PM 5.0 in 37:34 (7:31). Ran out on the JRP out towards Saratoga. It pitch black by the time I ended, which was around 6:00 PM. Felt good to be outside and to run semi-fast.
8.50 in 1:06:40 (7:51). Started at about 7:00 AM and went out towards Saratoga. Connected to the JRP and then got home via 700 South. Pretty good run. About 28 degrees, but there was no wind so it wasn't so bad.
10.70 in 1:28:38 (8:17). Started at 5:30 AM and ran the medium cemetery loop. I was cold, then warm, and then it got really cold. Everything is at a slow pace right now. Just can't get the legs to move real fast right now.