AM - 4 on mural, 6:09 pace. despite using the same phone alarm to wake up at 4am every day, today it decided to go off on silent mode(i've said it before and i'll say it again, extremely dumb feature for an alarm. my phone wasn't even on vibrate or "do not disturb"). i guess it's not a bad thing considering if i ended up waking up at 7:30 without it i probably needed more sleep than the alarm would have given me, but it also means it was already 70's with 97% humidity out the second i woke up.
having stayed in alabama the last couple summers i already knew easy running in humidity sucks, but aerobic running in humidity REALLY sucks. luckily i'm going to provo for at least a portion of this summer, but i am curious if it's something i could adjust to, if i could do something like that 23-miler at 6:13 pace i did a couple weeks back in these swampy-ass conditions. now THAT would be impressive.
PM - 3 on hilton, 5:49 pace. apparently, it was a BOGO for getting my ass kicked by humidity today, although if i'd waited another 2 hours for it to get dark out i think i would have been able to go 6-7 like i wanted. gonna just pretend this was a tempo run so i don't feel as bad for only getting 7 miles in today lol