelli on Sat, Jun 20, 2009 at 23:35:51 from

Now that I have "run" the Ragnar hill (guardsman's pass) I am even more impressed with what you guys do. Holy crud!!!! That is more than running!

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

AM- 6

PM- BW with Cody.  Ran to Merlin Olsen park, then over to Providence for the Providence hills loop.  Started just before the big hill.  Goal was 6:00-6:10 pace (on the flats, which doesn't really exist...).  Splits were 7:06 (big uphill- 300 ft, so this is very good), 6:10 (1/3 up, 2/3 down), 5:56 (flat and down), 5:56 (slight down and rolling), 6:04 (slight down and rolling), 5:55 (same), 5:37 (flat).  Pushed really hard the last few miles but felt good.  Thirsty.  Did a few miles cooldown with Cody, then added a few more by myself.  1:45:11 for the 15.5 miles, 6:47 avg.  Good workout- first BW in a few weeks.

Adrenaline 2 Miles: 6.00Omni 7 Miles: 15.50
Weight: 0.00
From redrooster on Mon, Jun 22, 2009 at 23:29:43 from

you want me to leave water bottles under my mailbox for you guys for the prov hills loop since you run right by my house?

From jun on Tue, Jun 23, 2009 at 11:43:06 from

Insane workout. I can't run that fast going downhill.

From Jon on Tue, Jun 23, 2009 at 14:47:24 from

Scott- Cody showed me where you live.

As Paul would say, "water is for weaklings." Actually, it wasn't too hot. But maybe you can leave your sprinkler on once it hits 85 ;)

From redrooster on Tue, Jun 23, 2009 at 17:25:03 from

I am going to leave some water bottles just for fun and see if they get used. under the mailbox that is a cow-I'll rig soomething up. might take me a couple days to do it though. and help yourself to the hose in front anytime if you need a cool down on a hot run. I'll warn my wife to watch for strange runners in the yard. not that you guys are strange or anything....

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

AM- 9 easy.  Both my hammys were very tight/sore, and had a big knot in my calf, both of which are not common occurances for me. 

PM- Ran Jardine Juniper with Cody.  10 miles.  I love that trail!  Good warm up for Logan Peak this Saturday.

NB 769 Miles: 4.00Progrid Guide TR Miles: 10.00
Weight: 0.00
From jun on Tue, Jun 23, 2009 at 23:09:01 from

Logan Peak is this saturday? I am losing touch. Good luck with that. You'll probably win.

From Twinkies on Wed, Jun 24, 2009 at 01:07:15 from

Jardine Juniper Trail has some nice elevation gain. I have only ran it once, but I remember it being a constant non forgiving trail. It should should make an excellent warm up for Logan Peak.

From Jon on Wed, Jun 24, 2009 at 09:42:11 from

Yeah, Jardine goes up about 2000 ft- very steady uphill, but very runnable. Coming down it is just plain fun.

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

AM- 8 easy miles in just over an hour.  Ran with Paul, and then Cody surprised us by showing up, too.  Thanks for the company, guys. 

Adrenaline 2 Miles: 8.00
Weight: 0.00
From Predog on Wed, Jun 24, 2009 at 09:39:37 from

hey sorry I didn't come...I got your email and was meaning to but then when I walked out of my apartment at 5:15 I realized that I had left my car up on campus and wouldn't be able to make it in time if I ran up to get it.

From Jon on Wed, Jun 24, 2009 at 09:43:42 from

No worries. We shall just forever mock you.

Are you coming to run Logan Peak with us on Sat?

From Mike Warren on Wed, Jun 24, 2009 at 09:56:04 from

Good luck this weekend! Looks like your feeling good.

From JimF on Wed, Jun 24, 2009 at 11:11:52 from

Strong running this week! Looks like everything is coming together for you.

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

Scientific study supports my love of post-run Nestle Quik.  Excellent.


PM- 3.5 easy with wife and kids.

Double Jogger 2009 Miles: 3.50Omni 7 Miles: 3.50
Weight: 0.00
From RivertonPaul on Thu, Jun 25, 2009 at 13:22:19 from

Fave of mine, too.

From Nan Kennard on Thu, Jun 25, 2009 at 14:38:17 from

Nice. I'll have to try it! My kids will be jealous...I guess I better plan on making them some too. Thanks for the link with more good suggestions too!

From redrooster on Thu, Jun 25, 2009 at 22:28:43 from

I thought you cooled down with double quarters with cheese, after running 30 miles with no water?

Hey- I've got the book for you. just got to arrange the hand-off somehow. I'm reading "chi running" now.

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

AM- 5.5 easy w/6 strides in a drizzle.  The rain will make tomorrow even muddier.

XT Wings Miles: 5.50
Weight: 0.00
From Andy on Fri, Jun 26, 2009 at 13:30:27 from

Good luck tomorrow.

From Twinkies on Fri, Jun 26, 2009 at 13:41:13 from

I'll see you in the morning. Do you think there will be much snow up there this year?

From Dale on Fri, Jun 26, 2009 at 13:46:01 from

Keep the streak alive! Good luck tomorrow!

From Jon on Fri, Jun 26, 2009 at 14:24:54 from

Twinkie- yes, lots of snow. I would guess the whole 6 mile round trip to the top from Aid 2/3. And more. I hear more than last year. But it makes for a fun descent.

From jtshad on Fri, Jun 26, 2009 at 14:29:35 from

Have fun playing in the snow! Good luck and go get 'em.

From redrooster on Fri, Jun 26, 2009 at 14:46:27 from

take a plastic bag and take the short cut by sliding down the snow field to the rodeo grounds.. if that doesnt violate the rules...

Race: Logan Peak Trail Run (28 Miles) 04:26:29, Place overall: 1, Place in age division: 1
Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

Logan Peak trail run.  I love this race.  Last year it was my first official trail race and I was lucky enough to win it, followed by a win at Mid Mountain marathon.  I knew the competition was going to be stiff today- Ty Draney (Bear 100 winner), Karl Jarvis (beat me by 5 minutes at Wahsatch 2 weeks ago), Cody, Leland- all would be there.  There was further surprise when the amazing Corbin Talley showed up, as well.  There were 78 starters, versus 40 last year.  Given the crowd and big names, I gave myself less than a 5% chance of winning, and was thinking even a top 3 finish would be amazing.  But somehow, I was lucky enough to win and am still undefeated at marathon or longer trail races. 

This is a great, great race- 28 miles, 7200 feet climb, 7200 feet descent (my garmin said 8800 ft, sporttracks of the garmin said 7100 ft, so close to Paul's map).  Weather was good- 50 at the start, sunny, just a bit hot by the finish.  It starts off with a bang, climbing over 3000 ft in the first 5 miles to aid station 1.  We went out in a pack of 6, with Ty and Corbin in the lead, Cody right behind, and Karl, myself, and Nick (a guy I just met from Logan) a few seconds back.  Not too fast of a pace- splits were 9:09, 10:55, 15:33, 15:55, 15:34 (inc. aid station).

After aid 1, Nick quickly disappeared and the remaining 5 of us had a very enjoyable, talkative, fluid pack for the next 12 miles or so.  The trail drops about 1000 ft as it circles the South Syncline trail, then climbs back to Aid station 2 just past mile 10.  We started hitting the snow (more like ice), and Ty almost slid down a chute, but managed to stop and served as warning to the rest of us.  Great trail through this section.  Splits were 9:56, 7:23, 8:09, 12:00, 11:08. 

Last year the lead pack split up here, but we kept our group together as we ran the final 1500 feet up to the 9700 ft summit of Logan Peak.  There was less snow than last year, and the only bad spot was some about 1/3 mile that was covered with very, very icy snow.  Several of us fell (myself included- I slid about 30 yds down before I stopped).  We reached the summit in a big pack, with Corbin snapping pictures on his cell phone.  We took about 2 minutes at the top, taking pictures, enjoying the view, and answering nature's call.  Very nice to be able to enjoy the view rather than immediately turning around like I did last year.  This was a great group of guys to be running with- relaxed, nice guys who appreciated what we had done and wanted to enjoy ourselves at the top.  We knew there was still plenty of time for the race.  Splits were 11:10, 11:02, 15:19 (inc. 2 minutes at the top).  Time to summit was about 2:42, which is about 9 minutes faster than last year despite not pushing the pace.  Feeling good.

I thought we would split up on the downhill but didn't quite yet.  However, Corbin and Ty got stuck at the bottom of a steep ice hill that took several minutes to claw up, so the other 3 of us went easy for a mile to let them catch up.  Karl twisted his ankle pretty badly during this stretch, but kept on trucking.  We ran down the ridge back to Aid 2 (which had now morphed into Aid 3), which gives a nice chance to see the people behind and cheer them on.  Times to Aid 3 were 11:01, 8:08, 8:04.

At this point, we climb a few miles on some jeep trail before jumping onto the North Syncline and its amazing views of Logan canyon.  I stuck some snow under my hat and was very glad for the slow trickle of water down my back.  About 2 miles past Aid 3, I finally decided that my only chance at top 3 was to put some distance on the group, so I threw down the hammer.  I was also worried cause I made 4-number 2 pit stops in the last 10 miles last year and was feeling a bit of rumblings today, but managed to avoid any stops.  I pushed very hard on the singletrack and we dropped Karl, but Ty, Corbin, and Cody hung within 30 to 60 seconds of me.  I felt great during this stretch (mile 17-20) and really enjoyed it.  I only wish I could stop to revel in the amazing canyon overlooks.  At about mile 20 I hit a bit of a rough patch and Ty closed to within about 15 seconds of me, but I pushed the downhills and maintained the lead.  This stretch is very rolling with some great downhill singletrack, but also multiple 200-500 foot climbs.  Ugh, just enough to really sap your legs.  But, I pushed very, very hard, dodged around and ticked off some horse riders, and managed to have about 30 seconds on Ty when we reached Aid 4 (previously known as Aid 1) at the top of Dry Canyon.  Splits were 11:22, 7:47, 6:33 (wow), 8:27, 11:42, 8:12.  But Ty loomed and Corbin (he of 14:15 5k speed) could never be counted out.  And Cody was running extremely strong, as well.

I filled my bottle halfway full at the aid and tore down the trail, not wanting to give up any ground to Ty and company.  I did a lot better than normal on the technical downhill- last year I averaged 6:50's down the canyon, this year 3 of my last 4 miles were 6:00 or 6:01, with stretches of sub-5:30.  Despite this, Ty gained on me and closed to within 5 seconds with 2 miles to go.  If he had blown by me, I don't know if I could have matched him.  But, I focused on speed and stretching my stride and held him off despite ever increasing screams of protest from my legs and back.  The downhill never seemed to end.  When we reached the mouth of the canyon, I was about 15 seconds up on him and actually believed for the first time that I might pull this out.  The last mile has 3 very steep and painfull uphills on Deer Fence trail, a few downs, then the last half miles is down a steep paved road and finally flat.  I didn't want Ty catching me, so I ran hard on the uphills.  Apparently, he decided to walk them, but I wasn't letting up.  Finally reached the road, which was just misery.  The last 1/4 mile is on flat pavement that seemed to make the finish line grow further away with each step.  With a push up one last grassy hill, I finished in 4:26:29- 25 minutes faster than my course record time last year!  Ty and Corbin finished within 2 minutes, and I was very happy to see Cody break 4:30.  He ran out of his mind despite some pancake-sized blisters on his heels.  I think about 8 guys or so broke the old course record.

The finish area was great- lots of food and nice people, and it was very fun to cheer for all the finishers.  Everyone did awesome, including FRB-ers Twinkie, Ultrajim, and Maurine.  A few of us soaked in the freezing Logan River for about 10 minutes, which was glorious for the legs.  I had only one big blister under a big toe that popped, but Cody has some nasty heel blisters.  Marci and the kids stayed all 4 hours till the awards, and my girls loved playing and walking around looking at everyone, while I enjoyed chatting with and getting to know everyone a bit better.  Trail racers are all so nice.

Overall, this is a great, great race.  Bruce does a nice job with course selection, marking, and very well-stocked aid stations.  I highly recommend this race to everyone.

I'm obviously pleased yet surprised with my time.  25 minutes faster than last year is stunning to me- I would say ~5 minutes faster due to less snow, but the rest was just luck, I guess.  This is the first race this year where I was really happy with how I did.  Now time to help the legs recover and ramp up the mileage for a while before some more trail races and maybe TOU marathon, with an ultimate goal of Rocky Raccoon 100 and Bear 100 next year.

Sorry for the long post, to anyone who actually reads this (nobody, maybe?).  Just some good memories of a fun race that I want to remember for myself.

XT Wings Miles: 29.00
Weight: 0.00
From Little Bad Legs on Sat, Jun 27, 2009 at 18:29:47 from

Awesome job today. Sounds like an amazing experience and something that you should be proud of.

And of course people read your post--the longer the better!

Have you considered the Lithia Loop Trail Marathon in Ashland, OR. It's November 7th and this year it hosts the USATF Marathon Trail Championships. Give it a look:


From Kelli on Sat, Jun 27, 2009 at 18:42:33 from

I am going to have to come back and read your report later (I am supposed to be getting google directions to our BBQ), but I wanted to congratulate you!!!!!

You are so flippin' amazing!

From JD on Sat, Jun 27, 2009 at 19:02:42 from

Congratulations on the win. Thanks for a great report. It's cool that you guys took a minute at the top to enjoy your efforts and the views. Great sportmanship, true competitors!

From josse on Sat, Jun 27, 2009 at 19:07:23 from

Oh that sounds like fun, one of these days I will get back to doing more trail racing. Man that is great, I don't think it was luck just good training and running with fun people helps. Write as much as you like it's your blog:)

From Mike Warren on Sat, Jun 27, 2009 at 19:08:26 from

Great race report! What a cool race. Man, very impressed with your determination. Would of been easy to give in when he closed to 5 seconds. You are a true champion, with the heart of a lion. Great job!!

From jun on Sat, Jun 27, 2009 at 20:21:30 from

Absolutely fantastic race report. You and the rest of the top finishers really went after it today. Way to go on your second win in a row on that course and a new course record. Congrts.

From Brent on Sat, Jun 27, 2009 at 21:17:51 from

Jon, 1,000 commando points for the guts, determinatin and first place, wow, great race. Will the quads move in the morning?

Stay Kool, spotted jersey king of the mountain, B of BS Rools out

From paul on Sat, Jun 27, 2009 at 21:24:44 from

Dave and I read your report together in breathless anticipations. Awesome job on the course record and maintaining your title. I'd love to challenge you sometime, but I think it would be futile. You the man!

From ultrajim on Sat, Jun 27, 2009 at 21:32:48 from

Jon, way to go. Congrats on the win again. You guys really tore it up. Meanwhile, those of us back in the middle were having a good time as well. Perfect day for it as well.

From Maurine/Tarzan on Sun, Jun 28, 2009 at 00:10:09 from

Jon - congratulations on the win. That is a killer course. I am even more impressed that you won the race before I ever made it to the tower.

From Walter on Sun, Jun 28, 2009 at 00:13:22 from

Jon, I would have been left for dead at the top of an icy cliff somewhere if I would have run that with you! Sheesh! You are a stud! A true mountain goat! A force to be reckoned with! 25 minutes faster than last year? Are you kidding me? If I took 25 minutes off my marathon time id be pretty happy!

From Smooth on Sun, Jun 28, 2009 at 00:32:37 from

WOW!!! CONGRATULATIONS on winning and defending your title again! Very impressive performance! You're AWESOME!!! Thanks for sharing!

From Superfly on Sun, Jun 28, 2009 at 00:44:09 from

Nice job Jon. Your making a little name for yourself. Keep it up man.

From Andy on Sun, Jun 28, 2009 at 00:44:18 from

Congratulations! Sounds like it was a great experience. Good luck on keeping the streak alive.

From redrooster on Sun, Jun 28, 2009 at 01:14:29 from

Jon, that was a great read, I enjoyed every word. Congrats!! I am putting this fun race on my "maybe" list for next year! How did Wade do? want me to drop that book off sometime? Scott

From redrooster on Sun, Jun 28, 2009 at 01:23:07 from

oh, I forgot to mention- I really hate most of those horse back riders (not all of them, a few are nice). amazing they would get ticked off when a serious race is going on involving people actually getting some exercise. They ought to carry the horses on their backs for awhile now and then to gain a little humility and prespective. And dodging their stupid horse droppings on the trails gets real old- why do we have to pick up after our dogs while these guys can drop their big horse stuff anywhere, including on city streets, with no regard?? umm.. ok...by the way, nice race.....

From rocinante on Sun, Jun 28, 2009 at 05:05:27 from

Absolutely phenomenal performance. Congratulations - and a very nice race write-up too.

From jtshad on Sun, Jun 28, 2009 at 09:35:32 from

Congrats again on a solid race. You are a natural on the trails! Way to run strong against a great field. Sounds like a tough but fun course, quite an experience!

From Jon on Sun, Jun 28, 2009 at 09:42:52 from

Thanks, everyone. It is a beautiful yet challenging course and a well-run race (did I mention the TONS of food at the finish line?!?). I hope everyone runs it next year.

Scott, sure, drop the book of sometime or I can stop by your house. And yeah, I'd love to see the size of shovel and baggies the horse riders would need if they had to scoop poop...

From Maurine/Tarzan on Sun, Jun 28, 2009 at 11:42:55 from

They could just hook huge bags that catch the droppings like horse taxis have to do in the cities.

From Twinkies on Sun, Jun 28, 2009 at 14:03:44 from

Congratulations on being number 1. I can't believe how fast you did some of the technical sections.

From marci on Sun, Jun 28, 2009 at 14:50:02 from

wow way to go Jon! you did awesome..we loved watching you and hanging out for 4 hours. your last line on your post says something about nobody reading your post, well i think you were proven wrong.

From crockett on Sun, Jun 28, 2009 at 15:24:08 from

Wow, way to go! Super. Missed you guys this year, but thought about you tearing up the trails.

From Dave S on Sun, Jun 28, 2009 at 15:36:45 from

Wow nice job defending that title and smashing your old course record! Impressive to still have enough speed in the legs the last few miles to pull it out. It sounds like a fun race.

From Cody on Sun, Jun 28, 2009 at 17:02:35 from

You are the man! I really enjoyed watching you show us how to run the downhills. No mercy for the weak. Time to step it up to the big leagues and win the Rocky Racoon. Ok, that's a lot to ask someone for their first 100, but you are undefeated though right? Lets keep it that way!

From sam Dean-Howard on Sun, Jun 28, 2009 at 17:15:03 from

Wow so glad you commented on my blog, as I probably wouldnt have come to read your AMAZING blog and race today.

Fantastic well DONE Jon, I am a lover of trail and fell racing, although I am going to leave taking it seriously for now until I am happy with my road running!

Amazing write up real good read, thanks for sharing your great race with everyone, well done for defending your title, and with such great competition.... I loved the taking the photos at the top what a great bunch, I think fell runners are a breed of their own so kind and happy I love them

again CONGRATULATIONS ;-) Happy Days !!

From Ashbaker on Sun, Jun 28, 2009 at 17:44:14 from

You are an animal! Way to go Jon!

From Ashbaker on Sun, Jun 28, 2009 at 17:46:04 from

By the way, I read the whole post.

From allie on Sun, Jun 28, 2009 at 18:00:31 from

loved the post. congratulations on the win. sounds brutal! you are unbelievable.

From Walter on Sun, Jun 28, 2009 at 19:13:41 from

Jon, I know you won this race and had witnesses to your downhill speed. Is that what I need to be believed on my downhill running? lol I think you and I should go up to Alta together and get this settled!

From Kelli on Sun, Jun 28, 2009 at 22:57:53 from

Walter, I witnessed your speed and tried to keep up with you in my car!!

However, I would love to see you to cruise down a hill together. DOUBLE speed.

From Adam RW on Sun, Jun 28, 2009 at 23:40:27 from

I'll admit I didn't read the 31 comments but I did read the full post and am glad I did. That was an awesome race report. You really made the reader feel like they were there. Also, you really sell the spirit of the trail race. I don't know how you can go that fast downhill though. Today on my hike I tripped and tore my hand that was going 15min miles I can't imagine stretches at 5:30. In any case great job keeping your streak alive!

From marion on Sun, Jun 28, 2009 at 23:46:50 from

WOW!! That is just AMAZING! Congratulations!!

From Gumpy on Mon, Jun 29, 2009 at 00:14:05 from

That's what I'm talkin' about. Rockin' Green Running Shorts, and 4 #2 pit stops. That's trail running I guess. Love the blog, "You Go Boy!" Congrats by the way.

From Mik'L on Mon, Jun 29, 2009 at 16:16:26 from

Good job Jon! I saw it on Marci's blogspot, which I check a lot more than these blogs anymore! haha That is awesome that you maintained your title even with all the extra competition! I had planned to just put in a comment but I got sucked in and read your whole race report.

From Kory on Wed, Jul 01, 2009 at 01:07:06 from

You are an incredible athlete! What great shape you are in. Congratulations!

My little 1200ft climb is nothing compared to this. Nice Work!

From Predog on Sat, Jul 04, 2009 at 13:29:51 from

Great race Jon! I'm glad it was so successful.

From c h a d on Wed, Jul 22, 2009 at 14:02:15 from

Congratulations on a super-impressive win, Jon. It's a pretty short list of runners that could challenge you when you hit the downhills like that. Great job.

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

AM- 6 easy.  If soreness were on a level from 1-10 (10 being "oh-my-gosh-I-cannot-even-move-and-have-unbearable-pain-in-muscles-I-never-knew-I-had"), I would have been around 8 after Wahsatch Steeplechase.  After Logan Peak, I would say 2, maybe 3.  Not too bad.  My legs must be getting used to the downhill pounding.

Adrenaline 2 Miles: 6.00
Weight: 0.00
From allie on Mon, Jun 29, 2009 at 10:00:35 from

wow, that is a quick recovery. when i was reading your race report and the descriptions of the course i was thinking "sounds like an absolute leg trasher"

way to go. DesNews marathon would probably be a breeze for you...

From Mattrow on Mon, Jun 29, 2009 at 11:20:58 from

nice recovery run, I guess all the miles you are putting in are starting to pay off.

From Mike Warren on Mon, Jun 29, 2009 at 12:00:08 from

That may be more impressive than the win! I have read your race report a couple times, it was even better the 2nd time around. Just plain Awsome!

From Maurine/Tarzan on Tue, Jun 30, 2009 at 09:49:29 from

Very impressive recovery. I'm still hurting on stairs from all the downhills.

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

AM- 7.5 easy.  Soreness only a 1.

PM- Green Canyon with Paul.  Ran 5 miles up and back at a slow pace.  The new singletrack is nice, though for some reason THERE IS WATER FLOWING IN GREEN CANYON!!!  Y'all, I've run in GC for 8 years now and this is the first time there has been actual water flowing.  And it's quite a bit, too- the singletrack crosses it 5 or 6 times.  I managed to jump it each time with minimal wetness, but Paul just waded through and ran with squishy shoes.  Easy run, just over 90 minutes.  3 years ago GC had 1 mile singletrack and 3 miles road- now it has 3.5 miles of singletrack and only .5 mile of required road running.  Me gusta.

Progrid Guide TR Miles: 10.00Omni 7 Miles: 4.00
Weight: 0.00
Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

AM- I've heard of New Year Resolutions, but is there some type of Mid-Year Resolutions?  I ask because I normally don't see anyone during my morning run, but saw NINE runners in a 2 mile stretch on Planet Walk this morning.  9 runners, all before 6 am.  Plus I saw 2 more other places, plus a group of 5 middle-school age kids setting off fireworks- again, before 6 am!?!  It was the strangest morning- every 30 seconds, we would see another runner coming towards us.  Anywho, ran 5.5 miles with Paul.  I'm tired- need more sleep.  Good thing my holiday starts tomorrow.

Adrenaline 2 Miles: 5.50
Weight: 0.00
From jtshad on Wed, Jul 01, 2009 at 11:28:40 from

When are you heading up to IF? Let's plan our runs (are you doing the Firecracker 5K?).

From RivertonPaul on Wed, Jul 01, 2009 at 11:49:30 from

Enjoy your holiday.

From Jon on Wed, Jul 01, 2009 at 13:32:56 from

Jeff- I sent you an email.

Thanks, Paul, and you, as well.

From redrooster on Thu, Jul 02, 2009 at 01:12:03 from

Jon, I dropped the book off at your house today. Have a fun break and relax and do some reading! I will keep Paul on pace at the freedom run to be sure he wins. Just hope he can keep up with me.

From sam Dean-Howard on Thu, Jul 02, 2009 at 07:33:35 from

have a nice holiday, rest and recovery with some training is always nice.... why are kids up so early playing with firework ? :-)

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

AM- In Idaho Falls- met Jeff Shadley and we had a nice run.  Good weather.  We ran the 4th of July 5k course, then ran over to see the VERY full Snake River, looping all over town.  Very conversational pace.  16.5 miles, 1:57:58 (7:09 avg).  Felt good, though the last few miles were a bit harder as my legs reminded me that they carried me 28 miles just 5 days ago- endurance isn't quite back yet.

PM- 3 easy with Marci.

NB 769 Miles: 16.50Omni 7 Miles: 3.00
Weight: 0.00
From jtshad on Thu, Jul 02, 2009 at 14:42:47 from

Thanks for the run! Looks like we are going to take the camp trailer out for tonight, so I won't be back in time for a morning run on Friday. See you Saturday morning!

From Jon on Thu, Jul 02, 2009 at 16:26:43 from

Have a good time- see you Sat.

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

PM- 5 miles along a lake with Tom Borschel, a trail runner extraordinaire who lives in IF.  We talked for a good hour afterwards, despite a rather windy thunderstorm.  Good to meet you, Tom.  Now I'll push for a new 5k PR tomorrow.

Omni 7 Miles: 5.00
Weight: 0.00
From redrooster on Fri, Jul 03, 2009 at 21:35:46 from

watcha shootin for in that 5K? did you start reading that book yet? did Marci give it to you??

From Jon on Fri, Jul 03, 2009 at 22:15:29 from

My PR is 16:53, so anything better than that. 16:30 or even 16:15 would be awesome, but we'll see. I haven't done much speedwork.

Marci told me you dropped by with the book, but didn't bring it for this weekend (I left straight from work). I'll get it on Sunday.

Race: Idaho Falls Firecracker 5k (3.11 Miles) 00:16:35, Place overall: 6
Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

Today was my first non-Striders 5k in probably 3-5 years or more.  Even though I am just barely hitting peak mileage and have done minimal speedwork, I was hoping to break my high school PR of 16:53.  Given my marathon mindset, I tend to go out too slow, so wanted to do 5:05 or 5:10 first mile and hang on from there.  Warmed up with Marci and Jeff Shadley.  There were some decent runners (a bunch of HS kids, and a recent college grad who did a 27:00 8k).  The race annoyingly started 15 minutes late.

Mile 1 went out fast like I hoped, though it is definitely downhill.  I was in about 11th place at the 1/2 mile mark and about 8th at the mile- 5:10.  Perfect, though Jeff had fallen a bit behind so we couldn't trade half miles.   Mile 2 is flat, then uphill, then flat.  I was running by myself, about 10 seconds behind the lead pack.  A few guys fell off pace and I passed them, moving into 6th.  Mile 2 was 5:28- slower than I hoped even with the uphill.  I caught a young guy here and he got right behind me.  I tried to put some distance, but he wouldn't drop.  With about a half mile to go, he surged and caught another young guy just in front of us.  I did my best to reel them in, but couldn't quite make it.  Mile 3 was 5:23- slight uphill, but still a bit slow.  I felt I could maintain this pace forever, but didn't have a higher gear.  Last .11 was 32 sec (5:01 pace).  Total time was 16:35- 18 second PR, and 6th place overall.  I'm pretty happy with my time- I think with some speedwork I can take another 15-30 seconds off.  Jeff was just over 17 min.  We grabbed a water, and I felt completely recovered within a minute or two- probably a typical experience for a marathoner after a 5k.  If this were a 10k, I'm sure I would have caught at least 2 more guys.

