AM - 6 on the treadmill, like 6:25 pace. gonna be busy today so wanted to get my mileage in super early, but i didn't factor in that i couldn't run 11 miles straight on a treadmill at gunpoint. call it ADHD, or mental weakness, or whatever else, but regardless considering we have a hurricane hitting us in a few days i'm not optimistic about running a good week of mileage. i'm tempted to go on my 10th rant of the month about how much i hate summer weather here but i won't. at least i'm still relatively in the driver's seat to clear 100 for this week
PM - 5 on mural after work, 6:16 pace. we got some brief but heavy rain a couple hours earlier so a good test of how water-resistant the new shoes are. in a word, they're good. damn good. not only did they stay dry, but the soles are different from normal pegs, more aggressive which is great for all the grass running i do. hope the long run goes well tomorrow morning, although with the humidity being how it's been, i'm not that optimistic. if i don't get a good one then i'm gonna die trying!