Pumpkin Pie 10k today at city park in Denver, My first ever comp'd race as they took my elite entry and said my PR could get me on the podium, nothing like a free race!
Forgot my watch and my sunglasses, so just kind of how its been this week. Haven't felt the greatest legwise all week too so the watch was the icing on the cake. Warmed up for about 2 miles, had my normal pre-race stuff. Goal was sub 37, but once I got going and didn't have any splits anywhere (except for the first mile where I asked the guy next to me who said we were at 5:50. Other than that, I was on my own and just ran by feel. They said they'd have the 5k split since it was just a double 5k loop, but alas, they didn't even have that for us as we ran through. Ran in 5th most of the race, ended up 6th place. final time was 37:06, found out later I was at 18:23 at the 5k so that means 18:43 second 5k, not too bad in terms of even splits, felt a lot worse the second 5k so to only lose 20 seconds isn't that bad. Would have liked to have either my watch or at least a clock at the finish line because then I coulda kicked harder to get under 37 but its okay, still pretty good for an altitude 10k. Stacks up well with my other 10ks here at 5000+ feet so it means I'm in pretty normal fitness. will see what is next. cooled down for 2.5 for a total of roughly 11 miles