Ran back .5 mile and saw Marci- she was thinking she would run 30 min, but shattered her old 26:00 PR with a 25:09- nice job, babe!  

Now off to food and fireworks.  Happy 4th, everyone!

Weight: 0.00
From JimF on Sat, Jul 04, 2009 at 12:15:08 from

Awesome job on the PR. It is even better when you can take down a HS PR!

From Cody on Sat, Jul 04, 2009 at 12:45:11 from

Congrats on the PR! Its been a long time coming. A bigger congrats to Marci.

From Burt on Sat, Jul 04, 2009 at 14:34:42 from

Not bad for an old man. Oh wait, that's me.

From Kelli on Sat, Jul 04, 2009 at 15:19:23 from

Nice work and congrats on breaking that very old PR! And congrats to Marci as well. have a great rest of the day!

From Shimelle on Sat, Jul 04, 2009 at 15:21:59 from

Nice job! Especially after that grueling trail race you just did!

From paul on Sat, Jul 04, 2009 at 15:46:10 from

Great job old chum. Your previous PR was so old it must have felt like a family pet, so it must feel great to get a nice shiny new one.

From jtshad on Sat, Jul 04, 2009 at 19:06:16 from

Great job on the PR, sorry I couldn't keep up with you today! Nice run coming off your race last weekend. Lots of fun running with you again.

From redrooster on Sat, Jul 04, 2009 at 21:26:32 from

nice job Jon, you nailed the race just like you said you would! And congrats to Marci as well. Have fun and hope to join you for a run soon, maybe we can do green canyon. I have always wanted to run to Bierdneau peak via green canyon, you ever done that? Scott

From sam Dean-Howard on Sun, Jul 05, 2009 at 12:53:28 from

great racing to you both, excellent time way to push it and get your time excellent :-)

From Adam RW on Mon, Jul 06, 2009 at 09:26:41 from

Sounds like a great way to spend the holiday!

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

AM- 7 easy.  Felt good, ran a bit faster than my normal morning run.  BW in the heat later today.  Glad I finally broke my 5k PR from HS, though I would like to take another 30 seconds off later this year...

PM- Big Workout.  Supposed to be my first track workout of the year, but my legs didn't feel like they had 5:30 speed in them, especially given the 85+ deg temp.  I ran from Merlin Olsen park to First Dam and a bit as a 4 mile warmup.  I then did 2 tinman tempo miles, intending to run to the LHS track.  But my lack of pep convinced me to just keep the tempo going for 5 more miles, averaging 6:10-6:15 pace.  5 mile cooldown.  Pretty tired, but glad I got something in.  Now I just have to convince Paul and Cody to do a track workout Wed morning.  I'm moving my Thursday BW to Wed cause I found out today that I am leaving Wed for Florida on a business trip of undetermined length (1-3 weeks?).  Running 95 mile weeks in Florida in July is going to suck.

Adrenaline 2 Miles: 7.00Omni 7 Miles: 16.00
Weight: 0.00
From Adam RW on Mon, Jul 06, 2009 at 23:08:22 from

Nice mileage today.

From redrooster on Tue, Jul 07, 2009 at 01:01:11 from

yikes- what part of Florida? related to space shuttle work with thiokol or something? well, "enjoy" the humidity and mosquitoes and hope you make it back by the 24th for the DN 10K. Maybe by the time you get back I'll be ready for that bierdneua (sp?) peak run up green canyon.

From jtshad on Tue, Jul 07, 2009 at 09:54:44 from

Dude, its Florida...think beaches, sand, sun! Yeah, humidity will suck but c'mon! ;-)

From Jon on Tue, Jul 07, 2009 at 10:13:46 from

Yeah, Jeff, it's Florida... but it's Florida with 12-18 hour work days, leaving only enough time to try and squeeze in my runs, no time for playing on the sand. It's not terrible, but I'd rather just stay home. I'll probably be down there 6-8 weeks between now and October, which is a lot of family time to miss. And lots of missed trail runs. This same thing happened 3 years ago and it was so hard that I bagged running for the season, skipping all Fall marathons. I'm not trying to complain... but I guess I am a bit.

I should get to see a shuttle launch, which will be neat.

From jtshad on Tue, Jul 07, 2009 at 10:18:58 from

Just giving you a hard time...I know that business travel sucks if there is this much of it, especially if you are working that hard.

From redrooster on Tue, Jul 07, 2009 at 14:19:48 from

I hate business travelling too. First 10 years of my career I was constantly at meetings, giving seminars, probably on the road 6-8 weeks per year- but we gotta do what we gotta do to pay the bills. Now I have scaled back on the meetings, but being stuck full time on NIH study section is even worse-now I am on the service end of everything, spending all my time reviewing grant proposals, going to DC, and scientific papers on editorial boards. sigh... sometimes I wish I had gone to medical school instead of into academics.

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

PM- 9 easy on the River Trail while Marci pushed the stroller on the gravel portion.  May be my last trail run for a while.  Wore my very-infrequently used 800's.

NB 800 Miles: 9.00
Weight: 0.00
From Kelli on Wed, Jul 08, 2009 at 00:01:27 from

Why might it be your last trail run? How is it pushing a stroller in the gravel? Man, it is hard enough to do on the pavement!!!

Nice run!

From Jon on Wed, Jul 08, 2009 at 00:02:45 from

I'm heading to Florida for a while on business, and I don't count running on the beach. The stroller is ok on gravel- it's hard dirt underneath, but definitely slow.

From Kelli on Wed, Jul 08, 2009 at 00:05:43 from

I see. Well, enjoy the beach running while you can, the trails will be back before you know it!

Travel safely.

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

AM- Big Workout- first track workout of the year for me.  Like Cody said at the end, it was a puker.  Literally.  Cody and I met at 5:30 and ran to PW, meeting Paul along the way.  We did about 4 miles warmup, then 2 miles of tinman tempo (well, kind of- 6:20-6:30). 

Then Paul went home, I ate a Hammer Gel, and Cody and I started our 4x1600m workout, with 300m rest, goal of 5:45 pace.  I led on the first 2 miles and the last, Cody on the third.  First one was 5:41, though our watches consistently mile-lapped about 4 seconds before the end of lap 4, so it messed up the times a bit.  Second one was 5:44.  We grabbed a quick drink but cut the rest period 30 seconds short before number 3.  Third one was about 5:42 (watch issues), though I got a bad sideache and my stomach started hurting during this one.  Last one was pretty hard due to my stomach and side, but still got a 5:44.  Consistent.  I could have done one more if my stomach didn't hurt, but no need to overdo the first track workout of the year.

We did about 3 miles cooldown, and my stomach kept bugging me.  Finally, just as we got home, I puked a few times and everything came up.  It was my first running-related puke since just after my mission, when I ate a big Chinese takeout meal, then ran 3 fast miles with a college runner.  I felt much better after- went inside my house, got a drink, brushed my teeth, hosed down the street and my shoes, then went and ran 2 more miles to finish the workout.  Then I had a nice, cold glass of Nestle Quik, with no stomach issues.  I think my puke was either too much sugar on an empty stomach, or, more likely, something in the gel that didn't agree with me.  Either way, I'm fine now and heading off to Florida today.

PM- 3 easy with Marci and the kids before heading to the airport.

Adrenaline 2 Miles: 3.00Double Jogger 2009 Miles: 3.00Omni 7 Miles: 16.00
Weight: 0.00
From jtshad on Wed, Jul 08, 2009 at 11:37:51 from

Another new member of the FRB puke club! Great workout!

Safe travels to your destination in Florida.

From jun on Wed, Jul 08, 2009 at 12:15:49 from

Mmmmm, vomit and chocolate milk. What a treat. Nice workout today. I think anyone that can do track work like that has some serious dedication. Fantastic job.

From Andy on Wed, Jul 08, 2009 at 13:44:07 from

You are so die hard. Have a safe trip.

From redrooster on Wed, Jul 08, 2009 at 14:33:13 from

let's see... if you puke three times does that make it a three star workout? or is there a different reward system for puking?

From Robert on Wed, Jul 08, 2009 at 19:49:54 from

How der Hammer taste on the way out?

From Holt on Wed, Jul 08, 2009 at 20:19:00 from

Enjoy your trip - too bad it isn't all fun and no work!

From sam Dean-Howard on Thu, Jul 09, 2009 at 05:41:31 from

Great workout and puking well done pushing our bodies to the limits love it!

Fast mile reps for a first session excellent enjoy Florida :)

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

PM- 8

Late PM- 4 easy on the beach on a dark and cloudy night.  Just as I turned around, a family with flashlights found a big group of baby sea turtles just hatching.  Pretty cool to watch for a minute.  Needless to say, I tried to watch where I stepped on the way back, but didn't see any more of the little dudes (as Crush would say).  Cute little guys, smaller than the palm of my hand.  There sure are a lot of homeless guys who sleep on the beach.

NB 800 Miles: 4.00Omni 7 Miles: 8.00
Weight: 0.00
From redrooster on Thu, Jul 09, 2009 at 21:43:13 from

How are things in gator country? don't forget the skeeter repellant on the runs. hang in there, it will be over in no time and we can do that Bierdneua peak run when you get back!!!

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

PM- 8 on the treadmill while watching a huge, powerful, amazing thunderstorm rage outside.  They had to take my resting heartrate prior to letting me work out on base- apparently my heartrate is 41 during the middle of the day.

NB 769 Miles: 8.00
Weight: 0.00
From Adam RW on Sat, Jul 11, 2009 at 12:24:04 from

Cool resting HR. I guess you could say you are fit :)...

From Adam RW on Sun, Jul 12, 2009 at 10:34:14 from

To pop or not to pop. Trail hike/run again this morning with a great result of a beautiful view. However, have a large heal blister now. You recommend popping it, soaking it, something else?

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

AM- Long run.  I want about 22 miles total today, but since I didn't start my run until after 8 am today, I was guessing I would break it up into 2 runs.  For the first day since I've been here, there are no clouds, just sunny and hot.  The first 10 miles or so of the run were a bit uncomfortable as my body adjusted to the 80 deg and almost 80% humidity, but by carrying water and taking some nuun I eventually got into a nice groove.  After mile 10 I just cruised along at 7:10-7:25 pace and felt like I could sustain that forever.  There were a fair number of runners at 8 am, but I was about the only one by 10:30.  Only got in 18 miles before I had to shower for work (though they ended up delaying that).  18 miles at just over 7:30 pace for the entire run, still feeling good at the end (which is rare for me on my 90 mile weeks).  Followed it up with a nice veggie and ham omelet, blueberry pancackes, and chocolate milk (of course) at IHOP.  Now, since they delayed my work and the shuttle launch, I think I'm going to take a nice nap.  I'll do another run tonight.

PM- 4 more on the beach.  This ties my second highest miles ever for a week.

NB 800 Miles: 4.00Omni 7 Miles: 18.00
Weight: 0.00
From allie on Sat, Jul 11, 2009 at 12:36:21 from

nice run in the hot/humid conditions. and a great recovery breakfast as well :)

i am sure you have been asked this before, but are you a rocket scientist?

From Jon on Sat, Jul 11, 2009 at 12:53:52 from

Well, not a rocket scientist, per se. An engineer who works on rockets. Maybe a rocket engineer :) But let's just be thankful there are lots of guys a whole lot smarter than me who really are rocket scientist, otherwise I'd bung the whole thing up.

From Adam RW on Sat, Jul 11, 2009 at 12:59:35 from

Great end to a good week. I'm sure being away is still a bummer but it looks like you are handling the adjust well. What are the odds on Des?

From Adam RW on Sat, Jul 11, 2009 at 13:00:55 from

Sorry to spam you but I just noticed the link to the family page. I can't believe how big your kids are getting. Also, I like the picture of you with the oreo...

From Steve Hooper on Sat, Jul 11, 2009 at 13:03:12 from

Jon - Great week! After looking at your breakfast my mouth starts salivating. Compared to you I've been selling myself short with my meals.

From Jon on Sat, Jul 11, 2009 at 13:39:36 from

Adam- real hard to say right now on Des News. No better than 50% right now.

From Mattrow on Sat, Jul 11, 2009 at 18:07:17 from

Nice run. I don't know how you do 90 mile weeks, my legs are tired after 60. You are an animal.

From The Howling Commando on Sat, Jul 11, 2009 at 18:12:33 from


From Jon on Sat, Jul 11, 2009 at 18:32:07 from

I work for a company that works for NASA.

From Jon on Sat, Jul 11, 2009 at 18:32:19 from

So does Mattrow.

From Maurine/Tarzan on Sat, Jul 11, 2009 at 18:36:46 from

Great job on the run, Jon. Keep those miles coming.

From Cody on Sat, Jul 11, 2009 at 21:39:45 from

You da man, mileage hog!

From crockett on Sun, Jul 12, 2009 at 18:05:43 from

No fair, I thought I tied your for mileage but you snuck out and got four more on the beach.

From paul on Sun, Jul 12, 2009 at 19:03:39 from

Hope they shoot your rocket soon.

From Jon on Sun, Jul 12, 2009 at 19:32:19 from

Davy- I wrote on my morning post that I would do that, so you can't call me sneaky!

Paul- they just cancelled again. Maybe tomorrow. But that doesn't have anything to do with why I'm out here. I have 7 days worth of work, and we haven't even started yet (darn delays!)

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

AM- 5 on the beach just as it was starting to get light.  I'll have to take mileage this week as I can sneak it in.

PM- 7 while waiting to watch the shuttle launch.  It was delayed 10 minutes before launch due to weather.  I think it's reflective of my week- I came to Florida last Wed to support work that was supposed to start last Wed.  Instead, nothing has happened.  Current schedule is for it to now start this Wed.  One week of doing the best I can to keep busy, but not doing the work I came for.

NB 800 Miles: 5.00NB 769 Miles: 7.00
Weight: 0.00
From jun on Mon, Jul 13, 2009 at 11:39:05 from

On the beach, as in, literally on the beach, barefoot and wet? Or on the boardwalk? Running on the beach is brilliant.

From Jon on Mon, Jul 13, 2009 at 11:44:10 from

On the beach beach. I did it a few times last week at high tide, which is hard cause I'm either in the loose sand or on a steep camber. But it was low tide today, so I was way out to sea on the hard sand, right next to the water. Almost got my feet wet a few times.

From sam Dean-Howard on Mon, Jul 13, 2009 at 15:28:42 from

Cool although I didnt know you had a beach in Logan??

are you on holiday, I live near the coast, and run on a sandy flat beach which is great I love it, although I dont do too much on the beach as I need to do good solid road mileage too :)

From Jon on Mon, Jul 13, 2009 at 16:02:43 from

Sam- I'm in Florida on business travel for who-knows-how-long. I'll probably be in Florida 8-10 weeks or more between now and November.

From sam Dean-Howard on Mon, Jul 13, 2009 at 16:59:03 from

Cool florida I love it over there, great to run somewere different too ENJOY :)

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

AM- 9 miles on the beach at ~7:30 pace.  Even though I started before 5 am, there was absolutely no wind on the first half and it was very hot and humid- an absolute sweatfest.  I definitely overheated- it was hotter than when I was running at 11 am on Sat in the sun.  Huh.  More people on the beach, but the sunrise was not near as pretty as yesterday.

PM- 8 more at 7:28 pace before heading out for more work.  Covering 2 shifts today.

NB 769 Miles: 8.00Omni 7 Miles: 9.00
Weight: 0.00
From jtshad on Tue, Jul 14, 2009 at 10:44:23 from

Good run in the heat and humidity. Glad the shuttle launched, maybe now you can get to work you slacker!! ;-)

From Jon on Tue, Jul 14, 2009 at 13:39:06 from

Jeff- no launch yet! They keep scrubbing it. Plus that's not why I'm down here, so coming home isn't linked to that.

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

AM- 80 deg and 80% humidity when I started my morning run, and it was only getting hotter.  No wind for the first half of the run, with major internal overheating.  It was probably the most I have ever sweated in my life.  Ran out to Cape Canaveral pier.  By the time I got there, I was really hurting and crawling along at 8:30 pace.  I took off my shirt, wrung out about 12 oz of water (I don't know how a tech shirt could hold that much sweat- I thought they weren't supposed to), and tied the shirt around my waist.  After a big drink and wetting my head, I started the run back.  But, I slowly began to accept the beast.  Then I eventually embraced the beast.  My run went much better after that- I was even able to run some sub-7:00 pace.  15 miles, 1:51:40.  The heat index when I finished said it felt like 96 deg.

Embrace the beast.

PM- 6 more at 7 min pace.  I brought 4 tech shirts, 4 socks, 3 shoes, and 3 shirts to Florida.  I have discovered that, despite my best efforts to hang them up all over the hotel furniture, they do not dry between my runs.  Needless to say, it is a very enjoyable experience to put on the already wet clothes for each run, and my hotel room could probably be used as a gas chamber for executions.  I'm surprised the hotel maids even try to go in anymore.

Omni 7 Miles: 21.00
Weight: 0.00
From Bill Mandler on Wed, Jul 15, 2009 at 10:57:24 from

Nice job running in those conditions. I have run a couple times in S. Florida and I feel like I am "sloshing" in my shoes after just a couple miles. I'll take the dry Idaho air anytime.

From jun on Wed, Jul 15, 2009 at 11:21:57 from

Wow, that sounds crazy. You mind as well have been swimming in a hot tub. Way to push through though.

From Adam RW on Wed, Jul 15, 2009 at 22:45:49 from

Did you watch the shuttle launch? My wife and daughter watched it on TV today.

From Mattrow on Thu, Jul 16, 2009 at 09:08:48 from

50 miles already. Are you shotting for hundred. Nice running. Sounds like you are going to have to do use a washing machine.

From paul on Thu, Jul 16, 2009 at 09:17:36 from

Yeah, find a laundry machine dude.

From Cody on Thu, Jul 16, 2009 at 10:04:06 from

The guy is helpless without Marci. At least that is what she said...

From marci on Thu, Jul 16, 2009 at 13:14:25 from

it's true. i know EXACTLY how the maids feel and i am also surprised they keep going in. at least they get paid. :)

From Jon on Thu, Jul 16, 2009 at 15:18:30 from

Adam- yes, I watched the launch.

What's the point of washing the clothes? They'll just stink as much again after one run... although maybe they won't stand up on their own anymore. Anyways, that would require time and money and energy, none of which I have available right now.

From jtshad on Thu, Jul 16, 2009 at 15:27:32 from

Ah, you may not have any of those but at least you still have a sense of humor (and a bad need for some Febreeze)!

From Maurine/Tarzan on Sat, Jul 18, 2009 at 18:32:17 from

Poor maids - and poor wife when you unpack that suitcase.

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

AM- 7 easy.

PM- 3 more. Feet hurting a bit so it's nice to take an easy day.

NB 769 Miles: 7.00Omni 7 Miles: 3.00
Weight: 0.00
Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

AM- Last run on the beach.  The wind was great today and gave me a headwind in both directions, plus it wasn't too hot today.  Started out planning to do 8 miles, but felt good so ended up doing 10.

PM- 8.5 more.  Heading home in the morning.

NB 800 Miles: 10.00NB 769 Miles: 8.50
Weight: 0.00
From Mattrow on Fri, Jul 17, 2009 at 12:28:43 from

So why is this the last run on the beach? Head wind both directions I don't know if I believe that. Nice miles

From redrooster on Sat, Jul 18, 2009 at 01:42:45 from

hope you had a productive trip. be sure and leave a nice tip for the maid.

From Adam RW on Sat, Jul 18, 2009 at 12:03:24 from

Nice miles this week. With the last run on the beach today does that mean you'll be in town this week?

From sam Dean-Howard on Sat, Jul 18, 2009 at 12:52:13 from

great running, you know your a marathoner when you go out to do 8 miles and end up doing 10 or more :)

From Cody on Sat, Jul 18, 2009 at 13:08:35 from

Yea! Jon is coming back!

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

Back home at last.  Well, at least until I leave again tomorrow for Colorado.  But the top of my left foot is continuing to hurt and getting worse, so I am scrubbing today's long run in hopes it gets better by next week.  Dang it, there goes the 95 mile week I was on pace for...

Weight: 0.00
From Amy on Sat, Jul 18, 2009 at 22:40:05 from

Hope your foot feels better soon. That just doesn't sound fun at all.

From Kory on Sat, Jul 18, 2009 at 23:21:33 from

Don't worry about the mileage you just finished a long race a few weeks ago. The day-off is better than just hitting 90 mile week when you know that it could injury you.

You gave me some great advice when I was injured so I want to prevent you from getting injured.

From jtshad on Sun, Jul 19, 2009 at 10:54:39 from

Sorry about the foot, hope it gets better very soon. Welcome home!

From sam Dean-Howard on Mon, Jul 20, 2009 at 13:08:00 from

Jone MIles shmiles, your doing great and good to hear your looking after yourself, as it may end up as an injury, always another week, and as Kory said a recent long race.

Hey welcome home although by the time you read this you may be away again LOL

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

I'm back.  Much to Marci's surprise, going all week without computer and the FRB did not kill me.  I flew home from 2 weeks in Florida and turned around the next day for a family reunion in Colorado.  Finally returned home on July 24- tonight will be only the 4th night sleeping in my bed this month!

No run today- resting the foot.  Although I did 1 barefoot mile on the grass while playing frisbee at a family reunion. 

Weight: 0.00
Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

AM- 16 mile run near Winter Park, Colorado.  Needless to say, after 2 straight weeks of running at sea level in hot, humid Florida, running in 40 deg and 8700 ft in the mountains of Colorado was quite the change.  The temp was nice, but the elevation change was very apparent.  Ran on a nice gravel trail and some excellent singletrack.  Though the non-stop hills added to the elevation woes.

PM- 4.5 mile run, 2 mile crosstrain.

Progrid Guide TR Miles: 4.50Omni 7 Miles: 16.00
Weight: 0.00
Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

AM- 14 miles on the nice gravel "Granby to Fraser" trail.  Only planned on 13 miles, but saw a park with water near the turnaround, so added more.  I definitely need to drink more water at this high of altitude.

PM- 7 easy.  The house we are staying at is midway up a mountain, so all my runs finish with a nice uphill slog.

NB 769 Miles: 14.00Progrid Guide TR Miles: 7.00
Weight: 0.00
Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

No run today- drove from Colorado to SLC.  Foot and legs needed the rest.  But my foot is feeling much better- running 100% on dirt/gravel this week certainly helped that.

Weight: 0.00
Race: Deseret News 10k (6.2 Miles) 00:34:06, Place overall: 41, Place in age division: 10
Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

Deseret News 10k today.  First time running it, though I have read many race reports and knew what to expect.  I arrived back in Utah yesterday after 3 weeks away.  Woke up at 3:53 am- early.  81 deg when I got in my car- very warm for a race.  Ran a mile at the house, about 2 more at the start.  4 stars.  Saw a few bloggers (though not as many as expected) and lined up for the race.  My old 10k PR is somewhere between 33:00-34:00 from college- kind of sad I don't remember exactly.  Post-collegiate was last year's 34:37 at Garland on an out-and-back course.  I was hoping for a 33:00-33:30, though the heat put that in doubt.

This race is stacked and starts off very fast, though some people at the front definitely should have been further back in the pack and kind of clog things up.  First mile was 4:59 downhill- my first sub-5 mile in years, I think.  Then 5:07 second mile.  Ran a bit with Ben Van Beekum on this stretch, though he and Adam RW quickly pulled away and put about 20 seconds on me way too easily.  Third mile should have been 5:20, but I did a 5:35- wow, way too slow.  My legs were fine, but breathing was labored and body has some definite general slogginess.  At this point I was just behind 2 women (who I thought may have been the top women, though they ended up being numbers 5 and 6).  Passed them, then one of them passed me back- ended up being Michele Suszek.  She and a guy were about 10 yards ahead of me and holding steady.

Mile 4 was 5:37- about 20 seconds slower than I wanted.  I knew sub-34 was unlikely.  Running down the parade route was rather nice, though more downhill would have been nicer.  There was a fair amount of cheering aimed at Michele, though I appreciated it, as well.  Mile 5 was 5:32- I started to get a second wind, and my endurance kicked in, seeing as mile 5 is usually slower for everyone than mile 4.  At this point I passed Michele and a few guys.  The only aid station was on this stretch, and I gratefully wet my mouth and my head- the heat was very noticeable, though running in Florida certainly had helped a bit.  Mile 6 was pretty bad- 5:54.  I passed another guy but had someone fly by me.  Just wanted to finish.  Last .2 was 1:20, with a final time of 34:06.  41st guy, 10th in my age group, plus 4 women [way] ahead of me.

Overall, I would grade my race a very pedestrian "C" today.  Well run race with accurate mile markers.  And it is a post-collegiate PR, though very aided.  I ran ok, but didn't have any kind of spunk or race day magic.  I can think of any number of reasons/excuses: no speed work or Big Workouts in 3 whole weeks, very poor sleep this week (hard to sleep with 2 young kids in the same room), lots of travel with different eating patterns, acclimating from Florida to high-altitude Colorado to Utah, lots of driving.  My legs felt fine and have no soreness, with my breathing being the restrictive factor during the race.  But in the end, it was just one of those days where everything doesn't click for whatever reason.  Oh well, no worries.

Next up- I hope I will be in town for the Jupiter Steeplechase in 2 weeks, then TOU 1/2 and marathon.  But I will likely be in Florida for 3-4 weeks in the next few months, so may miss some.  And my company just announced 450 more layoffs, so I have to work hard to not be in that group.

Tangent 3 Miles: 13.50
Weight: 0.00
From allie on Sat, Jul 25, 2009 at 08:47:36 from

great race. traveling always throws things out of whack for me, so i think you handled it very well. especially finding time to get in so many miles away from home. that's impressive. i will probably be seeing you at TOU 1/2.

From jtshad on Sat, Jul 25, 2009 at 09:52:22 from

Good job on the race and welcome home. I will be praying for you to make it through the layoffs.

From Holt on Sat, Jul 25, 2009 at 13:05:51 from

I heard about the layoffs on the news and was hoping you're safe, we will be sending positive vibes for you.

Oh... and good job on the race.

From Kelli on Sat, Jul 25, 2009 at 13:21:37 from

Nice race report. Sorry it did not go as planned, but I am sure your analysis of why is probably right----especially the travel with two young kids! Traveling really seems to throw us all off.

Good luck with work and your next few months of racing and traveling.

From James on Sat, Jul 25, 2009 at 13:46:00 from

I am sure you will make it through the layoffs, you are the "rocket man", they won't let you go. Hey good race at Des News, I can't even remember what racing is like right now, but I remember that one hurts in the last mile or so.

I was out of the loop for a while with moving and everything and finally got a chance to read your Logan Peak report from a month ago, excellent race! That was some good competition you beat down that day. Maybe I'll have come give you a little more next year!:)

Hey, keep it up! We would love to see you guys again sometime, maybe we can work something out in the near future.

From RivertonPaul on Sat, Jul 25, 2009 at 14:59:37 from

Nice report, Jon. Keep at it.

