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May 16, 2015



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Ran 200 miles in under a week(nov 2019) . Ran 226 miles in under a week twice in 17 days(oct 2023). Ran 250 miles in under a week(mar 2024)


26. braves fan/canes fanatic/broncos sufferer/spurs fan

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Miles:This week: 0.00 Month: 0.00 Year: 118.00
Fly's Lifetime Miles: 215.00
Pegs 36 #8 Lifetime Miles: 451.00
Pegs #9 Lifetime Miles: 322.25
Peg 37 White Lifetime Miles: 289.50
Streak LT Lifetime Miles: 11.50
Peg 37 Navy Lifetime Miles: 494.50
Peg 37 Magenta Lifetime Miles: 508.75
Peg Shields Lifetime Miles: 795.00
Peg Shields 2(orange) Lifetime Miles: 770.00
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Pegasus 32 Gray Miles: 136.00Streak LT 2 White Miles: 48.50Pure Cadence 3 Blue Miles: 5.00NB XC700v3 Miles: 6.50Barefoot Miles: 0.25
Weight: 0.00
Total Distance

9 miles @ 6:38 pace. The first two miles were downhill, and the last two uphill. Everything inbetween was pretty flat. Hit the first mile in 5:26, 2 miles in 11:27, 3 in 17:37, and 4 at 23:52. After that I settled down the pace a bit, but man those first four miles came to haunt me in those last two uphill miles. I saw some of the team running a bit ahead around 5 miles in, but I opted not to take it easy with them as our paths crossed. "Gotta do what I gotta do" - Drake

Pegasus 32 Gray Miles: 9.00
Weight: 0.00
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I was planning on doing like 6 mile repeats on air village hill, three up and three down, but to quote Conner Mantz, it "went over about as well as a pregnant high jumper". Did the first mile(downhill) in 5:07, then 5:52(uphill), then 5:33, then 6:13. After that one ran back home. The wind during the run was awful, apparantly no one can fly out of Vernal because the planes might crash due to wind, but I don't think I was being mentally strong during the run. I think when I overthink runs I tend to fall short of what I'm hoping for, whereas when I don't think about the run I do pretty good. 

5 miles just under 32 minutes later on the treadmill. Paces were 6:40, 6:30, 6:20, 6:10, and 5:57. Lifted afterwards. Ran to my truck and back to add up to 10. "It is what it is" - Drake

Pegasus 32 Gray Miles: 5.50Streak LT 2 White Miles: 4.50
Weight: 0.00
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10k tempo at McCoy. My watch was being weird with the last three miles but I'll allow it. Paces were apparently 5:42, 6:00, 6:01, 18:25 at 5k, then 6:35, 6:32, and 6:43, coming in the 10k at 38:30. Came in the last 400 under 80 so that wasn't too bad. Hills killed, so did my calves. Cooldown after to add to 8. Avg pace 6:14 for the run all together. Grind was feeling real today, but "It's far from over" - Drake

Pegasus 32 Gray Miles: 8.00
Weight: 0.00
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About a mile warm-up, then about a 650m run on the grass to get my legs warmed up, 39 degrees is chilly. 2000m in 6:35. Felt pretty easy, I relaxed a bit too much on the second and third lap. After that 1600 in 5:25. That one was hard to fight through, I wasn't feeling the hottest. Changed out of my sweats after that. Went to do 1000, clocked in a 70 first lap, and stopped and went to the indoor to continue the workout, despite wrestling and the cheerleaders being there as well. Went to do a 1000, but ended up doing an 800 instead. 2:21. Did another 800, but the wrestlers got on the track and I had to stop a couple times to squeeze by them as to not crash. That one was 2:31. 600 after that. I went super ham on that one and clocked in a 1:32. Felt good, until I started jogging after, where my calves said some non-family friendly things. 400m After that in 63, then a 200 in 29. Strides after. With the jogging in between I'd call it 8.

