AM - 5 on the turf at 4AM. good ol’ faithful
noon - 2. knee was a bit sore after the morning run; i purposely ran clockwise so my left knee took the most of the weight from 100+ turns, just to put a little extra pressure on it. it was a little sore after so i tried some new stretches and found one one that hit the problem right on the money; it made the knee ache a bit but i know it was in a good way because i was finally able to bend my leg the way i said last week without any issue. i knew it'd probably be sore if i didn't give it a few more hours but i wanted to test my theory that this is a problem that i can just stretch out; it lets me know how to respect it going forward. i was right about it being a little sore, more than the past 3 days but much less than before that. did the stretch, then did the things that normally aggravate it(kicking the leg back, heel-to-posterior stretch) and no issue. jogged around for a little bit more, still no issue. 30 minutes since then, haven't done my standard post-run stretching or rolling yet... no issue. so either way this is a win, it's an extra win if i decide to do a night run, but if not i'm still happy with it.