From Adam RW on Sat, Jul 25, 2009 at 16:42:38 from

Jon, It was getting talking to you again. With everything going on in your life right now I would have graded you higher than a C but so be it. I hope the rest of your weekend goes well and that you stay out of the 450...

From JimF on Sat, Jul 25, 2009 at 20:08:33 from

Nice race! Not what you wanted but still a PR which is always good. I can definitely testify to the travel wearing you down so I am sure it would have been much better if you were fresh.

From Dave S on Sat, Jul 25, 2009 at 21:06:20 from

Sounds like a pretty good time to me especially under the circumstances. I'll probably see you again at Tou half if you make it. Good luck with the layoff situation.

From Twinkies on Sat, Jul 25, 2009 at 22:38:29 from

Great race, Jon. I think the reason you didn't do as well as hoped is because this race is ran on pavement. You have special powers when you run on a trail through the mountains. Hope to see you at Jupiter Peak.

From Jon on Sat, Jul 25, 2009 at 23:12:56 from

Thanks, everyone. It was an ok race- I'm not too bummed about it or anything. But it was a good reminder how much I prefer trail races. James, you're more than welcome to stay at my house next year before Logan Peak. It would be great to have more competition. Though I think you would have to run more than a 50 mile week to win at that race ;)

From redrooster on Sat, Jul 25, 2009 at 23:58:30 from

Jon, great to finally run together, well for about one second anyway. But knowing you guys were at the end inspired me to push it hard on those downhills, I wasn't going to embarrass myself too badly in front of you and Cody. I've always hated the way they start this race- I think it has grown to the point where they really need to start it in qualifying waves with such a narrow chaotic starting line. And, they post the finish times based on gun time even though if you get stuck in the back it can take 30 seconds or longer to cross the start. With waves they could dump the gun times except for the elite runners. Oh well, if its any consolation I am pretty sure this year was actually somewhat "cool" in temperature compared to a couple years I have run, where it was pushing 90 degrees at the start.

From Superfly on Sun, Jul 26, 2009 at 10:12:33 from

Great job racing back on the road scene. For a trail guy you ran great. Welcome back to our wonderful state.

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

PM- 3 easy with the family.  End of a long, busy day.  Next week should be somewhere between 90-100 miles, depending how my foot and body feel.  This was definitely a recovery week.

Adrenaline 2 Miles: 3.00Double Jogger 2009 Miles: 3.00
Weight: 0.00
Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

AM- 6 easy on the golf course.

PM- BTW (Big Trail Workout)- this was supposed to be just a leisurely trail run with Cody but it ended up being quite the beast.  He was feeling his Wheaties today, while I felt pretty bad.  Cody was faster today on the ups, downs, and flats.  We ran from First Dam up the canyon to Guinavah Malibu (6 miles, 48 min), then ran up the steeper grade to the wind caves (1.85 miles, 22 minutes).  Then the fun started.  We thought we knew where the trail was to take us the rest of the way up to the saddle on the Birdenuix trail above Green Canyon, but ended up bushwacking and clawing our way up scree and prickly plants.  It took 30 minutes to go .5 miles to the top, with a vertical gain of 1200 ft.  Umm, yeah, that means 40-45% grade.  The Garmin was barely reading that we were even moving.  We found the trail about 100 yards below the top and were amazed how much easier and faster it was than bushwacking.  We took a break at the top to eat a granola bar and enjoy the view, then descended the rather steep trail down to Green Canyon.  My legs were screaming at me- definitely not as recovered from Des News as I thought.  Finally reached the bottom of the canyon and looped back to the start via Bonneville shoreline trail.  My legs are trashed and I am exhausted.  Total distance was 16.5 (or so), with a Garmin reading of 5000+ ft elevation gain.  2.5 hours on the nose.  Although it was technically a medium distance run, my legs were as tired as at the end of a 22+ mile long run.  Trashed.  But, like Cody says, any trail run beats a road run.  Good, yet very tiring way to start the week.

XT Wings Miles: 15.00Adrenaline 2 Miles: 6.00
Weight: 0.00
From redrooster on Mon, Jul 27, 2009 at 13:52:46 from

umm... what happened to the 16.5 mile killer loop up wind cave and down Bieurdneau??? I was all set and waiting for you guys at 5:30 sharp and you never showed. ha ha ha. someday I will join you for that... but maybe we can start with a run from green canyon to bierdneau and back?

From paul on Tue, Jul 28, 2009 at 10:07:12 from

Sounds exactly like the first time I did that run with Dave. We got to the top and said "D'oh!" when we saw the trail. The 2nd time with James we made the proper turnoff, and it was a lot easier. Basically, if you get to the wind caves, you've missed it big time.

From Superfly on Tue, Jul 28, 2009 at 11:06:40 from

Nice big tail workout. So when do you officially start training for that 100?

From Jon on Tue, Jul 28, 2009 at 11:13:49 from

Paul- is the turnoff about .75 miles before the wind caves? Where the WC trail cuts back, but we keep going straight?

Clyde- planning to do TOU marathon first in Sept, then ramp up for the Feb ultra.

From paul on Tue, Jul 28, 2009 at 11:17:53 from


Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

AM- 8.5 easy on the golf course.  Had a near-incident with a skunk.  I've always wondered how I would react if I got sprayed.

PM- 6.5 easy with the wife and kids, circling around Logan.  Nice evening weather for a run.

Adrenaline 2 Miles: 6.50Double Jogger 2009 Miles: 6.50Omni 7 Miles: 7.00
Weight: 0.00
From Shimelle on Tue, Jul 28, 2009 at 10:01:49 from

Hmmm, us ladies were chatting with Walter about his skunk incidents this morning. He's had plenty. Good thing you didn't get sprayed, that would have "stunk!" Ha, ha.

From Mattrow on Tue, Jul 28, 2009 at 10:53:33 from

You would of been alright. Aren't you trained for that, with your stinking hotel room.

From redrooster on Wed, Jul 29, 2009 at 13:19:01 from

weird... you were on the "lone faithful list".. must be a glitch or something. but I thought I better fix that. And BTW, I read Paul's comment on your post about where to take the right trail to Bierdnea before I posted the same on Cody's entry about getting lost, I was just playing with you guys. But I also wonder... does anyone really know how to spell "birdneua" correctly ????

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

PM- Supposed to be a BW tonight, but I knew within about 5 steps that it wasn't going to happen- legs are still very tired and sore from my Monday run.  I can tell my legs got whimpy from my trip to Florida and lack of trail running.  Anyways, ended up doing 9 miles in about 1:15:00.  Slow and easy.

Tangent 2 Miles: 9.00
Weight: 0.00
From Cody on Thu, Jul 30, 2009 at 00:31:01 from

bummer, but somewhat expected considering the mileage on the legs.

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

AM- Finally a BW.  My legs felt good today for the first time this week, and actually for the first time in 3 weeks.  My last BW was 3 weeks ago with Cody (4x1600m at 5:43 avg pace- first track workout of the year), then I left for Florida and have never felt great on any runs since then, including Des News 10k.  I haven't had any 20+ mile runs and have aborted several BW during that time, so was starting to get worried that 3 weeks of sub-par running indicated some bigger problem.  It was great to finally get in a good workout.

Warmed up about 4 miles, then 2 miles tinman tempo, ending up at LHS.  Planned 5x1600m at sub-5:40 pace with 300m rest (~2 min).  Ended up doing 6 repeats.  I had the LHS boys and girls soccer teams practicing nearby to provide me with entertainment, as well as occasionally having to dodge soccer balls or people on the track.  Splits were 5:33 (too fast?), 5:36, 5:34, 5:36, 5:32, and 5:26.  Felt great but working hard the whole time.  Cooled down 4 miles w/ 4 strides.  Total of 16.5 miles at 1:55:00.  It's great to play hooky from work and be able to do BW in the cool mornings rather than the hot, hot afternoons.

PM- PWWF 4.  I took McKinley to her first movie today- we saw Up.  Pretty good, though it was a tad long to keep her attention the whole time.  Fun Daddy Daughter date.

Tangent 3 Miles: 16.50Adrenaline 2 Miles: 4.00Double Jogger 2009 Miles: 4.00
Weight: 0.00
From redrooster on Thu, Jul 30, 2009 at 12:56:51 from

thats a nice BW. it makes my SMW I did today look more like a very SW now.

From Cody on Thu, Jul 30, 2009 at 13:02:01 from

Very nice

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

AM- 7.5 easy.  Trying to recover for a very hard long run tomorrow- plan is 23 miles with 10 at marathon pace.

PM- 3 more.  Walter came into town so I'll be running with him in the morning, which is nice since Cody is sick.

NB 769 Miles: 3.00Double Jogger 2009 Miles: 3.00Omni 7 Miles: 4.00
Weight: 0.00
Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

AM- Long run with Walter, who thankfully came into town.  We met at 5:15 am at the bottom of Blacksmith Fork and drove up to about mile 10 of TOU (ended up being exactly mile 10, which is pretty good since the mile markers are gone).  Ran up to the start in exactly 1:15:00 (7:30 pace), though my legs and achilles started hurting at mile 7- that wasn't a good sign for the coming speedwork.  Filled up the water bottle.  I didn't have any granola bars or gu's at home, so I made my own concoction of marshmallows and almonds.  We ate some at this point- it was actually pretty good and a nice energy boost.  Then we ran back to the car- goal was about MP (6:00 pace or so), though I would have been happy with 6:15-6:30 given the way my legs felt.  Averaged 6:13/mile for the first 6, though we were still semi-conversational so not going too hard.  Mile 7 was a slow 6:27 (a bit uphill, plus I think we were getting tired).  But the seeing the slow mile helped us kick it into gear, finishing with a 6:03, 5:53 and 5:51.  It feels good to do 5:50 pace at the end of a long run.  6:09 avg pace for the way down.  Dropped Walter off, then I added 3 more miles on Hollow Road.  Total of 23 miles in 2:40:20 (6:58 pace). 

This is my first 100 mile week ever, but it was easier than my first 93+ mile weeks last year- my legs have adjusted pretty well.  And although my achilles is sore and my legs are tired, my legs are definitely much less tired and sore today then they were after Monday's crazy trail run.  It was a very hard run last Monday, that's for sure.  Good week- 100 miles, plus 1 BW, 1 BTW, and 1 long run with speed.  I'm off to Florida again next week, so my mileage might drop a bit.

Thanks for getting up so early and running with me, Walter- it was very nice not to have to run alone.  And for the record, we only had 600 ft elevation drop in the first 10 miles of the marathon.

Omni 7 Miles: 23.00
Weight: 0.00
From allie on Sat, Aug 01, 2009 at 11:56:32 from

century club! great run today and great job this week. holy cow that is amazing. nice job.

From Twinkies on Sat, Aug 01, 2009 at 22:49:49 from

Great run today. Congratulations on hitting 100 miles. That's awesome. Will you be back from Florida in time for Jupiter Peak?

From Holt on Sun, Aug 02, 2009 at 14:13:03 from

100 mile week - there is no stopping you now!

From Mattrow on Sun, Aug 02, 2009 at 15:15:30 from

Congrats on hitting the 100 mile club and the are not just easy miles. You were able to have some speed work also. So you were the one to talk Walter out of running the Wheat and Beet day 10K

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

AM- 5 by myself, then 5.5 with both kids.  I was supposed to go to FL later today for work, but they decided this morning to push it back to later this week.

PM- Trail run with Cody.  Hot in town (90+ deg) but a bit cooler in the mountains, plus lots of the run was in the bottom of shady, cool canyons.  We did Rick's Canyon to Steel Hollow- medium effort up to the top, then really pushed it most of the way down Steel, which is a blast to run down.  Some of the miles coming down were sub-6:00, with stretches as fast as 5:15-ish- pretty darn fast supposing it is technical downhill.  We slowed up a bit after Cody got stung by a wasp- he was a good sport, and we admired the swelling on the drive home.  1:41:00 for about 12 miles, with 2200 ft climb and descent.

By the way, Cody, I have that we ran this together July 30, 2007- so 2 years ago!  And it took us 1:43:30.  Definitely does not seem that long ago.

Double Jogger 2009 Miles: 5.50Progrid Guide TR Miles: 12.00NB 769 2 Miles: 10.50
Weight: 0.00
From jun on Mon, Aug 03, 2009 at 14:50:46 from

Trailrunner magazine just posted a video on facebook about their hill climb challenge. Didn't you win that? I thought I'd see you on there, but they didn't appear to put you on the vid. What's the deal?

From Jon on Mon, Aug 03, 2009 at 16:06:36 from

No, I won a little one put on by NordicTrack as part of WBR. The magazine one is much bigger and much, much more competitive- I wouldn't have a prayer at that one.

From Adam RW on Mon, Aug 03, 2009 at 22:55:58 from

Nice runs. Glad you were able to stay in town with the family a few more days. Nice mileage last week. Has to be nice to see the three digits.

From Holt on Tue, Aug 04, 2009 at 12:45:19 from

Isn't that weird how you can totally remember all these details of a run that took place years ago... I do that all the time.

From sam Dean-Howard on Tue, Aug 04, 2009 at 17:46:23 from

great training Jon awesome run :) love the detail cool

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

AM- GC 6.  Saw Cody heading out just as I was finishing.

PM- 8.5 with family.

Adrenaline 2 Miles: 6.00Double Jogger 2009 Miles: 8.50NB 769 2 Miles: 8.50
Weight: 0.00
Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

AM- Well, I had an exciting morning and a new experience.  I left my house at 5:15 headed towards the golf course.  After less then a quarter mile, with no warning, a big dog suddenly ran out of a yard, crossed the road, and attacked me.  Now, I've had lots of dogs run at me, bark, even nip me, and I've had dogs bite me once or twice.  But I've never had a dog attack me like this.  It was a full-grown, black Rottweiler, and it was vicious.  No barking or tail wagging, just snarling, growling, and biting.  100 lbs of teeth.  I kept circling on the road, kicking him away with my feet, while he kept charging in, trying to bite.  I was extremely fortunate that a car turned onto the road just then.  I waved my hands and yelled at it to stop and help.  The man rolled down his window, yelling and whistling to distract the dog.  He stopped right next to me but it still took me 30 seconds to open the door and hop in, due to the continued aggression of the dog.  I was scared out of my mind, my heart was pounding, and the adrenaline was surging.  The whole time, another dog (yellow lab, I think) stood in the same yard and barked at the scene.  Once in the car, we drove a few blocks down the street while I checked myself to make sure I wasn't bit.  The dog didn't follow, so I profusely thanked the man for his help, hopped out, and ran home.  The whole attack lasted less than 1-2 minutes, I think, though I can't be sure amidst the fear, adrenaline and confusion.  For the first time ever, I called the cops on a dog- there was no doubt that I did not want this dog around- heck, our little 12 year old newspaper girl would be riding down that street at 5:45.

The cops came and found the dog.  It tried to attack one of the officers, as well, but then ran off, though I noticed they kept their batons at the ready in their hands for the next 10 minutes.  They talked to the property owner, who said the lab was his but not the Rottweiler.  The officers said they would send out animal control, then left.  I ran around my neighborhood for a while, and will admit I was very jumpy.  I even saw a few other dogs in people's yards, with each sighting eliciting a huge adrenaline rush. 

Hope I never have that experience again.  I have never been that scared or threatened by a dog, and was reminded just how helpless we are against them.  It obviously was not a trained attack dog, otherwise I wouldn't be writing this right now.  But I know I will be even more cautious of big dogs, esp. Rottweilers and pit bulls, in the future.  And to everyone reading this who owns a dog, please keep them restrained at all times, even if they don't have a history of attacking people.  You never know what they will do in the dark at 5 am when a stranger runs by.

PM- 12 miles on Green Canyon, with 1800 feet climbing.  I love the trail, esp. the new singletrack.  My legs were very tired by the end from the mileage recently.  And it appears my business trip to FL won't be till next week, so I should be able to run Jupiter Steeplechase.  I'm very happy about that.

Progrid Guide TR Miles: 12.00Omni 7 Miles: 6.00
Weight: 0.00
From Cal on Wed, Aug 05, 2009 at 11:01:34 from

I'm happy that you came out of it unscathed. Pretty scary stuff.

Irresponsible dog owners are one of my pet peeves.

From jun on Wed, Aug 05, 2009 at 11:21:55 from

Great advice to dog owners. I love dogs but have chosen to never own one. I don't need a pet that requires more attention than my kids.

Glad you came out of it ok. That is a scary experience. That fear and apprehension is the constant attitude I have when running in the mountains by myself. I think I just have an over-active imagination.

From Fritz on Wed, Aug 05, 2009 at 13:37:41 from

Wow. Quite the story. Glad to hear you came away unscathed. Coincidentally a dog literally jumped into me while I was running yesterday but fortunately it was more tame and smaller than the Rottweiler you encountered.

From crockett on Wed, Aug 05, 2009 at 15:26:39 from

Wow that is really bad. I usually squirt the beasts with my hand-held water bottles. They don't like that very much.

From paul on Wed, Aug 05, 2009 at 17:37:40 from

Yeah, that's pretty scary. I had a similar experience a few months ago when a huge dog roaming the streets started aggressively growling and advancing on me. I had Seth in the stroller too. A driver saw it and stopped just ahead of me (which was cool), but fortunately the dog backed off before it came to that. Dogs are nice pets usually, but they are also animals and can snap at any time. One reason I got rid of Gil is simply because I did not want the liability anymore. If he ever got out, got freaked out, and bit someone, ultimately I would be responsible.

From allie on Wed, Aug 05, 2009 at 19:48:23 from

wow. so scary! really i am so scared of ALL dogs when i am running for this very reason. i am glad you are OK. that is just frightening.

From JimF on Wed, Aug 05, 2009 at 22:31:27 from

Glad that you are ok. I think this reminds us all to be a little more carefull around dogs.

From Jon on Wed, Aug 05, 2009 at 23:35:00 from

Thanks for your concern, everyone. I still feel lucky that car was there, otherwise I think I would have been bit eventually. Yup, watch out for dogs. I filled out an animal control report and they are looking for the dog.

From Dustin on Thu, Aug 06, 2009 at 00:15:21 from

Glad you made it out safe. Hopefully animal control can find that dog. My neighbor's dog always came chasing after me when I first moved into the neighborhood now I take him on runs, funny how things go with dogs sometimes.

From jtshad on Thu, Aug 06, 2009 at 05:42:56 from

Glad you are ok. I have always been leary of dogs out on my early runs and even do double takes when I hear one bark inside a garage (if they can hear me in there from the road and bark, what if they got loose?). That sounds like a scary experience, I am glad the guy in the car was so responsible.

From Adam RW on Thu, Aug 06, 2009 at 09:45:50 from

Jon, I'm just happy the dog didn't get a piece of you. I can't imagine the concern that was going through your mind. As others have commented just good that you are ok.

From MarkP on Thu, Aug 06, 2009 at 11:08:58 from

Wow, crazy stuff. Many cities have ordinances that restrict aggressive dog breeds. I can not think of a worse dog to run away from or beat back then a rottweiler. Your post makes me want to run with dog repellent spray.

From James on Thu, Aug 06, 2009 at 13:26:27 from

That is scary and I have had my own similar experiences to relate to that. When the dog just keeps coming and does not back down their is a problem. I hope they took care of the dog because that is way dangerous and someone could get seriously hurt. Sounds like you did the smart thing in getting a ride and calling the cops, I might not have handled that situation as well. I don't know if my rock throwing would have been enough with an animal like that, what you needed was my pistol shooting ability!:) Glad you are okay!

From Superfly on Thu, Aug 06, 2009 at 14:18:05 from

Wow sounds like a lifetime memory... only in Logan.

From Adam RW on Thu, Aug 06, 2009 at 15:15:40 from

Clyde, I don't know about only in Logan. In undergrad we would run in the farm lands of IL and one of the women on our team got a big bite from a German shepherd. She actually needed stitches in her behind... On a nicer note there was this St. Bernard that would want to play and try and run along with us. Now we were a group of 4 guys moving along at about 6:00-6:30 pace and it was hot early fall. This poor dog kept up with us for about a mile and then laid down on the side of the road. We actually stopped to make sure it was ok.

From Twinkies on Thu, Aug 06, 2009 at 15:42:12 from

Scary Story. My Aunt was attacked by a dog while out running. Her legs got tore up pretty badly and she had to go the the hospital. They found the dog and put it down. She carries mace with her now when she runs.

Glad to her you'll be able run the Jupiter Peak Steeplechase. I don't think dogs will be an issue on that course but you may have to watch out for other wild animals.

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

AM- 6 easy at the gym.  No way I was running outside after yesterday's adventure.  I may be traumatized for a little while...

Adrenaline 2 Miles: 6.00
Weight: 0.00
From jun on Thu, Aug 06, 2009 at 11:41:48 from

That is really unfortunate about your aversion to running outside at the moment. I remember reading Karl Meltzer's report of Hardrock (I think it was Hardrock) where he got attacked by a moose and spent the next 20+ miles shaking as he ran in fear of having that happen again. He mentioned in his blog a couple of times that the experience has haunted him a little in following races. Hopefully for you that fear will go away quickly.

From Jon on Thu, Aug 06, 2009 at 12:21:24 from

Jun- it's not so much just running outside- I did that last night. It's running past that area by myself at 5 am when it's dark. I'm hoping the catch the dog and I don't have to worry... but if not, I'll be back out there probably next week. No worries.

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

AM- 6 easy with 4 striders, 2xPW.  Beautiful morning for a run.  No work today- heading to Park City for my race plus 2 nights at a resort.  One of those "$25 for 2 nights if you listen to our timeshare presentation" kinds of thing.  Should be a nice getaway.

Noon- 3 more with the family.

Adrenaline 2 Miles: 3.00Double Jogger 2009 Miles: 3.00NB 769 2 Miles: 6.00
Weight: 0.00
From Jon A on Fri, Aug 07, 2009 at 13:34:32 from

I just read your dog story. Glad to see you out and putting the fear behind you as best as possible. Wow story. My heart raced for ya.

From redrooster on Fri, Aug 07, 2009 at 14:47:02 from

lets go find that dog when you get back.

From jtshad on Fri, Aug 07, 2009 at 14:55:44 from

Have a great time and go rock the Steeplechase!

From Cody on Fri, Aug 07, 2009 at 23:44:18 from

Run well my friend...

Race: Jupiter Steeplechase (16 Miles) 02:02:21, Place overall: 7, Place in age division: 2
Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

Quick report- Jupiter Steeplechase today in Park City.  Great race.  I ran it last year in 2:08:00 and placed 4th.  The field was much more competitive this year- I improved my time by over 5.5 minutes, but got 7th place (my time this year would have taken 2nd place last year).  But I had a blast, loved the downhills, and am excited about a huge time improvement... 

Long report- My family had a 2 night stay in PC, so I was able to sleep in this morning.  Ran a few miles in the hotel facility (no hills) and bumped into another runner, who ended up finishing just ahead of me.  Saw Twinkies at the start, plus **lots** of good runners- this is on the La Sportiva racing circuit with big prize money, so it was stacked.  Weather was 45 deg and absolutely perfect.  Last year I started off too slow, so wanted to fix that this year.

Race started with the field heading out very quickly.  I eventually settled into about 8th spot for most of the ascent, with a bit of passing and being passed.  It is a very steady climb of over 3000 ft in 8 miles, with the last .25 mile being so steep it is barely walkable.  Splits were 9:22, 9:07, 8:48, 7:27 (this mile had some flat and some down, which was a very welcome respite from the never ending uphills), 9:59, 9:34, 14:48 (includes the very steep ascent to Jupiter Peak).  Luke Nelson (La Sportiva runner) was a couple minutes ahead at the summit, and Brad Mitchell (also La Sportiva) and another guy barely edged me out over the summit (I can't really say they passed me, since we were all just slowly bushwacking up the mountain on our own paths, but they were just ahead), so I was in 10th place at this point, with another guy just behind.  It sure is hard to breath at 10,000 ft while climbing straight up a mountain while eating Shot Blocks.  Then it is a slight downhill, then another steep climb to Tri-Counties peak.  This mile was 9:07, and I hit the summit in 1:16:50- last year was 1:21 and 7th place at this point, so I was more than 4 minutes ahead of my time but further back in the standings.  At least I can say I didn't go out too slowly this year. 

I love trail running, and by that I primarily mean I love downhill singletrack.  LOVE it.  I tolerate climbing just for the downhills.  So, now the race was getting fun.  I quickly caught the 2 guys in front of me but could not pass them due to the singletrack.  Rather than force anything, I just relaxed for about a mile and let them carry me along. 6:33 mile.  Then we turned onto a jeep trail and I picked up the pace, moving into 8th place.  Next few miles were 5:30, 5:42, and 5:16 (what!?!  That split surprised me, given the technical nature of the downhill- flying).  At this point, Luke Nelson suddenly popped into view much to my surprise.  He pulled off so I could pass him, moving into 7th place- I was very surprised to pass him, since he beat me by 7.5 minutes this year at the Wahsatch Steeplechase.  I had no idea who else was ahead of me.  Next miles were 5:40, 6:12, and 6:11.  The last 3 miles of the course have lots of switchbacks which make it very hard to keep up the pace or to see where the competition is.  I would say some miles have as many as 15 or more switchbacks.  The last mile actually has some very painful, though somewhat short, uphill which saps all momentum.  No one ever appeared ahead of me, but I finished with a fast kick (aided by a nice downhill) and 6:04 mile pace.  Total time 2:02:21, 7:38 pace- 22 seconds faster per mile than last year.  I was very, very happy with how I raced and how I felt, though nowhere near my top 3 goal.  Winning time was 1:52, 3rd place was 1:58.  Man I love trail races!

Ended up in 7th overall, which was great since the top 7 got prizes.  There were a bunch of free shoes and some ski passes to PC- I ended up with a ski pass.  Sweet.  Hopefully I can use it.  Talked to a bunch of nice guys after the race, cheered Twinkie in, then headed back to the hotel for a nice shower.  Now I'll spend the rest of the day enjoying Park City, then fly to Florida tomorrow.  If I get in some good miles and BW while there, I'll aim for a PR at TOU 1/2 and full, my next 2 races.  Then I transistion fully into my ultra training for my 100 milers next year.  Should be a blast.


XT Wings Miles: 20.00
Weight: 0.00
From Dustin on Sat, Aug 08, 2009 at 17:07:32 from

Nice job on the race and way to improve your time from last year. Have fun in Florida

From Merri on Sat, Aug 08, 2009 at 17:07:57 from

Nice job Jon, that's great!!!

From allie on Sat, Aug 08, 2009 at 17:36:14 from

great race today, and a nice improvement from last year. awesome!

From crockett on Sat, Aug 08, 2009 at 18:05:11 from

Wow, that sounds like a lot of fun. I should have joined in. Maybe next year.

From James on Sat, Aug 08, 2009 at 18:23:56 from

6 minutes faster and 3 places back, sounds about right. Great race!

From paul on Sat, Aug 08, 2009 at 18:26:28 from

Nice job. But next time you need to win.

From Steve Hooper on Sat, Aug 08, 2009 at 19:31:16 from

Great Job Jon! Looks like some good times.

Are you still thinking Squaw Peak 50 for 2010?

From josse on Sat, Aug 08, 2009 at 21:11:14 from

WOW that is a smokin time on the course, great job:)

From Cody on Sat, Aug 08, 2009 at 21:54:13 from

Stellar! Great race for you. Sure beats Florida!

From redrooster on Sun, Aug 09, 2009 at 01:13:39 from

nice job Jon, and the best part is there were no rottweilers on the course.