20 minute run on the treadmill, lifting and core after. Training alone lately has been hard, but I'm liking my improvements. "Everybody got a deal, I did it without one" - Drake

Pegasus 32 Gray Miles: 4.00Streak LT 2 White Miles: 7.00
Weight: 0.00
Total Distance

5 miles at 6:15 pace. Was going to do 8, but apparently my sock was wrinkled or something, because it felt like my foot was being dragged across a gravel road at 60 mph. Not fun. I stopped at five because I thought my foot was bleeding, then biked three miles at high resistance

Pegasus 32 Gray Miles: 5.00
Weight: 0.00
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10 miles @ 6:39 pace along West Jordan. Felt really just like crap during it. My legs were like lead as soon as I started moving, and at about 3 miles in my foot pain came back from yesterday. "Ever since I left the city" - Drake my legs haven't felt A1. Miles 3-7 were pretty hard to push through, but after that I felt a bit better and the pain subsided. Some great carbs at Macaroni Grill™ After

Pegasus 32 Gray Miles: 10.00
Weight: 0.00
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AM- 5 easy miles in the morning. Notice how "easy" was crossed out? That's because I wore Pure Cadence. I hadn't ran in them in a while so I assumed that I may havce misjudged them. Nope. My legs felt awful, despite taking yesterday off. No traction in the shoes either so that blew. 7:11 pace

PM - 8 miles. I had two bowls of some super-fiber cereal so I felt pretty awful during the run lol RIP my intestines(update; those two cups contained about 200% of the daily fiber value). Anyway I ran up to the U, then the base of the mountain, then four miles down there. Not the "best I've ever had" -Drake. I think I'm coming down with something, might not do the usual core tonight, I feel pretty awful right now

Pure Cadence 3 Blue Miles: 5.00Pegasus 32 Gray Miles: 8.00
Weight: 0.00
Total Distance

Rained hard today, so I ran at the indoor facility. A few laps to warm up, then 6 miles alternating between fast and slow. First hard mile was 5:02, second and third were 5:28. I was going to do a fourth hard mile, came in at the 400 at 77, feeling good, but I hit the turn and my ankles told me to stop #anklewhisperer. Nothing better than 90 degree turns every 15 seconds. Easy miles were high 7's. Cooldown after to add to 9. Austin, Aaron, Jacia, and Kyrie were there doing an easy workout, I saw them run jog like an 800, but I think they were doing core. Anyway their sublime obliviousness made a few close calls take place. Just got my ACT back, and happy to say I'm now at 33. @masonwalkrun got a 31 so that's sick. Too bad he's going to a community college in colorado or UVU or something. Excited to give him a little surprise at NXRSW.  "I've been working with the negatives to make a better picture" - Drake

Pegasus 32 Gray Miles: 2.00Streak LT 2 White Miles: 7.00
Weight: 0.00
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I was going to go a little easier today on my distance run, but on my drive there I saw Aaron and Austin doing a tempo run and I decided I could rest when I'm at the Hotel Del Coronado. Ended up being a bit over 9 miles. It was a weird run. I went out quick on the first mile(uphill), and then felt really sluggish on miles 2-4, which were oddly enough the major downhill miles. After that had to climb up until mile 8 which was downhill, then the last mile was uphill again. Splits; 










Avg pace 6:32. Felt really great during it, except the last two miles I had to go to the restroom, and I wore the Uintah team shorts, which really arent meant for more than 5k comfort-wise haha. Cooldown to add to 10 for the day. There's no way I could have done this like a month ago, but I'm not complaining. I hate to say it but maybe fading away from the team could be prosperous. I still want to compete with them, Mason and I have a 4x400 finals title to reinstate at simplot after getting 11th last year, but I think training on my own is better for my own benefit? I haven't raced yet though, we'll have to see at Nike. "She says they miss the old Drake, girl don't tempt me" - Drake

Pegasus 32 Gray Miles: 10.00
Weight: 0.00
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My legs were pretty tired, so I just wanted a good quick run before my concert with Emily #babe. 5 miles at 5:55 pace, and it actually felt not awful, albeit a tear in my sock hurting my foot a bit. 2 mile @OMP from the park to the high school after massaging my calves for a few seconds. Once I got there I stretched a bit more, and Mason and Christian got back from their run, so I talked to them for a while which was pretty fun, but the cold had me shiverin'. Rocked at the concert with Emily, then played some sick poker with Stockton and Christian, along with a few others. "I'm trying to do better than good enough" - Drake

Streak LT 2 White Miles: 7.00
Weight: 0.00
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Timed a time trial for Mason, Aaron, Christian, and a few others with Kyrie. Aaron slaughtered the race, coming in at an 18:40, but I think it was actually 3.2 miles. Christian and Mason got 19's. I opted not to run because of my tempo yesterday, and I'm glad I did. My legs were pretty shot for the run. 8 miles in the freezing cold, I think I just barely averaged 6's.

