AM - 8 Clyde's. A real bummer way to end the week. I should have worked on my tight right calve yesterday, but I didn't and paid for it today. It was very sore and tight before even starting and just heated up more as we got going - it wouldn't stretch or loosen up at all. We started to pick up into a tempo around 3.5 and I just felt the calve pull everything - hammy, shin, knee, and I decided I had better shut it down quick. Unfortunately we were 4 from home and around 4 from Clyde's, so I limped home and called it a day. (Kimvara 221.5) Week was junk. Tired on Monday and Tuesday; Bad workout on Tuesday; Neck junk so no run on Thursday; and then this stuff. Oh well... just take it with a grain of salt and move on. Have been using the EStim on it all morning to try and loosen it up some (guess I am glad I still have that thing from Thursday!) Goals for next week: Well, number 1 would be to get neck and leg better (but I know that will happen so...), get back into doubles, love life and have a fun Christmas season.