AM - 4 w/u + drills and strides, then 4 x k w/ 2:45 rec in 2:59, 3:03, 3:04, 3:04. 5 c/d
nothing crazy on my first workout, but even the tower of babel started from the ground, right? botched that second k by coming through the first 200 in 31, surprised that didn't end up hurting me more but i guess calling 6:20's easy pace had to be good for something. kept the total work short since i knew my legs were gonna get shocked from actual hard running, but never tightened up or went over the red line, plus i felt pretty good on the cooldown, so i think i ran the times i was supposed to. happy with it all things considered! RIP to my index toenail
PM - 6 at hilton, 6:06 pace. obviously, i was still reeling from this morning ;)