4 miles, core, and weights at the rec center that night. "What am I doing? Oh that's right I'm doing me" -Champagnepapi -Drake

Pegasus 32 Gray Miles: 12.00
Weight: 0.00
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I would have done a shakeout in the morning, but I had my day date for Sadies in the morning. I had to walk like a mile down the road because my date couldn't find my house. Then I heard my "Hotline Bling" - Drake. I wont add it to the mileage though, it was more of a wanderer thing than a runner thing. Anyway it was way fun, we did a "chopped" sort of competition to make breakfast and Alyssa and my own dish were quite delectable. Except I ate too much french toast-biscuits. so I didn't feel that great when I got home, and procrastinated the run a bit. Oh well.

Mile warmup, then 12x400 at 5k pace or quicker, so hopefully 73-77, also working to get my breathing down for Nike and Footlocker. Times:













and then a 200 in 34. 200m rest in between each repeat. My watch died before the start of the first 400, so that was nifty. I had to run with my phone in my hand instead. After the third repeat Austin and his college runner/coach/DIImentor he has came to the track for him to race an 800, so my paces got a bit quicker, but I didn't die out like I kind of expected to. Overall I think I hit them a bit too quick, that translates to a 14:50 5k, but it was a good hard workout, and no regrets. Had to run a super quick 3 mile cooldown in order to get prepared for Sadies, just got back. It was dope. Alyssa, Stockton, Emily, and I watched Psych for a good bit, I ate a ton of bread while everyone had ice cream sundaes #lactoseintolerantprobs and got pretty turnt for a white person at the dance. I went ham, and got a good workout, my calves are mad sore. Shoutout to Alyssa for asking me I had a great time!! #Librarianperks

Pegasus 32 Gray Miles: 4.00Streak LT 2 White Miles: 5.00
Weight: 0.00
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AM - Warm up, then started with a 1200 aiming under 3:35. Hit the 600 at 1:47 and had to stop, it felt wrong. Jogged a lap, drove to the bathroom at 7-11, and headed back. Ran the 1200 at 3:47, it felt awful. It snowed overnight so I wore heat spandex, but I didn't need to. My legs were way hot, and I'm not too great in super hot conditions, and my legs were completely sapped. Sat down for a few minutes to gather myself, laced back into my trainers, and ran a little over two miles in 13 minutes. Should have been pretty easy, I hit the first half mile at 2:55, but again, the heat spandex sapped all my legs energy, turning them in to dead weights. I'll do the workout in the afternoon, NOT in spandex. Appreciating the teacher prep day today being the first day of the tri, because I can do two runs in a day and shamelessly watch Netflix for the entire time in between. Sherlock and Malcolm in the Middle, man. Also I hit a 7 minute plank in my hour long core workout yesterday

PM - Workout: 1x1000m, 3x800m, 4x400m. 400m jog in between each repeat. No predetermined pace, just getting in some speed that won't be detrimental at Nike. Warmed up, ran the 1000m in 3:10. Didn't feel the best, I was still bundled up pretty good. I took off my jacket and beanie and ran the first 800m at 2:35, 80 first lap, 75 second. "Crap!" I exclaimed into the unforgiving and harsh winter winds. Maybe it wasn't the spandex slowing me down in the morning. I took off my sweatpants, and ran the next 800m in 2:28, it felt much easier than before! First lap was a 75, then a 73. Last one I came in the 400m at 71. I was feeling good, but on the back stretch I just started coasting, the wind was hitting hard. I was going to stop at 600m because mentally I was gone, but then I looked at my watch and saw I was at 1:50, a second faster than I had been on the second 800. After that I pushed through to another 2:28. After that I decided for the 400's if it was faster than 73 or slower than 77, it didn't count. The first one I wore kept my sunglasses on despite the draining hue known as nighttime, so I was unsure if I was going too fast so I ran conservatively. 76. Next one I hit the 200m at 39 and came in at 73. Same for the next one. For my final repeat I decided just to go nuts the last 200m. Came in at 39 for the first half, then cruised in at a 70. I wasn't doing the normal things when I kicked, like driving elbows back and high knees, I was just striding. It felt nice, like I was running downhill or something. Drove to the rec center and ran a bit and lifted. Easy core tonight. 11 for the day. "Last name ever, first name greatest" - Drake

Pegasus 32 Gray Miles: 4.00Streak LT 2 White Miles: 2.00
Weight: 0.00
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7 easy miles and lifting. Core later tonight would write more but AP History, Bio, and music are blasting me hard "My actions speak louder than my words" - Drake

Pegasus 32 Gray Miles: 7.00
Weight: 0.00
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4 mile tempo just under 24. Didn't feel that great during it, the park bathrooms are locked for winter so that was a true detriment. Jog back to the high school after. "Know yourself, know your worth" - Drake

NB XC700v3 Miles: 6.50
Weight: 0.00
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4 miles + strides feat. The boys. Getting pumped.