From Twinkies on Sun, Aug 09, 2009 at 02:15:43 from

Awesome running today. I thought I was moving when I had a 6:27 split. But 5:16, that's just nuts. Great job.

From Jon on Sun, Aug 09, 2009 at 09:27:05 from

Thanks, everyone. It's a great race.

Paul, thanks for the advice. I never realized that before. I'll try to do that next time. Wish you had told me earlier.

Steve- planning on either Squaw 50 or Pocatello 50. We'll see.

From jtshad on Sun, Aug 09, 2009 at 10:20:33 from

Congrats on a strong race, glad you had a good time. Safe travels in Florida.

From Adam RW on Tue, Aug 11, 2009 at 23:33:10 from

Congrats. Way to stick it out with the big dogs. Nice plan for the rest of the year and beyond...

From Superfly on Wed, Aug 12, 2009 at 10:14:30 from

Great race Jon. You'll get your PR's in the half and full. Good luck the rest of the way... you'll have to plan a trip down here this winter for a training run for your 100. Come enjoy STG when the wether here is nice.

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

PM- 10 on the treadmill in Florida.  The building I work in on the space center has a gym facility on the first floor, so at least it is convenient, even though there are only 3 rather old treadmills.  Better than running outside right now, with a heat index of 95 deg.  No soreness and minimal fatigue from the race- my legs have finally adjusted to all the downhill trail pounding I can give them.

NB 769 2 Miles: 10.00
Weight: 0.00
From redrooster on Mon, Aug 10, 2009 at 22:42:42 from

back in Florida? hey- I am doing speed work tomorrow with our newest Logan elitist. I will try to keep up with her. have fun in gator country.

From jun on Tue, Aug 11, 2009 at 11:11:19 from

Where in Florida are you?

I'm heading to Tampa for 3 days 8/30 - 9/2.

From Jon on Tue, Aug 11, 2009 at 12:22:36 from

Jun- I'm staying at Cocoa Beach. And I really hope I'm not still down here in 3 weeks when you arrive- that would be way too long of a trip for me.

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

PM- 15 easy. And boring.

After dinner PM- 5 more.

Found a few links about the race on Saturday- they're saying it was one of the most stacked trail races.



Omni 7 Miles: 15.00NB 769 2 Miles: 3.00
Weight: 0.00
From redrooster on Tue, Aug 11, 2009 at 18:37:32 from

any race with you in it is stacked dude. I am still looking forward to our bidneua peak run sometime....maybe this fall?

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

AM- 14 on the beach watching the sunrise.  Absolutely no wind on the way out, strong headwind on the way back.  I've discovered I drink about twice as much water with no wind (1 bottle every 30-40 min) than with a headwind (1 bottle every hour+).

5 PM- 7 more.

10 PM- 6 more while watching the entertaining Wipeout on TV.  I only intended on 4 but felt good so kept going. 

I ended up with 27 miles today, and 47 over the last 2 days.  I think I'll be working a lot the next few days, which will probably result in less running- not a bad thing.

NB 800 Miles: 14.00Omni 7 Miles: 7.00NB 769 2 Miles: 6.00
Weight: 0.00
From jun on Wed, Aug 12, 2009 at 10:02:41 from

I'm looking forward to running near the beach and/or boardwalk when I get to Tampa. Not sure what my accessibility will be like from my hotel, but I'm going to try and scope it the night I get in. I'm jealous you were able to run on the beach.

From Superfly on Wed, Aug 12, 2009 at 10:16:19 from

Interesting that you drink more without a wind and less with a headwind... isn't the effort harder with the wind? I guess your getting cooled off...

From Jon on Wed, Aug 12, 2009 at 12:09:00 from

Jun- my hotel is 1/8 mile for the beach, so very close.

Clyde- you would think the headwind would be a bit harder. But you sweat SOOOO much and overheat with no wind, so a headwind actually feels better and keeps your body cooler.

From Jon on Wed, Aug 12, 2009 at 12:11:56 from

When I ran at 6 am, it was already 80 deg and very, very humid- so I absolutely drip sweat with no wind, and I'm normally not very sweaty.

From RivertonPaul on Wed, Aug 12, 2009 at 12:12:20 from

Sounds wonderful.

From redrooster on Wed, Aug 12, 2009 at 16:02:36 from

what happened to "water is for wimps"??? or is that only in Utah?

From Jon on Wed, Aug 12, 2009 at 16:16:43 from

"water is for wimps" gets over-ridden by the threat of heat exhaustion and death when in Florida. I sweat more and drink more in a 4 mile FL run than I do in a 12 mile UT run.

From Adam RW on Wed, Aug 12, 2009 at 17:22:17 from

Jon, Sounds perfect. I'm actually the opposite when it comes to water. In St. Louis with 90% humidity every day I almost never took water on runs. However, here in SLC I need water every two miles if I run during the day. Also, the wind has always made me need more water but I sometimes get distracted by it and forget. That is what killed me in the Chicago marathon in '05.

From Nan Kennard on Sat, Aug 15, 2009 at 20:57:04 from


Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

AM- 6 easy.  Very easy.

PM- 9 more.  Wanted at least 6, ended up going for 9.

Omni 7 Miles: 9.00NB 769 2 Miles: 6.00
Weight: 0.00
From Cody on Thu, Aug 13, 2009 at 10:22:51 from

Will you be home saturday?

From Jon on Thu, Aug 13, 2009 at 10:44:16 from

This Saturday? No way. They have barely started what I came to see, and work may take more than a week. I'm just hoping to be home Next Saturday. Sorry.

From Cody on Thu, Aug 13, 2009 at 11:43:27 from

bummer, I was thinking about doing the Tony Grove to bottom of Green Canyon run that day. I don't want to do it alone. What if a bear gets me?

From sam Dean-Howard on Thu, Aug 13, 2009 at 13:39:29 from

Great running this week, excellent, happy days :-)

From Jon on Thu, Aug 13, 2009 at 14:10:03 from

Cody- we could do it a week from Sat.

From Cody on Thu, Aug 13, 2009 at 14:44:21 from

Isn't that the date of the Running club run and the Cache Valley Biathlon? That's a full day.

From Jon on Thu, Aug 13, 2009 at 15:37:05 from

Oh yeah, good point. Maybe after the marathon? This weekend would be ideal, but I'm stuck here.

From redrooster on Thu, Aug 13, 2009 at 20:35:35 from

hey I hate to interrupt your important conversation, but I just wanted to point out how my quantcast numbers are really on the move of late. And after I bury you guys at the TOU half they are really going to fly. Of course, I am also teaching 300 students this fall, and since reading my blog weekly will be mandatory, well, just watch those numbers soar!!!

From redrooster on Thu, Aug 13, 2009 at 20:36:26 from

oh and whats the running club run?

From Jon on Thu, Aug 13, 2009 at 20:43:47 from

Scott- congrats on the quantcast numbers.

It is my ATK work running club. They do a number of long runs as training for fall marathons. Sept 22 is Blacksmith Fork. Everyone is invited- I think Cody and Allie are coming, at least.

From Adam RW on Fri, Aug 14, 2009 at 02:01:04 from

Scott, I like the idea about the student requirements.

Jon, I want your and anyone else's opinion on the following: http://fastrunningblog.com/forum/index.php/topic,1151.0.html

From Mattrow on Fri, Aug 14, 2009 at 09:21:10 from

Jon the club run is August 22 and yes Everyone is invited.

From Jon on Fri, Aug 14, 2009 at 09:28:54 from

Thanks, Matt, that's what I meant- Aug 22.

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

AM- 6.  My legs definitely have that overall tired feeling to remind me that I'm putting a lot of miles on them this week.  No pains or injuries, per se, just an overall fatigue and soreness.  Hopefully I'll be able to do a BTW tomorrow before I head into work.

PM- 4.

Omni 7 Miles: 4.00NB 769 2 Miles: 6.00
Weight: 0.00
From jtshad on Fri, Aug 14, 2009 at 10:43:56 from

Great running this week, hope work is going well too.

I am still working out the details of my race calendar for the next 3-4 weeks and may run TOU 1/2 but a couple of details are still being finalized. Still potentially have a couch available if I come that way?

From Jon on Fri, Aug 14, 2009 at 14:01:50 from

Yes, Jeff, though you would probably be the final one. My mother-in-law claimed a bedroom, and AdamRW claimed a couch. So you could have the second, final couch. Cody is also nearby, so we could ask him. But you are more than welcome at my house if you come.

From paul on Fri, Aug 14, 2009 at 14:11:31 from

I have a bed and a futon at my house as well. In case anyone else needs lodging.

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

AM- Big Treadmill Workout.  I had debated what workout would be the least tedious on a treadmill and settled on a tempo run.  But an even tempo gets boring, so I did a progressive tempo.  5 miles warmup, then started at about 6:20-6:30 pace (not sure- the treadmill definitely was going faster than it said it was- I've done lots of miles on this treadmill this week, and its "7:30 pace" is definitely faster than that).  Every 0.5 mile I bumped up the speed.  This really broke it up so I could think of only the next 1/2 mile increment.  Watched soccer on ESPN the whole time.  It was warm in the room with no fan, so my shirt was quickly soaked, sweat was flying off me, and eventually even my shorts (!) were drenched and sticking to me.  Ick.  Anyways, kept pushing the pace every half mile until I hit 8 miles of speedwork.  Decided to throw on one more speed mile, so total speed workout of 9 miles, finishing at 11 mph (5:27 pace)- rather tired by the end.  3 miles cooldown, 17 miles total for the run.  Scarfed down a huge breakfast at the hotel, then headed to work.

PM- 3 more before bed.  You didn't really think I was going to stop at 99 for the week, did you?  Weekly mileage PR by 1.5 miles.  Feel good, only a little twinge in the bottom of my foot.  Hopefully another 100+ miles next week, then take an easy week which happens to coincide with TOU 1/2.

NB 800 Miles: 11.00NB 769 2 Miles: 17.00
Weight: 0.00
From jtshad on Sat, Aug 15, 2009 at 11:22:26 from

Awesome mileage this week/month. Great workout...all on a TM...talk about ouch!

Hope work is going well. Are you working on the weekend or do you get to have a little fun?

From JimF on Sat, Aug 15, 2009 at 11:47:18 from

Great workout and good job cranking the miles!

From allie on Sat, Aug 15, 2009 at 12:57:21 from

nice work putting in those kind of miles on a TM and away from home. true dedication.

From Cody on Sat, Aug 15, 2009 at 13:46:01 from

You are an animal. A sweaty stinky rodent of some kind, but still, an ANIMAL!

From paul on Sat, Aug 15, 2009 at 13:49:08 from

Stick with it; good job.

From James on Sat, Aug 15, 2009 at 13:55:48 from

Amen to what Cody said!

From Jon on Sat, Aug 15, 2009 at 15:34:56 from

Stinky doesn't even start to describe how my running clothes all smell right now. Or my hotel room.

Jeff- working most of today, but not tomorrow. I'll probably walk on the beach and do my wash- so nothing too fun. I'd rather keep working so I can get home sooner.

From Adam RW on Sat, Aug 15, 2009 at 23:14:47 from

I hope that second run got in. In addition to the 215 record this will be your second 100+ in less than four weeks, correct?

From Jon on Sat, Aug 15, 2009 at 23:29:12 from

Just got 'er done, Adam.

From Adam RW on Sun, Aug 16, 2009 at 00:15:08 from

I'm glad. I knew you would. I was mostly curious by how much. Great training. Just try to not make me cry by how much you are going to beat me at the 1/2...

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

AM- 4.5 easy miles.  The beach was very crowded due to a predawn Delta II rocket launch on a gorgeous morning with a colorful sunrise.  It was cool watching the launch- about 2 minutes into the ascent, the rocket entered the sunlight and its plume was a brilliant white against a dark blue-purpleish sky. 

On a related note, it is becoming increasingly likely that Obama will cut the Ares I rocket program that I have been working on for the past 2 years.  If this happens, it is probable that hundreds to thousands of workers at my plant would lose their jobs, including me.  And this is on top of 750 job losses that happened earlier this year or are already announced for Oct. 

Noon- 10 more.

NB 800 Miles: 4.50NB 769 2 Miles: 10.00
Weight: 0.00
From jtshad on Mon, Aug 17, 2009 at 08:37:52 from

Sorry to hear about the work issues again! Take a look at the websites for INL jobs (BEA, CWI) if that may be of interest.

From jun on Mon, Aug 17, 2009 at 10:36:05 from

That is really bad luck. Sorry man.

From Robert on Mon, Aug 17, 2009 at 12:17:16 from

I hope things work out in your favor. Job related distractions are not easy.

From Dustin on Mon, Aug 17, 2009 at 12:24:59 from

Hope things work out.

From paul on Mon, Aug 17, 2009 at 13:56:45 from

Hard news. Sorry to hear it.

From Kory on Tue, Aug 18, 2009 at 13:10:13 from

The FBI is hiring in Pocatello. I don't know how your computer skills are.

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

AM- BTW.  5 miles warmup, then 3 miles tinman at 6:00 pace.  Then did 5x4min at CV pace (5:20-5:25), with 2 min rest in between.  3.5 miles cooldown.  Tired.  The pockets on my shorts had puddles of sweat in them by the end.  Fly home tomorrow.

PM- 7 more.  But now my trip home got delayed to Friday night, which means this trip will be at least 13 days.  Way too long to be away from a wife and two young kids.

Omni 7 Miles: 16.00NB 769 2 Miles: 7.00
Weight: 0.00
From JimF on Tue, Aug 18, 2009 at 09:26:33 from

Nice workout! Always good to be going home. Have a safe trip!

From redrooster on Tue, Aug 18, 2009 at 16:34:22 from

this makes me tired just reading it. and also makes me feel feebly inferior.

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

AM- 6 while watching the news about Brett Favre's unretirement.  Wonder what Paul thinks about this.  And will the Packers allow him to enter the Hall of Fame as a Packer still?

PM- 10.

PM after dinner- 4.5.

NB 800 Miles: 6.00Omni 7 Miles: 4.00NB 769 2 Miles: 10.00
Weight: 0.00
From jun on Wed, Aug 19, 2009 at 10:23:59 from

I would hope the Packs don't get too butt hurt and not let him go as a Packer. That would be silly. Although, what I think he is doing now is pretty silly too. He's great and all, but I think he should have retired last year.

From redrooster on Wed, Aug 19, 2009 at 10:54:35 from

Jon, as a true packer backer who grew up in Madison WI, I will say this: Brent is not a popular guy back home. I wish I had though up the idea for this shirt, this company on State street in Madison is making a real killing off it:


My guess is this is going to be a comical NFL season. let the interceptions begin! Bart Starr is the man!!!!

From redrooster on Wed, Aug 19, 2009 at 11:00:35 from

check this:


From paul on Wed, Aug 19, 2009 at 12:05:09 from

Packers are going to knock the stuffing out of Brent Farve in front of a national audience on MNF on Oct 5. Rogers will outplay in every aspect of the game. Can't wait.

From Jon on Wed, Aug 19, 2009 at 13:20:24 from

Paul, I think I actually detect some animosity now. Not surprising, actually. Brett has turned himself from a "football hero" who played for the "love of the game" into an extremely selfish, indecisive egomaniac who doesn't mind holding an entire team hostage and lying just to get what he wants. I heard he actually just wanted to skip training camp, which is why he delayed his return. And even after Childress said he would require Favre to attend OTA's or at least training camp if he wanted to play.

Here's the good news- the Vikings just screwed themselves long-term. Sage and Tavaris have no trust in Childress, Brett will get injured or play crappy by the end of the season, and the Vikings will have no QB to fall back on. Plus I'm sure this whole "put Favre on a pedastal above the rest of the team" has ticked off some of his new teammates...

Part of me hope he gets hurt, but that's mean. So I hope he stays healthy but plays like complete CRAP such that Childress has to bench him, turn to his rejected QB's, and break Favre's start streak. And then they still miss the playoffs. And then the Packers won't allow him to go into the HOF as a Packer.

From paul on Wed, Aug 19, 2009 at 13:29:33 from

Packer fans hate the Vikings. Brett Favre is now a Viking. Thus, Packer fans hate Brett Favre.

From redrooster on Wed, Aug 19, 2009 at 15:17:00 from

Paul, I assume we are going to watch MNF together since we are both from Wisconsin?

And you had the spelling right in the first post. It is Brent Farve.

And anyway, I am still pissed at Brent about the giants game, I was glad to see him go after that. What an idiotic pass. Typical. good riddance.

From paul on Wed, Aug 19, 2009 at 15:25:05 from

Sure come on over on Oct 5 for MNF. We will be in Smithfield by then, and settled in. My only rule is no talking about non-football related things except during commercials. And respectful silence while the offense is on the field.

From Jon on Wed, Aug 19, 2009 at 15:54:43 from

What about when the defense is on the field? Do we have to cheer "D-fense"?

From redrooster on Wed, Aug 19, 2009 at 15:55:35 from

hmmm... you may be more into this football stuff than I am anymore.... I wonder if they sell the brent shirt in a tech singlet?

From paul on Wed, Aug 19, 2009 at 16:00:26 from

No, then you make Brick Favvrer slurs.

From Jon on Wed, Aug 19, 2009 at 20:38:17 from

Now that one I can do. Even sober.

From Kory on Wed, Aug 19, 2009 at 21:30:47 from

My two cents (or three or four):

I think not knowing what he really wanted to do and not being confident probably will hurt his performance. It has been a circus surrounding this issue. But let him play because it's his legacy. If he wants to be remembered as a flop with the Vikings than A Hall Of Framer with Packers then he'll have to live with it.

At least it will bring more drama to the NFL, and the Packer games.

From redrooster on Wed, Aug 19, 2009 at 22:21:06 from

Kory, your last sentence sums it up well, it kind of makes you wonder if the whole thing is some kind of staged/rehearsed publicity stunt, kind of like professional wrestling. I wonder if the packer and viking management didn't get together on this. the packer management couldn't dream for better drama than this for their season.

From paul on Thu, Aug 20, 2009 at 08:01:17 from

I'm still holding out hope that Favre and Ted Thompson schemed the whole thing together, as an elaborate 2-year plan to ruin the Vikings. Favre will get the Viks to the playoffs, and then "fall apart" in order to break hearts of their fans and get their coach fired. Favre then retires for the third and last time, but meanwhile the Viking locker room is in disarray, morale is low, and they have no viable quarterback who doesn't hate their organization. One can only dream...

From redrooster on Thu, Aug 20, 2009 at 15:39:37 from

Paul, you are an eternal optimist but maybe delusional on this one.. though I like your optimism! I am trying to figure out how this scenario correlates with that interception in overtime against the giants though... was there a grander purpose for that by brent to somehow elevate the packers?

From paul on Thu, Aug 20, 2009 at 15:44:36 from

Sometimes you need to lose the battle to win the war.

From Jon on Thu, Aug 20, 2009 at 15:46:38 from

This sounds exactly like something I recently read...


From Dustin on Thu, Aug 20, 2009 at 23:47:48 from

Man I missed out on such a good discussion. It is pretty boring talking about running all the time. I don't have much to add on the Favre situation. I'm just impressed he was still wearing his same faded red hat he has wore at all the other retirement, unretirement press conferences. I just want to know how our Broncos are going to do this year Jon? I'm not to sold on Kyle Orton, throwing three interceptions in a pre-season game is not a good thing.

From Jon on Fri, Aug 21, 2009 at 07:58:26 from

Dustin, I'm worried about this year. I think 8-8 would be great. But realistically I think they will be closer to 4 wins than 8, esp. if Brandon Marshall doesn't get his act together. It could be a very long year.

So why did we fire Shanahan, again?

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

Noon- 10 easy.

Night- 4 easy.

NB 800 Miles: 4.00NB 769 2 Miles: 10.00
Weight: 0.00
Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

AM- 7 easy.  Now I have a full day of work, and then (hopefully) fly home late tonight.  It's been a long 13 day trip.

NB 769 2 Miles: 7.00
Weight: 0.00
From Mattrow on Fri, Aug 21, 2009 at 09:19:07 from

Nice. Hope the flight goes well see you tomorrow.

Did you notice you are king of the mileage board.

From Jon on Fri, Aug 21, 2009 at 09:20:19 from

Don't jinx me.

From Adam RW on Fri, Aug 21, 2009 at 11:02:06 from

No Jinx going on. I want to see another 100+. Glad you are on your way home tonight. Have a safe flight.

From redrooster on Fri, Aug 21, 2009 at 13:21:02 from

safe flight home, see you next saturday, my blisters willing.

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

AM- Long run back in good ol' Logan.  It was OH SO GLORIOUS to run in cool weather again (though the ride to the top in the jeep with no top was chilly- we did see a bull moose, though).  Ran with my work running club today.  Allie and Cody came.  Cody and I started running at mile 4 of TOU course, ran to the top, then down to the end of Hollow Rd, with gatorade provided every 3 miles courtesy of Marty and the club.  We ran most of the way down with Allie and Russ Bennett, while MattRow ran ahead.  Pace was about 6:45-7:00.  At mile 14, Cody and I picked it up to 6:05-6:30 pace for a while.  We caught Matt at an aid station and made him run with us for a few miles, plus we dragged him up the hill into Hyrum as practice for SGM.  Finished up the run of 21.5 miles in 2:23:33, 6:42 avg.  Felt a bit tired but good, other than a knot/charlie horse in my right calf.  Easier week next week leading up to TOU 1/2, then a few more hard weeks. This is my 3rd 100+ mile week in the past 4 weeks, so rest is needed.

MattRow ran a great workout today- 20 miles all averaging faster than his goal MP!  Wow!  That's a hard workout- it will definitely make him better for the marathon.

NB 769 2 Miles: 21.50
Weight: 0.00
From allie on Sat, Aug 22, 2009 at 16:25:59 from

thanks for letting me know about this. i had a great time today. you guys are crazy for running up that hill...you better mention that to scott. he thinks our tailwind/downhill run was too easy :) maybe mine was, but yours wasn't.

From Jon on Sat, Aug 22, 2009 at 16:31:46 from

As Paul would say, "eh, 1/4 mile uphill doesn't make up for 21 downhill miles..."

From Jon on Sat, Aug 22, 2009 at 16:32:11 from

Glad you could make it, too, and enjoy talking to Russ.

From James on Sat, Aug 22, 2009 at 16:37:51 from

I liked that run when we did it two years ago.

From Adam RW on Sat, Aug 22, 2009 at 18:17:26 from

Another great week! Congratulations on so much great training this year.

From Holt on Sat, Aug 22, 2009 at 18:29:33 from

Another great week - good job Jon.

From JD on Sat, Aug 22, 2009 at 19:12:51 from

Seriously great running!

From Mattrow on Sat, Aug 22, 2009 at 20:53:32 from

It was a good run you are an animal running up that hill. I can't believe you got me to run up that hill.

From redrooster on Sat, Aug 22, 2009 at 21:55:51 from

if I had known there was going to be all that free food and the tailwind I would have joined you guys. You sure know how to throw a party. And run fast. And eat bagels. If there were a fast bagel eating competition you would win for sure.

From paul on Sat, Aug 22, 2009 at 22:09:35 from

Wish I could have ran with you guys today. We'll just have to make a date in the BSF next Saturday...

From sam Dean-Howard on Sun, Aug 23, 2009 at 11:38:45 from

Sounds like a real fun and cool run training wise to do, excellent well done Jon :-)

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

AM- 6

PM- 10 with Cody on the River Trail.  I have never seen as many runners on it as we saw today.  Easily 10 times more runners than walkers or bikers.  Then ran 4 with Marci and the kids.

Adrenaline 2 Miles: 6.00Double Jogger 2009 Miles: 4.00Omni 7 Miles: 14.00
Weight: 0.00
From redrooster on Mon, Aug 24, 2009 at 15:39:13 from

short posts like that will not help you defend against my new onslaught to overtake your quantcast number.

From Jon on Mon, Aug 24, 2009 at 16:04:14 from

Oh well. I'm more worried about my TOU 1/2 time than my quantcast number.

From redrooster on Mon, Aug 24, 2009 at 19:19:01 from

what do you think of this huge increase in TOU half size? last time I ran it, in 2006, I bet there were maybe 500 people. I kind of liked the small small town flavor, but on the other hand I guess we should be glad our local races are gaining popularity. So how fast are you planning to run this year anyway?

From Jon on Mon, Aug 24, 2009 at 23:54:11 from

I think the growth is good. And I'm planning to run as fast as I can for a 1/2 marathon.

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

AM- Tired this morning, so scrubbed the morning run.  I love recovery weeks- mileage doesn't really matter.

PM- BW with Cody.  Last year on the Tues before TOU 1/2, I did a BW with Paul and Cody running the Providence hills loop with 8 miles tempo.  I felt terrible and took 3 potty breaks, but I ran one of the best races of my life that Saturday.  Well, today I did an 8 mile tempo with Cody on TOU course through Providence and Nibley.  I felt pretty bad and took 3 potty breaks.  It was hot and we didn't drink for 10 miles, so wasn't the best workout, but that's ok.  4 miles warmup, then splits of 6:00, 6:19, 6:29 (up the hwy and Hollow Rd), 6:15, 5:58 (down the highway), 6:10, 6:23 (up the Millville hill- I actually felt good on this mile), 6:20 (down the hill into the Middle School- ran out of steam on this mile).  Avg 6:14 for the tempo, 6:51 pace for the 15 miles.  Not a great workout, but got it done.  Cody felt even worse than me but toughed it out.  Now 3 very easy days before the 1/2 marathon.

Tangent 2 Miles: 15.00
Weight: 0.00
From jun on Wed, Aug 26, 2009 at 13:22:51 from

Yowza, that's speedy.

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

PM- 3 with Marci and the kids, then 4 by myself.  A golf ball flew within 1-2 feet of my head while I was running near the golf course- lucky I wasn't hit.

Double Jogger 2009 Miles: 3.00NB 769 2 Miles: 7.00
Weight: 0.00
From sam Dean-Howard on Thu, Aug 27, 2009 at 06:16:34 from

ooooh you dodged the golf ball, thats not fair they lost out on 10 points LOL

great running with the family thats cool

From paul on Thu, Aug 27, 2009 at 07:43:19 from

I'm always afraid of getting hit and killed by a rouge golf ball while running out there. One more reason why golf should be banned (reason #1 being so that golf courses can be reclaimed as cross country courses).

From jtshad on Thu, Aug 27, 2009 at 10:31:29 from

Dang, you mean I missed?

From jtshad on Thu, Aug 27, 2009 at 10:32:51 from

Are you in IF?

From Jon on Thu, Aug 27, 2009 at 12:11:49 from

No, Jeff, our rafting trip got cancelled so we stayed home.

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

AM- 7 easy on WP-Planet Walk. No golf balls.

NB 769 Miles: 7.00
Weight: 0.00
From redrooster on Thu, Aug 27, 2009 at 15:05:34 from

you ever see your rottweiler pal again? maybe carry some golf balls to nail him with.

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

Noon- PW 4 w/ 4 strides.  Shoes are retired.

Tangent 2 Miles: 4.00
Weight: 0.00
Race: Top of Utah 1/2 marathon (13.1 Miles) 01:11:45, Place overall: 6, Place in age division: 2
Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

AM- Top of Utah 1/2 marathon today.  I want to first brag about Marci.  She ran this race in 2005 in 2:21, and was doubting if she could beat her time.  She crushed it in 1:49:58, finishing in the top 20% of all finishers!  Good job, babe!

