mid-morning - 6.85 Lava Point Trail. With school canceled - I know, how lame. I had finals and the girls had parties and crap - I decided to get out and get a few in with the snow. Roads were pretty slushy, so I worked over to the trailhead and ran on the new trail. It seems to have a crushed gravel finish pushed into the pavement; seemed nice as far as I cold tell under 3 inches of snow. The scenery was absolutely breathtaking with the untouched snow glimmering on the sandstone and lava (I am taking a mental picture - click!). So, anyway, the run was fun. A bit of soreness in my right hammy and the giant bruise on my right shin gained from Steve's stepladder is just slowly working its way down my leg. (Landreth 530.25) evening - 6 Club run down the River Trail. Nothing too noteworthy here. I wasn't too zesty for the run and kind of just wanted to do it and get it done. Didn't even add any extra w/ James.(Landreth black 299.55)