Pegasus 32 Gray Miles: 4.00
Weight: 0.00
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Did the course, had some good dinner, and did some strides by myself in the parking lot after. Gonna leave it all on the line

Pegasus 32 Gray Miles: 3.50
Weight: 0.00
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Race: NXRSW (3.107 Miles) 00:17:59
Total Distance

Got out good, I was in the top ten first mile, 5:11, then I did what I've done every other race this year and given up, but this was by far the worst. 6:40 3rd mile. I feel bad for all the sponsors I've gotten to run like this. I'm just miffed at myself for not pushing myself, I trained hard for this and I'm really just unhappy that it didn't pay off. Leave it in the past

Pegasus 32 Gray Miles: 4.00Streak LT 2 White Miles: 3.00
Weight: 0.00
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AM - 4 easy miles. Sterling Scholar man. #mathematicslife

PM - After a draining interview I was ready to have a solid workout. Did a mile warm up in the oxymoronic cold night(emphasis on the moronic part for me running in that freezing cold weather). It wasn't even a warm up, I threw in a few strides during it. 6:32. After that I had a euphoric epiphany that made me go to the rec center to continue the workout where I wouldn't die. The plan was 2x2 mile repeats, getting faster as time went on. Did the first one right under 10:30. Got off the treadmill and jogged for a few minutes and got back on. Hit 1.33 barely under 7:00, then the treadmill started to bug out. Proud to say I'm fast enough to break a treamill. Or my legs were failing. I'd believe either. Hopped off because I was wary since Kenny fell yesterday on the treadmill and skinned his face, so I wasn't finna get injured. Jogged a bit more, did a half mile in at sub 5 pace, and lifted and did core. Feels good to have good workouts. After a lot of analyzing my season and saturday, I think my problem with racing was I got too worried and my own mind became my worst detriment. That, and heat. Going to take Footlocker with a easy breezy beautiful covergirl attitude and hopefully do well.

Pegasus 32 Gray Miles: 5.00Streak LT 2 White Miles: 5.00
Weight: 0.00
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Tempo. LSD. Races. Intervals. The four essential workouts lived in harmony, until the racing nation attacked. Only Eugene could stop them. But when Uintah needed him most, he vanished. Believe it or not, I showed up to team practice today. I was actually going to do my own thing, but I heard we were running Yellow Hill, which was false. The team decided to do core instead. Around a mile warm up, then headed to the indoor. Coach Hill was stacking up the box jumps when I thought it would be fun to have a core race of sorts, so I suggested it to him. He and I devised a killer workout, where a male/female duo switched out between running a lap with stairs faster than race pace, while the other did box jumps, push ups, wall sits, etc. Paired up with Jacia, and we str8 murdered it. Mason and Jessica and Jordan and Reagan were not too far behind, the latter pair almost beat us until Jacia beat Jordan in the home stretch lol hot next we had to switch partners and Jacia and I departed for the battle of the century between Mason and Jacia and Reagan and I. I managed to get us a pretty big lead, but Mason threw in a crazy third lap and I had to haul. Too bad there were still four laps left. Reagan and I took the crown for that one. Really fun workout, I liked it. Would have been more fun if Aaron weren't too cool for school but oh well. 5 Easy miles after in the freezing cold #Brr. I threw in the last 800 under 3 minutes striding out. Let the tapering begin!

Pegasus 32 Gray Miles: 8.00
Weight: 0.00
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Easy 6 mile run from the high school to the post office to the rehab center and back to the high school. First three miles were 6 minute pace, so I had to hold my horses for this run. A few barefoot strides after.

