AM - 5 on the road up from sokol, 7:30 pace. very early(finished before 5am). at this point my disdain for asphalt is enough i could fill a manifesto with it, but every course i usually run was going to be totally flooded and i really didn't feel like hitting the treadmill. all things considered, wasn't that bad. i'm not gonna ever choose this over something like hilton or sokol, but it's an option. didn't trust the legs to handle a full ~80 minutes of hard-surface running so just did a shakeout. more flooding today and tomorrow so might end up finding out if what i said about half-assing the rest of the week and still clearing 100 miles was true
PM - 5 on sokol, 6:04 pace. ran in the early afternoon just before the storms hit. came through about 10 minutes at a lax 5:55 pace but then the heat hit me hard and i surrendered to it. the afternoon heat still might be less of a detriment than the morning dew on sokol that turn my shoes into bricks