PM: 16 miles, averaged 8:08. HR 155.
130' w/ 90' Steady (Averaged 7:41. HR 161)
Quite humid but cool and on the cusp of raining, which it finally did a bit during the cool down. Did the workout linking a series of neighborhood loops, which worked very well. Mostly flat with one small hill. Kept things around 155 PM to low 160s, only pushing into the upper 160s in the last few minutes.
My shoes were squishing the last 40' of the steady portion, which was annoying and felt like I was slipping the whole time. Miles 5-14 were all in the mid to low-7:40s, other than a 7:41. The first portion was around 8' pace. I was pretty pleased to see the consistency os splits and the paces being solidly in the 7:30s. 5 seconds faster than last week and an additional 10' and 2 BPM lower. Lots of work to do, but this is promising.