Barefoot Miles: 0.25Pegasus 32 Gray Miles: 6.00
Weight: 0.00
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Race: Turkey Trot (3.18 Miles) 00:18:21, Place overall: 1, Place in age division: 1
Total Distance

After spending 9 hours starting and completing online government in the span of 24 hours, I was pretty spent last night. I woke up and my neck hurt, I think I slept on it wrong. Had a small breakfast and went around looking for my short shorts and racing Saucony shirt. I couldn't find it anywhere, it turned out my mom threw them in the washer. Put them in the dryer for a few minutes, and drove to the start of the race. I found Mason almost immediately, and we did a mile warm up and a few stretches. I heard it was 19 degrees, and I believed it. I took off my sweats and got on the starting line, but the announcer droned on for an eternity. My shirt was still a bit wet, and my legs felt frozen. The officials countdown from 5, and we're off. A lot of younger kids sprinted the beginning, but by 400m in Mason, Kedric, Christian, and I have a bit of a lead. Mason was taking the pace fast, so I decided to pack with Christian and Kedric for a bit. At almost a mile in there was a U turn, and I didn't want to get pushed on the outside so I got in front of the two of them. I picked it up a bit, and hit somewhere between a 5:35-40 for the first mile. The cold was way strong, I can't even explain it. I could see Mason was only maybe 50-75m ahead of me, so I picked up the pace. I hit the second U(about the halfway mark) with Mason about 10 seconds ahead, Christian maybe 5 seconds behind, Kedric trailing him. Mason heard me behind him and threw in a hard surge. I picked up the pace some more and at the 2 mile mark I caught Mason. He told me there was only a mile left, so I passed him to get the inside of the final U. With maybe .8 miles left Mason surged again and caught me. I said something like "let's go" to him and he said okay, and we ran together until there was a half mile left, and I started to kick. Mason yelled at me to win it, and I was gone. I ran 18:21, Mason ran 18:30, and Christian ran an 18:40 something. The conditions were pretty bad for the race, there was like 15 mph winds, but I'm happy with how I ran. This was the first race since time trials where I was able to think somewhat clearly about something that didn't involve pain and/or slowing down. Kedric got 4th, and Austin got 5th. Mile cooldown with Mason. We cheered for Kedric and Austin during it, I didn't realize how far ahead we were until I turned around after the race and saw Mason and Christian were the only two on the 800m home stretch. Another cooldown by myself after. I won 75 dollars so it was a good day.

Pegasus 32 Gray Miles: 2.50Streak LT 2 White Miles: 4.00
Weight: 0.00
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The McCoy 10k road at an easy pace, surging on some of the hills. Ran to the rec center after and lifted for about ten minutes. On the way out my prior amigos Kash and Karston walked in, they had just came back from SUU for the holidays. They made me go back in the weight room where another hour of hard core lifting took place. I saw the Mockingjay with them later that night along with a few others, and it was a terrible movie lol core when I got home. It snowed at least 4 inches while we were in the movie.

Pegasus 32 Gray Miles: 6.50
Weight: 0.00
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6 miles. My back was killing me from yesterday. Thanks for nothing Kash. Mile warmup, followed by 3xmile repeats. Since it snowed hard yesterday I had to run at the rec center. The way the repeats went was 1/3 of the mile was at 5:07 pace, then 1/3 at 5:36 pace at a pretty difficult incline, then 1/3 easy on the track. The first two parts were on the treamill, the turns on the track are way too sharp for anything more than a quick jog. 3 of those, then a cooldown to add up to 6. Did some core after. I think I've done everything I could to get in the best possible shape I could in the past month with the conditions I've been given. All I need to to do is keep a cool head and not sweat it.

Pegasus 32 Gray Miles: 2.00Streak LT 2 White Miles: 4.00
Weight: 0.00
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A little over a mile warm up, then a 5 mile run about the town with Mason, Christian, Austin, and Jordan. It was a nice fun run. We were making a lot of jokes and having some good laughs. Had a heated argument between Austin Mason and I about who the best runner of all time is/was. Daniel Komen ftw. However due to massive snow storms we were forced to run through some suburban neighborhoods and the slush that it housed. Felt about the equivalent of running on sand dunes. The others decided to end their "40 minute run" a little less than 4 miles in, but I decided to literally go the extra mile. Went 80% during it, which translated to about 6:10-6:20 pace. Ended up being closer to 35 than 40 but I figured with the speeding up I did it was about the same. There was blood on my shoe when I met the guys back at the indoor, and my other leg was bleeding moderately. It was so cold out I didn't even notice. My arms were red/purple towards the end of the run.

Pegasus 32 Gray Miles: 6.00
Weight: 0.00
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Total Distance
Pegasus 32 Gray Miles: 136.00Streak LT 2 White Miles: 48.50Pure Cadence 3 Blue Miles: 5.00NB XC700v3 Miles: 6.50Barefoot Miles: 0.25
Weight: 0.00
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