AM: 4.2 miles, averaged 10:31. HR 138.
PM: 60' on the trainer (Lazy Mountain). 110W. HR 111.
Dialed the percentage back a little to keep the HR lower. Probably should have put it down to 70-75% to keep the HR closer to 100 or under. Felt a little sluggish and legs were clunky. Probably just tired and need a day off. It's been a while.
The boys were in their jump-ups while Megan ran. I think they are out of practice or bored with them. They are pretty close to the weight limit anyway, but, man, earlier this summer and spring they went nuts. Assembled a few more toys from their birthday. Megan got some great stuff. Caulked part of the roof flashing that has a small leak. We will see if that takes care of it.