Hung out with Mom in the morning. We went to see dad late morning and had lunch at Damon's and headed to Hampden Beach area in New Hampshire as my Mom had a hotel she booked to stay with my dad and she booked my flight for Tuesday. I really wan't sure how long I was going to be there and it was shorter than I expected, but I was also anxious to be back to see the boys and figured I had done what I came to do. Mom and I walked on the beach a bit. There were some young women in bikinis on October 2 in New England, which doesn't happen often. They even went swimming.
We got to the hotel and I Facetimed with Megan and the boys. I needed to see them. Definitely the longest I have been away from the boys, second to when I broke my elbow, which I think was around 12 hours or so.