I have done this race more than any other (5 of the past 7 years) and really use it as the primary means to gauge my fitness.  I have gotten faster every year, though my places have gotten steadily worse (2003 1:16:49 3rd, 2005 1:15:36 1st, 2007 1:14:12 3rd, 2008  1:11:37 5th).  Last year was a great race for me, one of those days where everything clicked and I felt amazing.  I have put in more miles this year so was hoping to be near or faster than last year.

Caught an early bus with Marci and I ran down to the secret elite staging area/private bathroom (a nearby picnic area).  I had it to myself for 45 minutes as I jogged around, stretched next to the river, and repeatedly used the bathroom.  It was a peaceful scene before the coming chaos.  Jogged to the start and saw quite the stacked race- lots of guys from the circuit (Taren, Seth, Nathan Hornock, Aleksander, Albert Wint, Joe Wilson) plus a big FRB crew- Paul, Cody, Adam, Walter, Scott, Matt, Allie, et al).  They told us pre-race that we had to run in the right lane down the canyon rather than running the tangents, which I would guess added at least 20 seconds to the times.  They have never made that request before.  Weather was nice- mid-50's, overcast.

The race finally started and we quickly sorted into our places.  Walter and I ran near each other for a few miles before he dropped back, leaving me alone in 7th place, with only Nathan and Albert in view, plus occastional footsteps behind.  I ran the whole race this way, ~10-40 seconds behind Nathan and Albert.  Splits down the canyon were 5:20, 5:27, 5:29, 5:28 (worried that my splits were too slow here), 5:18, 5:17 (that's a bit better- 10k split of 33:25, which is close to my PR and 45 seconds faster than Des News 10k last month), 5:19.  Felt good with just slight sideaches down the canyon- I didn't seem to have a faster gear that was there last year, but it wasn't incredibly hard to maintain this pace.  We had a moderate tailwind for a few miles at the bottom of the canyon, though not as strong as I hoped.

I hit Hollow Road and I finally had put a gap on everyone behind me.  The road flattens out a bit, with splits of 5:30, 5:33, and 5:36.  Mile 10.5-12 climbs a bit, then mile 13 downhill to the finish.  Nathan and Albert had steadily increased their lead to about 35 seconds, when all of a sudden I noticed Albert starting to come back to me after mile 10, though he was still a long ways ahead.  Mile 11 was 5:42, total time of 1:00:03.  I remembered being at 59:59 last year at this point, so just a hair behind.  Albert was coming back even more, and I caught him just after mile 12 (5:51), moving into 6th overall.  I did my best to convince him to drop by running a 5:20 for mile 13 and 30 seconds for the last bit.  Total time was 1:11:46, 3 seconds ahead of Albert, 90 seconds behind Nathan, and 9 seconds slower than my PR. 

All in all I am satisfied with my race.  Last year was an amazing, A+ type race.  This year was more normal, maybe an A-, and I was only 9 seconds back.  I'm sure I would have PR'ed if we could have run tangents, but that doesn't really matter.  All in all, this is probably a better relative performance, plus I wasn't ever straining and never felt overly tired, which is a good sign for TOU in 3 weeks.  I will say I think I am near my limit for this race- it may be possible for me to break 1:11, but I think I have pretty much maxed out my results.  I'm not sure if I'll do it again, since I plan to focus on trail races after TOU this year.  It is a great race that has grown phenominally in both numbers and competition- my winning time from 2005 would have put me in 15th place today.

I didn't get to stay around to talk as much as I would have liked with all the FRB-ers but there were some great performances- Paul(!!!), Adam, Cody, Walter, Matt, Scott, Allie... the list is long.  Sorry I didn't get to see all of you more, especially the SLC guys Adam and Walter.  But congrats to everyone today. 

Tangent 3 Miles: 20.00
Weight: 0.00
From allie on Sat, Aug 29, 2009 at 14:16:20 from

nice race today. looking on track for TOU. i finally saw the green shorts!

From Superfly on Sat, Aug 29, 2009 at 14:22:21 from

Solid race Jon. Looking forward to seeing you PR in the full. Keep it up man. Good job to Marci too. That's great!

From RivertonPaul on Sat, Aug 29, 2009 at 15:14:53 from

Nice job Jon. Enjoy the in-laws.

From Adam RW on Sat, Aug 29, 2009 at 16:38:39 from

Nice job Jon. Considering everything that has gone on this year and the mileage you have in your legs right now to be so close to your PR is great. I'm really looking forward to what you will do at TOU fully tapered.

From paul on Sat, Aug 29, 2009 at 18:01:10 from

Nice job. Although you didn't run faster than last year, I think you may be more primed to run a PR marathon this year. It's just a different kind of fitness. That fact that you didn't feel too exerted during the race points toward the idea that you'll run better as the distance gets longer. Bodes well for February as well.

From Dave S on Sat, Aug 29, 2009 at 20:42:27 from

Great race. looks like you're ready for a great run in 3 weeks. Congrats to Marcie.

From Holt on Sat, Aug 29, 2009 at 22:49:52 from

Very nice Jon. Good job.

From Mattrow on Sat, Aug 29, 2009 at 23:07:17 from

Nice race. If you are not at the front you can run tangents, I did.

From MarkP on Sat, Aug 29, 2009 at 23:11:54 from

Its crazy how competitive all these Utah races are getting. Great job!

From redrooster on Sun, Aug 30, 2009 at 00:03:59 from

Jon, great race, and congrats to Marci too, sorry I missed you today, a hectic day for me too going down to provo shortly after the race. I did see you at the start but never got a chance to say hi. hope we can do a trainng run soon! Scott

From Nan Kennard on Sun, Aug 30, 2009 at 00:12:38 from

Nice! Looks like you are definitely set up to PR in the Full! Go Jon!

From sam Dean-Howard on Sun, Aug 30, 2009 at 08:36:26 from

excellent race well done happy days eh :-)

From Dustin on Sun, Aug 30, 2009 at 10:35:59 from

Great Job Jon. Nice to see you keep getting faster on this course. I need to come up and run it sometime. I enjoy halves much more than full marathons. Hobble Creek and Bryce are nice, don't think I'll do Provo Half in the near future, so maybe next year I'll have to come up.

From Twinkies on Sun, Aug 30, 2009 at 10:41:13 from

Very nice race. You will be flying down that canyon during the full. Good luck.

From c h a d on Sun, Aug 30, 2009 at 10:48:57 from

Great race to both you and Marci, Jon. Your running versatility (trails, roads .. he does it all) is impressive. Keep it up!

From Burt on Sun, Aug 30, 2009 at 11:31:25 from

I can't believe the race directors didn't give you a good tail wind. When I ran the race on 2007, they promised and delivered a good tail wind. What is this race coming to?

From redrooster on Sun, Aug 30, 2009 at 11:32:34 from

great quotes by our own Jon Allen here!!!!! way to promote our local races Jon, you are a great ambassador for the sport and an amazing role model. Scott


From Kelli on Sun, Aug 30, 2009 at 14:33:24 from

Very nice race and congrats to Marci, that is quite an amazing finish and PR for her!

Best of luck at the full in 3 weeks!

From Ashbaker on Sun, Aug 30, 2009 at 16:15:12 from

Good run Jon! I think your legs just need more time to bounce back from the mileage and racing is all. What you describe sounds all to familiar.

From jtshad on Sun, Aug 30, 2009 at 19:10:09 from

Great race for you and Marci!

From Cody on Sun, Aug 30, 2009 at 23:22:39 from

You are a man on a mission! You will be in a great position to destroy your marathon PR. I am getting excited for you already...

From James on Mon, Aug 31, 2009 at 00:29:35 from

Nice race buddy! Wish I could have been there for you to kick my butt!

From Sasha Pachev on Mon, Aug 31, 2009 at 18:04:44 from

I think you have quite a bit more in you than a high 1:11 on this course. Just the fact alone that you could race DesNews 10 K in 34:06 with an all out effort indicates that something was out of whack a month ago. It is not likely that you'd hit your limit or even anywhere close a month after being that much out of whack.

Not to mention business trips, sickness, and trail races. The first two hurt everything. The trail races kill half speed.

I have some ideas on what needs to happen to get faster in the 5 K to marathon range. First, you need to find a way to be healthy. Eat a consistently healthy diet. Find loopholes in your work schedule to sleep. Learn to trap pending illnesses early, ease off on the training when you feel those signs.

Second, you have very good top end speed, and very good aerobic base. But you are lacking the bridge. What I would do is start with a 100 meter time trial to determine base speed. I think you'd get about 12.8, which is good enough. Then make sure you can run 200 in 25.5, 26.0 at the slowest. Then work on 55 second quarter. Then 2:00 800. Then 4:20 mile, 9:20 2 mile, and sub-15:00 5 K.

The idea is that you find the drop-off point on the distance/speed graph where all of a sudden you are off the charts in the negative direction as the distance increases, and work on extending the speed at that particular point. Then move on to the next point until you get to the marathon.

From Cody on Mon, Aug 31, 2009 at 18:20:48 from

I wonder if Jon will even do another road marathon after TOU? I doubt it. He seems more interested in taking the leap into trail racing and ultras full time. If I am right, Jon's mile and even 5K speed are pointless. Yes, his speed defines his true potential (quality X or whatever) in whatever distance, but ultras are a different animal (yes it is still considered running) and if he does "give up" road racing all of that wont matter. He has plenty of speed to keep up with the big boys in the mountains. He would just need to train more specifically for the mountains and technical trails.

That said, I agree with Sasha's assessment that Jon is out of whack. Isn't that what he said? ;)

From paul on Mon, Aug 31, 2009 at 18:27:47 from

I also agree that there is something funny about Jon.

From Jon on Sun, Sep 06, 2009 at 00:41:46 from

Gee, thanks Cody and Paul, for the vote of confidence ;)

Sasha- thanks for the thoughtful write up. I would say Des News was the end of a long week/month for me and was an off day, nothing major out of whack. I'm sure I could improve my speed- I think my official mile PR is 4:53? from college. And I set my 5k PR earlier this year without too much trouble, with minimal speedwork. But it is still relatively slow versus other races. However, I think it was my first non-Striders 5k in 3 years. Why? I guess I'm not interested in doing them. Heck, I think my shortest speedwork was 1600m repeats this year.

Like Cody said, I really plan to convert to all trail races after TOU, unless I do horrible. I would like to feel like I meet at least most of my road marathon potential and leave it at that (2:30-2:35ish, not 2:40). I enjoy trails much more and do better on them, so that is where you will find me in the future. I'm sure I'll do some road races, but emphasis will be on trails. Wish me luck.

From Sasha Pachev on Tue, Sep 08, 2009 at 20:39:19 from

Jon - I do not believe it is possible to max out your marathon without maxing out your 5 K first, or at least bringing it close. Here is how I see it. Imagine a metal chain. One end of the chain is your 100 meter speed. The other end is your marathon. Since metal does not stretch a whole lot, if your 100 meter end of the chain is low, the marathon end can only rise so far. Additionally, if you let any of the middle portions of the chain drop too low, even if the 100 meter end is where it should be it still significantly limits how high you can raise the marathon end.

There is a reason Ritz put enough emphasis on the 5000 to break 13:00 even though his eventual goal is the marathon.

From Jon on Thu, Sep 10, 2009 at 15:55:49 from

Thanks, Sasha. I understand what you are saying. I'm not sure I'll ever work much on my 5k speed, though, since I'll mainly be doing trail runs. But I'll have to work on it if I ever try for sub-2:30.

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

AM- 7 easy. Negligible soreness.

PM- 11 from First Dam to Guinivah Malibu, 8:02 avg pace.  The trail was practically empty tonight, as opposed to last week when Cody and I saw a crowd of people.  Or would it be a herd?  A mob?  Grundle?  Gaggle?

Finished with 406.5 miles this month, my first month over 400 ever.  4 straight months over 300 miles, another first.  354 miles/month avg since the start of May.

Progrid Guide TR Miles: 11.00NB 769 2 Miles: 3.00
Weight: 0.00
From Mattrow on Mon, Aug 31, 2009 at 10:44:08 from

I can't believe you can put so many mile in.

From jun on Mon, Aug 31, 2009 at 11:54:25 from

You're a monster. You also have done a ton of two-a-day runs, which I think really helps that. I'll probably do a couple of those while I'm here in Tampa.

From paul on Mon, Aug 31, 2009 at 14:00:26 from

Kudos on the mileage.

From Dustin on Mon, Aug 31, 2009 at 14:43:24 from

Since you are following those quantcast stats here is another comment. I'm a little worried about our Broncos?

From Jon on Mon, Aug 31, 2009 at 14:51:18 from

Umm, yes. I sit by a guy at work who is from Michigan and loves the Lions. I told him today I think they may win more games than the Broncos. It may be a long, long year. What do you think, Dustin?

On a related note, I just bought tickets to watch the Giants-Broncos at Denver on Thanksgiving day!

From Dustin on Mon, Aug 31, 2009 at 21:26:34 from

That should be a fun game, might have snow by then. I've lived down here in St. George for too long now. I can't handle going to Colorado anytime from October to April anymore. May is pushing it sometimes. I think we'll win more games than the Lions, in fact I think we'll even have a better record that the Raiders and the Cheifs

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

AM- 10.  Tired this morning.

PM- 8 more, 4 with the family.  Still tired.

NB 769 Miles: 10.00Double Jogger 2009 Miles: 4.00Omni 7 Miles: 8.00
Weight: 0.00
Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

AM- 6.  Feeling better than yesterday.

PM- 8 with Paul.  Realized afterwards that we went the whole time without talking about football, which is surprising given the proximity of the season plus all the drama in the NFC North.

Adrenaline 2 Miles: 6.00NB 769 2 Miles: 8.00
Weight: 0.00
From redrooster on Wed, Sep 02, 2009 at 17:35:25 from

I feel worse than yesterday.

From paul on Thu, Sep 03, 2009 at 08:36:39 from

Yes, but we talked about the health care industry, which is another typical topic of conversation.

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

AM- Slept in a bit too long to get in a long run.  9.5 easy instead.  Now to go rafting for the day.

PM- 6 slow miles.  Tired from a very fun day rafting on the Snake River.  Marci and I went rafting with some coworkers of mine on the Snake River today. It was a blast, but the best was the second run when my boss and the 2 kids with us got dumped! Check out these pictures.

We almost tipped over, but my favorite is Frame 12a where all you can see of the two kids is their feet sticking out of the water. The girl got tossed so far she is out of the frame in the other views. She cried the rest of the time and just wanted out of the boat!

NB 769 Miles: 6.00NB 769 2 Miles: 9.50
Weight: 0.00
From sam Dean-Howard on Thu, Sep 03, 2009 at 15:51:20 from

sleep is more important sometimes

enjoy rafting ;)

From Dustin on Thu, Sep 03, 2009 at 15:55:44 from

This is a video of my oldest son rafting in the Grand Canyon a few weeks ago. He is the big kid on the front of the raft. He is a lineman and a basketball player not a runner. He is 6'1 and weighs 170 lbs and is only in 8th grade. Fortunately he still knows who is in control in the house.

Hope you had fun rafting.


From Dustin on Thu, Sep 03, 2009 at 15:58:55 from

Sorry I didn't link that video, not sure I even know how to do that in a post.

From Kory on Thu, Sep 03, 2009 at 22:26:41 from

Your really putting in the Miles. I think your going to do below a 2:35 at TOU. Great training Jon. Slow miles are good endurance miles. I should have you ran the race Saturday for me.

From jtshad on Fri, Sep 04, 2009 at 10:09:50 from

Sounds like you had a fun day on the river. Good seeing you and Marci last night, too bad we won't get to run together while you are in town. Have a good weekend!

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

AM- Long run with a BW.  Started at the in-laws house but mainly ran on the Idaho Falls greenbelt and Freeman Park.  Warmed up 8 miles (7:19 avg pace), then started my 10 mile tinman tempo.  Goal was around 6:00 pace, though I discovered that the greenbelt is not the ideal tempo route due to number of people, quite a few stoplights, plus a few cutbacks.  And it has a few hills.  Nevertheless, did the tempo in 1:00:57, which averages 6:05.  Last mile was a 5:47.  I was happy with the workout- I did it late morning, so the temp was ~75 deg, plus the course certainly added at least 5-10 seconds per mile.  And 10 miles is a long way to tempo.  Cooled down 5 miles at 7:13 pace, giving a total workout of 23 miles in 2:35:43 (6:46 avg).  Legs are tired now- last long run before TOU.

Doing my long run on Fri should secure me at the top of the mileage board for the rest of the day... :)

NB 769 2 Miles: 23.00
Weight: 0.00
From Ashbaker on Fri, Sep 04, 2009 at 15:07:29 from

Pretty decent run Jon! I suspect we'll be keeping each other company for a while at TOU?

From Ashbaker on Fri, Sep 04, 2009 at 15:09:07 from

By the way you have until 5pm on the mileage board and then you have to go run again!:)

From Jon on Fri, Sep 04, 2009 at 15:14:36 from

Thanks for the warning, Steve. I was going to pound out a few more miles tonight, anyways.

Yes, hopefully we can work together at TOU. Any idea of a time goal?

From jtshad on Fri, Sep 04, 2009 at 15:18:56 from

Nice run Jon, welcome to my home turf. I find the same issues with trying to do long tempos there as well. I usually do fast stuff on West River Road or on Snake River Parkway (though that is only 1.25M long.

From Ashbaker on Fri, Sep 04, 2009 at 15:21:04 from

1:13 for the first half and then 1:16-1:17 for the second if I have enough strength on those hills at the end. Big maybe. But my confidence is up now and my fitness seems pretty decent now. I just wish I could get a day off to race somewhere! What is your goal?

From jtshad on Fri, Sep 04, 2009 at 15:33:12 from

Dude, you already got bumped by Holt by 1pm! You mileage animals!

From Ashbaker on Fri, Sep 04, 2009 at 16:35:18 from

Somehow that doesn't surprise me..

From Ashbaker on Fri, Sep 04, 2009 at 16:51:06 from

Jeez, I can't believe how Holt is. He's like a machine!

From Jon on Fri, Sep 04, 2009 at 17:17:36 from

Not sure, Steve. My TOU 1/2 time predicts a 2:32, but I think I'll go out a bit more conservatively than that.

From allie on Fri, Sep 04, 2009 at 21:24:13 from

nice run. so it's your last long run before TOU...what about BWs? any more of those in the next two weeks? i am planning on one tomorrow, but still trying to decide about one toward the end of next week. do you think that's a bad idea? i am going with a one week taper again.

From Jon on Fri, Sep 04, 2009 at 21:53:11 from

Allie- likely a 16 mile BW Monday, then a 15 miles Wed. So 2 more.

From Holt on Sat, Sep 05, 2009 at 23:09:11 from

This is my crown!

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

AM- 12 very easy, slow miles.  8:10 avg pace.

PM- My right achilles is a bit tender, so I scrubbed my evening 4 mile run.

NB 769 Miles: 12.00
Weight: 0.00
From sam Dean-Howard on Sat, Sep 05, 2009 at 14:14:06 from

great run yesterday excellent mileage, well done, and great easy longish run today :)

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

AM- BW.  None of the usual big workouts sounded interesting today, so I made up a new one.  I did 4 miles warm up, then did repeats- 2 miles@MP (5:55 pace), 1 mile@CV (5:35 pace), 2MP, 1CV, 2MP, with 1/4 mile rest between repeats.  Did the run on the Community Park trail, a .7 mile paved loop.  Very breezy w/18 mph sustained wind, which made it a bit interesting.  Splits were 11:50, 5:35, 11:49, 5:44, 11:38.  Had a sideache and really felt bad on the second CV, so I took an extra long rest to make sure I had some juice for the last one.  Genearally pleased with the workout.  3 miles cooldown, 16 miles total in 1:54:47 (7:10 avg).


Adrenaline 2 Miles: 4.00Double Jogger 2009 Miles: 4.00NB 769 2 Miles: 16.00
Weight: 0.00
From James on Mon, Sep 07, 2009 at 17:48:28 from


How do you know your splits, did you get a Garmin???!!!

From jtshad on Mon, Sep 07, 2009 at 20:22:23 from

Great run, sorry I could be here to run with you, but camping won out over running the rest of the weekend!

From Jon on Mon, Sep 07, 2009 at 22:52:21 from

James- Marci got me one for Christmas last year. So yes. But even without one, Community Park has the miles marked.

From Cody on Mon, Sep 07, 2009 at 23:13:52 from


Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

AM- 7, followed by 3 Einstein's bagels.  Not sure I lost any weight today...

PM- 8- ran to the canal trail.  You can run most of it, including .85 mile on the East half.   

NB 769 Miles: 8.00Omni 7 Miles: 3.00
Weight: 0.00
From redrooster on Tue, Sep 08, 2009 at 18:39:32 from

bagels... yummm... I'm hungry now.

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

PM- BW.  No one wanted to run on the roads with me, so I ran trails.  Started at Merlin Olsen park, ran up Canyon Rd and the canal, then up the river trail to about .5 miles past 3rd dam.  6 miles warmup, then I did 5x4min at CV effort (effort, not pace- can't run 5:30 splits on technical singletrack).  First 2 repeats were on the way up (started mid-way up the main singletrack), last 3 were on the way down (finished just before 2nd dam).  Pace for the repeats was 6:50, 6:35, 6:19, 6:16, 6:46.  Entire run was 15 miles at 7:51 pace- my legs are very pooped.  2 BW and 1 long run w/BW in the past 6 days.  Time to start my taper.

NB 769 2 Miles: 15.00
Weight: 0.00
From Cody on Thu, Sep 10, 2009 at 10:12:18 from

Poor Jon - Nobody will run with him...

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

AM- 6 easy. Ho hum. No evening run- helping Paul move.

Adrenaline 2 Miles: 6.00
Weight: 0.00
From paul on Thu, Sep 10, 2009 at 11:13:23 from

No evening run for me either.

From redrooster on Thu, Sep 10, 2009 at 19:41:36 from

yeah and I was the only one there to help Paul move, even Paul was gone. BTW- congrats on the rocket test today, did you watch it?

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

AM- 6.  Some right foot pain- taper phantom?

Adrenaline 2 Miles: 6.00
Weight: 0.00
From paul on Fri, Sep 11, 2009 at 13:43:28 from

Just don't get sick. That is a taper phenomenon as well.

From sam Dean-Howard on Fri, Sep 11, 2009 at 16:39:34 from

oooh doing great in taper dont worry niggles always happen to me in a taper, its your body wandering what the hecks going on enjoy :)

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

AM- ATK club run.  Most of the people were doing 20+ for SGM, but Allie and Cody joined me for 14.  Cody wanted fast the whole way, I wanted slow, so we were debating and trying to change the other's pace the whole way.  Ran from TOU mile 3 to the end of Hollow Rd.  Perfect weather and a great tail wind.  Ended up being 13.84 miles in 1:38:43- is that a sign?  Foot felt ok, we'll see how some ice today and a massage help.  Now for the real taper.

Cody and I followed the online results of the Wasatch 100 all day yesterday and this morning- looks like Geoff Roes shattered the course record by over an hour, with Karl Meltzer close behind.  Corbin Talley should finish, and Davy Crockett is only 17 minutes behind his goal time after lagging as much as 35-40 minutes.  Ultrajim is still going strong, too.

NB 769 2 Miles: 14.00
Weight: 0.00
From Superfly on Sat, Sep 12, 2009 at 13:44:43 from

Good job Jon... I'm going to look and feel like an idiot but I don't get it? Is it a sign for what? I can't see how you could relate that to the marathon next week cuz you'll go much faster than a 2:38.

From Jon on Sat, Sep 12, 2009 at 13:52:38 from

No, I don't know what it meant. I just thought is was interesing I did 13.84 in 1.38.4X. Hope it doesn't mean I will do a 2:38.

From Holt on Sat, Sep 12, 2009 at 14:35:01 from

That's where Corbin is - I was wondering why he wasn't at Murray yesterday.

From sam Dean-Howard on Mon, Sep 14, 2009 at 07:26:24 from

Nice run Jon, well done and yay for the taper cant wait to read eveyone's race reports. how weird is 13.84 in 1.38.4 but good pace for a last long run excellent :)

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

I did this last year before SGM and wanted to throw the stats up again for this year- Note: All weeks are listed pre-marathon (i.e. 12 weeks pre-marathon, etc)





 Total miles 12 weeks pre-marathon




 Total miles 24 weeks




 Total miles 36 weeks




 80-89 mile weeks 24 weeks




 90-99 mile weeks 24 weeks




 100+ mile weeks 24 weeks




 15-19 mile runs 12 weeks




 15-19 mile runs 24 weeks




 15-19 mile runs 36 weeks




 20+ mile runs 24 weeks




 26+ mile runs 36 weeks




 Days missed 12 weeks




 TOU 1/2 time




I ran TOU in 2007 in 2:39.  When comparing my training this year to 2007, this year is far better- a lot more miles, 12 vs. 3 weeks over 80 miles, more 15+ mile runs.  Not even close.  So, I should expect a better time compared to that marathon.

Comparing this year to last is a lot closer- the biggest difference is the 4 weeks of 100+ miles, plus a few more BW/med runs.  Overall, I am pretty happy with my training this year and feel I am in my best shape over for a run at a PR this weekend. 

PM- 7 easy

Omni 7 Miles: 7.00
Weight: 0.00
From Dustin on Mon, Sep 14, 2009 at 11:55:36 from

You've done a great job with your training you'll have a great race. But just in case you need a little boost I'm sending a little Brandon Stokley luck your way!

From Jon on Mon, Sep 14, 2009 at 12:19:15 from

I [heart] Stokley!

From crockett on Mon, Sep 14, 2009 at 14:20:55 from

Good luck in your tune-up week. Thanks for the kind words on my Wasatch race. Recovery is going very rapid...shows I didn't push hard enough. But the good news is that I saved a bunch for the Bear. We'll talk more about Bear after TOU. But right now I'm reserving for you the pacing leg from Tony Grove to Logan River. I would guess this would be from 6:30 p.m. to a little before midnight.

From Jon on Mon, Sep 14, 2009 at 14:35:43 from

Sounds good, Davy. Let's work out details early next week. Are you having pacers for 50 miles this time? If I feel good, I may be able to do over 20 miles (if you need it), but really can't say until after Sat.

From crockett on Mon, Sep 14, 2009 at 15:09:35 from

Jun is looking at perhaps pacing me from Right Fork to Temple Fork or to Tony Grove. I'll have a crew starting at Tony Grove. They will want a couple short legs somewhere, but if you wanted more, we could figure it out.

From Adam RW on Mon, Sep 14, 2009 at 23:08:41 from

Jon, I like that you and Cody did this. It has to be a real confidence builder. Especially when you see that more training has been added. I'm sure that will help you push through any mental blocks late in the race. I hope you are enjoying your taper and a primed for Saturday!

From marci on Tue, Sep 15, 2009 at 14:58:24 from

wow! i guess that is why you are an engineer...you number geek. :) good luck this weekend..we are excited to cheer you on!

From Cal on Thu, Sep 17, 2009 at 10:58:14 from

I like your table. Questions about your stats: do your 'long run' numbers include 2-a-days? and when you say days missed, is that any day with no running or is that like a scheduled training day that you had to miss or something?

From Bec on Sun, Sep 20, 2009 at 00:34:54 from

Sweet picture!!!!

From Jon on Tue, Sep 22, 2009 at 16:20:12 from

Cal- long run numbers are single runs only. So if I do 10 miles in the morning and 10 in the evening, that doesn't count towards anything other than total mileage.

Days missed- I plan to run 6 days a week, every week, so only missed 2 days. Doesn't include my planned rest day each week, but it would include any days I miss due to sick/lazy/etc.

