DogPound from PVHS with Ruth and Jeff. Took it nice and easy and enjoyed the run. W-151.5 (I have still yet to glean any info from taking my weight. But maybe someday it will be useful.) RHR-38 (Holding pretty steady here in the mornings. I have felt a little better on my runs the last few days.) Foot Injuries update: Plantar - feeling so much better the last few days. I measure the progress by how much I cry out in pain each morning on the first step out of bed. The last few mornings barely even noticing anything. Consitent wrapping, icing, and trying to stay off of it in the morning until it gets better is paying off. Pain below Right Ankle - starting to back off a bit. Every now and then it gets bumped and sends a shot through me, but it is getting better. I still don't know what caused it. Left Pinkie Toe - I think this might be broken from when I rolled it a week and a half a go. There is quite a bit of pain in it still, but not when I run. And a lot of swelling but no bruising, just redness. If I get some more time, I am going to go back as far as I can and write more info down from earlier in the year. for steve: 673-9882 |