5k in the am. Got to bed before 9PM so I set an alarm for 5:45 instead of 6:45 so I could start my run earlier. Ended up somehow sleeping through that for an hour and waking up at 6:45 anyway. Started running at the turf fields, but there were already two fellas there throwing a frisbee. While I commend them for having the dedication to practice such a thing so early, my morning 10 mainly serves as a sort of meditation for me before I start my day, and I couldn't relax hearing them yell and swear and worrying about getting hit by a frisbee the entire time, or dodging them. So after a couple of miles I decided to run around the law school instead, got maybe half a lap and a bird started trying to divebomb me, swatted it with a branch and it went away but I was so supremely pissed at this point I bagged the run there, I'll get the rest of mileage after class. Gonna start using a louder alarm
Couldn't get over the morning run so at a bit past 11 I headed out and got the rest of my normal AM 10, even managed to finish before noon. Guess today's gonna be a 3-run day, wasn't planning on trying those until 2020.
5 in the evening with some good strides and stretching included. Now to shower, eat dinner, and get a good night's rest before the long run tomorrow.