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

PM- 8 miles, with 2 MP along miles 23-24 of TOU course.  Legs felt very tired and sluggish, which is actually very normal for me on a run like this during taper week.  56 min total.

Tangent 3 Miles: 8.00
Weight: 0.00
Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

PM- 6 easy, 4 of them with the kids.

TOU marathon published bib numbers today so I wasted some time finding the fastest bib numbers and their best/most recent races.  Looks like a deep race- top 20 men by bib:

1 Tanui Elisha Arlington TX M (2:31 marathoner, Kenyan?)
2 Albuquerque NM (unnamed Kenyan?)
3 Sammy Atlana GA (unnamed Kenyan?- Sammy Wanjiru, maybe???)
4 Petersen Paul Arno Logan UT M (2:18 SGM 2007, 1:06:42 TOU 1/2 2009)
5 Wold Seth Lehi UT M (2:22:51 Ogden marathon 2009, 1:08:38 TOU 1/2 2009)
6 Grant Jimmy Missoula MT M (2:35:10 Missoula marathon 2009)
7 Pachev Alexander I. Provo UT M (2:23 SGM 2007)
8 Twitchell Vance Sandy UT M (14:30 5k-er)
9 Wilson Joseph Cokeville WY M (1:12:44 TOU 1/2 2009)
10 Allen Jonathan K. Logan UT M (1:11:46 TOU 1/2 2009)
11 Held Eric D. Logan UT M (1:13:58 TOU 1/2 2009)
12 Frazier Ryan C. Logan UT M (1:19 Canyonlands 1/2 2007)
13 Draper Cody David Logan UT M (1:15:56 TOU 1/2 2009)
14 Cobler Bill G. Holladay UT M (1:22:34 TOU 1/2 2009)
15 Wende Adam R. Salt Lake City UT M (1:13:47 TOU 1/2 2009)
16 Slater Cheston D. Bullfrog UT M (2:45 SGM 2006, 1:16:57 Bryce 1/2 2009)
17 Anderson Stephen L. Logan UT M (1:16:08 TOU 1/2 2009- Masters)
18 Bishop Daniel Salt Lake City UT M (1:22:40 SLC 1/2 2009)
19 Moncur Matt Robert Fruit Heights UT M (3:00:17 Des News marathon 2009)
20 Achatz Ryan Boise ID M (2:51:51 TOU marathon 2002)

I was hoping for an outside shot at top 5, but it looks like I will do well if I get top 10.  Plus, Nick McCombs has bib 50- maybe he is running with Cameron McCombs (bib 64)?  And Ashbaker is not on the list.  Are you running, Steve?  And Walter Brown is bib 52 but should finish top 10-20.

For the women, they seemed to start in the 2000's- here is who I found:

2001 Scott Allie Salt Lake City UT F (1:26:45 TOU 1/2 2009, TOU 2008 winner)
2002 Kennard Nan Westminster CO F (1:19:07 1/2 2009)
2004 Laney Lori Eagle ID F (3:35:42 SGM 2007)
2005 Mangum Lisa Hyrum UT F (1:25 TOU 1/2 2009)
2006 Keogh Genevieve G. Layton UT F (3:09:15 TOU marathon 2007)
2007 Arnold Mary T. Paragonah UT F (???)
2008 Glatt Sarah E. Overkand Park KS F (3:00 PF Chang marathon 2009)
2009 Diaz Tiffany West Valley City UT F (3:22 SGM 2004, 2:36 Provo River 1/2 2009)
2010 Jensen Dana Denise North Ogden UT F (1:34 Farmington 1/2 2009)

Adrenaline 2 Miles: 6.00Double Jogger 2009 Miles: 4.00
Weight: 0.00
From Adam RW on Wed, Sep 16, 2009 at 09:53:51 from

Thanks for doing our homework for us. Looks like it is going to be a party all race long. I'm glad there are a good number of big guns out. It will give us some extra push.

From allie on Wed, Sep 16, 2009 at 09:57:31 from

i did this for the women's side as well...i got bored in accounting yesterday :)

i know there are some comp entries that aren't on the list...guess we'll find out who they are on saturday...

From Adam RW on Wed, Sep 16, 2009 at 09:59:12 from

Allie, Did you post your homework as well?

From Mik'L on Wed, Sep 16, 2009 at 10:17:00 from

Good luck Jon. It looks like your training has been awesome! You'll do great I'm sure.

From Cody on Wed, Sep 16, 2009 at 10:18:42 from

You should have done all 2K+ runners. You could also work the booth at the finish line rattling off stats to the bored spectators.

Looks like it will be a stacked race....

From Nan Kennard on Wed, Sep 16, 2009 at 10:56:45 from

Interesting. Thanks for sharing. Ya, Allie, will you post yours too? I'm glad there is some good depth that will push us to faster times. Good luck Jon! See you Saturday.

From Nan Kennard on Wed, Sep 16, 2009 at 11:06:08 from

How do the TOU race directors even decide who the favorites are anyway? Do they seriously research every runner that registers? I don't recall putting my PRs on the registration form. I thought race numbers were just passed out based on the order we registered. I registered 4 months ago and didn't even ask for a comp entry. Weird. Cool though, I guess. Unless someone was trying to be a "dark horse."

From Paul on Wed, Sep 16, 2009 at 11:49:52 from

Nan - the entry form asks runners to submit there best marathon time and their goal TOU time. Also, if a runner contacts a race director for a comp or travel, they would have to give their running resume.

Jon - Seth told me early he is pacing Nick to 1:12 at the half. After that it's anyone's guess, but it does sound like Nick intends to be right in the mix. It is kind of weird he got such a high bib, though, since he placed 2nd last year.

I know from talking to the r.d. that two of the Kenyans are sub-2:20 guys, but that doesn't mean much to me, since I see sub-2:20 guys fall apart all the time at TOU.

From Jon on Wed, Sep 16, 2009 at 12:16:54 from

Paul- so is Seth planning to speed up after the 1:12 half? Or is he being a rabbit for Nick and will drop out? Maybe Nick just put a slow time for some reason.

So did I guess right that there are 3 Kenyans? This will be interesting- the Kenyans may fall apart and there will be lots of competition if they do. Heck, you are a sub-2:20 guy, as well, and I don't think you will fall apart. Though I don't think you'll go out at sub-2:20 pace, either.

My shot at top 5 is toast...

From Paul on Wed, Sep 16, 2009 at 12:27:13 from

I have no idea what Seth will do during the second half. He ran 2:22 at Ogden, so there's no reason he couldn't match that at TOU. I really doubt he would drop out though.

I knew for certain of two Kenyans, but had heard three as well. So I would expect to see at least two, but would not be surprised to see a third. Even if the Kenyans don't fall apart, they are still just 4th-tier Kenyans and are usually beatable by guys like Seth or Nick. Hobie has showed them a thing or two in the past...

From Sasha Pachev on Wed, Sep 16, 2009 at 14:10:43 from

Paul - there is a reason. Seth has been having issues with fatigue after Utah Valley. He also wants to do well in St. George.

From Paul on Wed, Sep 16, 2009 at 14:13:00 from

I forgot he was running St. George. But Seth jogging the second half will still beat all but a few people.

From Jon on Wed, Sep 16, 2009 at 15:43:09 from

Ah, so Seth is playing the rabbit role to Nick, then Nick will likely pull ahead the second half while Seth jogs it in. Either way, I won't likely see either of them...

From redrooster on Wed, Sep 16, 2009 at 15:55:10 from

hey thats pretty neat. I always wondered how people got those low race bib numbers. I learn lots of cool stuff here.

From sam Dean-Howard on Wed, Sep 16, 2009 at 17:20:59 from

hoping the taper is going well for you all and If I dont tell you on your own blog well good luck my thoughts are with you all....... as I should have been racing in Berlin this weekend so I am pretty jealous but happy :-) so go guys go :)

From James on Wed, Sep 16, 2009 at 23:46:45 from

I was thinking about coming to watch but I don't think I'll make it now. Walter and I will probably run down here. Sounds like a party though!

From Superfly on Fri, Sep 18, 2009 at 12:09:28 from

Looks like fun guys. Wish I could come ride a bike and watch the race unfold. Good luck Jon!

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

PM- 5.5 easy, 3.5 with the family, and 4 strides.

Double Jogger 2009 Miles: 3.50Omni 7 Miles: 5.50
Weight: 0.00
From Twinkies on Fri, Sep 18, 2009 at 12:09:18 from

Good luck tomorrow.

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

AM- PW 4 with 4 strides.  Ready to roll.

 Today is my oldest kid's 3rd birthday.  Apparently something magical happened last night to allow her to suddenly be able to play with most toys, but she looks the same to me. 

NB 769 Miles: 4.00
Weight: 0.00
From Dustin on Fri, Sep 18, 2009 at 16:04:26 from

Good luck tomorrow, hope you have a great time.

From sam Dean-Howard on Fri, Sep 18, 2009 at 17:42:05 from

happy birthday to your kid.... good luck enjoy it :)

From redrooster on Fri, Sep 18, 2009 at 18:30:42 from

and soon she will be away at college. enjoy her while you can. good luck tomorrow, just follow the imaginary bagel to the finish and you will be fine.

Race: Top of Utah marathon (26.2 Miles) 02:34:16, Place overall: 6, Place in age division: 1
Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

Well, Marathon, you and I have had a long and tumultuous relationship together.  I first met you in 2003 at the Top of Utah, and have experienced your company about 10 times since.  Ever since our first encounter, I have known I had unfinished business with you.  I have known all along that our relationship needed to break 2:37:12 (6:00 pace), and preferably faster.  I had such high hopes at St. George last year but was crushed when you rejected me with the wind and rain.  But now, our business together if finished.  Over.  Done.  I am officially dumping you.  I can't say that I won't ever cast a sidelong glance in your direction at some point in the future, but I am moving on to my true love: trail running.  Don't come begging me to come back, because it won't work.  I am satisfied I have gained enough from our relationship and I am now content.  

My bib for this race was #10, and based on the field, I felt I would do well to place that high.  AdamRW prepared a nice pacing template that I used to check my time every 5 miles- I had 2:32:30 and 2:35 goals on it.  My "Oh crap" goal was 2:37, and my "Really Oh crap" goal was 2:39.  Slept about 4 hours last night, which is pretty good for me.  My 3 year old was up puking and dry heaving all night, but Marci was kind enough to take care of it.  Warm up was normal, with lots of bloggers hanging out at our secret bathroom.  Temperature was good, maybe 50 deg- I would have liked it a bit cooler.

Race started out at a good pace, with Paul immediately jumping to the lead and a group of 6 in pursuit, including 4 Kenyans.  I settled into 11th place by mile 1, with Ashbaker just ahead and a group of FRB-ers behind who eventually disappeared.  Splits were 5:39, 5:46, 5:44, 5:37, 5:52, 5:51, 5:56, 5:59, 5:35.  I caught Ashbaker at mile 9- he was going through a bit of a rough patch.  We ended up running together for the next 9 miles.  I was very worried at this point because my quads were complaining loudly about the pounding- this normally never happens to me, including on TOU 1/2 which was a faster pace.  I knew I was running as fast as I dared and was very concerned that I had over done it and would crash.  The tailwind wasn't as strong or long as I hoped, but it was definitely there at miles 13 and 14.  Splits were 5:20, 6:22 (mile marker off?), 5:45, 5:44.  Half marathon split was 1:15:50, which was about 2:33:30 pace based on even effort for the course.  Steve and I caught a Kenyan at mile 12 and another at 14, moving into 8th and 9th place.

We exited the canyon and started down the always enjoyable Hollow Road.  I like this part of the course, and I hate the highway portion that follows.  Splits were 5:38, 5:50, 5:51, 6:00 (worry about my quads became worse with this slow mile), 5:55.  When we hit mile 18, I got a second wind (though my legs felt the same) and pushed hard up the hill.  Ashbaker dropped behind.  The uphill was a 6:06, 6:05, then into my oft-traveled Providence with a 5:59 and 6:04.  On the long straight downhill into Providence, I could see 3 runners several minutes ahead of me but figured they were too far ahead to catch.  Marci and Bethany were by my old house at mile 21.5 to cheer, though they didn't see me coming so I had to call out to them.  My legs were screaming, but really not much worse than at mile 8, which was a good sign.  

I really pushed hard in this section and started counting down what I needed to do to break 2:35- "Ok, 26 minutes for 4.2 miles... now 19 miles for a 5k"- I was working all out for the sub-2:35 and trying to do math, which is not an easy task at this juncture of a marathon.  On the 700 S road in River Heights, it became clear that 2 runners were quickly coming back to me... and one of them was Sasha.  I have never beaten him and it gave me some extra incentive.  I was closing about 20-30 seconds per mile on these two.  Splits were 6:10 and 6:01 for 23-24.  I got my third wind and started pushing hard, knowing now that I could sustain this pace and my goals were in reach.  Somehow, my legs started feeling better.

Turned onto 300 S and could smell the blood in the water with Sasha and Eric Held, a local runner whom I have never met before.  I finally caught them on Main Street at about mile 24.5, which gave me a huge rush of adrenaline- I have never passed people at that point in a marathon.  I surged hard to make sure they didn't chase me, and ended up beating them by about 40 sec and 1 min, I believe.  Mile 25 was 5:56, and 26 was a 6:05.  I was going to finish in 6th place!!! 

I have been accused of looking grumpy and tired in my marathon finish photos, so I wasn't going to let that happen this time.  I started pumping my fist above my head with 50 yards to go and was greeted by a big roar from the crowd, especially when they announced me as the 2nd local finisher.  Final .2 in 1:12, giving me a 2:34:16 total time (5:53 pace).  5th place was 3 minutes ahead, so there was no way I could have placed higher.  Second half of the marathon was 1:18:26, meaning I only slowed down 2:36 (with even effort giving a 2 min slowdown, so really pretty even).

I was extremely pumped and excited afterwards and had loads of adrenaline.  I heard the always amazing Paul won it and ran to congratulate him.  He was followed by 2 outstanding Kenyans, then Nick McCombs, then Bryant Jensen.  Eric and Sasha were just behind me, and I really enjoyed waiting in the finish line for all my friends to finish- Sasha, Ashbaker, Adam, Cody (who out-chipped Joe Wilson even though Joe out-leaned him), everyone!  FRB women swept top 3 places, with Nan Kennard killing everyone and setting a course record.  Wow!  She definitely ran the outstanding performance of the day.

My legs are sore and the balls of my feet are very raw, but I am good other than that.  A nice massage and a soak in the nearby canal helped my legs, though I'm sure I will be slow moving tomorrow.  But I am happy and satisfied with my marathoning experience- I set a PR by more than 5 minutes today.  Now I can shift my focus to ultra trail races and see what adventures await me in that world, starting with pacing Davy at the Bear 100 next weekend.

Tangent 3 Miles: 29.00
Weight: 0.00
From Bill Mandler on Sat, Sep 19, 2009 at 14:43:53 from


A PR, 6th overall, and you beat Sasha in your hometown race. Your hard work has certainly paid-off. Nice job those last miles!!!

From RivertonPaul on Sat, Sep 19, 2009 at 14:46:14 from


From redrooster on Sat, Sep 19, 2009 at 15:00:38 from

that is simply incredible!! way to accomplish your goals and move on to your next level on a super high note and with momentum. great to see you on the course and at the end. you guys really inspired me today to stay with it and tackle the marathon full force now, I really appreciate it.

From Oreo on Sat, Sep 19, 2009 at 15:00:52 from

Awesome race. Great report too. That's some serious speed.

From Fritz on Sat, Sep 19, 2009 at 15:14:48 from

Nice job Jon. That's a big PR against some tough competition. Looks like you paced it very well.

From josse on Sat, Sep 19, 2009 at 15:15:11 from

Great job Jon! I love the opening and closing speech!! can't wait to give that one. Only I will still continue with the distance. I love when things turn out just right for someone on marathon day:)

From ChrisM on Sat, Sep 19, 2009 at 15:46:15 from

Well done on the race and winning your age division!

From Burt on Sat, Sep 19, 2009 at 15:48:41 from

What a bitter sweet report. Man you really muscled through this one. It sounds like you got your second wind or entered into the euphoric zone. Great job!

From Twinkies on Sat, Sep 19, 2009 at 15:54:04 from

Excellent write up. You're an inspiration. Great Job.

From Snoqualmie on Sat, Sep 19, 2009 at 15:58:05 from

Someone on another forum I visit asked "why do you all run marathons?!?!" The funniest answer was from an ultra runner, "Well, they are great training runs for my 100 milers."

Best wishes on your new goals and congrats on a great race!

From jtshad on Sat, Sep 19, 2009 at 16:12:21 from

Congratulations on the huge PR!! You ran a stellar race right where you knew you could! Thanks for the call, I was so stoked when I heard your result.

You are da man!!! Plus you have the most entertaining race reports!

From Kelli on Sat, Sep 19, 2009 at 16:12:42 from

HOT DOG!!! Nice race report, I loved that first paragraph, loved it! How awesome to finish on a high note and I so hope those pictures tell the story. Way to pass people at mile 24.5! You speedy people are usually spread out so much by then, it is awesome you were able to pass not one but two!!!

From allie on Sat, Sep 19, 2009 at 16:20:52 from

great job today. all those miles really paid off for you. huge congrats! i can't believe i missed out on the secret bathroom! such luxury.

From Superfly on Sat, Sep 19, 2009 at 16:52:58 from

Nice job Jon. I knew you were going to do it. Glad you could end your marathoning career with such a high... and glad that somewhere a long the line I may be in some of your marathoning memories:)

Actually hopefully you'll have fun in the trails for a few years then come back and break 2:30 at STG one of these years... you've got a sub 2:30 in ya here for sure.

Great job man!

From marci on Sat, Sep 19, 2009 at 16:54:32 from

way to go JOn. you rocked it.

From crockett on Sat, Sep 19, 2009 at 17:17:18 from

Wow Jon! What a riviting writeup. I hid your finish time from my eyes and read your amazing story...cheering you on to catch Sasha. Way to go. Incredible. Well done and a piece of very nice writing. I fully understand the feeling about chasing the marathon minutes. I look forward to running the trails with you on Friday!

From Lindsey Dunkley on Sat, Sep 19, 2009 at 17:18:34 from

Great job today...congrats on a huge PR!

From JD on Sat, Sep 19, 2009 at 17:23:58 from

Great run. Great report. Looking forward to your ultra adventures!

From Ruthio on Sat, Sep 19, 2009 at 17:30:08 from

Nice race Jon! I wish I'd trained with you some before the race, that way I could claim some small bit of credit for how awesomely you did today! ;) Good luck next week in your ultra-ing, crazy man.

From Cody on Sat, Sep 19, 2009 at 17:31:23 from

Jon is satisfied! He now has a marathon PR to be proud of. Quite the journey, wasn't it? I knew you had it in you. 6th place with that stacked of a field! Impressive. See you on the trails....

From Steve Piccolo on Sat, Sep 19, 2009 at 18:14:43 from

Great job, Jon! Nice way to retire from the marathon.

From Lysa on Sat, Sep 19, 2009 at 18:57:34 from

Holy crap!! good job!

From Paul on Sat, Sep 19, 2009 at 18:58:55 from

Awesome race, Jon. Your second half was excellent, pretty much a perfectly split race for that course. Not slowing down the last couple miles and even hitting a sub-6 says a lot about your fitness. Looking forward to seeing what your next chapter of running holds, but know that's still okay to have an occasional fling with the marathon, as long as you both set up some ground rules beforehand.

From Paul on Sat, Sep 19, 2009 at 19:17:14 from

Proof that Jon can look good when finishing:


From Burt on Sat, Sep 19, 2009 at 19:27:02 from

Oh man, Jon. You look like a little tea pot, except for the short and stout part.

From jun on Sat, Sep 19, 2009 at 21:02:58 from

Unreal race report. That was a fun read, probably much more fun to experience. Way to go on 6th. That is amazing.

From rockness18 on Sat, Sep 19, 2009 at 21:33:26 from

Wow...now that's the way to go out!

From Ashbaker on Sat, Sep 19, 2009 at 21:53:25 from

Jon! You animal! Hey I think that was interesting that your legs were screaming. I tell you mine were also. To the point they shut down completely..

Very nice Jon, You definitely earned this one.

From Mik'L on Sat, Sep 19, 2009 at 22:12:11 from

Way to go Jon!!! That is so awesome and your report was entertaining as usual. Love the pic!

From Sasha Pachev on Sat, Sep 19, 2009 at 23:02:04 from

Congratulations on the breakthrough. I gave you a chance to beat me at St. George last year, but you did not take it. So I figure it is fair that you did what you were supposed to do in St. George last year and that I was also there for a reachable target.

From Bec on Sat, Sep 19, 2009 at 23:49:02 from

Amazing race! 6th overall is out of control. I think that it is great you are heading toward the trail world. TOU will miss your relationship, I am sure of it! Nice work today.

From Jon on Sun, Sep 20, 2009 at 00:23:22 from

Thanks for the kind words, everyone. I would invite everyone to come run a few trail races, too- they are a blast.

Allie- as a local, you should know by now to ask us- there are secret bathrooms at every race.

Clyde- you and many, many other people on this blog are certainly part of my marathoning memories. Thanks to all for sharing with me.

Ruth- we ran together last year. That counts!

Paul- I don't mind occasional flings with the marathon, but it just isn't the same with you beating me in the age group every time! Trails are now my only hope to beat you.

Thanks, Burt. Very true- I'm just hoping no one turns that into a new nickname.

Steve- tough race today. Thanks for running with me- sorry we didn't get to talk more after.

Sasha- thanks for being a good target, even if you have been sick and fighting some injuries. You aimed high and went out hard- comendable. Glad I could finally do "what I was supposed to do" at SGM.

From josse on Sun, Sep 20, 2009 at 00:25:17 from

I'm a little tea pot with fuzzy legs, here is my handle, hear is my spot. When I get all steamed up hear me shout ..... Watch out everyone cause here I come.

From Jon on Sun, Sep 20, 2009 at 00:31:46 from

Josse- you forgot "I'm a little tea pot with fuzzy and deathly-white legs..."

From Walter on Sun, Sep 20, 2009 at 01:18:10 from

Yes, yes, yes! You are the man with the plan in the green shorts! Aint no mountain high enough! What an awesome report! Holy cow! Its amazing to catch those great runners at the end and dust them with a minute with less than 2 miles to go. Holy crap, maybe I need to move up there and you guys can show me how you do it! Freakin' awesome. I swear you and Paul give us non Cache valleyians absolutely no chance up there. You really have something to prove! Way to rock buddy!

From Brent on Sun, Sep 20, 2009 at 13:36:05 from

Jon, 500 commando points for the PR and another 500 for the 6th place. Great race reports, thanks for sharing, very impressed with those uphill mile splits, tough cookie. Also, I guess those green shorts will never be retired after they ran you to a PR.

Stay Kool, don't get lost on the trails, B of BS Rools out

From James on Sun, Sep 20, 2009 at 13:38:58 from

Great race Jon! You definitely earned it by your training and preparation. I wish I could have been there to cheer you on.

From josse on Sun, Sep 20, 2009 at 15:37:17 from

Oh I had my sunglasses on when I was looking at the picture yesterday. Man that is blinding!

From Adam RW on Sun, Sep 20, 2009 at 22:55:11 from

Jon, I'm glad you are able to go out on such a high note. I'm very happy that your training this last year has paid off such high dividends. Congrats on the great PR and age group win. I look forward to seeing what you do when you turn your full focus to the trails. So far you haven't proven too shabby and if that wasn't 100% I'm afraid of what you are going to do to the competition with all your effort on them...

From Marissa on Mon, Sep 21, 2009 at 00:39:39 from

Congratulations-it sounds like you ran a great race!

From Dustin on Mon, Sep 21, 2009 at 13:59:09 from

Congrats great race!

From MarkP on Mon, Sep 21, 2009 at 14:06:47 from

Wow! Super race. See you on the trails.

From Huans32 on Mon, Sep 21, 2009 at 14:12:57 from

Congratz on hitting your goal after so many years. Awesome report and even better race.

From Nan Kennard on Mon, Sep 21, 2009 at 18:47:45 from

Fuzzy Tea Pot-

Congrats on the sub 6:00 breakthrough!! That is SO awesome! And you ran such even splits! Very smart and TOUGH race. I'm sorry to hear you and the Marathon are breaking up...but I'm happy for you that you've found a new love. I'm sure your new love will treat you well and hopefully give you just as much love, if not more love in return.

From Kory on Mon, Sep 21, 2009 at 23:03:11 from

Jon you are a true inspiration. With all those 100 miles weeks leading up to the marathon proved what a champion you are. Your dedicated training paid off nice time and toughness. I bet it felt great to PR in your hometown.

Are you truly done with road racing?

From Jon on Tue, Sep 22, 2009 at 10:05:46 from

Kory- I might still do a few road races every here and there, but I will no longer have them as my focus races like I have for the past 7 years. They will be kind of an afterthought.

From c h a d on Tue, Sep 22, 2009 at 12:06:06 from

Jon--I just talked with the Marathon. She wants her finisher's medals back.

Congrats on the awesome race. What a huge breakthrough. Now on to trails of glory!

From Tony on Wed, Sep 23, 2009 at 13:47:22 from

Wow, you are awesome, man. Congratulations. Hope to see you on a trail run one day. That's my true love as well. Western States 100 in the future?

From Jon on Wed, Sep 23, 2009 at 23:07:14 from

Tony- who can say. I'll get through my first one first and see what I think.

From JimF on Thu, Sep 24, 2009 at 22:01:03 from

Congrats on an awesome race and PR! All your hard work is really paying off.

From sam Dean-Howard on Tue, Nov 03, 2009 at 04:12:05 from

Jon How are you legs I hope they arent too achey ;-)

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

I am probably the least sore I have ever been after a marathon, and I have no idea why.  Probably due to my large mileage base.  On a soreness scale of 10, my left calf would be a 2, and my quads would be less than 0.5.  Nothing else.

No running today, but did hike up to the Wind Caves (4 miles rd trip?) while carrying in 3 year old daughter.  Although not sore, my legs definitely were still fatigued.  Nice family outing, and you better believe I'm counting it as a few cross training miles.

My 3 year old was puking all Fri night, my 18 month old was puking all Sat night, and Marci was puking last night.  Hopefully I don't get sick, too.  I have been sleeping a lot- between last week and this week, I have not woken up on a weekday before 5:50 am, which is glorious.  I would guess the last time I went a whole week sleeping in that late was last December.

Weight: 0.00
From allie on Tue, Sep 22, 2009 at 11:36:05 from

glad you are not sore. i am not either, which i find strange since i crashed so badly on saturday. and i do not have a large mileage base. maybe training on the course has something to do with it???

From Jon on Tue, Sep 22, 2009 at 12:21:58 from

Yes, downhill training can help, too.

From Superfly on Tue, Sep 22, 2009 at 12:23:55 from

Jon what was the name of the article you read about running and knee problems that you talked about in the discussion form? You mentioned it was in the Center for Science in the Public Interest publication. I'd like to read through it.

From Jon on Tue, Sep 22, 2009 at 12:31:24 from

Clyde- it is a paper magazine I receive- http://cspinet.org/nah/index.htm

If you want, I can scan and email you a copy, or snail mail it to you.

From Nan Kennard on Tue, Sep 22, 2009 at 17:01:43 from

Jon (I mean fuzzy tea pot) and Allie,

I'm jealous that you guys aren't sore. I am SUPER sore. No desire to run at all yet. But I didn't really do any downhill training and I'm sure more weekly mileage would have helped too.

