Bunchgrass/White Pine Trail to White Pine Lake and then up and over to Tony Grove Lake and then the reverse back to the car -
It turned out to be another great morning for my Annual Trek to White Pine Lake. Looking back, this is the third year I have treked up to the lake in October. This year, I was early enough to catch the leaves changing. It was a gorgeous day! Pretty uneventful run though, no bears or actually any carnivores at all. Only lots of cows and a few hikers. My knee thing was bugging me for about 30 mins of the run. It came and went. I guess I haven't figured it out yet (what it is or how to fix it).
Planet Walk pretty easy. I decided that although I was feeling better to take it easy today. I managed to run 3 while staying dry then the last 2 I failed. Should be back to normal tomorrow.
After a long hiatus I returned to an old favorite road run. I forgot how much easier and faster road running is. Pretty lame though, compared to trails. Felt good to get out and spin the legs.
River Trail to Wind Caves and back then BST to Green and back -
Great to catch up with Joe and hear about SGM and life in general. Weather was nice. Misty and cloudy, but not too wet. Dropped Joe off at 15.5 and did 5 more. Was debating on more, but didn't think it was wise to double my weekly mileage with one run. 20 miles is good enough.
T- 2:54:45 (8:31) 2700' vert
** weekly summary - Lousy week of running. Sick sun/mon/tues. The rain was mentally defeating me the rest of the week. Finally saw the sun today at noon. So, needless to say, its an easy week. Next week will be better. Going to take advantage of the trails the next few weeks before they are buried for 6 months again.
Nice peaceful morning again today. I had the trail to myself until a dozen mtn bikers showed up. How annoying. At least they were instrumental in building MY trail. I guess I can share.
Had a full day of activities but I got in a few miles before it all started. Nothing really noteworthy to report. It was a trail run. Who wouldn't love it?
T- 2:50 (9:27) 3200' vert
** Decent week. Things went as planned. I had some good trail runs and had some fun. Perfect.
Played Flag Football last night and during the kickoff I tweaked my knee again. I am convinced I tore or stretched my MCL during the turkey trot last year. I am still trying to heal from it. Every once in a while I over extend my leg and it gets tweaked again. I could hardly walk this morning. Things loosened up during the day and after work I ran a very slow 8 on the River Trail to test things out. The knee pain was minor but every muscle in my leg was tight, especially the groin. That got better though by the end. Gonna have to figure this out.
Super slow today. Barely cracked 9 min pace the first 4 miles, but the downhill got me close to 7 min pace for a bit. Still tight, but not as bad. Knee pain has diminished greatly.
Today the stars aligned and I was able to take Joe up High Creek and complete the attempt we made earlier in the year. I was able to do this exact run by myself on Sept 5th but his time it was fun to show Joe the sights. I had my doubts about this run due to my nagging MCL injury but it held up wonderfully with very little issues. It did affect my downhill speed a bit, but it didn't matter today as fatigue was the limiting factor. This just leaves me confused about my injury. How bad is it really if I can run for 4 hours with just a few twinges and tightness? I mean, really?
The run was pretty sweet today. We were greeted with lots of snow once above 8000'. That made for some slow traverses but some fast descents. So, we hit High Creek with a gorgeous view of snow sprinkled rocks. The saddle above the lake was all snow, but it was frozen enough to hike up without postholing. The tricky part was the mile long stretch from the saddle to Mt Naomi. Pretty hard and icy snow made the trail tricky. Coming down it wasn't as scary as expected. I only almost died once. The grunt up Cherry Peak was muddy and steeper than last time (somehow). Oh well, the views from the top were worth it. The cold wind kept our Peak time short and before long we were back at the car (somehow). Thanks for a great run Joe!
AM: Planet Walk 5 untimed. Turned on the ipod and went for a jog.
PM: Jardine Juniper (9.5)
Less than a mile into the run, I look up the trail and surprise. I see 3 moose. A Papa Moose, A momma Moose and A baby Moose. Uh oh. They weren't too far away (a stone's throw) so I stopped my watch, bent over and picked up a rock and stood there. The parents were not too happy to see me there, so I backed away. I really didn't want to pack it in and go home so I decided to try and get by the family. It took a few minutes and some weird noises and grunts (from all of us). The rest of the run was pretty uneventful after that.
Pace was hard for the uphill but I toned it down for the downhill. The last mile was pretty chill due to the early setting of the sun. Lame
Deer Fence Loop from the house. Medium effort. Finally getting a bit more leg turnover these days. About 2 mins slower than my fastest time on that loop. I think I could set a new PR with a hard effort with my current fitness. If I cared, I guess.
On my own today so I decided to head up to the mountains one last time before the snow hits for real. I decided to head up Stump Hollow since that trail is so awesome (it was tough narrowing down the options). I had a great time. The wind was pretty brisk and I even saw some snow flakes but I was prepared for the cold so things went just fine. I hit the sinks at 5 miles and headed east. I found a trail that was mildly overgrown, but was fun to run on. I ended up turning back once I hit a trailhead at the bottom. Time to taper for my third and final race of the year. The Antelope Island 50K. The course is a mix of the Buffalo Run and the Mountain View Half Marathon with about 12 miles of new (to me) trail in-between. Should be fun.