morning - 15 Parkway/Junction. Short walk with Twix and then took her on a shortened version of the Parkway. Dropped her off after finishing a quick push through my neighborhood to grab a Strava record. Then out to the Junction and back through Coral Canyon. Goals wer to get a long run in and have a few pushes in. Did both. Pushed hard'ish down King's Row, through Coral Canyon and back up King's Row. Just joined up on Strava yesterday, because... why not? And saw that all these dudes have records that I should have, but my watch only loaded back 60 days not the 60 years it would have needed to record some fast stuff. So I had to get the segment that runs right in front of my house. Pleased with today's effort. I have a long way to go to get under 1:18 in a half though. Maybe 1:20 might be more realistic. (Peg blue34 76.75)