Jon: weird coincidence; my whole family got sick except for me too. All three kids had green snotty noses for the few days before the race and Aaron came down with a horrible cold the night before the race too. That didn't stop him from going out on the bike for 40 miles to take pics and support me anyway. What a trooper.

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

PM- PWWF 4.  No soreness.

Adrenaline 2 Miles: 4.00Double Jogger 2009 Miles: 4.00
Weight: 0.00
From Harris on Wed, Sep 23, 2009 at 22:35:07 from

Hey great job on the race Saturday. I didnt get a chance to leave a comment. I wish you were running St George though.

From Jon on Wed, Sep 23, 2009 at 23:06:43 from

You'll do great at St. George, Greg. Go out easy and speed up once you hit mile 14- and hope there isn't wind/rain. I would just slow you down if I were there.

From sam Dean-Howard on Thu, Sep 24, 2009 at 07:57:52 from

glad not much soreness way to go

From Adam RW on Thu, Sep 24, 2009 at 09:42:23 from

Great news on the quick recovery. Have run this weekend. You going to go for a full 50 miles of it since you've had such a fast recovery :)...

From RivertonPaul on Thu, Sep 24, 2009 at 15:21:50 from

your photos:














From James on Sat, Sep 26, 2009 at 13:29:06 from

What in the world does PWWF mean? No wonder I didn't comment on your blog for a while, speak English not text messaging!:)

From Jon on Sat, Sep 26, 2009 at 16:15:34 from

Planet walk with family. I also have PWWPWF- Planet walk-Willow Park with family.

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

Bear 100 race day.  Worked the Leatham Hollow aid station (mile 19.6) with Cody, Paul, and families in the morning.  Lots of fun to help the runners and see them early in the race.  Later in the afternoon, I drove to Temple Fork aid station (mile 45.1) to meet and pace Davy Crockett.  He arrived right on time per his schedule at 4:15 pm, and, after working a bit on a very nasty blister, we were off.  Davy had set an ambitious goal of 27:30 for the race, more than 3 hours faster than last year.  This was my first time every pacing a trail race, so I was hoping to learn a lot from the very experienced Davy about 100's while also helping push him.

It was rather hot and most of the runners were dehydrated when the arrived at TF, including Davy.  Within a mile after leaving his stomach rejected everything in it, which I think actually made him feel a bit better.  He kept everything down the rest of the way.  The first leg had 4000 ft climbing to Tony Grove.  It was a beautiful leg with lots of aspen trees.  It went well and we pulled into Tony Grove right on time just before 6:30 pm (mile 51.8).  He worked on his foot for a while and we got our night gear on.  I talked to a few guys here, including John Wheelwright, who I know from Logan Peak race.  Also saw Brian Beckstead and a big group with him around here- he was going a bit easy today so had lots of energy and was bouncing around.

The climb out of Tony Grove went well (including some gorgeous views), and Davy decided to really push himself on the decent into White Pine.  He had me run ahead and we absolutely blasted down the trail- we were cruising and blew by several people, including the first place woman.  He had fallen earlier and banged his quad, and it really pained him on decents, but he did awesome at ignoring it.  It got dark just as we reached Bunchgrass trail, which is generally a very nice trail to run down and we kept leapfrogging a number of runners.  At this point, we noticed the moon was just setting in the west and commented on it.

It is a long stretch to Franklin Basin- 9.7 miles.  The last few miles were real tough for Davy- he kept twisting his ankles, particularly his right one.  And the blister on his right heel kept getting worse and worse.  But he toughed it out and we arrived at the Franklin aid station well ahead of schedule.  The station was hosted by Striders and had tons of great volunteer and was very energetic.  This was the first station with Davy's crew, Jerry and Brad, who were waiting for him with a Wendy's hamburger.  They worked on his foot for a while and Davy really struggled to get his shoe back on, he was in so much pain.  I ate some food and took some sodium tablets to calm my quads.  But eventually Davy was set, someone pointed us in the right direction, and we were off at 9:08 pm (22 min ahead of schedule).  This next leg was very tough- the first 3 miles were steep climbing.  We grunted our way up, but noticed the moon was still visible but kept appearing from different directions.  The hill seemed to go on forever.  Eventually we reached some rocky downhill and Davy struggled with his foot, but he pushed hard and kept a great pace.  On this whole 2.5 hour leg, we did not see a single person, though the moon kept us company from all sides.  We reached the road at Steep Hollow and descended to the Logan River aid station (mile 68.8).  This was probably my favorite aid station- they cheered us in, had lots of food, lots of happy volunteers, and even warm towels for washing.  After a quick stop, we were off at 11:46 pm (14 minutes ahead of schedule).

We ran down a road, then crossed the Logan River.  Davy dislikes roads, but picked up the pace again once we hit singletrack.  This leg was Davy's toughest last year- he was cold and tired and he commented on how hard the climb was.  This year, though, it went better- the climb was not near as steep as after Franklin, in general, though there was a very chilly breeze.  Again, we didn't see anyone for several hours- meaning we ran almost 5 hours without seeing any runners.  After a long climb, we reached the summit and started a very rocky, long descent.  Davy's foot was extremely painful but he ran well, though several people passed us.  He was inspiring to me with how tough he was.  Our oft-repeated motto was "Don't Be Lazy!" and he wasn't.  He pushed hard and we reached the Beaver Mtn aid station (mile 75.8) exactly at his goal time of 2:15 am.  After a change of shoes, he and Brad were off.

My journey with Davy ended at this point.  I drove home and was in bed by 4 am.  But watching him run was inspiring and amazing, and a privilege to be able to share in.  I was tired and could hardly imagine how he felt after doing 45 miles more than me, especially with his foot problems and quad bruise.  Thanks for letting me tag along, Davy.  It was a wonderful.

Today had a number of firsts for me- it was my first time running an extended period at night, it was my longest run ever (32 miles with warmup), and the 10 hours were twice as long as I had ever run before.  I am definitely tired and sore, but happy.  

As part of pacing, I was testing out all my gear for my upcoming ultra races and learning the Bear course.  My shoes and socks worked great, with no blisters or hot spots.  My clothes at night were adequate, though I will take an extra layer next time for the cold and wind.  My lighting system (PT Yukon headlamp on my head, Petzl Tikka XP around my waist) worked swimmingly.  The Yukon provided distant views, while the Tikka provided dimension so I could see rocks.  I kept the Tikka on low when moving uphill or slowly, and on high when running fast or over technical terrain.  I may replace the Yukon with a Petzl Myo RXP so I can have multiple settings- the low was a bit too low, and the high was good but rarely used, and a medium setting would have been good.  But it was definitely adequate.  I had 2 handheld bottles and a vest with pockets for my food and backup water/clothes.  All in all, my gear passed the test.  This run today helps me gain a new respect for 100 mile races while also helping me prepare by testing my gear and myself.  Bear 2010, here I come!

XT Wings Miles: 32.00
Weight: 0.00
From allie on Sat, Sep 26, 2009 at 15:41:58 from

wow, that is some intense running. i cannot believe you have this kind of energy and stamina after the marathon last week. sounds like you were a great pacer for davy. congrats on the 32-miler. anything but lazy!

From Cody on Sat, Sep 26, 2009 at 17:15:09 from

Quite the experience. I bet you will be the most prepared 100 miler virgin when Feb rolls around. Learning firsthand from one of the legends. Well done.

From James on Sat, Sep 26, 2009 at 17:25:01 from

That sounds like quite the day and run. I would like to help out with that race one of these years.

From Twinkies on Sat, Sep 26, 2009 at 18:41:02 from

Great job pacing Davy. Sounds like it was a lot of fun. You'll definitely be prepared for your first 100.

From Paul on Sat, Sep 26, 2009 at 19:22:16 from

Glad you had fun. Your enthusiasm and excitement for this type of running really shows, and it's very cool that you can go through a running "rebirth" at age 30.

From crockett on Sun, Sep 27, 2009 at 11:58:25 from

Jon, Thanks a ton for the super pacing. It was great to have you along. You helped a ton, reminding me to eat, drink, pushing me when I was lazy, and blasting down into White Pine was a highlight of the race for me. I also chuckle how Paul was flabergasted that I showed up at Leatham exactly to the second as I predicted. Good thing I had that nasty fall at the top of the canyon or I would have showed up ten minutes early. Thanks for writing this up, it will my my race report simple. The last 24 miles were a struggle...very frustrated that I could run down hills fast due to the blisters. But I got it done. My goal shifted to beat my Wasatch 100 time two weeks ago. I beat it by 12 minutes. Got a cool jacket for finishing 5 straight Bear 100s.

From jun on Mon, Sep 28, 2009 at 11:19:00 from

Great report and welcome to the world of pacing Davy. It is a great experience. You are definitely ready to move into the longer races. 2010 will be a fantastic year for you.

From crockett on Wed, Sep 30, 2009 at 18:32:28 from

My Bear 100 race report is at: http://www.crockettclan.org/blog/?p=162

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

I ran 29 miles last Sat while setting a PR, and ran 32 miles this Saturday while being on my feet for 10 hours.  All in all, that adds up to 100k of running the past two Saturdays.  If you think I'm even considering running today, you're crazy.

Weight: 0.00
From Adam RW on Wed, Sep 30, 2009 at 09:48:08 from


From crockett on Wed, Sep 30, 2009 at 12:42:16 from

Whine, whine, whine. What a wimp. Get out there and run. "Don't be lazy." Ha, ha.

From Jon on Wed, Sep 30, 2009 at 13:15:43 from

Davy, I'm allowed to be lazy. The mantra only applied to you :)

I'm waiting for your full race report to comment on your blog...

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

Got a big shipment from St. George Running Center- 2 shoes, 2 shorts, and a visor.  Thanks, Steve.  I'm excited to wear my new shoes... once I start running again, that is.  Maybe tomorrow.  Minimal soreness today, but I'm enjoying being lazy.

PM- I wasn't planning to run today, but Cody moved up our Bear 100 flagging removal due to pending snow.  So, we left right after work and got dropped off in Providence canyon.  After 1.5 miles hiking up the steep trail, we were off and running.  We had to stop occasionally to remove the flags (and to pick up the flags that fell out of Cody's bag when it came open) but generally moved well.  Unfortunately, we were out well past sundown and I had neglected to bring a light. Cody had his and let me hold it for the both of us, but he kept running ahead.  Surprising we didn't trip more, since it was pitch black when we finished.  My legs didn't feel sore but were very fatigued, and I really ran out of juice the last mile.  I'm pooped- definitely not recovered from all my runs.  12 miles in 2:15 or so (umm, yeah, that's why trail runners track time running, not miles).  The run included about 2600 ft climbing and 3600 ft descending, so a nice day's work.

Omni 7 Miles: 12.00
Weight: 0.00
From Ashbaker on Tue, Sep 29, 2009 at 11:42:45 from

Jon, You are an electrical engineer right? I have a technical question if that is ok with you.

From Jon on Tue, Sep 29, 2009 at 11:47:22 from

Steve- I'm mechanical, but you can ask and I'll see if I can answer. Cody is electrical, I believe.

From Ashbaker on Tue, Sep 29, 2009 at 11:52:39 from

Is it possible to test a rectifier bridge and other types of semi-conductors while they are still in the circuit?

From Ashbaker on Tue, Sep 29, 2009 at 11:53:59 from

Other than running a voltage or current reading in the circuit that is.

From Ashbaker on Tue, Sep 29, 2009 at 12:06:50 from

Sorry I had you guys mixed up for some reason. I'll ask Cody when I get back from an errand. Thanks for the reply Jon.

From Jon on Tue, Sep 29, 2009 at 13:30:25 from

Yeah, you'll have to ask Cody.

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

I just got a letter from the committee in charge of the 4th of July race I did in Idaho Falls.  It contained a nice certificate and ribbon congratulating me on placing 2nd in my age group (I was 6th overall).  Of course, I don't know what the age categories were and I still never saw official results or my time.  It was a nice certificate, though. 

Weight: 0.00
From jun on Thu, Oct 01, 2009 at 13:21:18 from

That is really cool. Most races maintain the idea that if you aren't there to get your award, you don't get it at all. So glad for you.

From redrooster on Thu, Oct 01, 2009 at 16:21:15 from

another nice feather in your hat. no running today?

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

PM- Cody had the brilliant idea of running Green Canyon.  8 wonderful miles on the trail with only a bunch of mountain bikers and a few deer for company.  Getting chilly in the evenings.  Wore my NB800 and they worked fine for the rocks.  Easy pace- 8:30-ish avg, I think.

NB 800 Miles: 8.00
Weight: 0.00
From crockett on Sat, Oct 03, 2009 at 16:48:29 from

Any interest in running a Grand Canyon double crossing sometime in November? For me it takes about 12-13 hours alone, probably an hour less if pushed. 48 miles.

From Jon on Sat, Oct 03, 2009 at 18:54:54 from

Yes. Depends when it is, but interested.

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

AM- trail run with Paul and Cody. We met at Paul's house and drove the Smithfield Dry canyon. We ran (hiked) up over 3000 ft in 4.3 miles and about 77 minutes to the saddle. It was a rather steep, very overgrown, and sometimes snowy trail with great views. It was surprising how much snow there was on the north-facing slopes.  Our legs got very torn up by all the undergrowth.  After enjoying the views at 9000 ft, we decended into the head of Birch canyon.  It was a gorgeous area.  The trail was again rough, steep, and snowy, with multiple creek crossings.  Finally we reached an old jeep trail and ran down that to a car.  12 miles in about 2.5 hours.

 In the past 9 days, I have done 4 runs.  99% of it was on dirt, most on trails.  The runs totaled 64 miles in about 16 hours (15 min/mile pace) and included over 15000 ft climbing and 15000 ft descending.  All of it was in beautiful fall colors.  Wonderful.

XT Wings Miles: 12.00
Weight: 0.00
Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

AM- My post-marathon break is over. Time to get back to work, starting with my first pre-work run since Sept 11 (my longest no-weekday morning run since January). 6.5 easy. Legs finally starting to feel better, unlike Sat. Planning on 70-ish miles this week, 90-ish next week.

PM- 7 more miles, mixed in between 5 pieces of pizza. 

NB 769 Miles: 13.50
Weight: 0.00
From allie on Mon, Oct 05, 2009 at 10:35:33 from

ah, my break ended today too. but i won't be doing 90-mile weeks anytime soon :)

From Mattrow on Mon, Oct 05, 2009 at 10:41:48 from

good luck on running 70 this week.

From Paul on Mon, Oct 05, 2009 at 16:47:54 from

Goodness, that's a lot of miles. Makes me tired just thinking of it!

From Jon on Mon, Oct 05, 2009 at 20:45:50 from

What's that, Paul? The 6.5 mile run this morning?

From Paul on Mon, Oct 05, 2009 at 21:37:04 from

No, "90-ish"

From James on Mon, Oct 05, 2009 at 22:19:29 from

Makes me wonder how Jon is still married?!

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

AM- 6 easy.

PM- 7.5 more. 

Layoffs at work today- 550 people laid off.  

Omni 7 Miles: 13.50
Weight: 0.00
From jtshad on Tue, Oct 06, 2009 at 10:26:00 from

I will be keeping you in my thoughts today, good luck and I hope you make it through.

From Twinkies on Tue, Oct 06, 2009 at 10:51:36 from

I hope you are a survivor. My company laid off 200 people two weeks ago. I was a survivor but its tough to see lots of people I have work with have to leave.

From Andy on Tue, Oct 06, 2009 at 11:38:58 from

Good luck Jon.

From Paul on Tue, Oct 06, 2009 at 11:49:44 from

Yikes. I'll be praying for you.

From Kory on Tue, Oct 06, 2009 at 15:09:34 from

Jon - I'm going to pray for your job as well as our Church. Just remember this that God does take care of his children. I was told that along time ago when my job was on the line.

From Jon on Tue, Oct 06, 2009 at 16:04:30 from

Thanks for your thoughts, everyone. I didn't get laid off, but many of my friends did. Plus they announced more possible layoffs in Jan, Mar, and Oct next year. Ahh, what a wonderful economy.

From jtshad on Tue, Oct 06, 2009 at 16:05:45 from

Glad to hear you made it through. Maybe it is time to look at a different company before the hatchet falls.

From Ashbaker on Tue, Oct 06, 2009 at 19:41:20 from

Jon, I'm glad to hear that you still have a job. Does that mean the Ares program is being scrapped?

From Jon on Tue, Oct 06, 2009 at 22:06:24 from

Steve- Obama hasn't said anything about cancelling it. If he does, the majority of my plant would likely shut down. Hope that doesn't happen.

From Dustin on Tue, Oct 06, 2009 at 22:17:03 from

Glad you still have a job my friend and yes the Broncos are 4 and 0 baby! You a Rockies fan by chance? I don't really get into baseball, but when I do I support the Rockies.

From Jon on Tue, Oct 06, 2009 at 23:54:44 from

Dustin- not really a baseball fan, but I'll cheer for the Rocks over other teams.

From c h a d on Wed, Oct 07, 2009 at 11:44:26 from

Jon--I'm glad you still have your job. I saw today's paper and thought of you immediately. Hang in there -- keep making yourself invaluable!

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

AM- 7.  Ran in my new Pearl Izumi shoes- look cool and fit great.  Love them.  Thanks, Hooper.  Since I'm protesting Brooks and won't be buying them after 2 disappointing pairs of Adrenalines, I have a feeling that this may be the start of a long and beautiful relationship between PI and myself.  My shoes are mainly New Balance and Saucony, but PI will be added to that list.

Pace Miles: 7.00
Weight: 0.00
From Nan Kennard on Wed, Oct 07, 2009 at 17:05:23 from

Pearl Izumi, huh? They are nice looking shoes. I was just thinking of ordering some new Adrenalines online because I've liked them in the past. But I've never tried PIs. What type of foot strike and arch do you have?

From Nan Kennard on Wed, Oct 07, 2009 at 17:05:49 from

PS I'm glad you kept your job yesterday

From Jon on Wed, Oct 07, 2009 at 17:43:39 from

Nan- I have a normal arch (maybe a bit flat) and overpronate a bit. I usually wear stability or light (moderate) stability shoes. Usually things like Saucony Omni, Brooks Adrenaline (though never again after having a pair wear out at 350 miles and another at 400 miles), New Balance 76X line, etc. I got the PI Pace and really, really like them.

From sam Dean-Howard on Thu, Oct 08, 2009 at 03:17:33 from

Maybe I should try some different makes for the last too many years I have stuck to NIKE i know I know but they suit me and look good :-)

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

PM- At home watching the kids, so used my new NordicTrack Incline trainer for the first time.  Did a good hill workout for 45 min.  We'll count it as 6 miles.

Pace Miles: 4.00
Weight: 0.00
Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

AM- 11 total miles.  It's finally Friday.  I'm hungry.

NB 769 Miles: 11.00
Weight: 0.00
From crockett on Fri, Oct 09, 2009 at 17:25:33 from

Hey you slacker, you are 18 miles behind me this week.

From Jon on Sat, Oct 10, 2009 at 00:33:56 from

I know, I saw this morning that you were on top of the mileage board!

From crockett on Sat, Oct 10, 2009 at 14:42:04 from

Dang, you topped me. I'll have to get off the couch today.

From Jon on Sat, Oct 10, 2009 at 15:48:16 from

Don't be lazy!

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

AM- Long run with Cody.  A bit chilly when we started (35 deg with a slight, non-directional breeze), and it never really warmed up but was a rather enjoyable temp.  Ran through town to Logan Canyon and all the way to just before Guinavah Malibu.  Due to no canyon wind, First Dam lake was mirror smooth, a rarity.  Saw some cops and upset people at Stokes parking lot- apparently someone had broken a bunch of car windows and snatched some purses 30 minutes earlier.  Not cool- don't leave valuables in your car!  Cody and I both felt more fatigued then we should have and semi-bonked.  Finished the run at 7:31 avg pace.

Pace Miles: 21.50
Weight: 0.00
From jtshad on Sat, Oct 10, 2009 at 15:29:30 from

Nice run and good mileage for the week.

From Nan Kennard on Sat, Oct 10, 2009 at 17:54:12 from

Nice run! Sounds beautiful. Too bad about the stolen goods.

From Adam RW on Mon, Oct 12, 2009 at 09:26:18 from

The thefts are annoying. Glad you are back into the mileage again. I'm lagging a bit behind :) Next month should be good to go... But then again I don't have a 50 mile race in two weeks... Is that the end of '09 for you?

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

AM- 10 at 7:02 avg pace.  Broncos won again!!!

Omni 7 Miles: 10.00
Weight: 0.00
From Paul on Mon, Oct 12, 2009 at 10:11:36 from

It's a good year to be a Bronco fan. Lots of exciting games.

From jun on Mon, Oct 12, 2009 at 13:14:02 from

They should have been awarded a forfeit for those uniforms though. Sorry, they were horrible.

From RivertonPaul on Mon, Oct 12, 2009 at 21:39:13 from

They looked like the Wyoming Cowboys, but I'm glad they won.

From Dustin on Mon, Oct 12, 2009 at 22:03:54 from

Had trouble watching the game yesterday with the terrible uniforms, but like you said 5-0 baby.

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

AM- 4:10 wake up call to get in 12 miles- I'm very tired.  Followed that with 3 Einstein's bagels- cherry with strawberry spread, blueberry with almond-honey spread, and pumpkin with pumpkin.  I guess that means I'm about even on calories today.  Seems like a fair trade.

PM- 6 more.  I just passed my total mileage from last year... and I have almost 1000 more miles planned this year!  This is by far my highest year ever. 

Omni 7 Miles: 6.00NB 769 2 Miles: 10.00
Weight: 0.00
From jun on Tue, Oct 13, 2009 at 10:26:45 from

Definitely a fair trade, especially with the pumpkin spread. I love that stuff.

From allie on Tue, Oct 13, 2009 at 13:26:56 from

wow. another triple bagel morning. someday i am going to try this feat. great work getting in the miles at such an early hour.

From Kory on Tue, Oct 13, 2009 at 14:18:10 from

Yummy! I love bagels. Broncos do look good and they whipped my Cowboys. The Better team won.

Jon - when your running that early in the dark do you adjust your route for safety?

From sam Dean-Howard on Tue, Oct 13, 2009 at 15:58:24 from

that makes me feel tired and lazy how early? and the bagels now your making me feel hungry Jon... but well done on your training excellent mileage

From Jon on Tue, Oct 13, 2009 at 20:43:58 from

Kory- I always wear black clothes and run on the darkest roads.

Actually, I rarely run on the roads for more than a mile- my route is usually on Planet Walk (a trail) or the golf course. And, truth be told, ever since my dog incident, I usually do my morning runs in the gym. It's hard enough getting up at 4 am, and is mentally a lot easier for me when I know it will be warm, light, dog-free, with other people and some good sports and news on tv.

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

AM- 7.5 easy. It's my birthday today. Since I know some of you will ask- no, I'm not going to run 31 miles or anything like that. In fact, I'm not running any more today.  I'm going to enjoy a nice dinner with my wife and play with my daughters after work, something I don't get to do as often as I would like.

NB 769 Miles: 7.50
Weight: 0.00
From Dustin on Wed, Oct 14, 2009 at 10:29:00 from

Happy birthday Jon, hope you have a great day.

From jun on Wed, Oct 14, 2009 at 10:30:08 from

Happy Birthday. October Birthdays are the best (me, you, and Allie - that I know of). You also have the same birthday as one of my best friends. I hope you have a great day.

Maybe for your birthday challenge you should eat 31 bagels. Eh?

From jun on Wed, Oct 14, 2009 at 11:31:28 from

And I totally forgot to add Smooth to the October birthday list. Hers is on Friday. Phew. Glad I got that in.

From Andy on Wed, Oct 14, 2009 at 11:36:15 from

Happy Birthday!

From Nic on Wed, Oct 14, 2009 at 14:00:14 from

Happy Birthday. The 31 miles did sound cool but family is always better. You might get cold running 31 miles in your birthday suit anyways....

From Paul on Wed, Oct 14, 2009 at 14:13:24 from

Happy birthday. Cody and I will run through a puddle for you this evening.

From Twinkies on Wed, Oct 14, 2009 at 14:41:37 from

Happy Birthday. Enjoy the time with your family.

From JimF on Wed, Oct 14, 2009 at 16:54:57 from

Happy Birthday! Enjoy the time with your family.

From allie on Wed, Oct 14, 2009 at 17:00:15 from

happy birthday jon.

From Samantha Dean-Howard on Thu, Oct 15, 2009 at 04:36:25 from

Happy Birthday for yesterday Jon hope you enjoyed it

From Ashbaker on Thu, Oct 15, 2009 at 11:48:51 from

Sorry Jon, I missed ya. Happy Birthday!

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

AM- 10.5, with one faster mile.

Pace Miles: 10.50
Weight: 0.00
Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

AM- 9.5.  I have run 49.5 miles in the morning before work this week, which is definitely a personal record.  I have to finish my run by 6:10 am to catch my vanpool, so I was starting by 4:45 or so each day.  This is a good scenario for minimizing time away from my family, except I really need to get to bed before 11 pm each night.

PM- Very enjoyable trail run from First Dam to just before Guinavah Malibu.  Lots of gorgeous leaves, though a bit chilly.  Legs felt sluggish until the last bit, where I picked it up, inc. last mile of 6:35.  11.2 miles in 1:28:29.

Progrid Guide TR Miles: 11.00Omni 7 Miles: 9.50
Weight: 0.00
From Adam RW on Fri, Oct 16, 2009 at 23:16:11 from

I'm so jealous. Today had to have been the perfect fall running day.

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

AM- I had planned to do Richard's Hollow this morning, part of the Bear 100 course.  But, after minimal sleep this week, I was up till 1:30 last night trying to get my daughter to sleep.  When my alarm went off, I turned it off and slept till 8.  Then I did an easy 7 on PW.  About a dozen people with professional cameras on the trail, for some reason.  Now I watch the kids all day while Marci is in SLC.

Adrenaline 2 Miles: 7.00
Weight: 0.00
From JimF on Sat, Oct 17, 2009 at 15:30:23 from

Good to get some extra sleep. I don't know how you are able to get up so early and run.

From jtshad on Sat, Oct 17, 2009 at 16:49:18 from

Nice of you to let Marci have a day off for herself, you are a good husband!

From Samantha Dean-Howard on Sun, Oct 18, 2009 at 12:00:17 from

Well done Jon...... camera action ! I think its funny when I see people clicking when Im running im sure someone took a photo of me running last week when running down the beach they even smiled and said thanks when I ran past I just smiled lol

great DAD 2 !

From marci on Mon, Oct 19, 2009 at 00:47:10 from

thanks babe! it was so nice to have some sister time AND come home to a CLEAN house. Maybe i'll do it again this weekend.

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

AM- Tired, so only got up in time for 6 miles.  Plus no need to push it with my 50 miler on Sat.

Adrenaline 2 Miles: 6.00
Weight: 0.00
From jun on Mon, Oct 19, 2009 at 12:58:29 from

Good luck on that. You'll kill it, for sure.

From Samantha Dean-Howard on Mon, Oct 19, 2009 at 14:11:21 from

wow a 50 miler thats impressive I take it its a race....oh yeah just read your doing Ogden Valley well enjoy your taper :-)

From jtshad on Mon, Oct 19, 2009 at 17:41:51 from

Good luck with the taper and at the 50 miler!

From Twinkies on Mon, Oct 19, 2009 at 19:08:05 from

Good luck on the 50. You'll kill it if it doesn't kill you first. Just kidding. My advice from my first 50 would be just relax and enjoy it.

