AM - 12 x 400m w/ 200m jogging recovery in 60". w/u and c/d for 12. was already a mile into the cooldown by 6:30am so suffice to say i woke up early for this one.
splits: 72, 71, 72, 70, 68, 71, 70, 72, 71, 72, 72
average of 71.6. good session. i'd like to do 16 or 20 400's when the cycle brings this workout back around in the future, but given that i haven't done much running on the track i didn't want to throw too many turns on the ankles/knees too fast. never really done this workout before, i really liked it. felt like one of those workouts you can't fake.
PM - 5 on mural, 6:09 pace. 5:48 last mile.