AM: 8.2 miles, averaged 7:57. HR 148.
PM: 4.8 miles, averaged 8:19. HR 140.
A baselayer and gloves this morning. Pretty humid but chilly. Sunny and dry in the afternoon. I skipped my midweek for this week to recover from the race. I also wanted to get some cycling hours in with four weeks to go to Ice Man. I imagine when Thursday Night Dirt ends in another 2-3 weeks I will make Thursdays a run day to get my mileage back up. 50-60 is decent right now, but I plan to try to bump things up to 80-90 if I can after Ice Man and into January before dropping things down to about 70-75 once I start my faster track workouts.
98% sure I am not doing the ultra track once again. I could be ready in a few weeks as I have enough base and a few long runs of 18-19 miles, but I would want to treat it like a marathon buildup and I really like to have at least 7-8 20+ milers and I don't get think I can get that many in. I like marathon-style long runs, so I will likely do some of those during basebuilding. Not 20 milers but maybe up to 18 miles. Good for the aerobic fitness and overall mileage.