From crockett on Mon, Oct 19, 2009 at 22:00:11 from

Keep the taper going. Bring home the blue ribbon or whatever they give out at those wimpy short 50-mile races.

From Adam RW on Mon, Oct 19, 2009 at 22:21:43 from

Isn't the Monday before the race the day you are supposed to go out and run the course? I thought there was some type of mental prep there? Enjoy the week.

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

AM- I was planning to take AdamRW's advice and run the OV50 course this morning, but didn't have the 7 hours (plus driving) it would require.  So instead I did 9 miles in Logan, incl. 2 MP miles just to get some leg turnover.

Sat is my first 50 mile run, so I am treating it as a training run/practice for the Rocky Raccoon 100 rather than treating it as a race.  That being said, I'm going to go out at what should be a fairly reasonable 7 hour pace and see what happens.  I'm going to practice with my fueling and run/walk cycle. 

NB 769 Miles: 9.00
Weight: 0.00
From Rossy on Tue, Oct 20, 2009 at 10:22:32 from

Our Broncos are 6-0!!! Also, good luck on your 50-miler this weekend!

From jun on Wed, Oct 21, 2009 at 11:06:15 from

Sounds like a good race plan. Although 7 hours seems really really fast. it certainly it for me anyway.

From crockett on Wed, Oct 21, 2009 at 14:08:26 from

I think mid 7-hour finish is possible for Jon. This is mostly pavement isn't it? What is the elevation climb? Do they have the entrants anywhere? I need to put down my wagers.

Either way, he'll make my 9:23 50 split on Friday look like a slow stroll in the desert.

From Samantha Dean-Howard on Wed, Oct 21, 2009 at 17:24:43 from

Jon you will be fine with 7 hours approx I think its a good outlook on the race to treat it this way for you first 50 miler.... even though I have no experience with anything over marathon distance...... you have certainly put the training in though !

From allie on Wed, Oct 21, 2009 at 17:43:13 from

good luck on the 50-miler.

go broncos.

From Kory on Wed, Oct 21, 2009 at 21:24:41 from

I wish I had 7 hours of time on Saturday to do a run. I never have time on Saturday to do more than 2 hours. I hope it goes well. What time are you starting?

From Jon on Wed, Oct 21, 2009 at 22:40:53 from

Kory- I have to be there at 4:30 am for the 5 am start, and it is an hour from my house... which means a 3 am wakeup!

From Kory on Wed, Oct 21, 2009 at 23:15:27 from

Good luck just make sure you go to bed early Friday. I know you'll do well.

From Adam RW on Thu, Oct 22, 2009 at 11:15:19 from

Jon, Isn't that about the time you normally wake up? :)

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

PM- PW 6 easy.  I think I set a new PR for getting the most little black bugs in my eyes during one run.

NB 769 Miles: 6.00
Weight: 0.00
From allie on Wed, Oct 21, 2009 at 20:31:26 from

haha. hate that.

From Kory on Thu, Oct 22, 2009 at 12:45:23 from

Are you getting to bed earlier at night now? I know it's hard. I have a hard time getting to bed before 10pm, because of the other stuff I like to do.

Anyway, I hope you do well on your long run Saturday. I think it's cool what your training for.

From Nic on Thu, Oct 22, 2009 at 20:20:38 from

I didn't know the little black bugs were that bad on the mainland. In Hawaii they are here all the time in the evening. I know it's a good workout when I come back from the run with bugs in my eyes and between my teeth.

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

PM- 5.  Nothing else to say.

Pace Miles: 5.00
Weight: 0.00
From Burt on Thu, Oct 22, 2009 at 21:25:32 from

That about sums it up.

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

AM- Wanted to make sure I was ready for tomorrow's 50 mile race, so I ran the course this morning as a tune up (per AdamRW's suggestion).  It went so well I ran it again.  Both times at 5k race pace.  Ready for tomorrow.

PM- 4 with the family. 

NB 769 Miles: 4.00Double Jogger 2009 Miles: 4.00
Weight: 0.00
From Cody on Fri, Oct 23, 2009 at 10:12:22 from

Show off!

From Dustin on Fri, Oct 23, 2009 at 10:44:45 from

Along with your 100 mile morning run, I'm sure you are digging those Bronco throw back uniforms?

From Paul on Fri, Oct 23, 2009 at 10:56:55 from

I hope you did your run today in a Broncos throwback uniform.

From crockett on Fri, Oct 23, 2009 at 11:10:11 from

Good luck tomorrow. Do you have someone helping you with aid station transitions?

From Jon on Fri, Oct 23, 2009 at 11:12:51 from

Dustin- I love how Gafney twirled his socks so they looked like candy canes.

Paul- Not only did I run in Broncos uniform, I did the whole run in full football pads and helmet.

Davy- there is only one aid station (mile 15/35), with the rest of the aid coming from roving cars. So no, no help at aid stations. But, Cody is pacing me from 35 to the finish.

From Cody on Fri, Oct 23, 2009 at 11:40:36 from

I also volunteered to throw items from his drop bag at him from my car. I hope he packed things like shoes and batteries.

From Samantha Dean-Howard on Fri, Oct 23, 2009 at 11:42:29 from

Hey well good luck and cant wait to read the report oh and yes mile splits he he

were cheering all the way from sunny Liverpool uk :-)

From crockett on Fri, Oct 23, 2009 at 11:47:53 from

Why don't you use one of those super soakers to keep him cool. I'm sure giving him a few blasts of that in the face will help him perform well. Roll the windows up when it looks like he's going to puke.

From Superfly on Fri, Oct 23, 2009 at 11:51:20 from

Good workout. You should have did some mile repeats at around 5:10 pace just to take the edge off.

From Ashbaker on Fri, Oct 23, 2009 at 11:54:15 from

I wanna be like Jon!

From Jon on Fri, Oct 23, 2009 at 12:03:17 from

Ok, guys, confession time- I actually didn't run the course twice this morning.

I actually ran it 4 times! But I figured putting that many miles on the mileage board would look cocky, so I only put 100.

From Ashbaker on Fri, Oct 23, 2009 at 12:09:10 from

Mileage hog!!

From crockett on Fri, Oct 23, 2009 at 12:18:21 from

I believed you on the long morning run. I do that all the time. No big deal. But 200 in one morning sounds a little bit fishy. Perhaps running on a treadmill in the back of a semi.

From Kory on Fri, Oct 23, 2009 at 12:41:54 from

you should have woke up today and just ran till tomorrow morning then you would be ready. Why not get 200 miles. Get stuff Jon. Have fun tomorrow and be careful.

From Adam RW on Fri, Oct 23, 2009 at 14:03:06 from

This is a good way to deal with taper madness. Have fun tomorrow. Look forward to reading the race report.

From crockett on Fri, Oct 23, 2009 at 14:06:52 from

You know, Dean Karnazes, (who claims he holds all sorts of running records, or invents them), would run from his home to the start line. I thought I heard you were going to take the wimpy out and drive a car to the start. What is up with that?

From Twinkies on Fri, Oct 23, 2009 at 19:02:25 from

Good luck tomorrow.

From josse on Fri, Oct 23, 2009 at 23:41:04 from

You guys are to funny. Good luck Jon, them hills are a callin.......

Race: Ogden Valley 50 miler (50.75 Miles) 07:11:16, Place overall: 1, Place in age division: 1
Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

OV50.  I have been planning on this race for 18 months as part of my slow transition into ultra running.  Prior to today, my longest run was pacing Davy for 30 miles, so this was a big step up.  My plan was to essentially treat it like a tune up for my upcoming 100 milers- use the same equipment, fueling strategy (Gu every 25 minutes plus sports drink), and pacing strategy (run 25, walk 3 min).  I didn't wear my Garmin but instead made a cheat sheet for pacing based on turns, with split times for each leg for a 6, 6.5, 7, 7.5, and 8 hour finish.  My goal was around 7 hours, maybe a hair faster, but even pacing and practice was more important.  The course goes over Old Trapper's Loop (following the Ragnar course), around Pineview Reservoir, and back over the mountain.  Total climbing is 5600 feet, with almost all over the mountain.  Only 1 fixed aid station at mile 15/35, with some roving cars stocked with goodies (thanks, Kristin and Dave!)

Pre-race weather was predicted to be in the 30's and 40's with precipitation.  Only got 4 hours of sleep due to a 3:10 am wake up, but that's ok.

Race started at 5 am, and there were only 35 runners.  Saw Ultrajim (but didn't get to talk to him and had to leave just before he finished- sorry I missed you, Jim), Russ Bennett from work, plus Shane Martin who has won the past 2 years with CR of 7:25.  It was dark for 3 hours so we all had our headlamps.  Went out near Genevieve Keogh and Shane.  Felt good over the pass, running comfortably up and down hill.  Got a bit of snow on the way.  Hit mile 15 with Shane 4 min ahead of the 7:00 finish pace.  Shane pulled away while I was in the port-o-pottie, then I caught him at 18 and held the lead the rest of the way.  My stomach started acting up and I slowed my drinking and gu's for a while, which worried me.  I kept forcing them down for a while, then stopped completely at mile 25.  Cody showed up in his car at this time and I gave him my headlamp- he was going to pace me in from mile 35.  He told me Shane was 3 minutes back.

About mile 29 my stomach finally had enough and everything came up, including my pre-race apple.  Stomach felt better after that and I had no problem pounding the food and drink- good sign.  However, my legs were definitely fatigued the rest of the way and let me know that they had never gone this far before.  No specific pains, just general fatigue like a bad marathon bonk.  At the 50k mark I was 1 minute ahead of 7:00 pace (about 4:14 for a 50k split) but slowing and walking a bit more.  Finally reached the aid station at mile 35 for a waiting Cody but I was 4 minute behind schedule.  Shane was 9 minutes back. 

The climb up Trappers seemed to last forever and included increasing amounts of walking.  I can't imagine how tough it would have been without Cody!  My legs were very tired with the 2100 ft climb, though a nice 350 foot descent in mile 38 was a nice break (and fast- 6:30-ish?).  Lost quite a bit of time and was 13 minute behind 7:00 pace when we hit the main highway near the top.  It started hailing just as we reached the top, which is better than rain, I guess.  Steady headwind.  The 8 mile, 2000 ft descent was pretty fast (some sub-7 miles) but the pounding got to me and I slowed down the last 3 miles as my legs complained.  Glad when we hit the flat at the bottom and enjoyed the "bonus mile" (mile 51!).  Finished in 7:11:16 (8:30 pace) in 1st place, new course record (I guess I'm still somehow undefeated at all ultras and trail marathons- 4 and counting).  Shane was 25 minutes back.  Ate some good food, enjoyed some IBC Root Beer in a new mug, got a massage, cheered a few finishers, then had to head home to watch the kids.  Legs are tired but not moreso than the typical marathon.  

Overall a good experience- Striders puts on a great, low-key race.  The pavement and hills add up, but my shoes/socks were perfect with no blisters/hot spots.  Not one.  Drymax socks rock!  Fueling was good once my stomach cooperated.  And it was great to have Cody come pace- thanks again for donating your time, buddy.  Now on to 100 mile races!  Today's finish keeps me on target for my Rocky Raccoon 100 in Feb with a sub-17 goal. 


Pace Miles: 51.00
Weight: 0.00
From Paul on Sat, Oct 24, 2009 at 19:36:02 from

Awesome job! Kudos on the win, the course record, and pounding pavement for that long. Better you than me though!

From Oreo on Sat, Oct 24, 2009 at 19:38:11 from

Jon - awesome performance! I was with Chad (you met him on the bike earlier) on the old snowbasin road. That's a tough course and you dominated. Great job!

From jtshad on Sat, Oct 24, 2009 at 20:18:09 from

Wow, you are the ulta-man! Congrats on the win and an awesome race and experience and course record! Sounds like you really have found your calling.

From Cody on Sat, Oct 24, 2009 at 22:23:39 from

Jon -

I had a great time and am glad I got to experience such a great race first-hand. I am impressed with your ability to train and prepare yourself so that all you have to do is execute the plan. Piece of cake right? Ha! Not many people can run 6:10 pace 47 miles into a race.

Thanks for the experience...

From Adam RW on Sat, Oct 24, 2009 at 22:35:45 from

Great job! Congrats on keeping the streak going. Looking forward to what happens when you double it up. Very impressive overall.

From JD on Sat, Oct 24, 2009 at 22:36:07 from

Congratulations! You're a natural.

From redrooster on Sat, Oct 24, 2009 at 23:05:37 from

nice job Jon, a big win and amazingly you manage to get in as many miles as i can put in in a week in a single day. looking forward to seeing you bag that raccoon!!

From Dustin on Sat, Oct 24, 2009 at 23:25:23 from

Congrats on the race, great job. I can only imagine running for that long.

From jun on Sun, Oct 25, 2009 at 01:16:09 from

Amazing race for your first 50. Your goals seem to be really aggressive, but you also seem to keep backing them up. You've had years of training and preparation. Now it is your time to shine. Congrats on the win and course record. You are going to kill it at Rocky!

From Samantha Dean-Howard on Sun, Oct 25, 2009 at 05:58:17 from

Wow first ultra 50 miler you won and got the course record you rock well done on such an excellent race, and nice read too really felt for you with the fuelling problem I have this on my long training runs which are prob your short training runs Way to go :-)

From crockett on Sun, Oct 25, 2009 at 09:53:52 from

Way to go. Glad things held together. I can't comprehend pounding the pavement that long, wow. See you learned something from me, lose the lunch, start over, all if well. Ha, ha. What impresses me the most on this is you did this in weather. That is a great strength so still have a great race in rough weather.

From Twinkies on Sun, Oct 25, 2009 at 10:43:30 from

Very impressive race. That's a great showing for your first 50. Watch out ultra runners, here comes Jon Allen.

From Ashbaker on Sun, Oct 25, 2009 at 11:49:45 from

Way to go man! I can't even wrap my mind around that distance yet..

From Superfly on Sun, Oct 25, 2009 at 11:53:43 from

I knew you were going to kill it and win. Good job man. I'm guessing we may see you on the cover of some trail running publication pretty soon.

From MichelleL on Sun, Oct 25, 2009 at 12:00:57 from

Wow Jon. A course PR in bad weather, and for a novice such as yourself who lost his brunch, impressive.

From josse on Sun, Oct 25, 2009 at 14:49:25 from

Great job!!

From Fritz on Sun, Oct 25, 2009 at 15:03:04 from

Nice work Jon. Despite the nutrition issues you still hit your goal. Crazy to think that you weren't absorbing anything through 29. It can only get better.

From Brent on Sun, Oct 25, 2009 at 15:23:53 from

Jon, 1,000 commando points for the, amazing pace with the elevation gain and walking breaks. Nice race report

Stay Kool, B of BS Rools out

From LakeAnnDandy on Mon, Oct 26, 2009 at 10:37:38 from

Nice run stud! It appears your training is going well and paying off .... and now you have a 50 miler listed on your running accomplishments complete with a time to beat in future races (hehehe!).

From c h a d on Mon, Oct 26, 2009 at 12:39:13 from

Not a bad "bon voyage" to the marathon, Jon! The mix of pavement and trail makes this sound like a tough, tough race. You are going to be a force on the ultra scene. With your leg speed and ultra-distance mindset you will have many more impressive results like this. Congrats.

From Rossy on Mon, Oct 26, 2009 at 14:36:31 from

You rock Jon! Way to knockout 50 miles in a little over 7 hours!!!

From JimF on Mon, Oct 26, 2009 at 15:14:41 from

Awesome job winning in a new course record! I am totally impressed at your strength and toughness in races like this.

From Burt on Mon, Oct 26, 2009 at 18:39:39 from

Jon, if I could give you some advice for a moment from my experience with ultras, I would. But I don't have any and probably never will. So there.

From sam Dean-Howard on Mon, Oct 26, 2009 at 18:40:45 from

thats funny Burt dude :)

From Nan Kennard on Tue, Oct 27, 2009 at 23:27:12 from

Woah! Nice win! And you even spewed! Way to tough it out. Very impressive!

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

Left for work this morning at 1:15 AM to support NASA's Ares I-X launch.  Hopefully it goes ok.  If it flies today, I travel to Florida tomorrow for a couple of weeks work doing disassembly.  I almost feel like Kory, waking up this early for work.  Or Davy on the days he does his crazy 2 am 30 mile runs.

Recovery is going fine, other than being tired from only a few hours sleep.  Sore hamstrings, but everything else is great.  I might, **might** go for a short run tomorrow.  Or maybe not.  Doesn't really matter- not planning on any miles this week.

Weight: 0.00
From Adam RW on Tue, Oct 27, 2009 at 08:09:25 from

Good luck with the flight. I was watching some stuff on the news about it this morning. Sorry about the travel again. Congrats on making it through your first ultra relatively unscathed.

From Paul on Tue, Oct 27, 2009 at 08:29:41 from

It's actually not a bad time to go to Florida, since it's snowing here this morning.

From Kory on Tue, Oct 27, 2009 at 14:23:21 from

Hope things go well. If you do have to go to Florida at least you'll have good weather. Great run on Saturday, very impressive. I hope you have got plenty of rest since then? Take care Jon and I hope things go well again.

From crockett on Tue, Oct 27, 2009 at 15:43:51 from

I saw that crack about my crazy early morning runs. Fly rocket fly! Of course you guys are all too young...didn't live through all those moon shots like I did. I even remember the Gemini missions.

From BlondeRunner on Tue, Oct 27, 2009 at 21:55:33 from

looks like you are a fast guy

From todd kelly on Mon, Nov 02, 2009 at 02:53:57 from

great job on the ov50 wow your fast. you stud.

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

Alarm went off before 1 am again this morning for work.  Don't think I'll get a run in.

Weight: 0.00
From redrooster on Wed, Oct 28, 2009 at 15:23:28 from

way to launch that rocket. you are the man.

From jtshad on Thu, Oct 29, 2009 at 10:44:32 from

Rocket launch a success...unfortunately this means work travel! Travel safe.

From crockett on Thu, Oct 29, 2009 at 14:14:46 from

Congrats on the launch. My 13-year-old was unimpressed, "What, only six minutes?"

From sam Dean-Howard on Thu, Oct 29, 2009 at 18:34:05 from

Wow congrats what a cool thing to do Jon well done, and yeah travel safe to sunny Florida lucky you :-)

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

PM- In Florida for work.  7 very easy miles.  Legs were sluggish, though less-so by the end as I knocked the rust off.  No soreness to speak of.  My mini-break is over- now 14 weeks of training for my 100.

NB 769 Miles: 7.00
Weight: 0.00
Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

They delayed the work we had scheduled for today.  So I went on a 10 miles run instead.

Omni 7 Miles: 10.00
Weight: 0.00
From redrooster on Sun, Nov 01, 2009 at 00:28:32 from

better than sitting in the hotel room eating chips and getting fat I guess!

From sam Dean-Howard on Mon, Nov 02, 2009 at 14:22:28 from

Yeah wish I was in Florida and running 10 miles we have weather warnings in uk at the moment ;-)

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

PM- At work from 5:30 am till 9:30 pm, then went back to the hotel and got in 10 miles while watching MNF and the World Series.  Nice to have a productive day.

Omni 7 Miles: 10.00
Weight: 0.00
From Sam Dean-Howard on Tue, Nov 03, 2009 at 16:09:04 from

great running ;-)

From crockett on Wed, Nov 04, 2009 at 17:40:02 from

You out of town? I might come up to run the First Dam 10K Saturday. Ran it last year. A buddy would like me to come up.

From Jon on Wed, Nov 04, 2009 at 18:11:05 from

Florida. Fly home Fri, but then my parents come into town that night so I'll be busy all day (leave for a cruise on Sun). No 10k for me. i did run it last year with my wife, though!

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

PM- 10.5 miles after sunset on the beach.  Rather enjoyable and pleasant weather.  It is somewhat difficult to run on the beach at high tide, though- I either have to run on a steep camber or over the berm on the very loose sand.  It tends to aggravate my right achilles/lower calf.

NB 800 Miles: 10.50
Weight: 0.00
From James on Wed, Nov 04, 2009 at 22:36:25 from

You sure are traveling a lot this year!

From marci on Thu, Nov 05, 2009 at 16:16:56 from

just rub it in! sunset on the beach. awe! miss ya

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

AM- 5

Omni 7 Miles: 5.00
Weight: 0.00
From Sandy Dune-Howard on Thu, Nov 05, 2009 at 17:05:14 from

Hope you recovery from the ultra race is going well

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

AM- 8 miles on PW and a loop through Logan.  Started 6:50 pace, then gradually picked it up till the last mile was 6:10 pace.  53:25 for 8 miles.  Felt good to run fast, and unlike Cody, I didn't notice a lack of oxygen.  My shoes are now retired- they've been a great pair, but I started to really tell they are worn out the last few run.

This will be my last blog for a week- going on a cruise with Marci.

Funny experience- about .5 miles from my house, a runner dressed in all black was coming the other way.  It wasn't until I passed him that I realized it was my dad- my parents arrived yesterday to watch the kids, but I wasn't expecting him to be on a run.

Omni 7 Miles: 8.00
Weight: 0.00
From Adam RW on Sat, Nov 07, 2009 at 16:20:33 from

Enjoy the cruise!!!

From Cody on Sat, Nov 07, 2009 at 16:25:51 from

Have fun and relax! I am jealous!

From crockett on Sat, Nov 07, 2009 at 18:11:06 from

Jon, may I suggest an activity during the cruise that I'm sure will be a hit with Marci. Here is what someone did:

>>> "Scott Snyder" 2/1/2005 2:46:17 AM >>>

Forgive my self aggrandizement.

Just returned from a week long cruise of the Caribbean on the Queen Mary 2

(currently the largest cruise ship in the world; actually it's an ocean

liner according to the commodore).

There's quite a lot to do on one of these ships, but the ultrarunner in me

found another activity not listed.

The promenade deck is 640 meters in circumference, made of teak, roughly

150 feet above sea level, and narrows to about three and a half feet wide

twelve times a lap. Starting @ 0800 Monday 24 Jan and ending 29h26m later,

I completed 274 laps of the deck for a total distance of 104.53 miles. The

goal was to run 100 miles, but the exact distance wasn't verified until the

ship's commodore made the circumference of the deck known when I informed

him of what I had accomplished. I hadn't told the ship's crew what I was

going to attempt before I started figuring it would be easier to ask for

forgiveness than permission.

The finer points (the reading gets pretty dull from here).

The time - 29h26m - GLACIALLY slow I admit, but you'd be amazed how many

people stroll the deck at all hours of the day and night. When the deck

narrows to two shoulder widths, whomever you're behind sets the

pace. Elbowing old people out of the way seemed crass and just not good

idea ;)

The deck - glass flat, sure but that teak turned to concrete after

awhile. I don't know how anybody runs road races and my hat is off to them

because the balls of my feet were pounded into a not so dull ache for the

last 16h or so. I tried every combination of shoes/socks/pads/inserts to

relieve the pain in my feet to no avail. I'm a trail runner (finished the

Slam last year) and this run served to cement that commitment. No pun intended.

The weather - HOT & HUMID - the Caribbean, duh. Tried to heat train as

best I could in the winter months of Colorado; you can imagine how

successful that was. Thank god for electrolyte capsules and the tons of

fresh water the ship makes every day.

Food/Crew - I brought the usual ultra fare - gels, electrolyte drinks, etc

but wound up eating solid food as well thanks to the 24h dining experience

that is a cruise ship and the untiring effort of my wife serving as crew

and "go-fer." If ever there was a gesture of true love - allowing me to

waste 29 hours of her time on a cruise ship running laps AND helping me -

I'm a pretty lucky guy.

Yes, there are better things to do on a cruise ship, but shuffleboard,

putt-putt golf, bingo, and non-stop eating aren't things you can write

about on an ultra list.

My feets are still sore.


From Jon on Sat, Nov 07, 2009 at 18:21:28 from

Thanks, Davy, good idea. Maybe I'll do it if I can get Marci's permission.

From crockett on Sat, Nov 07, 2009 at 18:42:35 from

My wife would push me off the ship if I tried this.

From Jon on Sat, Nov 07, 2009 at 18:44:40 from

Mine said I can do what I want, but she won't help me- she'll be sitting on the beach.

I think I'll do good if I run 10 miles each day. Maybe I'll wear my garmin to see how much the movement of the boat screws it up (i.e. my 10 mile run shows up as 20 miles, etc)

From jtshad on Sat, Nov 07, 2009 at 19:43:54 from

Have fun on the cruise!

From marci on Sat, Nov 07, 2009 at 22:40:41 from

hey if you want to run on your entire vacation than that is your choice...But i won't be with ya or helpin' :) In fact, it would give me a vacation from you too. perfect. jk

From Jon on Sun, Nov 08, 2009 at 08:07:17 from

Snap, ouch. Dig from the wife.

From Sandy Dune-Howard on Mon, Nov 09, 2009 at 13:26:23 from

Ha ha Love it, and Jon enjoy your holiday, No way would I be able to cope on holiday without running, I usually get up really early and run so it doesnt disrupt the day, but If I were marathon training I think the hubby would be enlisted to help no matter what he likes dislikes LOL but hey hat off to your wife Crockett.

My idea can she/he sunbathe and keep hold of the drinks and gel pass on your way past each time sounds good to me although Id be the one running in circles LOL

My hubby wants to do a cruise and I have put it off for so many years now, as the confinement would drive me insane and I get sea sick, I just dont care how big the ships are you still have to run in circles urgghhh although your already left and probably wont read this till you get back so I have rabbited on somewhat but that doesnt matter now does it ha ha :-)

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

AM- 10 at the hotel before heading out on the cruise.

Pace Miles: 10.00
Weight: 0.00
Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

PM- 6 on the ship.  Doing .25 mile laps on the very hard, steel deck is definitely not easy on the body- sore feet and muscles.  Alternated the deck with the treadmills.

NB 769 Miles: 6.00
Weight: 0.00
Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles


Pace Miles: 13.00
Weight: 0.00
Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

NB 769 Miles: 10.00
Weight: 0.00
Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

AM- 10.5

PM- 6 

NB 769 Miles: 6.00Pace Miles: 10.50
Weight: 0.00
Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

AM- 6, as my last run.  Head home today.

Pace Miles: 3.00
Weight: 0.00
Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

AM- 7.  Definitely colder in Logan than Florida.

PM- 10. 

NB 769 Miles: 10.00NB 769 2 Miles: 7.00
Weight: 0.00
From jtshad on Mon, Nov 16, 2009 at 15:01:18 from

How was the cruise? What did you see?

From JimF on Mon, Nov 16, 2009 at 19:59:36 from

Hope you had a good vacation!

From Jon on Mon, Nov 16, 2009 at 22:24:08 from

Thanks guys. It was a great cruise, Jeff- we rode scooters on Key West, snorkeled and kayaked on Cozumel, and did a zip line and cave tubing in Belize.

From jtshad on Tue, Nov 17, 2009 at 08:28:27 from

Sounds like a great time, can I go next time?

From Jon on Tue, Nov 17, 2009 at 09:57:33 from

Sure. Though the cruise ship may not have enough food onboard for TWO runners.

From Adam RW on Wed, Nov 18, 2009 at 01:36:38 from

But a lot less humid!

Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesCrosstraining milesTotal Miles

AM- 10.

PM- 7. 

Intersting stat courtesy of marathonguide:

There have been 247 men who have run 498 marathons within 5 min of WR time.

In contrast, there have been 10 women who have run 14 marathons with 5 min of WR time.  All the repeats were by Paula herself.

Quite the disparity.  Shocking.

Adrenaline 2 Miles: 7.00NB 769 Miles: 10.00
Weight: 0.00